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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Pesach
Pesach Seder family entertainment ideas

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Post Wed, Apr 17 2024, 12:33 am
BT here and I want my Pesach seder to be fun and enjoyable for the family! Please share ideas on how you make your Pesach seder entertaining for the entire family! Post links of things I would need to purchase and if you have any pictures to share that would be awesome too!
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2024, 1:06 am
I was looking at Rav Rimon's hagaddah yesterday, and it has lots of riddles and discussion points, and ways to get everyone involved in the experience of the Seder and yetziat mitzrayim.

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Post Wed, Apr 17 2024, 1:43 am
Rabbi Dov Brezak on Torah anytime has an amazing Shiur with ideas. (Geared to men but was good for me to hear too!)
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2024, 2:03 am
Echad mi yodea and chad gadya: make pictures for every verse and hold them up.
One person brings the pictures in circulation and lifts them the first time the theme comes up, gives it to the person next to them, and each time the thing is mentionned it has to be lifted up, in the end everyone should have a picture.

For magid, concentrate on the essential, have people read one after the other, the children tell what they learned at school, but don't prolong it too much, people are hungry.

Make snacks that are pri haadama or shehakol so that those who are hungry can eat. I often do maniok patties, they have a slightly sweet taste.
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Post Wed, Apr 17 2024, 4:08 am
Make or get props of the makkos
One year we got real locusts, made dam with jelly and water which we froze, bought toy animals etc. got the kids really involved
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