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Peach Magazine - Don't force your ideas on everyone else
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 10:29 am
amother wrote:
have any of you ladies ever done research on vaccines? most of you prob didnt, we all trust our pediatricians blindly,but there might be another side to the story. These are our children were talking about- the most precious thing in the world! I wouldnt feel comfortable just trusting my dr blindly without doing my own research, Doctors are not "Mr. know it all". Dont get me wrong- I do give shots, but was very excited to see this magazine with its informative articles, I always felt uncomfortable just vaccinating my kids without doing research before, this magazine has give me some food for thought, they dont mean bad, they want to inform some ignorant mothers out there that have never thought otherwise! why are you so sure they are lies????????? why are some mothers so hiked up every single time someone talks about anti vaccines? you are entitled to your own opinion, but whats wrong with some informative articles???/

So you trust this magazine, but you don't trust your doctor?
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 10:39 am
The magazine is just giving you another side of the story from there you can do your own research.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 10:40 am
I was so turned off the by scare tactics. I threw it out so I can't quote directly but there was a story narrated by a neighbor of a 4 year old being wheeled out by Hatzalah and she ran to ask the kids mother if he got shots recently. When the mother said yes she said well your child is obviously suffering from it, and the Hatzalah guy told her to be quiet.

That's a story?? A nosy neighbor being involved in her friends son illness. Maybe the kid had diabetes or some other illness that her friend didn't want her to know about and the Hatzalah guy was getting rid of her.

Sick story, does not deserve to printed.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 10:41 am
The magazine was not giving the other side of the story. It was just writing horror stories. A woman vaccinates her baby- the baby did not make it through the night. Kids that were vaccinated that got autism etc. There were no facts- just scare tactics.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 10:43 am
amother wrote:
The magazine is just giving you another side of the story from there you can do your own research.

Well, you say it contained "informative articles." Can you elaborate?
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strawberry cola


Post Thu, May 01 2014, 11:04 am
I respectfully disagree with Maya. Lots of stuff on the internet is unreliable; people shouldn't kid themselves that because they can Google a topic, they are experts.
And I don't think the women in lakewood are less smart or savvy about important things than anyone else. Don't use this incident to generalize.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 11:32 am
How is this magazine forcing their ideas on anyone? They print it, you read it and then you decide what to do with the info you just read. Maybe you should examine why you feel so threatened by a magazine.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 11:33 am
MaBelleVie wrote:
So you trust this magazine, but you don't trust your doctor?

No, but I also don't rely blindly on my doctor
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 11:53 am
The purpose of this magazine, as I see it, is a direct result of what Maya said in the beginning of the thread. These people are sheltered. They have no way of doing research. Result: They do whatever their doctor said. Without asking questions, without knowing that there are questions to ask or things to be aware of. The lack of knowledge and naive belief that whatever the doctor says must be true and the right thing for me is sometimes scary. [Something simple such as not vaccinating while your child has a runny nose. The doctor may be unaware of the runny nose or not be willing to push off the appointment, and the mother doesn't know to stick up for the health of her child. Or, a child has an adverse reaction to the shot, but the doctor insists (as they usually do) that there's no connection. The mother has no idea that her child may have another reaction to a later shot because "my doctor said"...]

This magazine is aimed at opening up the minds and eyes of parents who are so sheltered that they never knew there is a controversy about vaccines. They don't know that there can be adverse reactions. They were making uninformed decisions up until now. Hopefully, this magazine will help further the discussion between themselves and their doctor.

I am upset to hear that there are stories rather than informative articles. (I did not see this magazine.) The goal should be to educate, not to instill fear. However, I believe that the publishers will achieve their purpose of bringing awareness to the "sheltered, uneducated masses" that there are two sides to this issue.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 12:21 pm
amother wrote:
Imamother above.
P.S. I have a Bachelor of Science from a recognized university, not a frum program. Just sayin'...

Before you go bashing all the anti-vax people, maybe take the time to read some of the literature from the 'other side'?

Just because you've been brainwashed that your doctors are second only to Moshe Rabbeinu (or maybe above him?) doesn't mean the rest of us can't read material from another point of view and form our own opinions.

Reminds me somewhat of the poor naive women who take breastfeeding advice from their usually male pediatricians. As if they know better!

Just had a slight issue with the way amother was put down.

Ummm, so do I "top" you because I have a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.? A B.S. from a good university? They are just letters that cannot not disqualify a mother's feelings. I do not want such literature in my house either. It is one sided and not based on science. It is intended to evoke emotion and not truth.

And, I've read the anti-vax lit; if it were reputable, I'd believe it. And, I know when I know more than my doctor because I have tutored many of them. I know their education and limits. And, nothing wrong with taking lactation advice from a male qualified person. Sometimes, they do know more than some females.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 1:06 pm
amother wrote:
How is this magazine forcing their ideas on anyone? They print it, you read it and then you decide what to do with the info you just read. Maybe you should examine why you feel so threatened by a magazine.

Lol from the people who don't bring secular literature into their house.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 1:10 pm
amother wrote:
The purpose of this magazine, as I see it, is a direct result of what Maya said in the beginning of the thread. These people are sheltered. They have no way of doing research. Result: They do whatever their doctor said. Without asking questions, without knowing that there are questions to ask or things to be aware of. The lack of knowledge and naive belief that whatever the doctor says must be true and the right thing for me is sometimes scary. [Something simple such as not vaccinating while your child has a runny nose. The doctor may be unaware of the runny nose or not be willing to push off the appointment, and the mother doesn't know to stick up for the health of her child. Or, a child has an adverse reaction to the shot, but the doctor insists (as they usually do) that there's no connection. The mother has no idea that her child may have another reaction to a later shot because "my doctor said"...]

This magazine is aimed at opening up the minds and eyes of parents who are so sheltered that they never knew there is a controversy about vaccines. They don't know that there can be adverse reactions. They were making uninformed decisions up until now. Hopefully, this magazine will help further the discussion between themselves and their doctor.

I am upset to hear that there are stories rather than informative articles. (I did not see this magazine.) The goal should be to educate, not to instill fear. However, I believe that the publishers will achieve their purpose of bringing awareness to the "sheltered, uneducated masses" that there are two sides to this issue.

So having read a bunch of propaganda, the "sheltered, uneducated masses" are now more educated and able to have informed discussions with their Drs?
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 1:51 pm
amother wrote:
have any of you ladies ever done research on vaccines? most of you prob didnt, we all trust our pediatricians blindly,but there might be another side to the story. These are our children were talking about- the most precious thing in the world! I wouldnt feel comfortable just trusting my dr blindly without doing my own research, Doctors are not "Mr. know it all". Dont get me wrong- I do give shots, but was very excited to see this magazine with its informative articles, I always felt uncomfortable just vaccinating my kids without doing research before, this magazine has give me some food for thought, they dont mean bad, they want to inform some ignorant mothers out there that have never thought otherwise! why are you so sure they are lies????????? why are some mothers so hiked up every single time someone talks about anti vaccines? you are entitled to your own opinion, but whats wrong with some informative articles???/

informative but not truthful. were the sources cited? no source, not real.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 2:11 pm
ally wrote:
So having read a bunch of propaganda, the "sheltered, uneducated masses" are now more educated and able to have informed discussions with their Drs?

I have not read the magazine, so I cannot make a judgement on it.
A poster wrote that it mentions vaccine inserts. That is education. Many people are unaware that this exists, let alone what it says.
However, even if the magazine is a bunch of propaganda, I think it is an important (albeit perhaps misguided) first step towards informing the public of another side.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 2:11 pm
strawberry cola wrote:
I respectfully disagree with Maya. Lots of stuff on the internet is unreliable; people shouldn't kid themselves that because they can Google a topic, they are experts.
And I don't think the women in lakewood are less smart or savvy about important things than anyone else. Don't use this incident to generalize.

This is not about reliable or unreliable information. It's about the freedom and availability of getting ALL information about a topic, and doing the research to weed out what makes sense from what does not make sense. It's about being presented with ALL sides of a controversial topic, not just the ones you want the masses to know.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 2:14 pm
There is a big dif btwn well documented research and propaganda.
And unfortunately, some ppl, when they see it was produced by ' Jews ' automatically take it to be emet and truth.
And when it comes to our kids, all u need is one seed of doubt to b planted for parents...

Hooray for free speech but shame shame shame for exploiting parental fierce protective love as a vehicle to spread sensationalism.

(and y do u think jforj ppl distribute pamphlets? Bc for some ppl w doubts, all u need is a bit of a shove to b pushed in the wrong direction)

(Tho imo the fact that they r trying to bolster their cause w scare tactics and horror stories, actually serves to further discredit their views)

Disclaimer : I didnt actually c this pamphlet, just basing my views on what these pamphlets were described as
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 2:46 pm
Ummm, so do I "top" you because I have a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.? A B.S. from a good university? They are just letters that cannot not disqualify a mother's feelings
I was just pointing out that I am not uneducated and therefore unable to review something critically, which was implied about many women who are reading the magazine.

BTW, it does cite many article and studies. You can choose to believe the CDC and WHO which suppressed certain information. You can choose to believe studies that were funded by pharmaceutical companies. You can also choose to ignore the statistics that show that the higher the rate of vaccination in a country, the higher the rate of autism. Etc. Your choice.

A very telling point was this. Let's say more cases of autism, ADHD, Asperger's etc are being diagnosed than in the past. If there was no rise in the incidence, merely in the diagnosis, you'd expect to find older people being diagnosed as well. But no, that does not happen. Ever wonder why?
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 2:58 pm
There has been an increase in the rate of adults being diagnosed with ASD, but that's neither here nor there. Can you share some of the studies cited?
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Lady Bug


Post Thu, May 01 2014, 3:20 pm
Considering that the non-vaxers rely on herd immunity, I just can't come up with a good explanation as to why they would want to convince more people to stop vaccinating.
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Post Thu, May 01 2014, 3:57 pm
amother wrote:
Ummm, so do I "top" you because I have a B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.? A B.S. from a good university? They are just letters that cannot not disqualify a mother's feelings
I was just pointing out that I am not uneducated and therefore unable to review something critically, which was implied about many women who are reading the magazine.

BTW, it does cite many article and studies. You can choose to believe the CDC and WHO which suppressed certain information. You can choose to believe studies that were funded by pharmaceutical companies. You can also choose to ignore the statistics that show that the higher the rate of vaccination in a country, the higher the rate of autism. Etc. Your choice.

A very telling point was this. Let's say more cases of autism, ADHD, Asperger's etc are being diagnosed than in the past. If there was no rise in the incidence, merely in the diagnosis, you'd expect to find older people being diagnosed as well. But no, that does not happen. Ever wonder why?

Do you know the #1 causes of childhood mortality worldwide? #1 is neonatal complications #2 is pneumonia #3 is diarrheal disease. The number one diarrheal disease is Rotavirus. B''h we have vaccine for it. The developing world does not. Maybe we have higher rates of autism than Malawi because there are hardly enough doctors or medicine to treat dying kids that autism is on the back burner.

So, you choose to see the studies not supported by pharma or the CDC or the NIH. (There may be nothing left after that subtraction because they fund all of science.) But, I'm choosing to trust what I see. When I vaccinate mice or monkeys, they just don't get sick. (You don't want to see my poor, poor controls upon challenge.)
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