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Rally in Silver Spring this Sunday to help free an agunah
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 8:42 pm
This is a very tragic situation ... if any of you live in Silver Spring it is very worthwhile to attend the rally this Sunday and try to help this unfortunate agunah. Please see the link below (from facebook) describing the particulars:


Where: 1131 University Blvd., Silver Spring, MD
When: Sunday, December 19th, 1-2pm
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 9:13 pm
We should only hear besuros tovos. Even if one can't go say a kapital of tehillim that she should have a yeshua immediately.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 9:43 pm
thanks for posting this!!

I think ill go
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 10:49 pm
There are 2 sides to every story!

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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:54 pm
Rabbi Belsky doesn't come across as a very polite person in the first letter.
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:55 pm
Why? Because of the last line in the letter? I thought it was funny.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 12:02 am
anon wrote:
Why? Because of the last line in the letter? I thought it was funny.

Really? I thought it was patronizing, condescending and belittling.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 12:10 am
grace413 wrote:
anon wrote:
Why? Because of the last line in the letter? I thought it was funny.

Really? I thought it was patronizing, condescending and belittling.

I liked it. I thought it was a good point (assuming that the details of the story are as simple as he makes it seem).
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 12:45 am
I learned something in life: there are two sides to every story and it could mean that both are wrong in their own way. And since I don't have enough info and I don't know these ppl-- I will not judge
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 7:58 am
Link here to see pictures of the bad boy himself, as well as haskamos of R' Shmuel Kamenetsky and R' Herschel Schachter that he is mechuyav to give a get ... just showing the other side of the story ...

-Rally poster: http://getora.org/PDF/Silver%2.....n.pdf
-Letter from Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, and Rav Hershel Schachter, shlita: http://getora.org/PDF/RHS%20%2.....n.pdf
-Recent letter from Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit"a: http://getora.org/PDF/Letter%2.....8.pdf
-Fact sheet: http://getora.org/PDF/Fact%20S.....y.pdf
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:03 am
I've never heard of Rabbi Belsky, but I've certainly heard of Rav Kaminestsky and Rav Schachter and trust their opinion....is this Rabbi Belsky saying that these two gedolim (IMHO) don't know what they are talking about????? Confused
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:08 am
Rabbi Belsky = Rav HaMachshir of OU (alongside w/ Rav Schachter, actually) and Rav of shul in Flatbush.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:10 am
Tova wrote:
Rabbi Belsky = Rav HaMachshir of OU (alongside w/ Rav Schachter, actually) and Rav of shul in Flatbush.

Well then this makes this even more confusing.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:33 am
Rav Belsky was probably only given bits of information focusing on the chillul shabbos issue instead of the rest.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:44 am
And a rosh yeshiva in Torah V'Daas.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:47 am
QUEENY wrote:
Rav Belsky was probably only given bits of information focusing on the chillul shabbos issue instead of the rest.

Also, I'm obviously not a rabbi, but I'm not sure that that is a reason to not give a get, there has to be more to the story. Also, this child is going to get older and eventually be in school and when she is regular school she won't be able to skip out on all the early Fridays in order to make it to Silver Spring in time to visit her father for Shobbos....
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 8:54 am
I don't understand what one has to do with the other - what Rabbi Belsky said. Why does the visitation/custody have to be worked out before the get? So that the get is a prize for the woman doing what she's supposed to do? And it WAS worked out, just not to the fathers satisfaction. Too bad, Dad. Give your wife a get and take your lawyer back to court.

The get should be out of the picture. Completely. No negotiations. If the father wants, he can bring it back to court and contest the visitation rights. Dangling a get over a woman's head is manipulation and blackmail - no matter what.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 9:00 am
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I don't understand what one has to do with the other - what Rabbi Belsky said. Why does the visitation/custody have to be worked out before the get? So that the get is a prize for the woman doing what she's supposed to do? And it WAS worked out, just not to the fathers satisfaction. Too bad, Dad. Give your wife a get and take your lawyer back to court.

The get should be out of the picture. Completely. No negotiations. If the father wants, he can bring it back to court and contest the visitation rights. Dangling a get over a woman's head is manipulation and blackmail - no matter what.

I agree. Not giving a get is a VERY serious issue. Obviously divorces are not happy occasions and not everyone is going to come out happy and it is VERY wrong for a man to withhold a get because of this.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 9:23 am
Mirabelle wrote:
GreenEyes26 wrote:
I don't understand what one has to do with the other - what Rabbi Belsky said. Why does the visitation/custody have to be worked out before the get? So that the get is a prize for the woman doing what she's supposed to do? And it WAS worked out, just not to the fathers satisfaction. Too bad, Dad. Give your wife a get and take your lawyer back to court.

The get should be out of the picture. Completely. No negotiations. If the father wants, he can bring it back to court and contest the visitation rights. Dangling a get over a woman's head is manipulation and blackmail - no matter what.

I agree. Not giving a get is a VERY serious issue. Obviously divorces are not happy occasions and not everyone is going to come out happy and it is VERY wrong for a man to withhold a get because of this.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. so I'm just posing a question: isn't it really wrong for a mother to withhold visitation from a father?
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 9:36 am
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