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Wedding: ladies' room basket
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 4:23 pm
Isramom8 wrote:
We saw one hall where we agreed with the person in charge that if we were to book it, we could stipulate that a staff member had to make sure to keep it clean throughout the simcha. At least that.

All the halls we booked had a staff member in charge of cleaning throughout the simcha.
Also, every (respectable) hall I've been to in Israel has liquid soap and paper towels or automatic hot air.
Beyond that? I've never seen a hostess basket in the ladies room. It's all cultural I guess. The only thing that seems logical to me is having pads/tampons available. But a thermometer? Body lotion? Lipstick? Alien concept for me.
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 4:23 pm
I have seen this at a few anglo charedi weddings in Israel, other than that, never saw it and never thought of it.

I also say, if there is toilet paper and running water and soap in the bath room, what more do we need ? Very Happy
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 7:02 pm
It's pretty common here - but there is a Gemach that makes the baskets and replenishes as necessary. It doesn't cost the baalei simcha anything - the person who runs the gemach replenishes. You just pick up and bring back the baskets with whatever's left.
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 7:51 pm
A gemach for that? wow!
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 8:24 pm
why is it absurd?

I think its so nice. pple are dancing, get sweaty and need some deoterant. lots of us are coming from out of town and run out of something. the music is loud and someone gets a headache. someones heel gets caught and their hem rips. someone gets their period for the first time since nursing and doesnt have a pad on her.

its really nice for the hostess to put a few things in the ladies bathroom. there is only one or maybe two bathrooms anyway.
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 8:39 pm
I don't know. I'm pretty disorganized, and still I manage to bring my meds and whatever I need. I would feel weird using a deodorant in front of other ladies in the toilet, and certainly would NOT use a "public" lipstick. If you could have your period, you need a pad in your bag.

Some of the other things are even totally out there, like underwear. Is it for adults being toilet trained? LOL
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 8:53 pm
At my last sibling's wedding I was shocked at how much stuff was used up in the hostess basket. My mother even put in diapers in case anyone ran short (no undies!!) So people really do use it so it is nice to put it out.
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chocolate chips


Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 10:36 pm
In UK most wedding have a basket in the ladies room.

It includes: small sewing kit (thread, needles etc), safety pins, tampons and/or pads, soft tissues, spare pair tights, wipes, some have diapers, bobby pins (for hair/wig) and a few other personal/small items.

These are things that most people don't come to a wedding with (ok besides diapers, its emergency case) and might need last minute eg tights rip/dress tears etc.

I have not seen it here and in fact was stuck at a wedding the other night where one of the bridesmaids tore her dress and we couldn't find how to fix it until we pulled a pin out from the backdrop and used it in her dress.

I think it is nice, considerate. It is not always used but sometimes it is.
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Post Sat, Feb 18 2012, 10:41 pm
a sewing kit and safety pins, are the only absolute essentials I would hope to see in a bathroom. ripping your gown is unexpected and embarrassing, and can ruin your night if there is no way to fix it. stockings, maybe too.

the things like pads, or tylenol, is really extra. if I knew I might get a headache or period I would bring those things with me.

just make sure the bathroom is clean, and has a tissue box.
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 2:34 am
DEODORANT!!!! please.
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 2:47 am
I have forgotten acamol for hadaches because it was in another handbag. You know what I'd appreciate? A magnifying glass in case I forget my reading glasses, and want to read something, like a phone message. Did I mention toothpicks? Food can get stuck in the teeth.

Again, I don't rely on these baskets, but they are thoughtful, and if the OP plans on it anyway...
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 7:40 am
I've seem them in plenty of weddings here in Israel, I guess most of them were Anglo, but none necessarily chareidi.
They usually have feminine hygiene products, sewing kits, safety pins, and stockings I guess also OTC pain killers. It's not uncommon at all weddings I've attended. I do remember seeing people making use of sewing kit/safety pins.
No one just takes stuff home after the wedding.
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 8:03 am
Its not an israeli thing, but most american/canadian weddings I've been to had a basket. I always see people using the items from the basket, especially the combs, bobby pins and deodorant.
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 8:16 am
I've just had a thought - putting in painkillers could be really dangerous. I'm sure little girls use the bathroom alone (sewing supplies maybe too). I hope these baskets are well out of reach of curious little girls.

And here's another idea (if you have a simcha before shkiya or going on until netz hachama....) - bedika cloths Exclamation
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 10:24 am
Isramom8 wrote:
I have forgotten acamol for hadaches because it was in another handbag. You know what I'd appreciate? A magnifying glass in case I forget my reading glasses, and want to read something, like a phone message. Did I mention toothpicks? Food can get stuck in the teeth.

Again, I don't rely on these baskets, but they are thoughtful, and if the OP plans on it anyway...

and ear plugs, for the loud music, a pacifier for the baby if it gets lost, a cell phone, if I dont have one and need to reach my dh... (said in the spirit of adar.)
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 12:01 pm
I think these are all great ideas. It is so considerate. Why not plan for emergencies?
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 12:03 pm
Oh I meant to ask why is it absurd?
Whats wrong with the idea?
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 12:40 pm
I'm surprised so many women have never heard of this. We had one way back at my oldest sister's wedding almost 30 years ago!
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 1:11 pm
Mostly repeating, but

Pads / tampons

hair pins

Adhesive bandages


Safety pins

Sewing kit


Dental floss

If the facility uses hand driers, I'd have paper towels, to allow women to blot their faces

I wouldn't have combs or brushes -- unhygienic to share, unless you intend to put in dozens of them

Ditto deodorant. Will women be removing their dresses to put it on? I have seen cheap cologne in baskets, but have never seen anyone over the age of 12 use it.
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Post Sun, Feb 19 2012, 1:13 pm
I once saw underarm shields in such a basket.
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