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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Pesach
How do you feel about Pesach (this year)?

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How do you feel about Pesach (this year)?
I’m looking forward to it!  
 45%  [ 61 ]
I’m dreading it  
 11%  [ 15 ]
I’m somewhere in between  
 22%  [ 30 ]
I’m okay with it, just overworked and overtired  
 20%  [ 28 ]
Total Votes : 134



Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 6:09 pm
Please explain…
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 6:11 pm
I love any YT, Pesach especially. I love the feeling of accomplishment and of my house being all clean and shiny, I love the sedarim, I love the family time
Maybe I'm hungry sometimes, we don't eat a lot of things, but overall it's a stunning yt. What's not to like?
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 6:19 pm
I love the seder however this year I'm going to be at my parents and haven't been there for a seder in many years, and I have awful childhood seder memories. So I'm a little anxious. However there will be many people so hopefully will work out okay. Just hope my father behaves himself, and doesn't lose his temper at anyone.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 6:24 pm
I had a traumatic past couple of months. The hard times made me appreciate and cherish family time immensely.

My hands are full of cuts from food prep, my back is aching, I’m lacking sleep…. And I’m counting down the minutes that Yom Tov will arrive
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 6:49 pm
I was looking forward and pretty excited but the past day I worked really hard and I feel pain up to my bones plus I just got my period so I'm not feeling the best or excited anymore.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 6:57 pm
Love the clean house, don’t mind the hard work. But my family situation is extremely difficult. And on yt that becomes glaringly obvious, and breaks my heart. If you read this, and you have a moment, please daven that my house should be peaceful and beshalom this yt.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 7:20 pm
Very much looking forward to it
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 7:23 pm
Dreading it. I get such intense social anxiety and we’ll be at my in laws for most of it.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 7:31 pm
Somewhere in between. Looking forward to spend time with family but the hard work is exhausting. We’re being home for most meals, sedorim at parents/inlaws. Once pesach is here I’ll hopefully be calmer.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 8:54 pm
Right now I'm exhausted. It was a long week of being on my feet in the kitchen. And also we already tasted all our pesach food on shbs so there's not much fresh and exciting for yt. So that's a lil disheartening.
But I love yt and the unrushed atmosphere. I work really hard to stay calm and have a happy home for the kids. Dh is on board as well bh.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 9:17 pm
I am iyh looking forward to Yontiff with my family and parents. The same time I’m extremely worried for our sisters and brothers that are in the army and the hostages. And to top it of I’m really worried about my husband. He wasn’t feeling himself the past few days. I’m thinking it’s stress but still..
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 9:32 pm
I don’t know how I’ll be able to say vehi sheamda without falling apart thinking of the hostages.
V’hahakadosh baruch hu matzeleinu meyadam… well not the 1400+ killed on Oct 7 and so far not the hostages still in tunnels…. 😭 😢
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 9:37 pm
I am so grateful at crunch time my husband really stepped up BH and cooked all the food as I was doing all the cleaning. I tend to be OCD about Pesach cleaning and feel like it's never good enough. There are some things we didn't do this year that we have done in the past in terms of covering parts of the kitchen and I just don't have the energy to insist we do it. Both for shalom bayis and maybe being burnt out. I hope Hashem sees my efforts.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 10:00 pm
I am so excited! Its my first time making pesach. I have moments when I wonder if ill be done everything on time but mostly very calm.
I am so excited for the seder with my husband and discussing maggid! Im usually not like this but now I am.
Every bone is aching and im so tired but very proud of what I have accomplished.
And if can brag a bit, im in my third trimester, have two little ones, had a simcha within the past two weeks that I did a lot for, no cleaning lady, and I worked until this past week .
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 10:07 pm
I usually have major short term memory loss when it comes to shabbos and Yom tov. I plan and prepare putting in lots of effort. Somehow I'm always shocked at how it's one big fighting session time and time again. My children have a very special yetzer hara likavod shabbos vyom tov. I don't know why but this Yom tov my memory is working and as I prep I know what we're in for
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 10:20 pm
So excited! Love pesach! (I love every yom tov! They are all so meaningful and special)I spent lots of time baking. Dh did lots of cleaning. I didn't start any cooking at all but I will do it tomorrow. I think I have the best of bothe worlds this year.

First days we are home- just us! I love the seder with just our family. Kids sing so much and we run around and it's very exciting.

Shabbos we are having company! Yay! Love hosting and kid are looking forward to spending time with their cousins!

Second days going to parents iyh. Will be. FULL house. About 30 ppl or so but will be so fun!

Have to get up early tomorrow and cook!
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 10:22 pm
more hopeful then ever that mashiach will come, please Hashem.
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 1:16 am
Honestly, not great. I got married around 8 months ago and it hasn't been great. Sucked the life out of me. I really have not been in the mood of davening or growing. I feel like I'm sinking into spiritual depression. And seeing on a different thread that wearing a lace top is akin to seeing my underwear did not make me feel better. I will say that things did get better over Shabbos and iyH will continue into Pesach.
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 1:29 am
amother Mintcream wrote:
Honestly, not great. I got married around 8 months ago and it hasn't been great. Sucked the life out of me. I really have not been in the mood of davening or growing. I feel like I'm sinking into spiritual depression. And seeing on a different thread that wearing a lace top is akin to seeing my underwear did not make me feel better. I will say that things did get better over Shabbos and iyH will continue into Pesach.

Sorry, but this is insane! I didn't read that thread because - gasp - I am bareheaded! And I certainly don't ever feel I am in underwear in public! I think covering is harder than dressing tznius, and I'm better at dressing tznius than some people who cover - so you can see everyone is different - there are so many different halachic opinions on everything in life, chumras galore - you cover your hair, kol hakavod, zehu! X
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 1:56 am
Not looking forward at all. Widh I was not religious so I could just skip the seder completely.
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