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Have you ever been encountered in an Anti-Semite situation?
Yes (once or twice)  
 91%  [ 22 ]
No (and hopefully never)  
 8%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 24



Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 5:01 pm
I was on the train today, on my way home from work, when the train stopped at Atlantic Ave. I noticed a whole bunch of black teenagers go on and they were holding the door for more of their friends to join them.

As more teenagers piled in and after many attempts to close the doors from the MTA employe, there was a Jewish Boy just about to walk in, when I hear, "Oh no man, I ain't keeping the door open for no Jewish Boys". All his friends burst out laughing and the Jewish Boy looked so disturbed.

I was so mad, I was going to say something to him, but his size and friends kinda scared me and I knew better not to get myself involved in anything. I was wondering if I should've tooken a pic of him, I do have camera on my phone, I was just to nervous to do anything.

What would you have done?

This whole anti-semite really scares me!

Teenagers are starting to hate Jews and I'm not talking about Arabs or Palestinians, I'm talking about our Brooklyn "neighbours"!!!

(I don't know if I'm writting in the right forum, so if my topic has to be moved around, no problem!)
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 5:17 pm
Have you ever been in an anti-non jews situation ? Those are pretty scary too, even if only psychologically.

Also, yes I have been in several anti-semitic situations.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 5:54 pm
sure, anti-Semitic and anti-gentile remarks and behavior are comparable, of course (sarcastic)

as Jackie Mason puts its, "Did you ever hear anybody say, 'Don't go into that neighborhood, it is very dangerous, there are a lot of Jews there'!"
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 6:49 pm
Goon one Motek!

Rolling Laughter
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 7:00 pm
jewgal, why the limitation to once or twice?
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 9:51 pm
My dad (I'm a giyores and he's not Jewish) and I shared office space years and years ago. We needed to hire a new legal secretary and were interviewing an applicant who had worked for a law firm which was all Jewish. So my dad asked her why she left "Almoni Almoni and Almoni" and she said "well, it wasn't an easy place to work. You know how Jews are." I'm sure my jaw hit the ground, but my dad was cool as a cucumber. He said that we wouldn't be a good fit for her and saw her out. Afterwards I asked him why he didn't tell her off. He told me that if he were to tell her off, she might hide her despicableness successfully at the next place she applied and actually get a job, whereas if he says nothing she can go on making a spectacle of herself everywhere she goes and no one will touch her!

I was really so shocked - Not once ever in my entire life had I personally heard an anti-semitic remark before. Certainly not in my family (goodness, my parents' best friends are Jewish) and certainly not at school. Such a thing would have been completely unthinkable, as would any kind of racist or bigoted remark about any racial, ethnic or religious group.

The only other big thing is that my husband had a boss who used to give him a very hard time about yom tov and early Fridays. Eventually he quit.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 10:14 pm

Unfortunately I've heard plenty of anti-non jews remarks, and they are similar to anti semitic remarks in the intense personal pain and insult that they cause the hearer. I have a host of non-Jewish relatives who are truly wonderful kind, intelligent sweet people, betzelem Elokim, who deserve better than to be talked about as if they are animals. I said something about this topic once to R. Lopes-Cardozo; his reply was that for a Jew to make such a statement is "scandalous", completely contrary to halacha, a chillul Hashem, and (in my case) considered as causing pain to a ger.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 10:52 pm
chani. thank you for that post. people have said similar things elsewhere on this forum, but either some members have not read them, or else they have read them but have been unable to break free of their unfortunate cultural backgrounds that deem it a mitzvah to revile all nonjews simply for being nonjews.

Bigotry is ugly no matter where it comes from. It is uglier still when it comes from people who call themselves a light unto the nations.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2006, 11:02 pm
Chen- I put in another option, but it didn't go through!

Anyone know how to put more than 2 options?
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 12:55 am
Hey motek, you will notice, upon re-reading my original post, that I addressed your point or rather Jackie Mason's point, by including the words " if only psychologically".

And in CH, the teenagers are the same as they were ten years ago. I also had a train experience like the one you describe, I said something to the kids and had a confrontation with them. What I remember from the incident, was a little old Black lady who came up to me afterwards, apologized and told me not to take it personally and that they are just too young to be any smarter.
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 2:09 am
1.)In the 1960's, my father-in-law was an influencial figure in the desegregation of housing and schooling here. My husband was a small boy, and awakened to discover a swatsticka had been spraypainted on their suburban brick ranch home.
2.)In high school, some kid thought it would be cool to single out a Jew in front of his friends, and my Reuv just happened to be "the lucky one". He was cornered, and called a "kike" and asked what he was going to do about it...he threw a punch and a fight ensued. It caused my husband to lose his National Honor Society status. (One of the biggest, "baddest" black football players happened to be friends with my Reuv, and he "took care of things" when word got around what happened.) My husband's NHS was never restored.
3.) I was leaving the store with a cart full of groceries with my oldest child, and 3 hoodlums "Heil Hitlered" us.

Yup...I'd say we've had a few encounters...
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 8:12 am
Where's the option for "10+"?

In response to Chani- I'm sick and tired of "oh how about anti gentiles or oh how about anti arabs"!! I'm not having sympathy for them!

Yes there are plenty of extremely nice gentiles and maybe two arabs shock in this world, but as I know in my heart most hate us.
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 9:24 am
Teenagers are starting to hate Jews and I'm not talking about Arabs or Palestinians, I'm talking about our Brooklyn "neighbours"!!!

starting? they are definitely not starting now. the trend is just continuing.

and anyone remember the recent story of how Shomrim or Shmira (dont know which) chased after a mugger and caught him by Eastern Pkwy and Troy. While holding him down waiting for the police to arrive, 30-40 other black men swarmed out of their houses to assist the mugger. The mugger escaped when one of his "friends" smashed the face of one of the people holding him down.

there is nothing to be shocked about anymore.

and the two oh-so-brave lady police officers who turn a blind eye to what the black people do around here because they are SCARED of them. there have been more than a few incidents with them. Rolling Eyes
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 9:39 am
Yes there are plenty of extremely nice gentiles and maybe two arabs in this world, but as I know in my heart most hate us

Yeah, guess what ? That's pretty much what anti-semitic teenagers tell themselves about you. All those Jews, maybe there's one or two nice ones, but for the most part, they all just hate us. That, combined with little emotional regulation ability results in the "incidents" this thread is about.

And Motek, I'm sure you can remember a time when it was not safe for Lubavitchers to go into Williamsburg. Physically not safe. Enough said.
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 9:59 am
dh is a geir, but he also recognizes the nonjews for what they r...he has learned from the "Tanya" (I think the begg.) about them...so when he talks abt "the non jews..." he obviusly doesnt meant his family or his old freinds...he menas the ones who act bad.
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 9:59 am
Mandy wrote:
And Motek, I'm sure you can remember a time when it was not safe for Lubavitchers to go into Williamsburg. Physically not safe. Enough said.

What does this have to do with anything?
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 10:51 am
amother wrote:
when he talks abt "the non jews..." he obviusly doesnt meant his family or his old freinds...he menas the ones who act bad.

so...are we to understand that your dh's family and friends are decent people but all other non jews act bad? and what did your dh's friends and family do to deserve this exemption from the reviled status of all other non jews?

Don't you people understand that by relating to nonjews in the same hateful, bigoted manner that many nonjews relate to us, you are descending to exactly the same despicable level? A popular lapel button in the 1970's said: "I know I'm not junk because G-d made me and G-d doesn't make junk." Think about it.

(Please note that I am not talking about feelings against a specific person or persons who did you or yours specific harm. very few of us possess the ability to bear no ill-will towards someone who done us wrong. But I think that those of us who consider it a mitzvah to hate people simply because they did not have the good fortune to be born into a jewish family or the insight to become gerim, will have a big surprise waiting when the final judgement comes around.)

Last edited by chen on Sat, Mar 04 2006, 8:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 12:06 pm
"In response to Chani- I'm sick and tired of "oh how about anti gentiles or oh how about anti arabs"!! I'm not having sympathy for them! "

Shows true caring and concern for the pain I've experienced.
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 1:15 pm
chen wrote:
so...are we to understand that your dh's family and friends are decent people but all other non jews act bad? and what did your dh's friends and family do to deserve this exemption from the reviled status of all other non jews?

all it means is that the general nature of nonjews is what it is (begg. of tanya) and that they cant get away from that (in gen.)

in general he doesnt hold things vs. individual non jews, or not any more then he would against jews who act the same.

but we are diff!!
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Post Fri, Mar 03 2006, 2:47 pm
Thank you chen, for your post.
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