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Update on St. Louis accident

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Post Thu, Oct 19 2006, 4:00 pm
I saw this on www.theyeshivaworld.com

Rabbi Grunberger updates the St. Louis accident
Again, I thank everyone for their tefilos and efforts to create zechusim for Rafael Dovid and Tehilla. The achdus, tefilos, learning, and mitzvos in their merit is absolutely working, bli a”h.

Tehilla had her jaw surgery today and the Doctor feels very positive and optimistic. They didn’t need to wire her jaw as originally thought. At this point her leg fracture, jaw fractures, and head injuries are healing. They hope to wean her off the respirator tomorrow and hopefully she’ll respond in the best way that can be expected. We daven for a COMPLETE recovery and that she’ll have no limitations or consequences from the injuries. The Doctors have no way of saying for sure but are very optimistic based on the xrays and CT scan, B”H. The tefilos will make the difference.

Rafael Dovid has been stable for the last 48 hours. They now hope to start weaning him off the different medications. Today they started giving him little doses of nutrition. He’s still in very critical condition but it’s like an official turning point for the better, B”H.

The next 3 days will be very telling and as he continues to respond positively with stability, they will wean him off the respirator as well. As the swelling around the brain subsides, they will then try to assess the impact of the injury. Here too, it’s all in HaShem’s Hands and we daven that he will come through with no deficits, limitations, or handicaps but with a refuah shelaima.

Elisha is BE”H coming home tomorrow morning. He’s in good spirits. He has a broken thumb and clavicle along with his impressive gash on his left forehead. Visitors are allowed to speak with him between innings during the playoffs. He’ll be coaching Pujols after school hours and wants to retire LaRoussa and take over. (may this be the only affect of his head injury). He’s turning 12 in a few days and will continue all his various extra learning projects to make siyumim during the year and for his Bar Mitzvah.

Chaim (Eliyahu Chaim- age 9) is healing. He’s confined to a wheel chair for a while and then back to crutches. His fracture should be healed in 6 weeks, be”H. He has memorized 121 mitzvos (Sefer Madah, Ahava and Zemanim) which we reviewed today. The plan is for him to hopefully return to school tomorrow for at least part of the day.

Aviva (15) returned to school today for a few hours. She’s doing well.

We deeply appreciate HaShem’s kindness in answering the outcry of the many tefilos around the world. The chapters of the “master plan” can play out in any number of ways. We thank HaShem and continue to daven that this chapter and the chapters to follow will be filled with joy, yeshuos, nechamos, and clearly evident of the Yad HaShem in every detail that goes on around us.

With deep appreciation to HaShem and to everyone,

Elazar Grunberger.

The names to daven for are:
Tehilla bas Bracha
Elisha ben Bracha
Eliyahu Chaim ben Bracha
Aviva Rochel bas Bracha
Refael Dovid ben Bracha (FORMERLY Dovid ben Bracha)
(Rabbi) Elazar Yitzchok ben Zlata Faiga
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Post Mon, Oct 23 2006, 4:05 pm
Got this email today.

Dear All

You know how I told you about Rabbi Grunberger from STL whose family was in that terrible car accident this chol ha moed. B"H, all but 2 kids are out of the hospital by now. The two that are there, however, are in tremendous need for our tefillos and tehillim. Originally, his 16 year old daughter was in an induced state of coma, and they were hoping that once she is allowed to become conscious she'll be okay. Now that she's been allowed to regain consciousness, however, there are reasons for concern as she is still unresponsive and her MRI indicates possibility of brain damage. Her name is Tehilla bas Brocha and it is absolutely essential that Tehillim are being said on her behalf. Rabbi's youngest son is also in critical condition, still in induced coma, but the indicators are promising. His name is now Rafael Dovid ben Bracha. He also desperately needs our continued Tehillim.

Can you please make sure to say Tehillim on their behalf and see to it that they are included in the Mishabeirach during laining. I know it might be tircha, but it is very important. I heard first-hand from Rabbi Grunberger's son that when they had the emergency tehillim gathering here and other cities, Dovid's cranial pressure numbers were going down and, B"H, they've stayed down since then.

Their father, the Rav of Shaarei Chesed Shul and the head of Aish Ha Torah in STL, is a very special person and is, almost single-handledly, responsible for being mekareiv literally most of the today's Saint Louis Agudah members and countless others.

May we only hear good news,

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Post Mon, Oct 23 2006, 4:14 pm
May we hear good news, a refuah shleimah to all who need it.

Does anyone know how the members of the Golding family that had an accident in Texas are doing? Are there any updates?
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Post Fri, Nov 03 2006, 2:33 am
Another update that I got in an email....

Tehilla and Rafael Dovid are B"H making improvements every day. They have actually hit a few milestones over the last few days which we thank HaShem for and daven that this direction and improvements will only continue until they are both 100% well.

Tehilla has been at St. Louis Children's Hospital rehab unit since last Wednesday. Objectively, each and every day has been B"H with great improvements. The big news today was they removed her trache. She recognizes her friends and others, she writes in both English and Hebrew (in small doses), and there are other very encouraging and positive signs of her improvement. On another level, she's at a stage of healing which is difficult to watch because she is not yet herself. Her speech patterns, her unsettledness, her focus, is as if she has a high fever or severe flu. At times she's lucid and times she's not. The Doctors, nurses and therapists all say that this is the normal process of healing and are optimistic with the prognosis. Again, optimism and good stats are nice to hear but we need to daven hard that she returns to herself. When there is a head injury, it's really scary. When you see a friend, a loved one and all the more so a child, just not themselves, it's so difficult. I tell my wife (really I'm telling myself) we need to focus on the brachos, we need to appreciate the nissim over these last 19 days, and G-d willing, next week and next month, they will both be completely in a different place than they are now, hopefully much closer to a full recovery.

Regarding Dovid (Rafael Dovid), This past Friday the Intensive Care Doctors agreed that they would try to take him off the respirator and see if he could sustain breathing on his own. They weren't sure and bet a 60% chance for success. The issue was whether or not they would need to give him a trache. B"H, he did very well and and since Friday evening he was been breathing 100% on his own which means that his brain is sending the right message to his airways to stay open. Clinically he is doing very well and he's looking better. They started with him a mild regiment of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. The plan is to take him out of ICU tomorrow and place him in a step down unit until he's ready to go into the rehab unit which they guess will be between 3 days to one week. He has his eyes opened but we don't know if he sees at this point, how much he sees, and we don't know how much he is processing. We just talk to him, sing to him, shower him with love, hope, tefilos, learning, and stories. They say that the next 2-4 weeks are very critical to his responses to the evaluations. They are still weaning him off of heavy medications. It takes time and is process to avoid issue of withdrawal after being on these sedatives for so long.

At this point, as we look at what's ahead, it's as if we're entering into a new Chapter 1. B"H, "survival" which was the issue the first 7 days is not anymore a concern. The next stage was his stability, weaning him off the breathing machine and the heavy sedation. Now the concern is where is he at, what are the consequences of his head trauma, and how far will rehab take him. There are many unknowns and no one dares to make predictions. The truth is that "stats" and "percentages" are irrelevant. They could be encouraging but every situation is unique and the outcome for my son and daughter is what it will be, no stats will make the real difference. The real encouragement is that HaShem runs the world and we rely on Him. It's not even an issue of being religious; it's simply the real bottom line. The Doctors and nurses all say that it's not in their hands, they can't say what to expect, and we should continue to pray. HaShem is the Rofeh Cholim and according to the zechusim will be the outcome. The zechusim (merits) that are being created by the chesed and tefilla of so many wonderful examples of acheinu bais Yisroel (our true sense of being one family) are so encouraging and powerful, that we hope to see them heal and return to themselves with a refuah shelaima, a complete and full recovery.

We are very thankful for the improvements that both Tehilla and Rafael Dovid have made which we believe is a result of all the tefillos and efforts to evoke middas harachamim (Divine mercy). We are affected and many others have been deeply affected by this incident. As we turn this ordeal into an opportunity to become closer to HaShem through learning, tefilla, chesed and all the other spiritual efforts, it will be a direct zechus (merit) for Rafael Dovid and Tehilla (and truthfully for all of us as individuals, our families and for klal Yisroel).

Aviva, Batsheva, Elisha,and Chaim are still staying at Sora Liba (my eldest daughter) and Binyomin's (Yudin, my son in law) home which is around the corner. Sora Liba and Binyomin along with so many wonderful unbelievable friends and special people, have been so helpful in ways that words do not adequately describe the levels of chesed and care. The chesed and sense of achrayus (responsibility) for another and others in need, is a shining tribute to the beauty and praise of klal Yisrael and the merit of being a part of the Jewish People.

Continued tefillos and all efforts to grow, learn, and do chesed for others, in the merit of our children that they should have a refuah shelaima, and in the merit of so many others who are sick or in need of our prayers and attention, is greatly appreciated and is critical at this time. It's important to know that each of us and our small efforts go a very long way.

Again, we are humbled and thankful by all the care and efforts for our children. We hope that soon we can look back, with everyone well and healthy, and recognize the many aspects of Kiddush HaShem that will come from this chapter in our lives and shared by so many others, our friends and family along with so many we don't even know.

Elazar Grunberger


My daughter Sora Liba Yudin just gave birth an hour ago to a baby girl! Mother and baby (and father - Binyomin) are doing great. Brocha and I are thrilled!

Sora Liba's 2 children have many Uncles and Aunts. I believe their favorite is Uncle Dovid (Rafael Dovid). I guess they enjoy their 7 year old Uncle, (maybe it's because of all the treats and special privileges he gives them). We hope this new addition will also enjoy Dovid like Yossele and Goldie, and he can continue to be a great, gentle and loveable example to them and to us with all his personality in tact.

Dovid was moved today out of ICU to a step down unit. This is a good step and a good sign. He's stable and getting stronger to commence with a full time rehab program. There's no significant changes otherwise since my email last night. He needs lots of prayers and rachmei shamayim (Heavenly mercy) to heal and come back to his full self.

Brocha and I met today with Tehilla's Doctors and the team of rehab therapists. They are all very positive and impressed with her progress. The tefillos are making a difference and we hope that she too will come back all the way and stronger!

It's a pleasure to share wonderful news. May we only share good news and simchas with each other.
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Post Wed, Nov 15 2006, 8:05 am
My last update about Refael Dovid was last Tuesday while he was in the ICU due to high temperature and fighting his infection. B"H his stay in the ICU was less than 48 hours and last Wednesday afternoon they returned him to the TCU (Transitional Care Unit) greeted by his new caring friends, the nurses and staff of that division. Since Wednesday, B"H he has been stable with the infection under control and no concerning temperature.

It's interesting that in many aspects of life we can make plans involving other people and conditions out of our hands, with the expectation that all will run smoothly with no glitches. We pick up the phone, dial a number and have full expectation that all the connections will fall right in place including our desired party to answer on the first ring. How annoying it is when we get a busy signal (a chutzpa they're on the phone when I'm trying to call) and double annoying when we get that fast busy signal indicating that the circuits are not bowing to my need to get through RIGHT NOW! But for the most part, systems seem to run smoothly and in order; we have little to really gripe about, even if we catch a few more red lights than green.

When it comes to spiritual growth and achieving the depths of meaningful relationships, it seems that the norm is a bit different. There are more noticeable bumps in the road and challenges that require careful thought to overcome in order to achieve success. These tests often stop us in our tracks (they ought to) and require reevaluation and thoughtfulness. The bigger the tests, the more potential for us to humble ourselves and recognize how powerless we are. Ultimately we're suppose to "get it" (and the sooner the better) that "Ein od m'levado" "there is nothing else besides HaShem", we declare "HaShem Echad", "HaShem is One", all with a master plan and He's in control. The goal is to live it and "walk the talk".

So this is where we are, humbled by this crossroads in Rafael Dovid's situation. Before the bone flap can be replaced on Dovid, he needs to have his fractures around his sinuses repaired. Their recommendation is to have the ENT team do this although they are not overly optimistic is say the least due to the size of problem. On the other hand, the alternative is much more complicated and invasive thus the consensus is that it's worth the effort and relatively minimal risk compared to the alternative. They have given stats projecting the chances of success (or lack thereof) of this endoscopies procedure and here's part of the nisayon, the test: there is a place for the stats and the scientific approach to evaluate the benefits/risks, pros/cons but ultimately, when the decision is made, it's not up to the percentages, it's directly in the hands of HaShem. The Doctors want to be successful but they are the ones warning about the risks. They know going into this that it's beyond them, all they can do is try. Here's where our internalization issue, the walk the talk challenge, glares us in the face. We are planning to get some more opinions tomorrow but in the mean time and as we approach this operation, we need to pray a lot, we need to pull on the spiritual formulas that direct us to success, and we also need to realize the reality that as the Torah states this past week (Vayeira), "hayipalei maHashem davar?", "Is anything beyond HaShem?" He's the Creator, Sustainer, and Supervisor", everything has a plan and has a time. We hope and pray from our perspective, that the operation (Wednesday 1:30 pm) will be successful and it be the right time for him to hurdle this challenge towards his recovery, please G-d.

In the meanwhile, the unknowns of what will be are more than what we can anticipate, but isn't that how life is in general? Dovid is seeing and hearing, we think and hope more than less. We're not sure if it's 100% but he seems to track and have responses. He is trying hard to move his fingers on his right hand and a bit on his left too. He is reacting to taste and gets agitated when being poked and moved around. The big news last week was that he is blinking upon command. I spoke to him saying that I understand that you can't talk yet but I want you to blink your eyes.... he gave a definite blink. Brocha thinks he shed some tears yesterday which is on the one hand a bit heart breaking but on the other hand extremely exciting that he is responding with emotion. This is the second time this has been noticed, we hope it was true and purposeful.

HaShem should please help him continue to redevelop and heal where he'll soon be able to express himself with words and cogent thoughts, and that his mind and body will heal and be in full capacity to learn Torah, run to do mitzvos and live a high quality productive life. All tefillos for Rafael Dovid to achieve this and for a successful surgery, are greatly appreciated.

Tehilla is still at Children's Hospital rehab unit. Her jaw and leg are healing. She is still very agitated and not herself but recognizes everyone and knows details. We hope and pray that soon she will come back to herself and her mind will heal completely. It's hard to watch but we are encouraged by the tefillos and the optimism that this is part of the recovery process.

Chaim (Eliyahu Chaim) is still wheel chair bound. His fractured leg is healing and we hope he'll be up on crutches within 2 weeks. He's such a trooper! Not one complaint ever out of his mouth. He's very practical and pragmatic.

Elisha is back in full swing with his evening learning in addition to his full days. He's still in a sling but playing football and baseball. I asked him how he can play ball while your left hand is in a sling? Simple, he's the quarterback for all the football games and the pitcher for baseball, he catches barehanded with his right.

Brocha and I (and our entire family) thank everyone for their continued concern, tefillos, and the many extra efforts of chesed, tsedakah, and mitzvah observance in the zechus (merit) of Tehilla and Rafael Dovid. It's working! They have a long way to go but "hayipalei maHashem davar?", "Is anything beyond HaShem?". In the merit of the outpouring of tefillos to HaShem we look forward to a refuah shelaima, a complete recovery for both of them, IM"H, may it be HaShem's will.

Thank you.
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Post Wed, Nov 15 2006, 6:01 pm
Rephael Dovid had surgery this AM, a more extensive, risky procedure than they had originally planned. B"H, it is reported to have gone very well.
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Post Thu, Nov 16 2006, 10:31 pm
Post surgery update about Rafael Dovid, Wed. evening 11/15,Cheshvan 25

Wednesday evening, November 15th, Cheshvan 25

B"H, the surgery today for Rafael Dovid was considered successful. The Doctors came out after surgery to inform us that which was set out to accomplish was accomplished with no surprises and no complications. He's recovering in the ICU on a respirator with plans and hopes for him to come off the vent sometime tonight and moving back to his room in the TCU (Transitional Care Unit) sometime tomorrow.

We're so thankful to HaShem for His kindness and to all our many friends who we know well and those we don't yet know, who have put Rafael Dovid and Tehilla in their minds and hearts with tefillos and deep concern.

The plan is for him to recover from this operation, regain the strength he just lost and get back to rehab. The unknowns of the extent of his brain injury and how much the rehab will help is dependent upon our prayers and merits. I keep reminding myself of "Hayipalei meiHaShem davar" - "Is anything beyond HaShem?". Rafael Dovid is 7 years old and Tehilla is 17, they are young, they are resilient, they are in a growing time of their lives and their bodies and minds can repair and heal as children do. With HaShem's help and through the tefillos and mitzvos done on their behalf, they can have a full recovery which we all so much want for them. The spiritual merits fuel the physical abilities and accomplishments.

I therefore thank all with such a deep sense of hakaras hatov (gratitude) for helping us and sharing the weight of this very difficult situation. Klal Yisroel is ONE family, we know this philosophically but here we are seeing it and knowing it on such a heartwarming deep level. It's really worth thinking about and internalizing this to the point where we can pray and care for other Jews, not only in times of need but because we're family and we care for each other because we are HaShem's children. What does a parent want most from his/her children but for them to care about each other and have shalom.

May Rafael Dovid and Tehilla, along with all those other precious children in need of a refuah, along with all cholei Yisroel, have a refuah shelaima where they can function 100% to fulfill their purpose and mission in life to make a Kiddush HaShem, a Sanctification of G-d's name in the world. Kiddush HaShem through their beings and actions is a great mitzvah and it's our hope that this will be their focus throughout life where their choices, decisions, attitudes, and perspectives will be directed accordingly.

Elazar Grunberger
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Post Sun, Nov 26 2006, 11:59 pm
I just received this amazing update:
Saturday Night, Nov. 25th, 5 Kislev

We have so much to be thankful for. I'm happy to share encouraging news. It is clear to me that we can gain a strong sense of chizuk and appreciation for the power of all the tefillos and mitzvos that have been directed as a zechus (merit) for Rafael Dovid and Tehilla.

Last Tuesday (Nov 21) Dovid had a shunt put in his head to drain the cerebrospinal fluids. The operation was successful and he returned to his room awake and alert after the surgery.

On Wednesday morning he started to respond to questions by nodding his head. I thought I saw it in the morning. Around noon, my wife asked Dovid if he wanted Abba to return soon and he immediately nodded his head yes. This has continued since then, not exactly every time he is asked to respond but a good number of times which indicates his awareness and this level of communication.

On Thursday night my daughter brought her newborn Blumi (still getting use to the name...) to see Dovid. She asked him if he wanted to kiss the baby. He nodded YES and as the baby was brought close to him he lifted his head a drop and shaped his lips as if to try to kiss her. This is HUGE! It brings excitement, encouragement and tears of joy.

On Friday, the Physical Therapist came in with the OK to sit him up and move him to his wheel chair. Last week he was up to 5 minutes sitting up, his head and neck held up of course, and 3 + hours in his chair. Now the goal was to again go for the 5 minutes sitting up and an hour in his chair. As we together moved him to his chair sitting him up he had such a painful distressed look on his face and he let out an .... "AAHHH". It was heartbreaking to hear and at the same time we were ecstatic that he made a sound! This was the first sound he has made! We got him comfortable and he made it well through the hour.

Brocha spent Shabbos with Dovid and 2 friends spent Shabbos with Tehilla. After Shabbos I immediately called Brocha to hear how Shabbos went. She shared this amazing news...

She heard a few sounds from Dovid through the night so she figured she'll try to get more out of him. She told him how much we love him; Abba loves you, Ema loves you and who loves you more than all..... He responded, "HASHEM"!!! Of course it's not his normal voice, it was slow, high pitched, and with stress but he said it! She continued to read to him and he answered a question from the Parsha... I don't remember the question but he answered, "ROCHEL". The Physical Therapist came in to again put him into the wheel chair. Again, something was hurting and he let out a cry... my wife asked him, "Dovid, tell me what's hurting?" He responded, "my arm". The Therapist asked which arm, he responded, "my left arm". It was so...........wonderful. It wasn't his normal voice; he hasn't used his voice in 6 1/2 weeks. But it was clear and tells us that not only is he able to speak but to think and process, B"H!! There were several other words and responses in addition.

I'm trying not to say the word "unbelievable" even as just an expression. It's believable because "Ein od m'lvado" - it's all possible since HaShem runs the world. I just need to think it and live it. This whole ordeal and praying for the kids to be well is so out of our hands that it helps actualize the emunah and bitachon that we know is true in our hearts and minds.

HaShem is always speaking to us and sending us messages. Everything we see and hear, witness and experience is no accident. The lessons and messages comes on different levels. Even if it's a bit far removed from me, if it comes to me it's for me to process.

So many people from so many different places have heard about this "accident" and have responded in so many different ways. It has affected so many, for the good and better. There are so many life lessons and truths that we can think about with hopes of internalizing to change us and raise our spiritual status. This is how we grow. It's so much better (I think) to keep learning from the events and lessons of others before the wake up calls need to ring louder and closer. Ultimately it's all for our good and HaShem knows best for each one of us. Not one drop of pain or suffering, distress or discomfort is without calculation. Just as a parent determines the duration of the "time out" or severity of the punishment that is aimed as being the best lesson for the mistake, so too HaShem runs and controls all the details of everything in life. It's back to basics: He's the Creator, Sustainer, and Supervisor and it's our test and job to live it... (walk the talk).

After the phone call and getting the kids at home a bit settled, I went to the Hospital to make Havdalla for Brocha (and Dovid). We were talking about birthdays so I said to Dovid, "yours is in March, when is Chaim's?" He responded, "APRIL".

Getting past the tears of joy and gratitude, we can see that our tefillos are working and that there is continued improvement day after day. We daven that he'll continue to improve day by day all the way back to a refuah SHELAIMA, a full recovery where he will come back to himself in every way.

Tehilla is also improving beautifully. She is more and more focused and less and less agitated and irritable. She is more and more aware of her comments and reactions. As I've written before, she is totally with it, remembers everything, it's just that she's louder than normal and less inhibited to share her thoughts. Her normal self is very refined, well balanced, good judgement, etc.... she's truly a super star. She'll get back to this but in the meanwhile we are all seeing the process of recovery along with a sense of humor that we have never seen before. Nothing that she says is inappropriate it just uninhibited. She doesn't act like this all the time throughout the day, but at different times of the day. We are limiting the number of visitors she has so as not to get over stimulated and that her visitors come with a specific purpose or plan. Friends are coming to go over school work or to discuss specifics about some school projects. This has been very helpful and therapeutic. The brain is still healing and the everything inside needs to reconnect. We are davening and optimistic that she'll have a full recovery Be"H and the Doctors feel the same. I believe she'll be in the Hospital for 2-3 weeks longer.

We haven't been told clearly but we believe Dovid will be going to the rehab unit sometime this week, perhaps even on Monday. During his time in the TCU (Transitional Care Unit --step down from ICU), he has been receiving Phyical Therapy (more range and motion), Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. Once he goes to the rehab unit, it becomes intense rehab throughout the day.

We need to get Dovid back talking, walking, and moving all parts of his body. He has his sister's Chasuna coming up on February 1st in St. Louis, he needs to dance and say divrei Torah at the Sheva Brochos. Baseball season is coming up in April. He's the best on his team at any position and doesn't know how to hit less than home runs. With HaShem's help and continued tefillos, he can do it all. The most important is the extra learning projects I am hoping to set up for him.

Thank you for your part in their recovery. Everyone's tefillos and extra efforts to create zechus for both Rafael Dovid and Tehilla is making a difference. Tefilla is the most potent tool we have. It works.

With deep gratitude and appreciation,

Elazar Grunberger

Sunday evening, Nov. 26, 6 Kislev

I tried sending out this email last night but it didn't go out.

I'll just add a few things to the above.

Dovid is speaking a little more, slowly, not totally clear yet but clear enough to recognize (most of the time) what he's saying.

The 2 points which thrilled us:

1) The Doctor asked him today which sibling is getting married. He responded, "LEAH". He then asked him who the Chosson is. Keep in mind this is new information in his data bank, he has never met the Chosson. He responded clearly, "REUVAIN".

2) Dovid has learned the first few mishnayos in Pirke Avos by heart. I started saying the Mishnayos and let him fill in the blank... Moshe kebail Torah m.... he said "SINAI". etc.. and several other times he responded correctly. The second mishna: He responded to: al ha.. "Torah", al ha... he responded "haavoda", and he completed the misha "chasadim"

This past week he has started moving his right hand a lot. We are hoping the rest of his body will follow soon with HaShem's help.

There's a lot to be thankful for and there's ever so much to daven for. We shouldn't just daven for our basics when in need or when we are at a loss; we should appreciate our basics of health and family with gratitude and expression every day. How much richer and happier our lives would be with this little effort. I know this and you know this but I have been negligent and perhaps it's worth mentioning.


Please continue to daven for Refael Dovid (halevi) ben Brocha and Tehilla bas Brocha
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Post Mon, Nov 27 2006, 11:54 am
Wow. Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Samnu...may we continue hearing such wonderful progress!
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Post Mon, Nov 27 2006, 5:47 pm
Thank you for sharing this wonderful news!
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Post Thu, Dec 21 2006, 4:43 pm
Grunberger car accident update
Wednesday night, December 20, 6th Night of Chanukah

I last wrote on Friday December 8th. Tehilla was then discharged and home. Dovid was scheduled for his bone flap surgery on that following Monday.

B”H there has been continued improvements; they’re both on their way towards what we hope, pray, and trust will be a refuah shelaima, a full and complete recovery.

Tehilla is totally functioning in all areas. Her attention span is not back to her old self and her temperament especially with those closest to her is not yet with her old grace and mature control but she’s on her way. This is all to be expected and she is improving everyday B”H. Her recovery has been, thank HaShem remarkable and with these items on the “punch list” we need to realize and be patient that brain injury recovery under normal circumstances can take 6 months to 2 or more years. Here, only after 2 months, Tehilla is back in school 1/2 day in the morning and doesn’t need nursing, only time for continued healing. Her Principal notices a striking difference between Monday December 11th, her first day back and this past Friday, the end of her 1st week back in school. She is continuing her Physical Therapy for her leg and Speech Therapy to continue working on her “Executive skills” (judgement and decision making) which I think is almost all there. All I can say is, Thank You HaShem and I thank all who have joined with us in prayer for her and for Dovid. Prayers for both should please continue until they’re 100%.

Last Thursday evening I took Tehilla to see Dovid for her first time. After a brief visit, since Dovid was at the end of his day and tired, we walked next door to St. Louis University Hospital where Tehilla was airlifted to and stayed for 2 weeks until her discharge to rehab at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Her first week was in ICU and her 2nd week was in the step down unit, she was totally disoriented and agitated. When I walked down the hall to introduce her to her former nurses, many saw me and greeted me with a warm hello and “how’s your daugh….” , then their mouths dropped in surprise and … almost disbelief….. They gathered around her and said, “this is a miracle”, “this is prayer answered”. They called the other nurses that cared for Tehilla. The same happened when we visited the ICU next door to the step down unit. The nurses called the Doctor (Fellow) who was from the Trauma Service who took care of Tehilla. He was pretty straight forward, unemotional type of person, but when he heard that Tehilla Grunberger was there to visit, he ran up from a lower floor to see her and marveled at her recovery. She didn’t remember any of them but they all treated her like an old friend. They were so pleased that we came to visit and they were amazed at how well (B”H) she is doing for what is considered a very short time span. It should be clear to all: Prayer Works and HaShem runs the world!

I have been davening that Tehilla and Dovid’s recovery should be a Kiddush HaShem (Sanctification of G-d’s name) in that those who know what they have gone through and how severe their injuries were, will become aware and give thought to the fact that HaShem is present, He hears our prayers, and He is the Master Healer. I have told Dovid from the beginning when I wasn’t even sure if he could hear me or process what I was saying, that HaShem will give you a refuah shelaima and when you’re older and become a Rav or Rosh Yeshiva, your students will come to you for encouragement and advise, you can tell them how when you were 7 years old you were very sick and HaShem gave you a refuah because of all the tefillos and mitzvos that were done in your merit. You can be a great encouragement to others who will need this encouragement to daven and trust in HaShem. You’ll be able to speak to them from experience and as a living miracle of HaShem’s abilities and kindness.

I was pleased with the responses and reaction of the nurses and hope that they and everyone who will see Tehilla (and Rafael Dovid) will realize and internalize the presence of HaShem constantly in our lives and our responsibility within this relationship. So many, most people, throughout time will say “In G-d We Trust”, “we believe in G-d”, will recognize G-d in times of personal miracles but then there is the classic short circuit where people don’t carry out the thought. What does it mean that I just experienced a miracle which I’m convinced of? Is there something I’m suppose to do in return? etc… etc…. The truth is that is not surprising at all. It’s the crux of free choice. After seeing a miracle or experiencing something which intuitively or openly testifies to HaShem’s hashgacha (Divine Providence) there inevitably has to be a challenge to maintain the “free choice”. Is one going to reevaluate their life, lifestyle, former choices and consider or reconsider the implications of what they just experienced, or not? Will the individual change and commit to a Torah lifestyle which is mandated by the HaShem through the Torah, or compromise? There has to be the choice and we need to choose to have a relationship with G-d and not do it because we’re compelled or forced into it. Therefore G-d created in the world this resistance to balance the scale so we can choose it on our own. How sad it is that so many (including ourselves) conveniently get distracted from these crucial issues losing out on the growth opportunity or the opened window of clarity which could change our lives.

Last Monday morning December 11th, Dovid had his bone flap surgery. It went well and was successful. His head now looks normal except for all the stitches around his head from the surgery. He was sent from surgery into the TCU (Transitional Care Unit) and then on Wednesday last week back to the rehab floor. Last Thursday he was back to aggressive rehab. His schedule is 9am -12 rehab, nap time from 12-1pm, and more rehab therapies from 1-3. From 3 till 10pm he has visitors. 2 Girls from Block Yeshiva High School or Bais Yaakov come in shifts from 4-6, 6-8, 8-10 to talk with him and read to him. He usually falls asleep between 8 and 9. At 10 or 11 pm, every night, someone from the community sleeps in his room to be with him. The hospital has never seen this sense of community, care, and love. In the merit of all this care and chesed, in addition to all the tefillos and mitzvos, I hope and pray that this too chalks up merits for Dovid, Tehilla, as well as all the cholei Yisroel who are in need of help and mercy from Above. Truthfully we are all in constant need of merits. The physical world in which we live is based on a spiritual system. All that happens down here, EVERYTHING has a spiritual source. Just like many wish to have a savings account or a nestegg available for times of material need, so too we need a spiritual savings account filled with merits to be there for us, our families and our communities in times of real need. Those merits are spiritual and can influence the physical as we can see so clearly if we wish to look and see. Teshuva, tefilla, tsedakah, chesed all create merits especially when it requires mesiras nefesh, self sacrifice.

We don’t have to look far during Chanukah; this is what we’re celebrating. Miracles happen when there is commitment, conviction and self sacrifice to uphold the precepts of the Torah especially when its integrity is threatened. We can learn from the Maccabees and the need it no less today just under different circumstances. It may take a miracle to bring back the entire Jewish People but the Maccabees didn’t go into it faint hearted. They knew it was the right thing to do and even if it looked like a suicide mission to the naked eye, they knew they would win because they trusted in HaShem.

The following thought has been recurring a lot to me over the last 2 months. I keep saying to myself and others, “I want my kids back”, “we need to get them back”. This is my priority at this time. 2 of my children are in great need. It’s constantly on my mind and I’m making efforts to do something about it. I’m so appreciative when others are helping to get my kids back. I stop and think, 9 out of 10 of HaShem’s children are disconnected, what would be HaShem’s greatest priory? How much nachas (pleasure) would HaShem have if the Jewish People would return (do Teshuva), “come back” and reconnect with their heritage and Torah? How much pleasure would HaShem have if others would assist and get involved with “outreach” because they care, just as we care to bring back someone who’s in danger, and as so many have cared and been involved to help get my kids back.

HaShem makes miracles today no less than the miracles we celebrate on Chanukah. We pray and trust that we’ll see these miracles with Rafael Dovid’s recovery which will be an inspiration to others and increase everyone’s trust and relationship with HaShem. The extent of his recovery, how far he’ll come, is totally unknown to us, it’s all in HaShem’s hands.

Dovid is remembering a lot and speaking a little more each week. He’s not always speaking coherently. He answers most basic questions accurately. He recognizes us immediately when we walk into his room with a “Hi Abba” or “Hi Ema” (and repeats it a few times) but he doesn’t always get other people right the first time. He’s moving his right hand, arm and leg. His right hand thrashes a lot. He is able to control it when told to. He’s also able to point to something when asked to and sometimes is even able to touch the exact point; other times he tries hard and gets close. It’s definitely getting better each week. The thrashing and constant swinging his right arm is a result of the head injury and as the brain heals, the thrashing will subside and become more controlled and normal.

We got the first results of his vision testing which was quite positive. He has only been seeing through part of each eye. It was obviously very concerning. The original diagnosis when he was in ICU the first few weeks did not project a positive prognosis at all. We’re grateful that his actual eyes are ok and the issues of damage to his optic nerve and the visual pathways back to the part of brain which determines his vision, seems not to be disrupted B”H. We’re so grateful to HaShem for this and now it’s a matter of time for the damaged areas which are affecting his vision to heal and repair, G-d willing.

He has been fed through is “g-tube”, directly to his stomach. This week they are working with his swallowing and strengthening the muscles affecting the swallow. There are 25 little muscles that work together! Amazing. He has been drooling less which is a sign that he has been swallowing his saliva. When I ask him to swallow (his saliva), it seems that he swallows. They are proceeding with extreme caution because in the meanwhile, he is fully nourished, and if he’s not fully capable to swallow, he could aspirate due to lack of full swallowing ability which would be a major setback.

Today is 10 weeks from October 11th, the Wednesday evening of Chol HaMoed when the collision took place. So many people, friends and others who we don’t even know, have shared in this ordeal in many different ways. We’re humbled and deeply filled with gratitude. We’re thankful we’re alive and we’re thankful for the miracles we’ve seen and experienced thus far. Just as every additional night and day of Chanukah was a greater testimony to the miracles of the lights, so too we hope that Tehilla and Dovid’s light, their essence and influence, will continue to glow, and reach the full potential that they were born with.

Brocha and I thank you for your prayers and mitzvos on their behalf, and for being an active partner in their miracles and recovery through your efforts. Wishing you a freiliche Chanukah!

Elazar Grunberger

P.S. Leah arrived several days ago from Israel and Reuvain her Chosson arrived the night before last. Their engagement party is tomorrow night and we’re planning a February 1st wedding here in St. Louis. May we only share simchas together!!
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