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Harry Potter Frum Fanfiction: Yehuda (Anthony) Goldstein
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Post Wed, Jul 22 2015, 9:08 pm
Well, that went in an interesting new direction...
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Post Sun, Aug 09 2015, 11:56 am
Anyone willing to Brit-pick the next chapter when it's ready?
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Post Sun, Aug 23 2015, 9:04 pm
Question for British/Chabad (specifically college-town Chabad) people who want to help my sister write her story:

Anyone want to give a brief but detailed overview of Purim in Chabad?

Thanks in advance!
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Post Mon, Sep 07 2015, 3:18 am
I don't know about Britain, but in America, an 11 year old would be... discouraged, from coming to a college campus Chabad Purim party. Especially an FFB kid - all the Jewish sororities and fraternities are invited, for one thing. The alcohol is contained to a separate room where people are carded, but people still get drunk. Sometimes they even rent out a club for the night and hold the party there. If the campus Chabad was anywhere near a community Chabad, I'm sure the campus shliach would arrange to have the kid be there instead. I know of one instance where even the in-town parents of the college kids (who also attended classes at the same university) were discouraged from coming for Purim, since there were other community Chabad options they could go to, to be with people more their age.

All that said... the general order of events (in my experience) for the evening is megillah reading, then buffet all night, often there's a band or DJ, and approximately every 2 hours there's a megillah reading so that the people coming in and out can have the mitzvah. Themes vary... one was Out of This World (I.e. alien/astronaut type stuff), another was Purim in the 60s. Seeing what kind of shaitel the rebbetzin wears is often fun. Some 200-300 people show up.

Purim Day is much more laid back, and a smaller crowd (10-20 people) - I could see an 11 year old tagging along for it, though. The students that come are usually the more observant ones, and the Rabbi's kids show up to the seudah, too. It's generally in the late afternoon. Usually the shluchim give out shlach manos bags then, too. In terms of students giving shlach manos, the ones familiar with it will give to close friends - maybe 2-3 people. Come to think of it, I think some years they didn't host a seudah on Purim day... in the community shuls the late afternoon megillah reading + seudah/party is the bigger event, and they'd encourage the observant students to go to one of them instead.

Also, it's not uncommon for there to be a few visiting rabbinical students helping out the shluchim, especially if there isn't a full-time assistant during the rest of the year.

Again, caveat that this is in the American Southwest. Anyone from Britain is welcome to chime in and compare/contrast, but since nobody else has spoken up yet, I figured this might get you started.
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Post Mon, Sep 07 2015, 11:45 am
Thank you so much! I'll pass along the info. Are there any British Chabad people who can chime in?
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Post Mon, Sep 07 2015, 1:50 pm
My SIL lives in London and she posted a video from the Purim party in her community shul. Live music, disco lights and wild dancing!
In a small town Chabad House the Rabbi and his kids would dress up and you could also get kooky community members in odd costumes as well. The Rebbetzin is likely to be especially helpful to a young boy, but often relegate the task of entertaining him to her children!
The megillah readings are the main events. The rabbi might host a seuda in his own home if it's a small crowd. Likely, very little to no mashke, especially if it will offend the community.
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Post Tue, Sep 08 2015, 1:29 pm
I love this story lol its so funny!! Im curious what Yehudas views are gona be on the big rasha Voldemort?? And where will he be during the final battle? Is it really his tefila that kills Voldemort not Harrys Expelliarmus?? Cant wait:))
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Post Mon, Oct 19 2015, 2:38 am
Just saw this thread. Great story, will need to read all the comments here but stayed up way to late to read It all. Just couldn't stop! Can someone please post when a new chapter is up? Thanks... Can't find a way to save it to check on it at a future date...
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Post Mon, Oct 19 2015, 2:48 am
So I saw this bumped up and hoped for a new chapter, but it's for the best because I seriously don't have time to drop everything and read right now.
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 2:23 pm
Ahh! I also saw that this had been bumped recently! Pleeeease update soon?
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 2:36 pm
I recently reread the whole HP series (got bored over yontif) and I really can't wait to see where she goes with Yehuda. I want to see how he handles the Chamber of Secrets thing- after all, he is in danger as a muggle born. And he is part of Dumbledore's Army later in the series, so I want to see his perspective on that. I know, I'm gonna have to wait a while for that :-)
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 4:30 pm
I also get excited every time I get a notification about this thread. Can't wait for the next chapter!!
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 6:17 pm
amother wrote:
I recently reread the whole HP series (got bored over yontif) and I really can't wait to see where she goes with Yehuda. I want to see how he handles the Chamber of Secrets thing- after all, he is in danger as a muggle born. And he is part of Dumbledore's Army later in the series, so I want to see his perspective on that. I know, I'm gonna have to wait a while for that :-)

Isn't he a half-blood according to canon? I still think his mother is a Squib and that's why she seemed less surprised than his father - and Squib mother + Muggle father would equal half-blood I think.
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 6:23 pm
esheschayil wrote:
Isn't he a half-blood according to canon? I still think his mother is a Squib and that's why she seemed less surprised than his father - and Squib mother + Muggle father would equal half-blood I think.

once again the harry potter wiki page for Anthony Goldstein :


and as an avid harry potter fan, I find the hpwiki very reliable with regards to cannon, bc they site everything, from interviews to lego to the trading cards, to cut chapters and movies scenes
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 9:54 pm
Just saw this today and read all 11 chapters! Can't wait for more to come Smile
This is so cool!
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 11:34 pm
Well, OP, did you get enough Brit research yet?😁
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Post Wed, Oct 21 2015, 11:36 pm
ok everyone no more posting until there's a new chapter up. I keep getting excited and disappointed all over again with each bump Tongue Out
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Post Thu, Nov 26 2015, 11:18 am
Happen to be re-reading the series now and up to book 5, and I'll admit I'm very proud of Yehuda for joining the DA Smile.
OP, hope your sister's not too busy with college...!
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Post Thu, Nov 26 2015, 11:18 am
Oh, and sorry Seeker, if I got your hopes up!
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Post Thu, Nov 26 2015, 11:31 am
I'm rewatching the series. I really want to reread it but the books are at my parents house.
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