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Really don't want to vaccinate my kid
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 12:09 am
He's a year old, hasn't been vaxxed since 2 months. I really don't want to get him shot up but don't know what will be with schools Crying
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 12:13 am
amother OP wrote:
He's a year old, hasn't been vaxxed since 2 months. I really don't want to get him shot up but don't know what will be with schools Crying

First wait till 2.5 years old and then start to give or move to new jersey where religious exemptions are accepted. There are many people in NY that don't give, not sure how they get around it. But definitely will not be posted on a public forum like this:)
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 6:58 pm
Go with your gut! Don’t do it. At least wait till they are older if you have to give some or figure out possible exemptions.
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happy chick


Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:02 pm
amother Lightyellow wrote:
First wait till 2.5 years old and then start to give or move to new jersey where religious exemptions are accepted. There are many people in NY that don't give, not sure how they get around it. But definitely will not be posted on a public forum like this:)

If she waits till 2.5, she'll have to give 4 at a time to have him caught up by the time he starts school. That's not a good idea.

I'm not saying whether or not to vaccinate, that's a parents prerogative, but if you intend to vaccinate, you're better off starting younger and spacing them/giving one at a time.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:05 pm
Home school
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:15 pm
Just dont. Listen to your gut.
And dont worry now for then. Daven to hashem for a solution.

There are ppl workimg to have the religious exemption ban repealed in NY. You dont know anything about the future
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:33 pm
The later you give, the fewer you have to give..
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:36 pm
I did the exact same thing. Gave one round at a few months and stopped. My baby is now almost one. I plan to do in time for school. Will only send to a “big school” for kindergarten not nursery. My dr told me to start a year before school if I want to catch up slowly or can start closer if I don’t mind them being close tog. I think my plan is to start a year before kindergarten. Maybe by then religious exemption will be accepted again.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:45 pm
Im not asking to be rude, but honestly curious. Why not vaxxing? Any specific vaccines or not doing any?
(Dont mean to kick the hornets nest...)
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:56 pm
Homeschool then, best for everyone
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 7:57 pm
amother Lightyellow wrote:
First wait till 2.5 years old and then start to give or move to new jersey where religious exemptions are accepted. There are many people in NY that don't give, not sure how they get around it. But definitely will not be posted on a public forum like this:)

What religion is that? Certainly not Jadaism
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 8:07 pm
amother Red wrote:
What religion is that? Certainly not Jadaism

Thats not kind.
Religious exemption is personal beliefs. Does not need to be organized religion. Although there are plenty of supporting arguments in the Torah.
I hope you are never put in that position where something doesn't feel right and you feel forced to do something counterintuitive.
The OP is being brave, protective and a good mother, who is putting the needs ( that she feels best) of her child first. Despite extreme outside pressure. She came on looking for support. If you can't give it, scroll on.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 8:15 pm
oneofakind wrote:
The later you give, the fewer you have to give..

My toddler was not in schedule. And then before she began school she needed to get 3 sets in a short time. It wasn’t pretty. And then she needed to wait 6 months for the 4th dtap, so she missed school enrollment.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 8:16 pm
Or maybe don’t let everyone get to your head, and follow your pediatrician’s advice for a vaccine schedule. Your kid will be fine.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 8:30 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
My toddler was not in schedule. And then before she began school she needed to get 3 sets in a short time. It wasn’t pretty. And then she needed to wait 6 months for the 4th dtap, so she missed school enrollment.

There are ways to do it. You have to plan it well so ur not stuffing them with many vaccines in a short time but it’s doable. Also some can be skipped or given less of if done later. Also it’s much much better to wait to give for their brain and gut development
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, May 06 2024, 8:38 pm
amother Scarlet wrote:
Your kid will be fine.

Except ... you every so often hear a bout measles going around. Polio. If the child leaves the house, they can potentially be exposed. idon't know if those already vaccinated can carry the disease but you are definitely taking a achance.
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 9:12 pm
I don't want to open a can of worms but just curious from OPs perspective, what's the maalah of waiting. Personally, I would much rather just get them all over and done with when the kid is too young to remember or resist, rather than fight with a four year old to go to the doctor and get shots. (That's IF you plan on doing it anyway. If you're against on principle and don't want to do it at all, that's a different story.). Why wait if you're going to do it anyway?
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 9:20 pm
amother Seashell wrote:
Im not asking to be rude, but honestly curious. Why not vaxxing? Any specific vaccines or not doing any?
(Dont mean to kick the hornets nest...)


I guess I just know too many kids who had meningitis as a baby and barely made it out alive with lots of damage.... (special ed field)
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 9:23 pm
amother Melon wrote:
Thats not kind.
Religious exemption is personal beliefs. Does not need to be organized religion. Although there are plenty of supporting arguments in the Torah.
I hope you are never put in that position where something doesn't feel right and you feel forced to do something counterintuitive.
The OP is being brave, protective and a good mother, who is putting the needs ( that she feels best) of her child first. Despite extreme outside pressure. She came on looking for support. If you can't give it, scroll on.

So glad NY doesn't accept religious excemptions anymore. What's this bluff all about? Why are you holier than all of us? If your child goes to school, you have a responsibilty as part of a community to vaccinate your child. There are unfortanetly kids that can't be vaccinated and rely on herd immunity. Don't fool with those things!
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Post Mon, May 06 2024, 9:33 pm
amother Emerald wrote:
So glad NY doesn't accept religious excemptions anymore. What's this bluff all about? Why are you holier than all of us? If your child goes to school, you have a responsibilty as part of a community to vaccinate your child. There are unfortanetly kids that can't be vaccinated and rely on herd immunity. Don't fool with those things!

Judaism is not a religion that has a valid exemption - if anything the opposite is true.

The religious exemption is for those religions like Jehovah's Witness or Xtian Science in which all forms of medical intervention are taboo.

It is not a card to be played by ill informed people.
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