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How many years married did you make pesach ?
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 6:53 am
nicole81 wrote:
First year and every year thereafter.

Same. And my inlaws and/or parents come to me. My family isnt frum. We make every chag and they come to us if they want.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 7:01 am
I've been married for 8 years and have not yet been home for pesach. We don't sell chametz though so I've always cleaned for pesach. Making pesach doesn't scare me, I help my mother make pesach every year since I'm young- she has no cleaning help and hosts a lot of people, but our families would definitely be astounded if we didn't join them. I imagine at some point we will start hosting our parents depending on family dynamics and if we manage to get a living space that can host others.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 7:18 am
Wow, some of you are lucky to have options to go away, any year, or for so many years. Don't take family/friends for granted!
I made pesach the first time when I was married 3 years.
I actually love being home pesach, but the cleaning, preparing, peeling, cooking, is SO hard on me, little kids and all. Especially I have some medical issues that limit me and more work= more pain.
But at home, once yt is in, it's peaceful, beautiful, enjoyable. (And still hard work)
Last year, it took until after the summer for my body to fully recuperate from all the work.
And yes, I had cleaning help. My body is just messed up.. but that's a different story
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 7:20 am
I an a giyoret, so no family to stay by. I always went elsewhere for Sedarim, and did everything else on my own from the time I started converting. My DH also doesn't have family to stay by, so we do the same -- Sedarim with our Chabad House family, and everything else at home. He always wants to do a sedar at home, but I can't help but feel that it would be lonely without our chosen "family!" Also, my DH isn't so observant, so I don't think I would like the atmosphere with him in charge... sounds awful, but true:/
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 8:57 am
Got married in Adar Alef and became an insta-mom to 4 kids and made entire Pesach. DH had been doing it for years already. Second year I had a baby 5 days before and made the entire Pesach (we did buy some takeout but I made most of the food before I went into labor and I was back on my feet 4 days PP). This is our third year married. Making Pesach plus having company.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 9:05 am
The first year I was married, living in eretz yisroel. I was 20 years old and 9 months pregnant. I hosted both my parents and my in laws that wanted to be there in case I had the baby (I was due two weeks after pesach). My mother came in early to help me get the house/food ready. I had the baby the day after pesach.
The next year I hosted my in laws and brother in laws family.
Year three I hosted my parents
Year 4 I was 7 months pregnant and went to my parents--wow, what a break that was!
Every year since I have hosted various relatives.
I love having my husband lead the seder. I love not having jet lagged children that I need to take care of in someone else's house/schedule. I love cooking foods I like. I would rather host than be a guest and travel.
This is my 8th year married, and I am hosting my sister's family for the first half (seders and half chol hamoed) and very close friends family from OOT for the second half. (parents/in laws are going to different relatives this year).
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 9:38 am
Married nearly 12 years and haven't hosted Seder yet. The first four years I didn't even kasher, we'd lock up and be gone all of Pesach (my sister and her family come in from abroad and my whole family spends Seder and chol hamoed together). Eventually I started kashering and cooking but still don't see us hosting in the foreseeable future.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 9:47 am
The first Pesach we were married we went to my husband's parents for the sedarim, and the last days we made ourselves; since than we have always made the whole Pesach at home and have so far made 52 sedarim.
It's hard work and tiring but very special.
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pesek zman


Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 9:49 am
Never and no plans to. BH we go away with my extended family. Pesach cleaning is very much the other to me

I've stayed home every (other) YT (including Purim when we host seudah) since before I was married.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:00 am
Married 10 years and still go to parents/in-laws. Our motto is “go while you’re still invited” Smile (Hint- some older siblings have reached the “not invited” stage..)
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:09 am
Married 13 years and doing pesach since the first year. The first year was so much fun! It was all new and so exciting. I made pictures of my Seder table to remember how we started out. Simple yet so homey. My I have such good memories. Fast forward. I'm a real expert. Started cooking last week.

I don't find cooking hard at all. Cleaning is my hardest. By the time cleaning is done I'm excited to make some yummy food. Can't wait
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:47 am
Been making pesach since I was single. Never understood the big deal.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:54 am
Neither of us have parents we can go to. We have cleaned and kashered since we got married eight years ago. We went out all the meals the first year and gradually stayed home more and more. With three kids I don’t even bother trying to go out for meals its too stressful.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 10:59 am
As soon as my oldest child was able to ask Ma Nishtana. I loved it and never wanted to go anyplace anymore. One time I did. When I had a newborn baby. I regretted it because I almost had a nervous breakdown. I had 7 children, moved in to inlaws who are not understanding, had to attend all children all the time. I am positive that would I have stayed home, it would not have been that bad.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 11:30 am
Married 10 years. This year is our 11th pesach. We progressed from first year just breakfast on Chol hamoed; no kashering, to second year kashering and meals only on Chol hamoed. By third year we made some yt meals at home. Since then we make the full yt. This is only our third year making seder at home. (one seder at home and one at my parents). We only ever once didn't make pesach at all, 4 years ago we went to my in laws who live abroad.

I love making pesach and wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 12:03 pm
Most young couples can't wait to do their own home. This is part of it.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 12:16 pm
Very first year. Wasn't so bad, as I was doing it on my own when I was single since I became frum at 19. Didn't get married till 31, so I had plenty of experience.

But the last several years we started going to a hotel. We don't have the energy for the whole job and would just fight too much about it as a result..
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 12:25 pm
1st and 2nd year: We went to my in laws for the whole chag (they live far from us).
3rd year (now): we were supposed to go to my parents this time (who live abroad) but at the end we are going to my in laws for the sedarim and coming back home for the 2nd yom tov meals home, so exciting!
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 12:58 pm
The first year married and every year after. This will be our 6th year making pesach ☺ we prefer to make the Sedarim ourselves.
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Post Sun, Mar 11 2018, 1:24 pm
My mother moved to South America at age 22 and we dont brock or mish which means we don't eat processed foods or have matza in our soup etc. We are very chasidish. And since then practically. My mother isn't 50 yrs old yet.
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