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Potty mouthed Frum boy on Americas Got Talent.Chillul Hashem
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 3:48 pm
I went to public school and didn't hear of oral s-x yet at that age. Sigh. Yeridas hadoros. Also if I had mentionned it my parents would have been HORRIFIED.

You know the joke, a guy goes to a shrink, "doc, I think I'm a seed! the hens try to eat me!". The doc talks lengthly with him... finally the guy says... "doc, now *I know* I'm not a seed... but do the hens know??".

So we know he's bh not representative even of a frei, normal family. But do the non Jews know necessarily?

As a rebbetzin I love said, today people put on the levush like 2 weeks and half after they consider to do teshuva and it leads to huge chillul Hashem. Here it's another type of chillul Hashem.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 4:01 pm
seriously cn someone explain the jokes to me. I didnt get it at all. I am being very serious
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 4:06 pm
sourstix wrote:
seriously cn someone explain the jokes to me. I didnt get it at all. I am being very serious

You're better off not knowing. Ask your husband.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 4:11 pm
Merrymom wrote:
I watched it last night and was absolutely horrified, and that was after being mortified that the jewish boy (and his father) couldn't stop touching and wiping his nose with his bare hands. What a chilul Hashem!

Is this an attempt at satire or humor or something? I don't get it.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 4:14 pm
ChossidMom wrote:
Is this an attempt at satire or humor or something? I don't get it.

What don't you get? Did you watch the episode starting from his initial interview?
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 4:21 pm
I watched till after the first few disgusting jokes.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 4:35 pm
Filth gross yes definitely nauseating. Yerachem on this boy if he is only 12
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 5:51 pm
amother wrote:

I went anon because I will be bashed

Maybe not bashed but politely disagreed with Wink And hugged. Lots and lots of hugs. Right, folks?
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 5:52 pm
Ima2NYM_LTR wrote:
some of these jokes are starting to get a little goateque

Ewe think?
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 6:11 pm
I don't even think its about josh being jewish or muslim or christian or atheist or WHATEVER. It's just really sad that a little 12 year old boy, who should be busy with his basketball and ipod and whatever 12 year olds are busy with, talks like that.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 6:14 pm
Happy18 wrote:
You're better off not knowing. Ask your husband.

Chances are that her dh wouldn't "get" them either, esp the second one you gotta know the lingo.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 6:19 pm
Honestly, his material was fairly mild compared to the jokes many 11 and 12 year olds told from when I was a kid. Most of the kids I hung out with at that age were from yeshivish families.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 6:31 pm
MrsDash wrote:
Honestly, his material was fairly mild compared to the jokes many 11 and 12 year olds told from when I was a kid. Most of the kids I hung out with at that age were from yeshivish families.

I'm confused. Were the kids you hung out with yeshivish themselves? or you're saying their families were but the kids were far from that path?
Because I can't for the life of me imagine any yeshivish kid knowing this type of stuff.

The funny thing about his jokes are- that if you don't understand the innuendo behind it, it all sounds like some random unrelated anecdotes that are pointless. No dirty words.

But I'd much rather here some dirty word jokes that are not as dirty as this.
(which is what I'd thought it would be from the subject title- potty mouthed)
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 6:54 pm
I think maybe I didn't get the jokes, except he made some really inappropriate joke about his mom and oral zex, which was clearly not his own, he didn't seem to really understand it, to be honest. It would have been far less shocking said by an adult, just cheap and a bit nasty.

He came over as quite naive, his parents came across as quite pushy (I thought), and the whole thing seemed rather exploitative. Which it is, all these shows are.

The only enjoyable parts to these shows are when the judges get egg in their face from mocking a sad looking oddball who turns out to be outstandingly talented. Google Paul Potts and see his first ever performance on YouTube - or Susan Boyle. Both bring tears to my eyes every time I see them, even though Susan Boyle was exploited and came ot harm through her success.

Sadly, this boy will be a 5 minute hit, and forever after be tainted by this. He wil undoubtedly suffer for it in the future, maybe we should leave it alone knowing the more fuss made now, the worse things will be in a few years for him.
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b from nj


Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 7:19 pm
Frumdoc wrote:
I think maybe I didn't get the jokes, except he made some really inappropriate joke about his mom and oral zex, which was clearly not his own, he didn't seem to really understand it, to be honest. It would have been far less shocking said by an adult, just cheap and a bit nasty.

He came over as quite naive, his parents came across as quite pushy (I thought), and the whole thing seemed rather exploitative. Which it is, all these shows are.

The only enjoyable parts to these shows are when the judges get egg in their face from mocking a sad looking oddball who turns out to be outstandingly talented. Google Paul Potts and see his first ever performance on YouTube - or Susan Boyle. Both bring tears to my eyes every time I see them, even though Susan Boyle was exploited and came ot harm through her success.

Sadly, this boy will be a 5 minute hit, and forever after be tainted by this. He wil undoubtedly suffer for it in the future, maybe we should leave it alone knowing the more fuss made now, the worse things will be in a few years for him.

If only it was a one & done deal but it's not b/c he is moving on to the next level & if you play the clip that was posted earlier in the thread you will see that the sword swallowing joke but not his but rather his dad's joke & I agree with you that his parents exploited him b/c they all wanted their 15 minutes of fame by getting onto national TV with Josh telling dad's jokes that had much more shock value coming from a 12 year old rather than from his dad who is much more comfortable onstage.
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 9:25 pm
This is sad because he and his parents made MO Jews look bad in front of other frum jews. .
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 9:27 pm
amother wrote:
This is sad because he and his parents made MO Jews look bad in front of other frum jews. .

No, they made themselves look bad. That's all.
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b from nj


Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 10:08 pm
MaBelleVie wrote:
No, they made themselves look bad. That's all.

Just clarifying who you mean by they? Josh & his family? Or the MO community as a whole?
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Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 10:11 pm
b from nj wrote:
Just clarifying who you mean by they? Josh & his family? Or the MO community as a whole?

His parents (and depending how much responsibility you can place on josh himself). No one else had any part in this AFAIK, so why would they be held responsible? I'm confident that his rabbis and school never would have supported this.
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b from nj


Post Thu, Jun 19 2014, 10:20 pm
MaBelleVie wrote:
His parents (and depending how much responsibility you can place on josh himself). No one else had any part in this AFAIK, so why would they be held responsible? I'm confident that his rabbis and school never would have supported this.

I agree! I don't feel that the school or the shul (not the Temple as the other poster rudely called it) is in any way to blame for the actions of its parent body/congregants. The family is to blame for their poor judgment & I'm already cringing b/c he's probably going to have to up the ante for round 2 & quite frankly I can't imagine his jokes getting any more filthy than they already are.
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