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How did you choose your child's name?
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Post Fri, May 20 2005, 4:55 pm
Does anyone know if it is permissible to change someone's name (not adding to it) after they are born?
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mother of 2 princess's


Post Sat, May 21 2005, 6:16 pm
well our first daughter my husband was convinced she was a boy so we didnt think about girls names. we had decided that if it was a girl would be after my grandmother and if it was a boy after my husbands side. anyway my daughter was born on a friday afternoon and so we wanted to name her on shabbos. my grandmothers name was victoria which was too english for us and vital which we didnt really like so we decided to use the letter vav or v. the only name I could think of was vered and we even phoned our rav and he said as a joke how about vashti!!

anyway hubby didnt particully like the name vered as its not really a frum name its a modern isreali name. so he said lets add anouther name and as she was early and in special care we decided to add the name chaya. so we called her vered chaya. my husband still wasnt sure and we hadnt decided to call her chaya vered or vered chays. hubby fell asleep in the hospital chair. at midnight the nurse came in and said you need to go home. he was staying in a hotel near by and so we didnt really finish our conversation and I was nervos hed change the name or forget it or something like that!!! but it all turned out good in the end.

our second daughter we named after my husbands grandmother who recently passed away malka and I wanted to name after a great aunt who I loved so much whose name was neta. so we named her malka neshamah!! you can tell I like unusual names lol!!!
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Post Mon, May 23 2005, 4:54 am
amother wrote:
Does anyone know if it is permissible to change someone's name (not adding to it) after they are born?

I am no authority on this, but the only cases of name change I know off is when HV"S someone is very ill....better check with a rav!
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Post Mon, May 23 2005, 4:40 pm
My daughter has one name (we weren't creative enough to come up with a second Wink ) and is named after both mine and DH's maternal grandmothers- they had the same name! what's funny is that our paternal grandmother's had the same name, too (but mine had a middle name in addition)!
My son is named after my grandfather (cuz no one else had been able to name for him, yet and he was niftar 13 years ago!).
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Post Mon, May 23 2005, 6:22 pm
My oldest is named after my grandmother. She had two names, one Yiddish and the second was Hebrew. We translated the first name into Hebrew and kept the second name as it was. She is still named after her but with a twist.
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Post Mon, May 23 2005, 9:03 pm
I named all my kids after relative. I have so many relatives to name that I have no problem finding a name. the way it works by me is that I find a name I like from the list that I compiled and that the name I give.

my 3 kid is named after my husband father . he was 80 yrs old . so I guess that is long enough. my hubby was the youngest of alot of kids. its to bad that the kids will not get to know him.
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Post Tue, May 24 2005, 2:58 pm
I named one of my children from a dream I had. When I was pregnant, I dreamed that I was wondering what to name the baby and opened up a siddur and I pointed in the dream to a word which is also a girl's name. I said in the dream that the name had to do with the geula--Shira in "Az yashir) .
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Post Tue, May 24 2005, 4:02 pm
With my oldest, my husband and I had agreed on a name (Yiddish middle name after his mother's grandfather and Hebrew name that when combined with the middle name was the name of a tzaddik). At the bris, comes the brachas for the name - and I hear the 'wrong' name. I almost fainted, for real.

Turns out that 1) the name my husband 'accidentally' said actually the true first name of the above mentioned tzaddik (though most people don't know that is his full name) 2)My husband and I got married by a rav in the US. The rav's wife water broke prematurely the day we got married and she insisted that he come be mesader kiddushin and in the 'zechus' of that mitzvah the baby would be ok. The baby was born quite sick and almost didn't make it a few times. Needless to say the bris was delayed and we didn't hear the baby's name b/c we were living in Israel. I, on the other hand, delivered 9 mos later. We found out only later that our son and the baby born the day of our wedding have the same name. 3)My husband's rav says that he bets we will find out that the name of my son is actually the name of the relative we named him for. We only know the Yiddish name and there was often a Hebrew name that goes with it - this would be a common combination much like 'Menachem Mendel" 4) After it happened a rav told us that the Ba'al Shem Tov said that the only time that people have prophecy is when a child is named and that an angel decrees what the name should be. My dh says when someone asks him about it 'I don't know what happened. An angel hit me over the head and took away my bechira [free will]".

Last edited by chavamom on Thu, May 26 2005, 12:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, May 25 2005, 5:15 am
That's an amazing story!

Maybe that's why my cousin has this minhag to call my sister (and any mother who's not at the bris) right after the bris, to tell her the name of the baby. Just in case it got changed on the way. LOL
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Post Wed, May 25 2005, 6:11 am
amazing story chavamom!
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Post Wed, May 25 2005, 11:00 am
chavamom WOW Exclamation
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Post Thu, May 26 2005, 12:27 am
First born girl is named after my father and my second child is named after her great-great grandmother whom died in Poland at the start of the war. (oh yeah....both names are middle names.....)
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Post Thu, May 26 2005, 12:35 am
My teacher in high school and his wife were debating back and forth between two names for their first daughter. When it was time for him to get an aliya, they literally did not decide yet. His wife finally told him to just decide once he gets to the Torah. As he was standing there waiting for his Aliya he opened up a chumash and the first word that his eyes fell on was one of the two names that they had debated. He named his daughter that name a few seconds later.
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Post Thu, May 26 2005, 4:37 am
wow, stem, that's also a great story!!!
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Post Thu, May 26 2005, 12:58 pm
One of my other children was due a week or so before Pessach. We couldn't decide on a name, but one of the names I liked was Tiferet. My husband said, "why don't we just wait and see when she is born? Maybe it will be obvious when we see her" (I had been in a car accident the month before and knew I was having a girl - it was quite clear from an u/s at 8 mos of pregnancy). I went VERY overdue with her and wound up delivering 3 days after Pesach. Right after she was born, my husband said to me 'guess what the sefira is tonight? Tiferet shebegevura'. So Tiferet she is.
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Post Fri, May 27 2005, 4:06 am
chavamom, such a beautiful story, and such a nice name!

keep them coming, I love these stories!
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Post Sun, May 29 2005, 10:59 am
Two of my children were names that I liked - one from the yom tov he was born around and another from the parsha. My third child was named after a grandparent.
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Post Tue, Sep 06 2005, 8:13 pm
my 3 pregnancy ended in a stillbirth (cord wrapped around his neck 3 times)
my sixth pregnancy, I had to stop pushing so they could unwrap the cord from his neck -yep - three times. his second name is yehuda - hodaa- thanx to hashem for his being healthy.

my fourth is named menucha cuz that's what she was after going thru the stillbirth.
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2005, 3:29 am
shanie thats a v touching post...what beautifully meaningful names...
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Post Wed, Sep 07 2005, 6:23 am
dh and I were debating on who should get to name first child - as both of us have grandmothers who needed to be named after. for a boy we were sorta lost - his grandfather had a very talmudic name but it wasn't so practical.

when we had a boy we were stuck! then we happened upon the fact that his great grandfather and my maternal grandfather had the same name. that same name featuring on the yom tov which he was born (8th night of chanukah) and that same name being in that weeks parsha (vayigash) and we thought that that was a greaaaaaaaaaaaat solution...
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