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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Infants
Is this considered regressing?

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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 12:17 pm
My son was BH always forward with things from birth. He was lifting his head early, standing up from a few weeks. He was understanding things very young and was always way ahead then most other babies his age. Now that he is 9 months he is much more average, I wouldn't say behind but he isn't crawling yet and in general not as quick as he used to be. Is this too young to be considered regressing or some kids just slow down?
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 12:23 pm
If it's only in his motor development, I wouldn't be concerned. It sounds normal, especially if there are other changes in his life (teething, for example). If you're noticing a change in social/emotional development, which you didn't mention, that might be cause for concern (unless you can pinpoint a reason).
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 12:30 pm
MaBelleVie wrote:
If it's only in his motor development, I wouldn't be concerned. It sounds normal, especially if there are other changes in his life (teething, for example). If you're noticing a change in social/emotional development, which you didn't mention, that might be cause for concern (unless you can pinpoint a reason).

He used to give a smile to every person that he sees whilst now he is more wary but that could also be part of developing. He is more social but if you were to chart it like growth then he would regress. Meaning that he used to be considered VERY social for his age whilst now he is average but he has become more then what he used to just not much.

It is true it is mainly motor but isn't it connected to his brain? Like he used to be more curious and now he doesn't even bother to grab a cup when I know he could probably hold it, he just doesn't try so much in his fine motor skills.
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 12:45 pm
Stranger anxiety is normal at his age. As for the others, it doesn't jump out at me as a concern, but it's always a good idea to bring it up with the ped and have a professional opinion based on contact with the child.
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 1:06 pm
at different ages children do different thiongs. it is actually considered a more advanced stage for a child to differentiate between familiar and unfamiliar people. if you are concerned with your childs development why not have him evaluated or speak to your pediatrician?
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 1:07 pm
In answer to your question, based on the info you presented I wouldnt consider it that he was regressing. of course if there is mopre info then it may be considered that.
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 1:43 pm
Regressing is if a major milestone stopped. For example, walking-then stopping to walk... or sitting, and then not sitting anymore. Second vote here for stranger anxiety, which is a normal social developmental milestone at this age.

Also, many times when a child develops a new milestones, other stuff gets put on 'hold'.
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 2:06 pm
I wouldn't worry, I agree with those above- its probably stranger anxiety and other things going on- One of my kids was reaching all the developmental milestones really quickly- ie crawling 5 months, sitting earlier w/o support, etc. And then all of a sudden she just stopped- she was still crawiling but she didn't reach any other milestones- didn't even try to stand up. I had to get her evaluated for something totally unrelated to reaching any developmental milestones- but they needed to evaluate her in motor skills, speech, etc- She was fine with it all- everyone was suprised she still wasn't even trying to walk after her 1st birthday- eventually she started again and then she was walking, talking etc. It seemed to me she had what she needed she was able to get what she wanted (thru crawling) and she just wasn't up to trying for anything to quickly once she got into crawling. Maybe she got bored of crawilng and wanted to start reaching things out of her reach.

Anyways, OP I would try to stop worrying and relax like another posted said- regressing is stopping an already known milestone. But definately bring it up at your next well visit to discuss with your pediatrician.
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Post Tue, Dec 28 2010, 2:24 pm
Sounds just like what my daughter was doing, very ahead in her development and then slowed down at around 9 or 10 months. I think its normal...
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