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Mean or cruel things your teacher said or did...
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 5:59 pm
amother wrote:
My seventh grade teacher told the class regarding me, "That there's one girl in the class, her mother is sooo special. But her daughter? I just don't know."

The joke is my mother has bpd and is the best con artist around. So of course she impressed this uneducated teacher.

It stung for a long time.

Even if your mother was special (and clearly she was not due to her mental illness) that is just an evil thing to say to a child!!
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 6:01 pm
Bizzydizzymommy wrote:
Correct , he was 16.

My parents are divorced and my mom always made kiddush for us. She was able to be yotzei girls of all ages and boys through age 12. When we had boys over bar mitzvah or men at the meal they were the ones who made kiddush for everyone.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 6:07 pm
amother wrote:
My younger sister was in a very well known BY and had a teacher who was lesbia and groomed her ninth grade students to go and have relations with her. She took a deep interest in my sister while attempting to have s2x she also hated her, made fun of her, etc. Enter Ying my sister imo an abusive and controlling relashionship. This was the 6th class this teacher was a homeroom teacher of. And to the day she has girls who live with her and sleep with her.

The school didn't want to admit a problem and accused my sister of being the lesbia one. Teacher was extremely charasmatic.... Sister was kicked out and only a year later did the school fire the teacher and admit their mistake after being confronted by many rabanim. This teacher isnt in jail and actually teaches in another school.....

My sister was scarred for life. But at least this teacher never got her to get in bed unlike many other girls....

OMG is this the same teacher who later became a doula? Puke
Please tell me she isn't teaching again! Hypnotized
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 6:13 pm
cuties' mom wrote:
Ds has autism. He started talking at 1, although it was mostly memorizing books and songs, not functional language, and his articulation was horrible. By the time he was 2, he knew his colors, shapes, letters, and numbers, but wouldn't say mommy unless it was in a book he was reading. He went to a special preschool, and when he was 4, I spoke to the director about possible elementary schools for him. She said that while there are schools for kids with autism, because ds has lots of knowledge, a school for LD kids may be better for him. The first school we applied to was kind enough to send us a rejection letter by mail. The second school waited until the next day to call me to reject ds. The 3rd school ruined him. After ds demonstrated his knowledge, the principal told me in front of ds that his speech is so unclear that none of the speech therapists would be able to work with him, and that it's obvious he has extreme sensory issues, and there is no sensory gym. She then asked where else I'm applying to, and when I told her, she started telling me why ds isn't right for any of these schools, listing all of ds's faults, and saying that only an ABA program could deal with a child like this. All this was said with ds sitting right there. He started crying in the principal's office and was still crying when we got home.
Ds stopped talking after that day. He started showing lots of aggressive behaviors- hair pulling, scratching, biting, etc. He became a completely different person to the point where nobody would recommend anything but ABA for him. He is turning 9 a week after succos. He only talks to me, and only to request food. While he still knows his books and songs, he reads quietly and hums along to music instead of singing. He doesn't cooperate with ABA therapists who ask him colors or shapes. How somebody with zero sensitivity could be principal of a special school is beyond me.

Crying Crying Crying Crying Crying
I am in so much pain for your sweet son. My heart is breaking and I'm crying reading this. The cruelty is gut wrenching. My heart is literally aching.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 6:18 pm
amother wrote:
OMG is this the same teacher who later became a doula? Puke
Please tell me she isn't teaching again! Hypnotized

Different poster here. Pretty sure it's not. The one that became a doula was not a home room teacher.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 6:57 pm
One teacher mocked the speech of one of my classmates and everyone in the class giggled.
In retrospect, I think he (my classmate) was autistic.

Last edited by shirachadasha on Wed, Sep 13 2017, 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 6:59 pm
This didn't didn't happen to me but it made me cry. There was a girl in my high school class who wasn't that bright. She probably really belonged in the lower "track" class, but her friends were all over in the upper track, so she worked 5x as hard as everyone else And for the most part, she did fairly ok, but she was somewhat self-conscious about it. Once, she gave the wrong answer in class. The teacher railed against her saying "oh, you must be a real genius to give that answer." She went on and on for several minutes and the girl felt like dirt. This was over 30 years ago and it still horrifies me.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 7:44 pm
In 6th grade the teacher sent dd out of the room to get teacher milk. Its a short distance there and back. DD returned to hear the teacher telling the girls not to be friends with dd as she is a bad influence. Dd was and is a good person. B"H her classmates did not listen to the teacher.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 8:18 pm
Almost forgot the worse one.

DD had been away for 9th and 10th grade. For 11th she wanted to come home. So I told the women that run the school (small town, 1 school) that dd was planning on staying home and wanted to go to their school. I told them during the previous year. I told them at the end of the school year. I told them during the summer. A week before school started, they called me and told me that they didn't feel their school was for dd. No interview, no discussing it. That was it. No clear reason either. I pushed. Said they weren't being fair to dd. Give her a chance. Talk to her. They said they would discuss it.

The next told me they called her previous school and feel that from what they were told, they felt their school was not for dd. We called the previous school and asked what they said. "I didn't have a chance to say anything. The woman who called said 'I will not allow this girl in my school' and hung up".
One of dd's teachers called to advocate for her, they refused to listen.

This school accepts everyone from our small community. Or did until they came to dd.

Our rov tried speaking to them. Only reason that they can come up with is dd has a 'history'. Her parents are divorced and her dad lived with a non-jewish woman during the divorce. (part of the reason dd left previously. Her dad no longer lives here).

So punish my child for something she had no control over. DD is a bright, good girl.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 8:51 pm
This thread is horrifying. As a baal teshuva who grew up in the public school system, I had never myself experienced even CLOSE to the horrible hurts inflicted upon children in religious schools. My heart is breaking as I am reading about sadistic and at best insensitive behavior. I have no words and hardly koach to read this as I see the issues in the chareidi schools my child has been "zoiche" to be a part of...

Each incident is completely unacceptable!!!! And the response of people who feel its no big deal and nothing that bad was really done, is BEYOND unacceptable! People are excusing this behavior.. and the teachers/perpetrators are incompetents who have no other job options because of poor or non-existent (where I live) education....unless they are there specifically there to torture little children chas v'shalom. WHAT are they teaching if they don't even understand BASIC Torah principles?????

Being a teacher is a great responsibility. I used to teach (mostly non-jewish) college students and believe me... they could not handle even the slightest negative feedback from me. I was very careful always to word things in a sensitive way, but of course I also made mistakes. One time a student was very chutzpadik and used to come and go during class and I just ... well, did not like him... Then one time as I was still teaching, he decided to ask me what the homework was as he was stopped on his way out the door. At first, I ignored him, but then I very sternly asked him what was the emergency that he couldn't wait for a few more minutes... and this poor kid (who really did not know any better than to interrupt like that) started stuttering in the middle of the class... I tried to smooth it over and answer him right away etc etc.. but he was so embarrassed. I could cry writing about it now... I still think about how I embarrassed him and CRINGE. As a teacher you can lift up or tear down. You BETTER understand your role or PLEASE!!!! get out of education. Our precious, sensitive children can be damaged FOR LIFE!!!!
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 9:29 pm
In high school my teacher who somehow didn't like me was teaching pirkei avos.
When she came to the words "Ashrei Yoladeto" she likes around at the class and says:
"As I look around the classroom I see so many girls that I think Ashrei Yoladeto. How great for a mother to have such a daughter." Then she turns to me and says "Sora (not my real name) you're not one of those that I think Ashrei Yoladeto ".

My older brothers went through hell in cheder with rebbeim that were holocaust survivors. I can't even write them down here because they are so traumatizing.

I'm so sorry for everyone else who wrote their horrible experiences here. As much as it hurt me, at least I was in high school (although it affected me for a long time. ) But I just cannot imagine younger kids being put through such humiliation, torture and pain. My heart cries for them. I'm glad today it's different.
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Post Wed, Sep 13 2017, 9:49 pm
amother wrote:
The really crazy thing is in my story, the teacher who slept with tens of girls is still a teacher, grooming her students, mesmirizing them.....it's very sad.

Please get law enforcement involved to protect these girls.
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 1:02 am
amother wrote:
Different poster here. Pretty sure it's not. The one that became a doula was not a home room teacher.

Not the same teacher. Although police were contacted and stuff... You know how much they care about chareidim here. Nothing really happened and she is teaching at another school. You know she taught by my sister for many years before the school wanted to admit the problem. Tens of girls are lesbia cuz of her and some even live with her since she is divorced....
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 5:26 am
I went to high school oot. Every other week we ate by someone from the communities house for shabbos. I ate by the principal, dean. One week he said to me that the only reason why I was accepted was because my sister went there.
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 6:23 am
Besides for the victims of these horrible stories, the other victims are the rest of the class who witnessed these terrible things happen.

I was a very sensitive child and although I generally behaved, I took it personally when a teacher disciplined another girl in my class. I'm pretty sure I would be traumatized had I just been in the classroom when any of these things occurred!
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 6:48 am
amother wrote:
The really crazy thing is in my story, the teacher who slept with tens of girls is still a teacher, grooming her students, mesmirizing them.....it's very sad.

Did you report this?
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 6:51 am
amother wrote:
Not the same teacher. Although police were contacted and stuff... You know how much they care about chareidim here. Nothing really happened and she is teaching at another school. You know she taught by my sister for many years before the school wanted to admit the problem. Tens of girls are lesbia cuz of her and some even live with her since she is divorced....

I don't know where you live, but this isn't true in any country. The police take abuse very seriously regardless of which circle it occurs in. It obviously wasn't reported properly.
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 7:00 am
My third grade English teacher gave a whole speech about the evils of lying after she asked me why I didn't complete my homework and I told her that I thought we only had to do x amount of examples. She mafe me give her my homework pad and asked, "where does it say that?" I saw my mistake and had nothing to say so she walked up to the front of the class and ranted for 30 on the evils of lying.
She was really not a teacher. Had a few favorites who she treated like gold and the rest of the class she would insult and put down.

In sixth grade I was sent home in front of my whole class because my teacher - gasp!- saw my knees. She was a good teacher but every time I think of her I can only remember this painful memory.

My DH had many crazy incidents. Many of his teachers were the children of Halocaust survivors who would hit and beat them for the slightest provocation. Because DH is Sephardi the school didn't like them and if the whole class did something then only he and the other sephardi boys would be singled out for punishment.
I guess the worse thing that happened to him when he was 2nd grade his Rebbi punished him and had him sit under his desk. DH sat there and the rebbi never told him to get out! The Rebbi dismissed everyone and left. When the classroom was empty DH ran to the door but it was locked.
My MIL noticed he wasn't there and after a long time came to get him and complained to the school.
Nothing ever happened to the rebbi.

Anon because many ppl know this story.
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 7:41 am
My mother went to pick up my brother age 8 about 1:00 in the afternoon for a dentist appointment. He was nowhere to be found. Turns out he was locked in the walk in freezer because he was disrespectful to his rebbe. He was there for over an hour. This was also 20 years ago. That brother was maltreated many many times in school. He was a scapegoat because our parents were divorced and it was easy to lay blame on him especially since my mother never stood up for us when the teachers, rebbes or hanahala did anything. We only told my father years later and he got so angry. That rebbe was no longer alive at that time so there was nothing he could do.
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Post Thu, Sep 14 2017, 9:26 am
chanchy123 wrote:
I had several incidents. My elementary teachers were terrible. I had a teacher pour the entire contents of my backpack on my desk to show to the entire class that I had not brought the correct books for class and instead my bag was full of library books and decayed food. This was beyond humiliating. I was in third grade. She also told me that if I came in late (or whatever offense it was) I shouldn't bother coming into class I should go to the grade under us (I think it was third grade and we were in fourth). So that is exactly what I did. It was humiliating beyond belief at first. But then I realized their teacher was actually great. And I enjoyed being there. After a while my teacher sent for me. It turns out that she hadn't meant this literally. She was shocked that a nine year old would take her teacher seriously. That was even more offensive to me than the original punishment.

I have more stories about her. She should not have been a teacher

Chanchy, I wonder if we had the same teacher. I had a teacher in 4th grade who did something similar. I had been switched from one class to another in 4th grade, and I wasn't great at making friends. I was a very quiet, shy kid. To compensate, I brought games and "chatchkes" from home to school, to play with at recess. I figured they would be icebreakers with other girls. The teacher saw that my briefcase was bulging oddly, so suddenly, in middle of class, literally out of the clear blue sky, she picked up my briefcase, dumped it out over her desk, and "catalogued" all the things I brought.

Not only that, but my mother used to write me these cute little notes of encouragement (because I was having social problems trying to make friends in the new class that year) so she would write these little notes like "Talk to someone new today" or "smile at people" or "I bet today will go better" etc. Not only did the teacher read the sticky note aloud, for days, she didn't let me live it down, she would ask "what's on the note today? Mommy wrote you a letter?" in this sugary sweet voice. Way to torpedo my chances of making friends, lady!

I told my mother, who called her, and she claimed I was distracted by my little "chatchkes" and my mother's notes during class so she was trying to encourage me not to bring them in.

First of all, I was this little well-behaved mouse. I would never take out a personal item to fidget with in class. Second, as much as I treasured my mother's notes, I was embarrassed by them (thought they were babyish) and I would never risk taking them out in public. She was just straight up lying. I remember, more than the embarrassment, the total shock that an adult would lie like that.

Much later, someone told me that this lady had an awful personal life (I think I said something about the story to a high school teacher) and I remember thinking - but why was that MY problem, in fourth grade? This woman should never have been allowed near children. I don't remember exact incidents, but I just remember cringing when she'd embarrass other girls.

Marina, in answer to your question, this particular teacher - I think she would have been the same, religious setting or public school. She was just an emotionally disturbed person who thought kids were there as fodder for her need to hurt and lash out. My issue is that the principal kept her on.
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