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Forum -> Working Women
Happy Holidays, You're Laid off...(a vent)

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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 2:36 pm
I know this economy has hit everyone, so I guess this is just another story for the piles and piles of them.

I was cut from full-time to freelance, and this morning at 7 AM, from full-time freelance to half-time freelance...in total, that's a 90 PERCENT PAY CUT. Also, DH will lose his health coverage from my company (half-freelancers only get really bad coverage, and it's only for ourselves, not the family). DH has been looking for a full-time job for months now, to no avail.

How can we start a family if we can't even support two people???? Anyone know of a good budgeting program? We have enough to get by for the next eight weeks and then we're in trouble. I'm even considering applying to work the front desk at a mixed gym...it's the only place here that seems to be hiring.

The point of my thread? I just want virtual hugs :/ (Honest at least, right?)
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 2:41 pm
Hug Hug
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 3:02 pm

If you live in NYC, I work for an agency that can try to help - PM me or call (718) 338-9200 if you want to remain anonymous.
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 3:05 pm
Thank you both, so very much.

Prem--Thank you. I will definitely call you later this week. I need to get my bearings. I figure let myself cry and moap around today, and then start dealing with this in the morning. Thank you so much.

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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 4:23 pm
Hug Hug Hug Hug

My DH is working for a company that looks like it may go bust at any second...I feel your pain.

Last edited by pgk on Tue, Dec 22 2009, 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 4:29 pm
Hashem helps..

I was just cut tremendously too, and before I even turned around someone offered me a much better job... As long as you believe.

Hashem is our father he doesn't leave you for a second
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 4:32 pm
:Smile: Thanks--that's also a very good point. Today, it just seems like the last straw in a series of things over the past couple months. But you're right--Hashem does have a purpose for us. As a kid, my bubbe used to say that everything happens for a reason from G-d. I guess she was right. Wink

Thank you all. This is cheering me up. Much much appreciated...
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 4:37 pm
and what is wrong with the front desk job in a mixed gym? as long as your dressed who cares what the others wear.
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 5:26 pm
If it makes you feel any better, I was notified yesterday that I've been laid off. No part time option. And DH has been unemployed for over a year. We have two children, KAH, and I just stopped nursing clean.

May Hashem give us all revealed blessings soon!
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 6:26 pm
I'm so sorry, above OP, to hear what you're experiencing. It's just so tough, isn't it? Let's hope Hashem shows us the guidance soon. Not to sound like a 2-year old, but I just wanna stomp my feet and throw a temper tantrum!!!!!!!! Waaaaaah.
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 7:17 pm
I'm sorry for all of you. Hugs- hope things get much better very soon!
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 7:23 pm
finding money trees isn't easy ...

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Hug }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 8:15 pm
We're in the same boat. My husband just fired his only worker because he was caught stealing.... it doesn't pay to get a new worker because business is so slow. So, my husband shut down the business until springtime. It's sad, it's depressing and stressful, and I'm going through health issues on top of it all (not to mention we KA"H have 6 kids). It's not fun.
I feel for you, I really do. Wish there were some way to help you out.
Just know, it's okay to feel down sometimes. Just make sure you're happy (even if it's just a smile) most of the time. Hashem helps. He always does.
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Mama Bear


Post Tue, Dec 22 2009, 8:38 pm
I also agree, front desk at a mixed gym is okay...
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Post Wed, Dec 23 2009, 4:49 pm
OK, so a good 24 hours later, my chin is higher. (My new motto: Keep your chin up, even if you have a double chin!) Smile

I'm going to apply tomorrow for that front desk job. It's minimum wage, but also down the block from our apartment. And I realized that in that location, you can't see anybody working out (so I feel better about tznius)).

Thank you, everyone, for your kind words of support. And to the other moms going through the same thing, we shall overcome w/ Hashem's help. Let's stay strong!

-- P.S. A disclaimer: I may come back on here pouting if I don't get that second job :/
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Post Fri, Dec 25 2009, 9:17 am
Maybe we should start a job board on here!

If anyone is looking, I'm looking for a back-office person in my office (medical). If you are interested, PM me.
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Post Fri, Dec 25 2009, 10:11 am
Hi Amother, is your chin still up? How are you doing?
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Vintage Modern


Post Sat, Dec 26 2009, 8:30 pm
I am sorry that you are all going through tough times right now. Places are not hiring so much right now so it is hard to find something that can support your family.

I know for most of you it is not an option that you would necessarily think of in better financial times however Direct Sales Companies do very well in bad economies. Their sales force is much more motivated to do well and people are more willing to buy products they already purchase in other locations from people they know of. You have to work hard to make it work but it can be a huge relief to bring in money to help your family whether it is $200 per month so you can make nice Shabbasim for your or several thousand to pay all the bills. If you find a Tam leader who is willing to put in the work to help you succeed you can have an amazing business with low start up costs. You never have to put yourself in a position where you feel uncomfortable in terms of Tznius can have Ever Shabbas to yourself to prepare and not have to worry about taking time off if one of your children get a cold or the Yom Tov falls on a weekday.

I am with a Direct Sales Jewelry company and would love to sponsor and coach any of you living in the US to become successful strong empowered business women. Feel free to PM me if you would like more information.
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