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Spending $200+ on Babies' and Girl's Hairbows? What?
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 3:38 am
kb wrote:
Ooc, what website?

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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 7:40 am
Makes you think twice or tenth before giving tzedaka...
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:00 am
Ruchel wrote:
Makes you think twice or tenth before giving tzedaka...

Before Pesach I saw a family I knew in a local store that sells bows, shells, tights and accessories. They were given vouchers of $250 each girl for accessories. This was in addition to clothing vouchers. There were 7 girls including an infant who got the same amount.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:09 am
Squishy wrote:
Before Pesach I saw a family I knew in a local store that sells bows, shells, tights and accessories. They were given vouchers of $250 each girl for accessories. This was in addition to clothing vouchers. There were 7 girls including an infant who got the same amount.

Thats a lot of money, however I doubt they were buying $200 or even $80 hair accessories.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:27 am
[ quote="Raisin"]Thats a lot of money, however I doubt they were buying $200 or even $80 hair accessories.[/quote]

No they were buying loads of hair accessories rather than tights and shells. I don't see any difference in $200 headband and 6 headbands at $200.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:28 am
Squishy wrote:
Before Pesach I saw a family I knew in a local store that sells bows, shells, tights and accessories. They were given vouchers of $250 each girl for accessories. This was in addition to clothing vouchers. There were 7 girls including an infant who got the same amount.

As a mother of many daughters. shells, tights and socks cost a lot. I think I spend more on those items then their regular clothing.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:31 am
No they were buying loads of hair accessories rather than tights and shells. I don't see any difference in $200 headband and 6 headbands at $200.

You really don't see the difference? Headbands break, they get lost easily. I have a problem with tzedakah money being used like that, but there's a huge difference between a $200 headband and 6 at $200.00.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:33 am
mommyla wrote:
They're on Ladida's website, I'm assuming that's the store referred to above.

For those of you who think that only millionaires shop there, sadly that is most definitely not true. I was in that store exactly once. In the three minutes that I spent there (with my jaw getting closer and closer to the floor with every price tag) I saw a woman buy what looked like full winter wardrobes for all of her kids - coats, Shabbos clothes, weekday clothes, the works, and matching (of course). I have no doubt that she spent thousands of dollars in one shot. And unfortunately, disgustingly, they offer payment plans there.

PAYMENT PLANS. For kids' clothes. Shop at Target, for crying out loud! Or Nordstrom, if you must have higher-end stuff. I can b"H afford to buy my kids a Shabbos outfit or two there, but why in heaven's name would I want to? I just thank G-d that I don't feel like I have to keep up with the Kleins.
PAYMENT PLANS??! RU KIDDING ME? This is too much .
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:35 am
kb wrote:
Imagine: I'm trying to buy a whole wardrobe for less than the price of one headband!! I had no idea I was that stingy Very Happy

Change stingy to resourceful!
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:37 am
chatouli wrote:
My DH was irritated that I spent $15 on bows and headbands from amazon for my baby dd - now I know what to buy if I ever want to give him a heart attack!

You should have done this under amother. The insurance people WILL find out your sn.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 8:43 am
imaima wrote:
Really? how can you even send your child to school knowing full well that they might not come back wearing this bow, or ir will get broken?
My daughter loses her hair accessories all the time, but they come from a dollar store.

It's not just the bows. Kids can't live in their clothes. Heaven forfend they get a stain so they won't be able to match.
I don't know from this either.

ETA: we spoke about these vouchers on another thread. The intentions are good, the storekeepers probably get some good tax benefits, and the users get to get at least one "in" outfit for their kids. But being closer to the receiving end when it came to dressing my kids, my kids always knew that while they might get one "in" skirt (and I'm talking $40 ten years ago) the bulk of their wardrobes would come from other sources.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:01 am
PinkFridge wrote:
It's not just the bows. Kids can't live in their clothes. Heaven forfend they get a stain so they won't be able to match.
I don't know from this either.

ETA: we spoke about these vouchers on another thread. The intentions are good, the storekeepers probably get some good tax benefits, and the users get to get at least one "in" outfit for their kids. But being closer to the receiving end when it came to dressing my kids, my kids always knew that while they might get one "in" skirt (and I'm talking $40 ten years ago) the bulk of their wardrobes would come from other sources.

They must start offering insurance for matching outfits
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:13 am
FranticFrummie wrote:
That's actually pretty reasonable for what you get. As a jeweler, I know exactly how much work goes into the crystal headband, and how much the stones cost wholesale, the plating process, labor, etc.

And the band is made of palladium, which apparently is a rare precious metal, probably costs hundreds per gram.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:26 am
Squishy wrote:
Before Pesach I saw a family I knew in a local store that sells bows, shells, tights and accessories. They were given vouchers of $250 each girl for accessories. This was in addition to clothing vouchers. There were 7 girls including an infant who got the same amount.

$250 each for accessories??? $1750 for the family? What would one spend that on?
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:29 am
Just to be clear, I would spend $200+ on a gorgeous headband that I thought was worth the money - probably not for my child though Smile My point is that these hideous headbands are not worth the money and the prices asked are manipulative and outrageous. I don't like it when I feel conned.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:30 am
No they were buying loads of hair accessories rather than tights and shells. I don't see any difference in $200 headband and 6 headbands at $200.

You really don't see the difference? Headbands break, they get lost easily. I have a problem with tzedakah money being used like that, but there's a huge difference between a $200 headband and 6 at $200.00.[/quote]

I am thinking more in terms of budgeting. If someone chooses to spend their money money on one headband instead of several that is money that isn't going to say pay teacher's salaries. I don't believe in telling someone how to spend their voucher unless there is a compelling reason rather than a person preference.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:33 am
glutenless wrote:
Did you click on the bottom where it says "open site"?

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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:36 am
Barbara wrote:
$250 each for accessories??? $1750 for the family? What would one spend that on?

They had baskets full of accessories. They were having a grand time with OPM. If I were in control of the money, I would have bought tights, underwear, shells and maybe accessories for one or two outfits.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:37 am
Lani22 wrote:
ladida.com this is a very popular clothing store in lakewood where many dresses are over $200

I bought my teenage DD a Shabbos outfit there last summer, for under $50 (on sale).

There's lots of ridiculous stuff around, and IMVHO spending $80 on a headband is nuts. But keep in mind that most stores sell lots of their stock for less than the starting price. And those who must have it the minute it hits the shelves...pay the price.
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Post Wed, May 06 2015, 9:38 am
happybeingamom wrote:
As a mother of many daughters. shells, tights and socks cost a lot. I think I spend more on those items then their regular clothing.
I don't spend $250 a season on shells, tights and socks for dd. I only buy when needed.
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