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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 1:38 pm
Still waiting to hear news from him.
Will they offer him a lawyer already for the arraignement itself, so that he can get help sorting things out, or is it only for the court case?
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 1:39 pm
amother wrote:


Nope, I think it's true but don't know for sure. I'm sure you can find out, though - and I don't mean by asking the courts or people who would suspect dh of planning on making a run for it. There must be lawyers and askanim in the community who know this information and other info that would be helpful to you.
Did dh already pick up the passports when they stopped him? Where are the passports now?
wishing you all the best.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 1:42 pm
He gave the passports to our son at the time of the arrest. Thanks for asking.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 2:12 pm
amother wrote:
OP here.
His license was suspended following a car accident several years ago, (not driving under influence)where they passed a judgement against him and gave him a huge fine, of over 20 thousands dollars.The car was his brother's and the insurance just ran out the day before! We never had the amount for the fine, so they confiscated his drivers licence.
He doesn't drive on a regular basis and we know its risky.I am out of town and he took the car to pick up the kids passports from the israeli embassy. It is the first time it happened.

I assume he will take a free lawyer. We are supposed to fly out of US tomorrow for three months.(Not to EY and not Canada).

His arraignement is in a few hours.

My question is: will there be a bail for such a violation? What happens if we don't have the money for it? (We put all our savings in this trip).
Could it be that they don't let him out?
If they confiscate his US passport he can still go with his israeli, but how would he come back?

Thank you for the help sorting all this out! I just keep crying. I am at the airport on my way back and appreciate having all of you by my side at this time of crisis.

WOW OP, Good luck with all that!!

I agree about Weitzner from Williamsburg. as the saying goes, sometimes its not about what you know, but who you know.

And do get yourself a lawyer.

While as a frum woman dying for a vacation herself, I PERSONALLY sympathize with your situation, the reason I urge you to hire a lawyer, is because I just dont see a judge buying it. As an outsider? ? you never paid the court fine of 20k because you couldnt afford it, yet are traveling abroad on a business trip with your ENTIRE FAMILY (not a necessity) and can afford that? ?
I would really avoid bringing it up altogether. But definitely consult with a lawyer, in case they tell him, released, but come back on [day you will be away]. in which case you have a problem.

I hope everything works out.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 2:44 pm
I think SS321 brings up a good point and do talk to a lawyer, especially because of $20,000 fine.

I have nothing else to add that hasn't already been said. I hope that things work out for you and your family!
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 5:10 pm
This must be so stressful for you...I can't even imagine. I wish you a lot of hatzlacha and may you only share good news with us.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 5:32 pm
Am I THE ONLY one here who thinks this story is missing some key facts?????
I dont know anyone who had a $20,000 fine for driving without insurance. Did he kill anyone?
Did he have drugs in his car?
Surely you dont think they will let him leave the country for three months after this inasiny.
We have laws for a reason people.

I still am trying to figure out WHY HE DROVE to a FEDERAL AGENCY to pick the passports with a suspended liscence???!!!
That type of twisted thinking is completely baffling.

Does your husband think the law doesn't apply to him?

Take a cab for goodness sake!

And your poor son who was in the car with him witnessing the dad being taken away in cuffs.
'Thats fodder for nightmare and years of therapy.

Sorry. You have bigger issues than merely finding bale money.

I know this comes across as unreasonably harsh but people do NOT have liscences suspended without cause.

Driving a car is like yielding a weapon.

If he is NOT a safe driver maybe he shouldn't be on the road for a while.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 5:33 pm
And once again, forgive the typos---
I am just frustrated with this backward logic
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 7:35 pm
Did he have to show his license as ID when he picked up the passports? That would make sense...

OP, hatzlacha. Coming just before Rosh Hashana, there must be a reason (true, any time there would be a reason) -- and as someone said, it should be a kappara.
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Mama Bear


Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 8:21 pm
On a related note, is there any way to find out if one's license is suspended? My dh got a traffic ticket and I tried to pay it online numerous times but the ticket number is 'invalid'. I'm terrified his license shouldnt ch'v be suspended because he hasnt paid this ticket (which we cant find online), and he shouldnt ch'v get pulled over on an erev yomtov! I'm really scared! where can we check out if his license is suspended or not?
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pina colada


Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 8:30 pm
mamabear, maybe parking experts, or the company that helps pple with tickets can help you find out that info
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 9:18 pm
You can order a drivers abstract (in NY I know you can do this online) which gives the last couple years driving record and will tell you if your license is valid.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 11:36 pm
BAROUCH HASHEM, all is well.
My husband came home this evening and he will get a letter in the mail notifying of his court date.
No bail, no passport confiscation, nothing.
We are immensly thankful to Hashem and ask him: no more nissyonot! We want Mashiach now!
Thank you all for being by my side on this traumatic and so humbling experience.
Shana Tova to all.
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Post Wed, Sep 16 2009, 11:43 pm
thanks for updating, op. Wishing you and yours the very best.
(And maybe you could get the suspended-license issue straightened out somehow?)
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Post Thu, Sep 17 2009, 12:14 am
Whew. That's a relief.
And to those who think it's so suspicious that someone has his license suspended - it's not all that unusual. The same thing happened to my husband (license suspended) through no fault of his own. The DMV messed him around and now he has to go to the supreme court to get things fixed (We are in Israel). Don't always just assume the worst of people. I agree that it's stupid to drive without a license and risk getting caught, but please - lectures about a car being a weapon etc. etc. are really superfluous.
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Post Thu, Sep 17 2009, 2:43 am
My DH was stopped twice (or three times) by police for driving while using cellphone and/or not wearing a safety belt.

No license confiscation, but fines and points on his license (12 points and suspended). He appealed the fines etc and is now waiting for a court date.

I can assure you that my DH is much much more careful about driving when on phone. He's better with his safety belt - - but still forgets for short journeys, round the block, to shul etc. It really upsets me (I'm safety crazy!) and he knows it, but you can't change your DH. But a serious run in with the cops sure will give him a good wake-up call.

OP - hopefully by now your DH will realise what he did (both times) was irresponsible and too risky. ANd hopefully he won't try something clever like that again. Support him and try to help him through his suspensions.

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Post Thu, Sep 17 2009, 3:49 am
Mama Bear wrote:
On a related note, is there any way to find out if one's license is suspended? My dh got a traffic ticket and I tried to pay it online numerous times but the ticket number is 'invalid'. I'm terrified his license shouldnt ch'v be suspended because he hasnt paid this ticket (which we cant find online), and he shouldnt ch'v get pulled over on an erev yomtov! I'm really scared! where can we check out if his license is suspended or not?

nahhh... the ticket number sometimes comes up as invalid for up to THIRTY days after the "traffic agent" (NO they are not cops) issued it.
Pay it, even if the ticket number on the right hand side (written vertically, like 10 numbers or s/t. B"H havent gotten a ticket in a while so I dont remember exactly) comes up as invalid. MAKE SURE to PRINT YOUR RECEIPT and a CONFIRMATION that your CC payment has been received.

I think if your DH has valid registration and insurance and a car under his name, well, the insurance company wouldnt re-issue his insurance/registration papers (which is an annual thing) if the license was suspended.

Im sure you can call the DMV but IDK that is the only government agency that is harder to deal with than the USPS. (Wait I take that back...State Dept is a pain in the butt too. And NYS dept of finance. try calling them, you wait on hold for literally 45-50 minutes before speaking to an inept, barely able to speak english assistant up in buffalo or something. office of professional licensing is bad. but is that federal or state? IDK they are all pretty bad. )
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Post Thu, Sep 17 2009, 3:53 am
amother wrote:
BAROUCH HASHEM, all is well.
My husband came home this evening and he will get a letter in the mail notifying of his court date.
No bail, no passport confiscation, nothing.
We are immensly thankful to Hashem and ask him: no more nissyonot! We want Mashiach now!
Thank you all for being by my side on this traumatic and so humbling experience.
Shana Tova to all.

Good luck,
glad to know that there was no complications.

I really hope your DH learned his lesson though. What was he doing driving with a suspended license and an UNPAID fine of 20 grand?? I wont get back into my car to drive with an unpaid 45 dollar parking ticket because I am scared it will get lost in the shuffle of bills and something insane like what happened to him, will ch'v happen!!! And to drive to a Federal AGENCY without a license? where was he planning on parking, in a car with expired insurance, and no drivers license???? no matter what the reason / excuse for his license being suspended was, it doesnt matter! illegal is still illegal!!!

you guys are very lucky that you got off so easily.
I hope your DH stays off the roads now, I truly do. here is what one of our Gedolei Hador had to say about a very similar situation. (cilck here)
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Post Thu, Sep 17 2009, 4:00 am
amother wrote:
Whew. That's a relief.
And to those who think it's so suspicious that someone has his license suspended - it's not all that unusual. The same thing happened to my husband (license suspended) through no fault of his own. The DMV messed him around and now he has to go to the supreme court to get things fixed (We are in Israel). Don't always just assume the worst of people. I agree that it's stupid to drive without a license and risk getting caught, but please - lectures about a car being a weapon etc. etc. are really superfluous.

its not about that! no one (I dont think) is assuming her DH is a criminal or had his license suspended because of something like DUI or whatever. My point (I cant vouch for everyone else) is - your REASON doesnt matter! DMV screwed up, your check for xyz never cleared, the post office where you brought your check for xyz burned to the ground and the check was lost, dog ate your license, anti-semitic (according to you) cop exaggerated a situation and the judge suspended your license, judge didnt like the color of your lipstick and suspended your license - the law is the law. whether we like it or not. and there really are VERY VERY few excuses for breaking it.
"my wife was in active labor and while my license was suspended because I didnt pay a ticket last week, I needed to get her to a hospital, and I called 2 car service companies, both said it would be 15 minutes til they arrived at our house."

not so understandable (not that I dont have compassion, I am just saying, from an objective outsiders point of view):
"I was going on vacation next week, yes my license was suspended because I owed the DMV 20 thousand dollars, but I had to get to the embassy. Its annoyng to hail a cab in NYC, especially during rush hour and I am sorry for driving someone elses car with expired insurance and my suspended license."

Yes, I pity the OP, and I am glad things worked out, but do you realize how unfair that seems?
Imagine if the person with the suspended license WAS an alcoholic. with 2 DUIs. Who said, "well, the reason I had to drive was like...I really had to get to a job interview and the 2 train, which I normally take to work, was down. I tried to hail a cab, but there were none in site."

Honestly? I dont care what your reason. You lost your license for a reason, you dont get behind the wheel. We cant make exceptions because in "your" opinion "your" reason for not having your license is not as "significant" or "serious" as someone else's. I think to many people reading this thread, 20 THOUSAND dollars in fines is indeed significant.
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Post Thu, Sep 17 2009, 5:15 am
ss321 wrote:
amother wrote:
BAROUCH HASHEM, all is well.
My husband came home this evening and he will get a letter in the mail notifying of his court date.
No bail, no passport confiscation, nothing.
We are immensly thankful to Hashem and ask him: no more nissyonot! We want Mashiach now!
Thank you all for being by my side on this traumatic and so humbling experience.
Shana Tova to all.

Good luck,
glad to know that there was no complications.

I really hope your DH learned his lesson though. What was he doing driving with a suspended license and an UNPAID fine of 20 grand?? I wont get back into my car to drive with an unpaid 45 dollar parking ticket because I am scared it will get lost in the shuffle of bills and something insane like what happened to him, will ch'v happen!!! And to drive to a Federal AGENCY without a license? where was he planning on parking, in a car with expired insurance, and no drivers license???? no matter what the reason / excuse for his license being suspended was, it doesnt matter! illegal is still illegal!!!

you guys are very lucky that you got off so easily.
I hope your DH stays off the roads now, I truly do. here is what one of our Gedolei Hador had to say about a very similar situation. (cilck here)

OP, I am very happy (& VERY surprised!) that it all worked out fine & you can go on your trip. But I have to say that ss321 is 100% correct. Your DH had better start obeying the law & not be so cavalier in "Oh, it's just a minute to the store" or whatever. We saw what happened on Shabbos in Williamsburg. Not saying it was definitely the driver's fault, but trying to drive today when you ARE allowed to is a chance every time. Driving without legal authority to do so is foolhardy. I hope he has learned his lesson.

Enjoy your YT!! Kesiva V'Chasima Tova, l'shana Tova U'Mesukkah.
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