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Forum -> Household Management -> Finances
Not enough money to live..

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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:02 am
I cant cope anymore. Car just broke this morning , dh works full time and still isnt making enough to cover everything , Having baby in 1 week, dh is telling me we dont have enough money I need you to find a way. What can I do to help? Im forever looking for a home job but there isnt. Im scared 😭😭 scares that we will live outside. What can I do to bring in some money with a baby? Ive been trying to sell on ebay but doesnt work. I want to sell homemade cupcakes but to who and how? Noone is supporting is. Its all on us. I feel I cant buy stuff that I need bc I feel guilty. Need a nursing bra... Clothes. I want to bring in money but how the hell now?????? Answer asap. Btw I live in uk so anyone knows of people in uk that has a job to offer lmk. Thanks
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:05 am
Sounds very frustrating, lots of hugs! Could you babysit in your home? Even part-time could bring in enough money to give you a little extra breathing room so that nursing bra doesn't feel like a luxury.
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:07 am
I could do what I want but where do j find customers ??
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The Happy Wife


Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:29 am
Do you know of any local forums, bulletin boards, email lists? Local advertising publications? Mention to friends that you want to babysit and see if they need or if thy can spread the word, also.

Could you do babysitting at your shul Shabbos mornings?

Are you able to do tutoring?

Can you look for work in the evenings when your husband is home?
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:35 am
I can work in evenings but I need to find.
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:35 am
Can you talk to your Rabbi or Rebetzin.
They may let you advertise in shul for both businesses
Perhaps they can give you more ideas.
I like your cupcake idea. You can do this in addition to baby sitting
Dipped pretzels and rods are also nice. Dipped sandwich cookies on a stick.
If you know how to package fancy, ppl do order these in a color sceme for simchas, and as gifts.
They are cheap to make, but you can make a good profit, especially if no one in your area does such a thing.

I know a lady that does this in NY. She offers them to the caterers in any color scheme, for weddings and bar/bat mitzvahs. They look very fancy, especially when she adds edible pearls and shimmer for weddings. She also does full candy/sweet bars and sets it all up in fancy jars,,etc.
She does all this from her home.
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 7:40 am
You have to do some fundamental rethinking. Not merely about now (b'sha'a tova) but about how you are going to support yourselves and the baby.

Consider the skills you have. I am assuming that you can run a household. This may sound outrageous, but with a small baby it's going to be hard, perhaps impossible, to start a business or find a job and have enough to pay for child care. But you might be able to that you are ayoung mother who knows how to run a household to work.

Now hear me out. The world (the dati world) is full of elderly people living alone in large houses. Some , sadly, have no children. But in other cases the kids are far away. Many people in this category have some income, or their children have, bu not enough to hire full-time in-home assistance. You could find someone in this position and move in. You would have a house to run, a baby to tend and an elderly person to look after. But you would have no rent to pay. And you would be doing the work of the angels.

Another approach is to find one of the many, many young couples with 2 well-paying jobs, a small baby, a toddler, and a school age child - or 2. Such couples need nanny-housekeepers: someone to run the house, mind the infants, be there when the 2nd-grader gets home form school, and (this is crucial for 2-income families) be there when a child is sick and Mommy and Daddy have already used up sick days for the year. Find a family with those needs (and a good income) and cut yourself a deal.

Once you are situated in a way that lets you have a little breathing room, you and your husband both need to sit down and figure out how one or both of you can either go into a business that promises an adequate income if you succeed, or what field you could train in to be able to earn a living wage.

Yes, it's gonna be tough. But you have skills. There are people who would value those skills. You have to get out there and find them

What neighborhood/area are you in, by the way?
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 8:01 am
I live in manchester
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 8:37 am
in order to bring in half the family income without taking a typical 9-5 and mostly being at home, I've been in direct sales for quite some time---- I believe a lot of direct sales companies are popular in England. I've also had a small service business--- when direct sales gets busier, I calm down on the service biz--- when I feel like picking up on it and doing more, I can. I like the flexible schedule and I'm able to be home when my kids aren't in school (they're home all summer, and so am I!) Good Shabbos!
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 8:38 am
ps--- I like the ebay idea--- amazon FBA works a bit differently but it might be easier or more streamlined for you--- take a couple of courses through http://thesellingfamily.com and you could be doing a couple thousand a month just from amazon if you want to. And I forgot- oops--- b'shaah tovah!
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 9:00 am
Manchester has a significant number of elderly, observant Jews who spend Shabbos alone and hardly ever see theirkids or grandkids because they live in London, Beit Shemesh, or New York.

Setting up a business is hard, and may or may not being the financial ease and security that you need while the baby is small.

I advise you to speak with the Rav of 1 or 2 of the large, suburban congregations. You have a lot to offer. Responsible companionship, housekeeping, drives to medical appointments, and all of this not from a stranger, a Philipina - no matter how kind and caring. But from a warm and caring young woman, a young family who would bring the joy of Shabbat and a new baby into the home of a physically fragile elderly person living alone.

You can probably find a position where you would not do actual nursing care - this job hunt is going to be a steep leaning curve, if you choose ot pursue it.

I am NOT saying that this would be easy. Let alone that all elderly people who live alone in big houses and can no longer drive themselves to the grocer or the doctor's office are sweet, charming and kind. But it would not only be a way forward, giving you and your husband some financial breathing space while you figure out a way forward, It is a chesed.
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Post Fri, Jun 03 2016, 10:18 am
@ruby. Can you send me a link like what she makes ? Also what about the kashrut /hechsher??
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