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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Shavuos
I messed up

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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 9:00 am
This is about Shavuot/ Yom Tov prep
I've been trying to work on my emuna specifically not getting annoyed at things and acting like a -------. I was OK Pesach consistantly telling myself this is all from H-Shem. Last night I blew it. Everything DH did for me, in kitchen help, was criticized and all you heard from my mouth was complaint after complaint.
I get like this past 11PM. I could give you the excuse that I was tired and that I have guests every night meal. But this is just an excuse.
I appologized to DH, but now I'm in a mood that I know that anything can set me off to sound annoyed.
How do I get back on track, ASAP.
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 11:19 am
You can do it. Forgive yourself. Love yourself. Accept your imperfections. And start again, right this minute. Right now, you are back on track. Smile Say it to yourself out loud. Keep saying it.

Try: I'm happy, I'm having fun. This is happy stress.
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 12:15 pm
I blew it too. On Wednesday I really had it when, on top of my PMS, my girls did not stop bickering. I just told my oldest, who tries so hard and is super-helpful, that I can't take her attitude to her sister.
She was really hurt.

So yesterday, when they were at each other again (they claim they are not fighting, and that this is normal relationships, but you guys should just hear them sometimes!) I kept telling myself, deep breath, deep breath....and somehow got thru the day more calmly. Still felt low (PMS does that to me) but I just kept my mouth shut and let them be teenagers. Told myself they will grow up one day....

Sheva Yipol Tzadik V'kom.

Today, you can stay calm, compliment DH, thank him for his help....the first step is to let go of your mood. It's the Yetzer Hara telling you you are feeling low so stay low. Say no! and keep going.
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 12:20 pm
Chayalle wrote:
I blew it too. On Wednesday I really had it when, on top of my PMS, my girls did not stop bickering. I just told my oldest, who tries so hard and is super-helpful, that I can't take her attitude to her sister.
She was really hurt.

So yesterday, when they were at each other again (they claim they are not fighting, and that this is normal relationships, but you guys should just hear them sometimes!) I kept telling myself, deep breath, deep breath....and somehow got thru the day more calmly. Still felt low (PMS does that to me) but I just kept my mouth shut and let them be teenagers. Told myself they will grow up one day....

Sheva Yipol Tzadik V'kom.

Today, you can stay calm, compliment DH, thank him for his help....the first step is to let go of your mood. It's the Yetzer Hara telling you you are feeling low so stay low. Say no! and keep going.

I just heard this from Rabbi Fishel Schachter: we know the Torah was given on a low mountain to teach us humility. Why then wasn't it given in a valley? Because that approach is the yetzer hara, dragging us down into a hole. We should be mountains, proud and spreading light. (With a balance of course.)
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 1:23 pm
I agree with chayala. Something I have been internalizing is that guilt is the yetzer hara holding me back from correcting the very thing I am feeling guilty about!

Accept that you made the mistake, that you're human and it's totally normal, then give your dh a smile, interact with him the way you like to, and put the past behind you. Tongue Out

Last edited by ra_mom on Fri, May 22 2015, 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 1:27 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
I just heard this from Rabbi Fishel Schachter: we know the Torah was given on a low mountain to teach us humility. Why then wasn't it given in a valley? Because that approach is the yetzer hara, dragging us down into a hole. We should be mountains, proud and spreading light. (With a balance of course.)

Love that. Thanks for sharing.
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 1:47 pm
smss wrote:
Love that. Thanks for sharing.

Me too! Thanks for posting that!
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Post Fri, May 22 2015, 4:25 pm
Thank you so much, my Imamother soul sisters.
I really needed that lift.
Chag Sameach to all.
And may H-Shem bless you all.
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