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Post Wed, Oct 05 2011, 2:33 pm
what sauce do I make for pickled corn beef?
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Post Wed, Oct 05 2011, 3:22 pm
mommalah, how do you make breaded cauliflower?
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Post Wed, Oct 05 2011, 3:34 pm
Temilia wrote:
Here is tentative menu so far:

French Salad
Molten Deep Dish Choc. Chip Cookies

Can you tell me how you make them?
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Post Wed, Oct 05 2011, 3:57 pm
We are small eaters so we dont eat meat at night or soup for lunch.

This is my menu so far:

Wednesday night:
Homemade Challah
Store bought dips
Warm spicy fish
soup (still have to decide)
Chocolate chip cookie sandwiches

Thursday Lunch:
Homemade challah
Store bought dips
marinated fish
Rib steak
bowties w/ cabbage
individual apple pies
Lemon sorbet

Thursday Night:
homemade challah
Store bought dips
Warm spicy fish
Peanut Butter topped ice cream

Friday Morning:
Homemade challah
Store bought dips
Marinated fish
Corned beef
still deciding on dessert

Friday Night:
challah, dips, fish, soup and a repeat dessert

Shabbos lunch:
challah, fish dips, eggsalad, chulent, dessert repeat

This will probably be edited a few times
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Post Wed, Oct 05 2011, 3:59 pm
red_velvet wrote:
Wow ra-mom, you must spend forever in the kitchen! How do you find the time?? So jealous. Smile

Also you're lucky that your husband will eat that much variety of things! DH won't go near 3/4 of the things on your yummy menu. Oh well...
Honestly, I have no time.
I start early, make one or two things here and there, until I fill up my freezer. I'm forced to do this because of time and Koach restraints Smile
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Post Wed, Oct 05 2011, 4:36 pm
so far I've come up with:

chicken soup with matza balls
butternut squash soup
carrot and orange soup


gefilta fish fried or baked in tomato sauce


brisket cooked in oven bag
meat roast
turkey roast
roast chicken
stuffed butternut squash

potato kugel
sweet potato kugel
broccoli kugel
yellow rice
noodle kugel?
scalloped potatoes
roast baby potatoes
roast sweet potatoes with lime
mushroom knish
broccoli kugel

green beans
mixed stir fry
courgette stir fry


banana cake
coconut cake
almond crown cake
mocha oatmeal cake
apple crumble or pie
lemon pie

Last edited by Raisin on Fri, Oct 07 2011, 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Oct 06 2011, 7:15 pm

home made challah
cooked gefilta
chicken soup, noodles,radish
top of the rib
red baby potatoes
cucumber salad
carrot muffins
apple compote
praline pie


home made challah
baked gefilta
blended potato soup. matzah ball
ground meat with flaky dough pinwheels
brocoli kugel
sharons ices, small scoops of 3 diff flavors


home made challah
white fish
chicken soup, noodles, radish
honey chicken bottom
rice pilaf?
veg turnovers
apple kugel
fruit soup


home made challah
baked teriyaki salmon fillet, on angel hair pasta
blended potato soup, matzah ball
deli purse
noodles and cabbage
garlicy green beans
layered cappucino crunch


home made challah
reg cooked gefilta fish
chicken soup, noodles
any left over main
any left over side
potato kugel
ceaser salad
lemon cake


home made challah
baked gefilta fish
cold cut salad
apple compote
praline pie
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Post Fri, Oct 07 2011, 7:54 am
raisin, can you post the coconut cake recipe pls?
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Post Fri, Oct 07 2011, 8:47 am
runninglate wrote:
raisin, can you post the coconut cake recipe pls?

its from the spice and spirit. If you don't have it I can post it for you after yom kippur.
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Post Sat, Oct 08 2011, 12:27 pm
Sorry for the delay...

Breaded Cauliflower:

1 bag of frozen cauliflower
3 eggs
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon sugar
Salt and pepper
1.5 cups (seasoned) bread crumbs
1/2 cup oil

1) Defrost cauliflower
2) Mix eggs with seasonings. Toss Cauliflower in egg to coat.
3) Remove florets from egg and toss with breadcrumbs to coat each piece fully.
4) Fry florets in oil until brown on each side. Remove with a slotted spoon and serve.
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Post Sat, Oct 08 2011, 4:20 pm
coconut cake

1/2 c margerine, softened (I may have used oil)
1.5 c sugar
3 eggs
1.5 tsp vanilla extract
2 1/4 c flour
2 tsps baking powder
pinch salt
1 1/4 c non dairy creamer
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 c shredded coconut

frosting (I skipped this)

grease and flour 2 8 inch round layer pans. (I just used regular cake pans)

cream margeine, add sugar, beat, add eggs beating after each one. add e/thing except coconut and beat low until moistened then at medium. stir in half cup coconut.

afterwards you are meant to frost the layers and stick together and put the other half of the coconut on top of frosting, but I didn't.
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 4:06 am
sbs wrote:
I am not making complete yom tov menus cuz eating with family, but here's my contribution

chicken wontons

can u please post recipe? thanx
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 4:09 am
Yummy2 can you please post the recipe for praline pie? Thanks!
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 4:14 am
Temilia wrote:

French Salad
Tomate Basil Chicken
Flatbread Salad

it all sounds delicious. can u please post these recipes? thanx
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 4:27 am
frimamom wrote:
Temilia wrote:
Here is tentative menu so far:

French Salad
Molten Deep Dish Choc. Chip Cookies

Can you tell me how you make them?

mimismile wrote:
Temilia wrote:
Temilia wrote:

French Salad
Tomate Basil Chicken
Flatbread Salad

it all sounds delicious. can u please post these recipes? thanx

Okay, this is embarrassing, French Salad is just what we call Plain salad in my house. Meaning lettuce, cucumber, tomato, avocado, red onion, pepper dressing with olive oil, lemon juice, salt pepper garlic and parsley.

Tomato Basil Chicken is from KBD Short on Time, Molten Deep Dish CC Cookies from KBD for teens, and not home now so can't write up the recipes for the others, but let me know if you want me to give you the recipes for the cookies and the chicken also.
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 5:31 am
thanks, raisin and mommalah for taking the time to post the recipes. Raisin, is it in the purple spice and spirit? If yes, what page?
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 5:41 am
Oh, have all the recipes on my computer. Here they are

Tomato Basil Chicken

2 Chickens cut into eighths
2 large beefsteak tomatoes cut into large chunks
1 (8 ounce) bottle Italian Dressing (sometimes I just make a cup of my own - mixing Oil, Vinegar and spices)
1/2 cup fresh basil leaves
4 cloves fresh garlic
5 sun dried tomatoes packed in oil
basil leaves for garnish.

Basically chop tomatoes in food processor and add Italian dressing, basil, garlic and sun dried tomatoes. Pour over chicken and cook at 350, for an hour and half.
Sauce is also good over fish and pasta Smile

Flat bread Salad

1 bag of lettuce
1 bag of cabbage- I like to use purple to give it some flavor
red onion
grape tomatoes
1 box of flat bread (garlic) crackers

Combine all the above

1 tsp. yellow mustard
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp lemon juice
3/4 tsp soy sauce
2 tbl sugar
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup mayo

Roast (from Kosher Palette actually)
1 5 lb French Roast
3 onions chopped
3 cloves garlic chopped
1 C Brown Sugar
1 C Ketchup
1 C Water
3/4 C Balsamic Vinegar
2 Teaspoons Soy sauce
2 Teaspoons Apricot Preserves

Combine marinade ingredients in saucepan over medium/high hear. Bring to book, lower flame till sugar dissolves. Pour marinade over roast, Cover and refrigerate 8 hours ( I do it overnight). Bake for 2 hours at 350.

Not really a recipe.

First rub brisket with salt, pepper paprika and fresh garlic. Put in a cooking bag roast, with lots of chopped onions and garlic, wine, ketchup, and sugar. add some water, and cook, not even sure how long. It's my mom's recipe and it's delicious! Whenever I make it, I call her and she walks me through the process. How pathetic Smile


5-6 lb shoulder of lamb

1/4 cup olive oil ( I use much less)
1 onion
1 ts garlic crushed
1 TB brown sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 TB fresh parsley
6 long sprigs rosemary
1 tb fresh mint
1 tsp ground pepper
Salt to taste

The recipe doesn't say to do this, but I do it anyway and I find it much tastier but I guess if you don't have time/or a food processor than you can skip this step. I blend above ingredients and make a paste.

Rub the paste into the lamb on all sides, marinade overnight (or for a few hours)

Cook @350 for 70 minutes.
Uncover for 60 minutes turning every so often, when brown reduce heat to 325 and roast another 30-45 minutes, can be covered if it is brown enough.

Molten Deep Dish Choc. Chip Cookies.
2 1/4 Cup Flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 cup marg (or butter really) room temp for 15 min
3/4 c sugar
3/4 c light brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups choc chips
1 4 ounce semisweet choc bar (like schmerling noblesse)

1. mix flour, salt, baking soda.
2. mix mar and sugars. add vanilla and eggs.
3. add half the flour mixture- mix
4. add rest of flour. Mix till just combined.
5. add in choc. chips

Take the disposable muffin tins. spray very well with spray. put a ball of dough in each flatten to cover. Put two chocolate squares in the center. Cover with smaller ball of dough, flattening the dough to cover the chocolate.

Bake at 350 in preheated oven. depending on size of tins will take between 20-25 min. tops should be golden brown.
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 8:45 am
thanx so much temilia! it sounds really good! (and to think I have the kbd short on time cookbook at home embarrassed )
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 11:05 am
You are all quite something!
I'm in awe.
We only have one day here in EY and on the first day of yuntif at night it's only dh and myself with one kid for lunch so I'm making steak and roast potatoes the first night (one can cook) with salad, and dh asked for something light for lunch, probably pastrama and salads - potato salad, coleslaw, humus, carrot and raisin, edamame, and green salad.. We aren't big eaters. With challah that's fine for lunch.

For shabbos however we will have married kids with us so Friday nite it's salads and roast meat and chicken and roast potatoes and sweet potatoes and shabbos lunch once again the pastrama. It's a a new recipie that I read and made and for homemade pastrama (different than American pastrami which is meat) without chemicals or nitrates. So here's my contribution to the recipie board.

Israeli healthy pastrama:

half a turkey breast. Marinade for 24 hours in:
a cup of honey mixed with smoked paprika, rosemary, regular paprika, cumin and for those who like, black pepper (we don't like it). Massage in the sauce and let sit in fridge.
After 24 hours bake at preheated 420 degree stove for half an hour on each side (total one hour) and then cool. Can be cut like deli, and has no preservatives, nitrates etc. I'm told it can keep for 3 days in the fridge quite well, so I plan to make it wednesday before yuntif, have it for lunch thursday and then again for shabbos.

As for the last day I'm not even thinking about it. As no one is home from shul at the same time and it's a big balagan I think we usually have whatever and never actually eat together. One comes home at noon, one comes home at two and one only at four when mincha is over. But everyone runs home to make kiddush in the middle eat something and go back to shul for more.
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Post Sun, Oct 09 2011, 11:18 am
yummy2 wrote:

praline pie
layered cappucino crunch

Can I have these recipes please?
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