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LETTUCE!!!!! None to be found in Israel.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 5:19 pm
sped wrote:
Sorry. I just noticed the "Chu"l" part.
ra_mom there are other issues here, like Shemittah.
I knew I had to be missing something Tongue Out thanks!
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 5:24 pm
ra mom can I make the mushroom salad and nish nosh without the lettuce, probably not, right? (you posted the port mushroom recipe)
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 5:30 pm
I can't say I'm happy to see this, but I'm so glad its not just me who can't seem to find lettuce!!!
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 5:30 pm
israelgirl wrote:
ra mom can I make the mushroom salad and nish nosh without the lettuce, probably not, right? (you posted the port mushroom recipe)

You definitely can. Mushrooms, tomatoes and red onion are delish with that dressing. You will have less to serve because you're missing the lettuce part, but you can add more of everything else.
Same with nish nash. Should be delish. Just add more salad veggies like kirbies, tomatoes, shredded carrots..
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 5:39 pm
op, if there's an issue with shmittah, wouldn't there be an issue with you selling it? I think this whole situation would be a question for your rav before you sell to the neighbor.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 5:56 pm
mummiedearest wrote:
op, if there's an issue with shmittah, wouldn't there be an issue with you selling it? I think this whole situation would be a question for your rav before you sell to the neighbor.
It's only an issue cause it's what she holds. There are at least 4 different ways to keep Shmitta and that's before you talk about whose Hechsher. I don't buy anything from Chu"l. Certainly not from Arabs. But there are people who do. My way is Kosher too.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:01 pm
Sanguine wrote:
It's only an issue cause it's what she holds. There are at least 4 different ways to keep Shmitta and that's before you talk about whose Hechsher. I don't buy anything from Chu"l. Certainly not from Arabs. But there are people who do. My way is Kosher too.

right, that's my question. if she holds she can't eat the lettuce due to shmittah concerns, I can't imagine she's allowed to sell it. it wouldn't be an issue from the neighbor's viewpoint if the neighbor holds the product is fine.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:14 pm
mummiedearest wrote:
right, that's my question. if she holds she can't eat the lettuce due to shmittah concerns, I can't imagine she's allowed to sell it. it wouldn't be an issue from the neighbor's viewpoint if the neighbor holds the product is fine.
You're not in Israel, right? (I just don't want to answer what you may know). The neighbor obviously holds that it's OK. Otherwise she wouldn't buy it. I think you can compare it to if you drink only Cholov Yisrael and I drink the regular milk. If you get home and realie you bought the wrong milk is there a problem selling to me? I'm not your Jewish secular neighbor buying something treif that you bought. It's like holding by different Hechshers on Chicken. Can you sell me a chicken that you bought by accident?

Last edited by Sanguine on Thu, May 21 2015, 6:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dolly Welsh


Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:19 pm
I have never done this. But in a sunny country like Israel there ought to be a way, as there are now good specialized cloths meant exactly for covering growing plants and keeping bugs out.

A little googling:





I am no expert and have not done this.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:19 pm
Sanguine wrote:
You're not in Israel, right? (I just don't want to answer what you may know). The neighbor obviously holds that it's OK. Otherwise she wouldn't buy it. I think you can compare it to if you drink only Cholov Yisrael and I drink the regular milk. If you get home and realie you bought the wrong milk is there a problem selling to me? I'm not your Jewish secular neighbor buying something treif that you bought. Your just more machmir than me.

no, I'm not in israel. that's why I'm asking the question. I was pretty sure that part of the issue of shmittah includes not selling the produce. am I wrong? so if the op holds that the lettuce in question is not ok for her to eat due to shmittah, I would assume that it is also a problem for her to sell it. as I said, I don't think there is a problem from the neighbor's end, the neighbor holds it's ok to eat. maybe I'm mixing things up, I'm definitely not knowledgeable in shmittah laws.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:35 pm
mummiedearest wrote:
right, that's my question. if she holds she can't eat the lettuce due to shmittah concerns, I can't imagine she's allowed to sell it. it wouldn't be an issue from the neighbor's viewpoint if the neighbor holds the product is fine.

Op here,
Thank you! Very good point-that does pose a problem for us that I forgot about. That would make the money "shmitta" per say, and I have to check with my husband what I can use it on and how. Thanks for pointing that out. Though as Sanguine said, being that the fact that we only eat chu"l is a chumra, DH may be fine with selling it as that is a chumra on top of a chumra and he's not THAT crazy ( I hope Smile)

Thanks for the pointer!
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:37 pm
Ra mom thanks for the input on the salads, was getting sad that all my work was going to waste and that id have nothing good to serve the boys.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:37 pm
You know, it's after 1:00 AM here so I'm the only Israeli around. do you want the long explanation or short? LOL . Well, I'll just answer about this one. From what I see in the posts, it seems that R' Efrati gives a hechsher on lettuce that is grown in water which isn't a Shmitta issue at all just like you can grow vegetables in flowerpots and eat it too. Only the land is supposed to rest. So that lettuce isn't a Shmitta issue at all. OP's problem is that she has a strict list. Only things from Chu"l. Only Badatz Hechsher.

There are a few ways to deal with Shmitta and OP's is - Hmmm can't think of a nice word. You're right about selling. I can't pick the apples from my tree and sell them (but neighbors are allowed to enter my yard and eat all the apples they want). So there are different ways that the country deals with Shmitta but mostly Shmitta is kept everywhere (all supermarkets...). OP wouldn't hold by the supermarkets Shmitta. But I do.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:38 pm
israelgirl wrote:
Op here,
Thank you! Very good point-that does pose a problem for us that I forgot about. That would make the money "shmitta" per say, and I have to check with my husband what I can use it on and how. Thanks for pointing that out. Though as Sanguine said, being that the fact that we only eat chu"l is a chumra, DH may be fine with selling it as that is a chumra on top of a chumra and he's not THAT crazy ( I hope Smile)

Thanks for the pointer!

israelgirl, do you mind updating us on the verdict? this is a really interesting topic. thanks!
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:40 pm
israelgirl wrote:
Op here,
Thank you! Very good point-that does pose a problem for us that I forgot about. That would make the money "shmitta" per say, and I have to check with my husband what I can use it on and how. Thanks for pointing that out. Though as Sanguine said, being that the fact that we only eat chu"l is a chumra, DH may be fine with selling it as that is a chumra on top of a chumra and he's not THAT crazy ( I hope Smile)

Thanks for the pointer!
Oh - You're here?!?!? I thought I was the only crazy up this late.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:41 pm
I'm not in israel and I can't help you with the nishnosh or caesar salad but the portobello salad (I'm assuming it's the one with the ketchup dressing that's popular on this website) is great with cabbage, perhaps even better than with lettuce. of course, that might be even harder to find than lettuce...
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:41 pm
lol just got an email in my inbox that someone replied and I thought, if that is Sanguine, WHY IS SHE UP?? Smile
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:42 pm
ive got cabbage, that's awesome thanks! purple or white?? Thing is that I have another cabbage salad prepared, but hey maybe I can freeze some dressings. at least we'll have variety
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:43 pm
Sanguine wrote:
You know, it's after 1:00 AM here so I'm the only Israeli around. do you want the long explanation or short? LOL . Well, I'll just answer about this one. From what I see in the posts, it seems that R' Efrati gives a hechsher on lettuce that is grown in water which isn't a Shmitta issue at all just like you can grow vegetables in flowerpots and eat it too. Only the land is supposed to rest. So that lettuce isn't a Shmitta issue at all. OP's problem is that she has a strict list. Only things from Chu"l. Only Badatz Hechsher.

There are a few ways to deal with Shmitta and OP's is - Hmmm can't think of a nice word. You're right about selling. I can't pick the apples from my tree and sell them (but neighbors are allowed to enter my yard and eat all the apples they want). So there are different ways that the country deals with Shmitta but mostly Shmitta is kept everywhere (all supermarkets...). OP wouldn't hold by the supermarkets Shmitta. But I do.

ah. I don't know beans about israeli hechsherim and whether or not produce is grown by hydroponics. this makes sense.
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Post Thu, May 21 2015, 6:45 pm
white cabbage
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