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Kisses from Hashem - share yours!
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 4:01 am
I am grateful to Hashem that I came on this website and saw this post since it is great to read such a positive thread. It is encouraging and I think I might restart my gratitude journal and now include Hashgacha Pratis. Also someone mentioned about davening and it reminded me how I can begin davening a little more when I can.
This thread was a kiss from Hashem.
Hashem has given me an abundance (B"H) to be thankful for and to be able to feel good and appreciate what he has given me and to have support , these are all kisses from Hashem.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 4:19 am
My husband and children are also my kisses from Hashem
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 8:08 am
To feel that a particular happening is a kiss from Hashem vs a slap is all a matter of perspective. Looking at everything in a good way creates a much happier person so it is your choice.

Often, seemingly stressful things can be a blessing in disguise. As soon as I read this thread title, I thought of something that just happened to me and I thought I'd share.

I made an appointment to discuss a halachic matter with our wonderful rav. It took guts to talk about the sensitive issue I needed to discuss but I really wanted to be more careful with something that even though I had a halachic reason to not to have to be careful, I was feeling that I was just missing out on bracha from this non-action. I really needed to talk it out. He gave me about 40 minutes of his time and I was very grateful. I left on a high note, feeling I had the right information to make my decision and I thanked Hashem for this conversation.

As I'm about to leave, I realize outside his house, is the one person I was avoiding all year. I had no where to go as I had to pass by this person. I was avoiding him as there was a business deal in which he was upset with and even though we were trying to find a way to work it out, somehow a year had gone by and nothing was resolved. It was neither of our faults, just a misunderstanding which resulted in a service he wasn't pleased with and very difficult for me to fix. I decided in that few seconds before seeing him that I would confront him head on and try to work out something although I would have preferred just sneaking by. There was a reason why Hashem sent him to be at the same place I was immediately after doing something difficult which I knew would bring in bracha. Even though it was extremely awkward talking to him, we made sure we were fine with each other for yom hadin and we would work out something soon. When I got away, I couldn't stop thanking Hashem. It was so hard confronting him but at the same time, the relief I felt was immense. Now, I wouldn't have to fear bumping into him anymore. I could enter yom tov feeling we had made headway. It was the greatest feeling! I was so so grateful to Hashem for making us see each other and me not having a way to escape (believe me, I tried!) I really could feel that kiss from Hashem and He allowed me to see bracha result immediately from an intention to do something special, not even the real thing. I really believe that if we open up a small opening with a good intention, Hashem widens it for us and makes the process easier.

I have had BH a lot of stories that made me feel kissed from Hashem but this took the cake. Yes, Hashem's ways are hidden but if you open your eyes as well as your heart and lose your cynicism, you can see much more than you think. We live in a small town and it was weird that I didn't see him for a whole year and then I did, at the moment after the intention of a sacrifice was made.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 11:05 am
shock Baruch Hashem my toddler was just NOT run over by a truck! His siblings left the gate open ( they are forbidden to do that, but kids
..!) and must have run straight into the road. I was inside and didn't notice until there was this crazy loud and repeated honking and a very angry truck driver...
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 4:45 pm
heidi wrote:
OK, I'm sorry, but I'm not getting this. Do you actually believe that Hashem made the store empty for you, or caused there to be green lights so that you could get where you needed to be on time?

This post is also addressed to Marina:

I'm interested in hearing (reading) both of your responses.

Who do you think made this kindness of empty store and green traffic lights?

How do you think these two kindnesses happened just at the right time, when the poster (sorry, forgot name) needed it very much?

A few more questions which might sound strange to you both, but have a purpose:

The skies and clouds are high up in the sky every single day, how come they have never ever fallen down? Aren't you scared that it might happen?
I don't see any pillars or similar holding the sky up.

The burning hot sun rests perfectly in the sky every single day of the summer. If it would be lower down and thus too near to a person it would totally burn the person. How come that sun rests at such a perfect angle in just the right place high up in the sky, every single day,
since the Creation of the World?
I could be scared stiff. Can't it ever fall down? Like the sky and clouds I haven't perceived a frame or something holding the sun up?

A last question: does it say anywhere in secular studies of anatomy of a human being, that a human being will always stay a human? Who says that a human can't one day perhaps turn
into a giraffe or an elephant?

Again, you might find these questions strange and laugh at them. But there's a purpose in my asking these questions. I could ask plenty more of this kind, but 3 will suffice.

If you care to think honestly and purely into the answers, without allowing any of your life views and opinions interfere; your view and clarity on life might/ will become somewhat brighter and easier.

Wish you all a shana tovah umetukah.

May Hashem Shower us all with endless KISSES in the coming new year Smile
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 5:12 pm

Thank you Hashem that You Kissed us today with -

water in the taps

a toilet that flushes down

no backache (me)

my daughter's complication in pregnancy cleared up, Hodu L'Hashem

all my family got up healthy and could move and freely use all the limbs of their body and all their internal organs functioned normally

Hashem Enabled a chessed organization to pay our disconnected gas bill and electric bill

We actually had bread today, and milk for hot drinks, and eggs to scramble. And even more -
we had a cooked lunch. Yippee!!!! my kiddies and dh didn't go hungry today. B'H

Hashem made a different chessed organization suddenly put money into our makolet account so I was able to buy food for Shabbos. And this is after they stopped it since Pesach.

My shy daughter told me that she started playing with her classmates during break time.

My computer is working so that I can enjoy the company of the lovely women on imamother.

we have a roof over our heads and aren't out in the street even though we're behind in paying the rent

we have very pleasant and kind neighbors

we have:

beds, pillows and blankets to sleep comfortably and warm

windows in every room which brings in refreshing air at night

no more ANTS running on our beds (yes, I change the linen regularly - once a week)

one table to eat on

enough chairs

cupboards to hang and fold clothes in

hey! and clothes to wear to suit the weather!

a working washing machine

I can go on and and on and on ....

I smiled today. Smile

My children smiled today. Smile

Hashem Kissed us yet another day

Thank you Hashem so very much. Please Help us ALL further. Smile
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 5:18 pm
amother wrote:

no more ANTS running on our beds (yes, I change the linen regularly - once a week)

May Hashem be memaleh kol mishalos libech for the obvious good. May you home be a bayis neeman b'Yisrael, filled with simcha, meaning, all the resources you need, and fully functional on all levels.
Now there are different kinds of ants. Here's something that b"H has worked for us. Get ground cloves, put a few spoons in a cup, leave them near where the ants seem to come in.

Hatzlacha, our hero!
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 5:31 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
I say "G-d, I really need a parking spot right now. Please help me find one." And the person in front of me pulls out.

I totally vouch for these kisses happening many times a day, every single day.
Hashem just wants us to remember that He is the Master Helper, and to call out to Him.

He is sincerely WAITING to Help us, but, only if the help we request is for our benefit.
I find this concept so fascinating and makes me feel secure: I can ask Hashem for something specific, BUT, Hashem will only Grant me my request if it is to my benefit and good for me.

What could be better than this????
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 5:41 pm
amother wrote:
This post is also addressed to Marina:

I'm interested in hearing (reading) both of your responses.

Who do you think made this kindness of empty store and green traffic lights?

How do you think these two kindnesses happened just at the right time, when the poster (sorry, forgot name) needed it very much?

A few more questions which might sound strange to you both, but have a purpose:

The skies and clouds are high up in the sky every single day, how come they have never ever fallen down? Aren't you scared that it might happen?
I don't see any pillars or similar holding the sky up.

The burning hot sun rests perfectly in the sky every single day of the summer. If it would be lower down and thus too near to a person it would totally burn the person. How come that sun rests at such a perfect angle in just the right place high up in the sky, every single day,
since the Creation of the World?
I could be scared stiff. Can't it ever fall down? Like the sky and clouds I haven't perceived a frame or something holding the sun up?

A last question: does it say anywhere in secular studies of anatomy of a human being, that a human being will always stay a human? Who says that a human can't one day perhaps turn
into a giraffe or an elephant?

Again, you might find these questions strange and laugh at them. But there's a purpose in my asking these questions. I could ask plenty more of this kind, but 3 will suffice.

If you care to think honestly and purely into the answers, without allowing any of your life views and opinions interfere; your view and clarity on life might/ will become somewhat brighter and easier.

Wish you all a shana tovah umetukah.

May Hashem Shower us all with endless KISSES in the coming new year Smile

Are you trying to prove the existence of g-d? I think some of your examples are very good. My issue is with people honestly believing that g-d is all loving and compassionate. I think it goes against all logic. People simply post various good things that happen to them and somehow think that it proves that g-d is compassionate. Um, what about the other stuff? Have you read any Holocaust books lately? I mean, if my son comes home with the results of a 100 question test, and he says "look mom, I got so many questions correct, I really know my stuff!" I look at the exam and I see around 50 questions correct and 50 incorrect. Obviously this is a poor performance. If I remark back that yes, you did a great job answering so many of these questions and keep up the good work, I'd be a fool. When it comes to hashem we just ignore the bad and only look at the good and exclaim that he is all good. I know a family that suffers from terrible medical issues with multiple children. The mother is always saying "chasdei hashem, hashem gave helped me with this and hashem helped me with that". Meanwhile, nobody on earth would trade places with her and she is just choosing to ignore the obvious tzaros that hashem gave her. Good for her if it works. This is very common. Imagine someone breaks into a store and holds the shop owner at gun point. He robs the safe and takes expensive merchandise. On his way out he shoots the owner in the leg. Imagine the next day the shop owner saying "what I kind thief was here yesterday. He so easily could have killed me. He is so kind hearted that he spared my life". We'd say this store owner is crazy. Yet if we are honest, that is the exact logic we apply to hashem. No matter what hardships befall some people, they only look at the good and point out hashem's kindness. While I agree it is a good idea to focus on the good, it seems disingenuous that when you are honestly looking at hashem and everything he does, your conclusion is that he's full of compassion.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 5:44 pm
amother wrote:
shock Baruch Hashem my toddler was just NOT run over by a truck! His siblings left the gate open ( they are forbidden to do that, but kids
..!) and must have run straight into the road. I was inside and didn't notice until there was this crazy loud and repeated honking and a very angry truck driver...

WOWWWWW!!!!!! such an enormous Kiss from Hashem!!!

B'H that you are sharing with us happy results. I am so joyful.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 6:39 pm
[quote="mommy3b2c"]Yes there is. We can ask as much as we want. Sometimes He answers yes and sometimes He answers no. If I'm going to get mad at Him for the nos, I can at least recognize when he answers Yes too. quote]

Am Yisroel are Hashem's precious children.

Many of us here on imamother are (I sincerely pray) Mommies who have children, b'H. Let's look at the point from a parenting view:

Little Racheli asks her Mommy for a lollipop. Mommy gives it to her.

5 mins. later, Racheli asks Mommy for sweets (exc. me. I'm Brit. thus Brit. Eng. Smile ) Mommy gives it to her with a smile.

2 mins. passes, "Mommy, I want a bar of chocolate," calls Racheli. "Of course, Racheli sweetie,
here is the chocolate," Mommy answers, and hands the bar to her daughter.

Racheli is absolutely delighted - her Mommy is giving her everything that she asks for.

"Mommy, can I have that yummy wafer?" Racheli tugs at her Mommy's skirt and points at the pkt. of wafers. "You asked so nicely, Racheli, you deserve a wafer." Mommy gives her a wafer, while smiling indulgently.

Racheli spies a pkt. of smarties on the shelf. "Mommy, those smarties, they're so delicious."

And Mommy hands her the smarties.

At night, Mommy hears Racheli crying loudly. She goes to calm her down, and finds her
daughter in a puddle of vomit, clutching her tummy.

scenario 2 (I'll make it shorter Wink )

Little Racheli asks her Mommy for a lollipop. Mommy gives it to her.

5 mins. later, Racheli asks her Mommy for sweets. Mommy hesitates for a moment, and then gives her daughter one sweet.

2 mins. passes, "Mommy, I want a chocolate bar, calls Racheli.

Mommy shakes her head. "No Racheli. You've had enough sweet stuff for today. You can sick or have a toothache if you eat too much nosh."

Racheli starts whining, "I want a chocolate bar. I want a chocolate bar....."

Mommy continues her work.

Rachel throws herself on the floor. "I want a chocolate bar," she screams.

Mommy raises her voice slightly. "I said NO!"

She does not give her daughter the chocolate.
She knows very well that so much sweet stuff is not healthy for Racheli. She loves her daughter. She does not want her to be sick.

But, Racheli does not know that it's unhealthy and is upset that she isn't getting what she
asked for.

precious imamothers who asked why Hashem does not always answer our requests?

which of the above 2 scenarios would you agree with?

Hashem is our Father. He Loves His children dearly. He wants only the best for us.

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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 6:41 pm
marina wrote:
the person in front of me at Starbucks paid for my order.
I closed my moon roof before it started to rain.
The stars are so pretty at night
Someone let my kids borrow their eclipse glasses
The store that sell pistachios decided to accept credit cards
The straight skirts fit my picky children
my tomato plant didn't die yet
the ice cream store has a sugar free flavor
I like this thread
Game of Thrones has one more season left
My dog usually pees only in one area of the house
My mother is going to help my daughter move
My friend fixed my porch light
Everyone likes my new podcast
I might work from home tomorrow.
My nailpolish changes colors
A friend gave me artwork for my office
The beach at night is phenomenal.

love this. You sound like such a positive person who looks for the good in every little thing!
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 6:52 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
May Hashem be memaleh kol mishalos libech for the obvious good. May you home be a bayis neeman b'Yisrael, filled with simcha, meaning, all the resources you need, and fully functional on all levels.
Now there are different kinds of ants. Here's something that b"H has worked for us. Get ground cloves, put a few spoons in a cup, leave them near where the ants seem to come in.

Hatzlacha, our hero!

Amen. Thank you dear "PinkFridge."

Your warm words brought tears to my eyes.

Hamevorach tisborach b'kefel kiflayim...
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 7:02 pm
purpleonion wrote:
Had a small surgery today and recovery was way better then expected bh .

Baruch Hashem. Smile Refuah Sheleimah bimheirah.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 7:10 pm
You will not believe it! My relative faxed to his future prospect boss a thing that you cannot even call resume: "I can be very good for the position". Out of several other resumes he was picked!!
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 7:21 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
Okay. But that's taking it a step to far. We are mere human beings and even if we know everything is for the best, it still hurts when we can't see the good. It's not smart to try and force everyone to rejoice at every misfortune because it's all good from Hashem. Most people are just not on that level.

True. Majority of us (incl. me) are not on that level.

But, the fact that we KNOW and try to believe that all that Hashem does is for our good, is GREAT!!!
True it hurts when we are challenged. Very much so. We are not angels. We can become upset. We can cry.
But, with all that, we know and work on believing that all that Hashem does is for our good.

A person falls, and a person gets up.

It says: a tzaddik falls 7 times.

As long as we are striving and trying even in a minute way, to get up and move on.

I thank OP sincerely from deep in my heart for starting this most wonderful thread:
whatever I post here I am also talking DOUBLE to myself.

And, for sure, all the beautiful Hashem Kisses posted here, esp. Marina's -your long magnificent double list of good events, strengthens me in my working on emunah and
bitachon in Hashem.

Thank you dearest everyone.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 8:18 pm
The pasuk says if u cast your breads it will come back to you and BH it did. All I can say Is WOW!!
I was in an extremely cr@ppy mood due to some well-meaning (read: mixing) aunts of my DH and his mom. I decided to check on this thread and I read so many kisses and thanks for writing this thread that it lifted my bad mood instantly.
This is the BIGGEST kiss of it all. Thank you, Hashem, thanks you guys!!
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 8:22 pm
amother wrote:
Not intended as a bash, and not sticking up for "what I believe is Torah values.". Genuinely interested. But I'll delete my post since you find it offensive.

Wait a minute Marina. If you don't believe in hashgacha protis, a concept elaborated on many times in the gemarah, why do you post questions on very "hot topic" gemaros here on imamother? Like, why do you care if an amorah goes to a citoy and asks someone to marry him for a day, and how this reflects on the Torah view point on marriage? I have no problem with starting discussions about any topic in Torah, but if you don't believe in more foundational concepts in the gamarah, why care so much about the controversial topics?

Your question was not offensive at all. The gemara question seems to be pretty foundational though- the way men and women should relate. And to me, it seems like the Jewish ideal of that today is VERY different from the reality described by that gemara, so that's why I asked.
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Post Sun, Sep 03 2017, 11:57 pm
OP thanks for the lovely thread.

If anyone is interested if you go to


click on the Torah icon Ki Tavo, scroll down to R Aryeh Lebowitz and his shiur on this week's parasha from last year it's right on the topic of hakarat hatov and worth listening too. Plus it only goes for 16 minutes.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2017, 12:05 am
amother wrote:
Not intended as a bash, and not sticking up for "what I believe is Torah values.". Genuinely interested. But I'll delete my post since you find it offensive.

Amother orchid. I think I was really overreacting yesterday and out of line. I apologize. Thanks for responding to me with so much sensitivity. The proof of me being off base is that Marina was not offended by your post. So I simply took it the wrong way.
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