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What's with all these siyums during the 9 days?
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 10:26 pm
There's NOTHING wrong with making a siyum during the nine days. Nothing.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 10:33 pm
amother wrote:
In boys overnight camp , a siyum is made every night of the nine days and a fleishig meal is served for supper

Not in the camp that my son went to, he just called today and was telling me how the food is not so great this week because its all dairy meals for the 9 days...
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 10:37 pm
did anybody notice one of the amother colours is 'wine' ... lol
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 10:46 pm
gp2.0 wrote:
I don't really get it either. But I am a huge fan of religious loopholes, no matter who benefits.

I saw a parody that went something like this:

Everyone complains about not eating meat during the 9 days, but I don't think it's so bad at all.

Day 1: Eat meat Friday night
Day 2: eat meat on Shabbos
Day 3: eat meat at my nephews bris
Day 4: I'm making a siyum, come join me!
Day 5: eat meat at my cousins pidyon haben
Day 6: Wednesday is always pizza day
Day 7: refrain from eating meat - it's the 9 days after all!
Day 8: eat meat Friday night
Bonus day 9: eat meat Shabbos

So what's the big deal? If you really can't forgo meat for just 1 day you have a problem, my friend.
if you cant forgo meat for 1 day then youre sick! and a sick mam is allowed to have meat! (thats what I read)
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 11:49 pm
agreer wrote:
There's NOTHING wrong with making a siyum during the nine days. Nothing.

It's not the siyum people have a problem with. It's the hundred people who show up for the siyum who wouldn't be there in a million years if not for the fleishig food. You don't see a problem with that?
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2016, 11:59 pm
amother wrote:
It's not the siyum people have a problem with. It's the hundred people who show up for the siyum who wouldn't be there in a million years if not for the fleishig food. You don't see a problem with that?

I see a problem with looking for the negative in other Jews, especially during the nine days. I can understand you feel it's strange for random men to partake in siyums just so that they can get a meaty meal. But it shouldn't impact you in any way. Just let it go.
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Post Fri, Aug 12 2016, 2:30 am
amother wrote:
It's not the siyum people have a problem with. It's the hundred people who show up for the siyum who wouldn't be there in a million years if not for the fleishig food. You don't see a problem with that?

No, I do not see a problem with that.

At a siyum, you can have fleishigs. So, people go to participate.

There are sooooo many other REAL problems with the jewish world.
This is not one of them.
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Post Fri, Aug 12 2016, 5:57 am
I understand where you're all coming from as it bothered me too, but I realised, how is that any different to the hundreds of women who get heterim to shower or do laundry?

There are many people that actually shower or do laundry without even asking. Their excuses range from 'It's not hygienic', 'I'm a clean person', 'I feel uncomfortable' to 'I'm sure it's okay'.

This is more about sensitivities than cut and dry halacha. We're lucky to have these loopholes when needed, but aren't we meant to feel uncomfortable?

The parameters of the 9 days are actual halachos, not just mourning rituals for those that feel sad. A siyum is a seudas mitzva and thus meat is allowed, obviously the participants are meant to be attending for the right reasons, but that depends on their own sensitivities.

If you want to eat meat too, why don't you get your husband to make a siyum at home?
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Post Fri, Aug 12 2016, 7:09 am
Nah. I don't know anyone doing that
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Post Fri, Aug 12 2016, 10:51 am
agreer wrote:
There's NOTHING wrong with making a siyum during the nine days. Nothing.

Not in the same sense as there being something wrong with making a wedding during this time. However, it is decidedly wrong to deliberately speed up or slow down one's learning to make the siyum come out during the Nine days for the express purpose of indulging in meat and wine. It is vastly preferable to defer the siyum till after the nine days. This is not zenobia zaqarias using her own logic saying so; I just read this the other day either in the (U) Halacha Yomis or in the "Halachos of bein HaMetzarim" publication out of Lakewood. Whichever it was cites sources.
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Post Fri, Aug 12 2016, 10:55 am
amother wrote:
Another area of Halacha in which the men found a loophole so they can have their steak and wine, but nobody can think of anything to help lighten the women's laundry loads...

I'm in a bungalow colony and everyone is washing laundry here.
Were allowed to wash for the kids and many throw in their own stuff too.
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Post Fri, Aug 12 2016, 11:07 am
Ah, here it is, from Halacha Yomis:

Q. May I learn with the intention to make a Siyum during the Nine Days so that a meat meal can be served? May I delay the completion of learning until the Nine Days in order to be able to make a Siyum?

A. The Mishna Berura (OC 551:73 quoting Elya Rabba) writes that one may not delay or accelerate one’s learning to schedule a Siyum during the Nine Days. The Aruch HaShulchan (OC 515:28), in fact, recommends that even if a Siyum happens to fall out during the Nine Days, one should postpone it until after the Nine Days, when the proper joyous celebration can be made in honor of the Torah. However other poskim are lenient in this matter (see Shu”t Yabia Omer 1:26 and Moadei Yeshurun p. 132:11b and 155:66)

Rav Moshe, zt”l felt that preferably one should refrain from making a Siyum from the 7th of Av until after the Nine Days, since on the 7th of Av our enemies entered the Heichal leading to the eventual destruction of the Bais HaMikdash on the 9th and 10th of Av (See Magen Avraham 554:9 quoting Tur).
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