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Forum -> Children's Health
My son is making weird noises all the time :(
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 3:56 am
Google "stimming". It's a self soothing mechanism.

There are many different causes, so don't jump to any conclusions without an evaluation!

Possibilities are:
low level anxiety that he might not be aware of
Asperger's syndrome
Tourette's syndrome

In my daughter's case, it's Fragile X Syndrome and ADD. She can't concentrate unless she hums, and she is constantly getting in trouble for it in class, especially during tests when everyone is supposed to be quiet. She can't control it at all.

DH has Asperger's syndrome, and he is constantly sighing, clearing his throat, and moaning. If I point it out to him, he totally denies he's doing it. I've thought about recording it, but it wouldn't make any difference, and just make him feel bad. There's no point.
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 7:11 am
My son is sensory and has done all kinds of weird stuff including make noises. (Also bite his nails, chew his shirt buttons, pick his mosquito bites, and others). It's a self stimulation, or soothing mechanism, something like that. I took him for sensory therapy and I bought lots of books. I put him on a "sensory diet" which means I give him lots of therapeutic activities during the day to help him. Even bringing up the laundry, or washing the dishes, is helpful to calm him. Anyway, B"H he is slowly but surely outgrowing his issues. He is 11 now and has had the issues since he was born. My neighbor thinks he will fully outgrow it by age 20 ... so that's hopeful. (Does your son like: Lego, Harry Potter, magic, Minecraft, reading books, and other things, but not so much into sports? These are telltale signs of sensory and there are plenty of boys in my neighborhood who have it).
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 9:38 am
My ds had tics starting from about age 6. The pediatrician said that if they are not really impacting his life, if he still had friends etc. then to ignore it as much as we could. One tic would go away, a new type would appear. He is a teenager now and seems to have outgrown them.
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 10:08 am
My son age 12 has been making 'crazy noises' and flapping, jumping for as long as I can remember. He's high functioning ASD.

I thought at one point that it was pandas. But I don't know....
Don't think he'll outgrowit. It's actually getting worse.
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 10:11 am
My son has PANDAS. We did over a year of antibiotics and saw some results. His tics completely disappeared after starting him on the SCD. A lot of kids have undiagnosed food allergies/sensitivities that could exacerbate tics. My son would tic for hours after anything with corn or peanut butter.
Eta: My son was six at the time and his peers were very aware of his noises, like a throat clearing, and used to tease him mercilessly.
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 10:37 am
Just to give you a more hopeful answer... My 6 yr old daughter has a phobia of costumes. about 2.5 months before purim she started making noises sort of like clearing her throat a few times in a row. I was getting really nervous about it. Literally the day after purim it stopped and we never heard it again. I know you said he's not stressed but it can be really anything, anxiety about a new day camp in the summer, the school year ending, starting a new grade next year, an impending simcha...
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 10:47 am
could it be seasonal allergies causes him to try & clear up the itch ... I know someone who does this & it's weirdly annoying but at least explainable
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Post Wed, Apr 26 2017, 11:29 am
I posted something similar about my son last year. Weird humming/ singing noises out of nowhere. I was freaking out; could not believe on top of all his other issues that now we'd be adding tourette's (or something) to the list. B"H it went away after about a week and a half. I can't say for sure in the end, but my suspicion is that he was a big congested with ears clogged and gook in his throat from post nasal drip and just kind of doing this to test out ears and clear throat. Anyhow, hope you will also find this to be a real nothing that disappears as quickly as it came.
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Post Sun, Jun 04 2017, 1:59 am
I'm reviving this post of a few months ago, after debating whether to start a new one or not. But I found this, so I'll continue so my DD's issue seems pretty similar.

My DD (5) had a cold/runny nose a couple of months ago, where she would clear her throat quite a bit. After she got better, the clearing-throat noise remained.
She does it very often. She can have a break of a couple of hours, but sometimes she'll do it a few times per minute.
I know she's clearing her throat, but to others it can sound like little grunts or burps.
Kids who she sits next to in kindergarten notice it and sometimes say "why are you doing that?". She shyly ignores them and tries to stop.
I try not to comment when she does it at home, but sometimes I do tell her to try and stop, and she says she can't. It just comes out.
I'm wondering how long I need to wait to see if it just passes. My DH is sure it's just a phase and if ignored it will pass.
In the event that it does not pass, is there any kind of alternative-medicine treatment that can treat it? Kinesiology or something like that?
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Post Sun, Jun 04 2017, 2:18 am
amother wrote:
I'm reviving this post of a few months ago, after debating whether to start a new one or not. But I found this, so I'll continue so my DD's issue seems pretty similar.

My DD (5) had a cold/runny nose a couple of months ago, where she would clear her throat quite a bit. After she got better, the clearing-throat noise remained.
She does it very often. She can have a break of a couple of hours, but sometimes she'll do it a few times per minute.
I know she's clearing her throat, but to others it can sound like little grunts or burps.
Kids who she sits next to in kindergarten notice it and sometimes say "why are you doing that?". She shyly ignores them and tries to stop.
I try not to comment when she does it at home, but sometimes I do tell her to try and stop, and she says she can't. It just comes out.
I'm wondering how long I need to wait to see if it just passes. My DH is sure it's just a phase and if ignored it will pass.
In the event that it does not pass, is there any kind of alternative-medicine treatment that can treat it? Kinesiology or something like that?

Before you go that route, you should check out if she has developed allergies (either seasonal, or dust).
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Post Sun, Jun 04 2017, 6:13 am
Don't mention the noises to your child. It not his fault he can't help it.
It will pass.
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