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The next decade...JANUARY 2010 babies club!!!!!
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Post Sun, Feb 28 2010, 10:30 pm
SP: Laparoscopic

B"H it went well and you are home. Hope your baby will feel better real soon. You must be soo relieved!
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Love My Babes


Post Mon, Mar 01 2010, 12:54 pm
devy, can u explain a little what it means? feeling a bit ignorant over here! lol!

BH my lil girl is KH so cute. had a few annying days last week where she was a bit kvetchy and didnt want to sleep but BH she sleeps well at nite. wakes up to eat every couple hours but nothing terrible.

she started smiling a bit and it is soooo cute! this morning I was talking to her and she looked at me and smiled. I wanted to eat her up! yum! KH!
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Post Mon, Mar 01 2010, 6:11 pm
Love My Babes wrote:
devy, can u explain a little what it means? feeling a bit ignorant over here! lol!

BH my lil girl is KH so cute. had a few annying days last week where she was a bit kvetchy and didnt want to sleep but BH she sleeps well at nite. wakes up to eat every couple hours but nothing terrible.

she started smiling a bit and it is soooo cute! this morning I was talking to her and she looked at me and smiled. I wanted to eat her up! yum! KH!

it's basically an enlarged muscle in his stomach that didn't let his food pass. what they did was cut this muscle to make it smaller so now his food can go down
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Love My Babes


Post Wed, Mar 03 2010, 1:02 am
devy88 wrote:
it's basically an enlarged muscle in his stomach that didn't let his food pass. what they did was cut this muscle to make it smaller so now his food can go down
hope hes feeling better. I was just reading about this online cuz my baby threw up a couple times so I googled infant vomiting and found that. so interesting to actually hear about it happening.
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Love My Babes


Post Wed, Mar 10 2010, 11:00 pm
what happened to all of u? its so quiet here!
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Post Wed, Mar 10 2010, 11:16 pm
Ya- I was thinking the same thing!! Seems we're all so busy....
I can't seem to get a moment because he's giving a tough time sleeping during the day..
Btw, does anyone know or know a site that has info on how the development of a baby as per food and sleep? I have a site but first off they only refer to developments socialy and physicaly etc but nothing referring to how much food is usually eaten and how much sleep time etc.... This site also jumps from 3 months to 6 months- what happened to all the weeks in between?!
I'm curious if it makes sense my 3 month old ka"h is eating the same amount (about 4 oz) but less often?
Also what's the story with teething? Could that really be effecting him already?! He does chew/suck on his hand randomly but I wouldn't say often enough to seem like teething just yet-but who knows?!

Hope all of you doing ok and this quietness is due to lack of time with new baby and pesach coming up!
How u all managing? All I can say is Thank God for cleaning ladies!! hehe And who ever says nows the time to do spring cleaning?! I'm just saying Pesach is early this year so I won't consider it spring just yet hehe - just so I can feel calmer about doing spring cleaning after....right, like I'll have more time then :: eye roll:: hehe Hmmm. Maybe I SHOULD just do it now.....

Anyway, hope to hear from all of you real soon Very Happy
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Post Wed, Mar 10 2010, 11:53 pm
Hey---dont know if anyone remembers I had a baby girl on January 5th..she was an emergency c section. We found out when she was 4 weeks old that she has an extremely rare Leukemia. We have been in the hospital since then. She is 9 weeks old now. Please Please daven for her Rena bas Michal Bracha.
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Post Thu, Mar 11 2010, 2:31 am
mom2bsn I can not imagine what you are going through. I read about your baby girl somewhere else asking to daven for her...Maybe a facebook posting or something. When I saw it I started tearing up immediatly, but now that its someone you sort of "know" it makes it more real and so sad to hear.

May your little baby girl grow to be 120 and bring you lots and lots of nachas.
we should hear only b'soros tovos.

where do you live? What can we do for you?

please keep us updated on Rena's progress.
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Post Thu, Mar 11 2010, 2:46 am
Hey everyone. Not sure if you remember, but my little girl came as a surprise two months early. So technicaly I also belong in the dec group Smile

Bli ayin hara she is so cute, but like everyone else said, very colicky! we use gripe water. helps a bit.
she is just starting to sleep on her own. BH those nights where rough, she would only sleep on mine or dh's tummies. I know, totally unsafe, but the only way she would sleep!!

She smiles and cues now and is gaining nicely. A whole 9 pounds! I know, thats probably right around most of your birth weights, but she was born under 4. she finally has outgrown some of her newborn clothing.

the other day we tried to put her in a diaper taht was too small and she got back at us by pooing all over the place, up and down her little body!

she is starting to suck her hand. its cute, she cant figure out how to get her thumb in her mouth so she just sucks her whole little fist.

can't wait until she stops crying all the time. I feel bad, but we have to put her to sleep jusdt so she wont stop crying. also she knows exactly when I put her down and will start crying before she even hits the bassinet. I cant get anything done aorund here!!

Pesach cleanings gonna be tough!!!
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Post Fri, Mar 12 2010, 4:29 pm
Mom2bsn, you've been on my mind all day, I'm saying tehllim for your little girl and will be"h say it with my students as well. Is there anything we can do to help? Please please please tell us, I'm sure someone in this club lives near you or knows pple near you, or wtvr you want, I feel so helpless sitting here, so I will just keep saying Tehillem til you let us know Hug

Things are pretty uneventful here...I'm back at work. It's hard leaving my little guy with a babysitter. I have to run during my short break to pump, and then I pump before bed, and I pump again in the morning before I leave after I nursed him. B"H he's getting better at sleeping throught the night, some nights this week he slept from 9:30-6:30 when I wake him up to nurse before I leave. He got some of his shots this week, oh boy, he was crying, I was crying, the nurse must have thought I was crazy.

Is everyone making Pesach? I'm going to my parents for the meals but sleeping in our place, so have to clean all the rooms but am locking up the kitchen. There's just no way I can get anything done because he cries if I'm not holding him.

How's everyone else?
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Post Mon, Mar 15 2010, 9:08 am
Hi everyone. sorry I haven't written in a long time. it's been busy around here. mom2bsn im so sorry to hear about your daughter I can't imagine what you are going through. we will daven for your baby. I cant believe my chani is already 9 weeks old. she has started smiling at us. it is yummy! she still gives me trouble with nursing so I pump a lot. at times I give her a bottle of formula at night so I can get a few extra hours of sleep b/c otherwise I don't function. hope e/o is doing ok.
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Post Mon, Mar 15 2010, 10:54 pm
Does anyone know what's happening with mom2bsn's Rena? I saw something on this site and not sure if it's true... Crying
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Post Tue, Mar 16 2010, 5:14 am
BDE Rena passed away Mon afternoon.
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Post Tue, Mar 16 2010, 5:40 am
WHAT???? OMG bde. I can't believe what I'm reading.I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to write im so upset right now... I can't imagine how mom2bsn is coping with this.
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Post Tue, Mar 16 2010, 8:19 am
BDE. This makes me so sad. I just read today that they added a name to Rena (Chaya) to daven for her.
I can not imagine what Michal (mom) must be going through Crying

I just keep thinking so much about how a lot of us complain that we have a hard time with our babies always crying, being fussy etc. and now this woman just lost her child...

Michal if you read this, and you need ANYTHING please message me. I know I cant do anything to take away the pain, but I believe we may live in the same area of EY. If I can do anything let me know.

we should have only besoros tovos.
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Post Tue, Mar 16 2010, 8:49 am
BDE. I was near tears when I read that Rena passed away. I was thinking of mom2bsn and how much pain she must be in. I hope she has family around her to give her the support she needs and that Hashem sends them all comfort in this difficult time.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2010, 1:41 am
OMG!! Chills running up and down my spine. BDE and lots of hugs to you mom2bsn, I dont know how you are coping, just know we all have you in our hearts and minds!
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Love My Babes


Post Thu, Mar 18 2010, 1:55 pm
BDE. im so sad reading this. Hashem should help u that u should have no more pain. my baby has a cold and I had a tough couple days but it all seems so mundane when others go through so much. Hamakom yinachem eschem...
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2010, 8:14 pm
omg I cannot believe it, Mom2bsn,you must be in so much pain, I am so so sorry, Hashem should help you, it must be so hard...and like everyone said I just can't complain anymore.
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Post Fri, Mar 19 2010, 4:18 pm
oh my.
Hashem what is going on? Please send us Moshiach!
I'm so so sad. I have the chills.
mom2bsn I am so sorry to hear. Be strong!
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