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Will I ever work again?
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 6:55 am
I'm getting really frustrated. I've been looking for a job for two years now, and nothing. I've had interviews but none ended with an offer. My original intended career did not work out, I turned out to be ill suited for it. I took some time off to be a SAHM and figure out what to do next, got some ideas and have been trying to get back in the work force ever since. I know both my time at home and the fact that I'm changing careers are working against me and I'm starting to feel hopeless. I have skills from my original career that are transferrable to the new one and have been doing relevant volunteer work as well (which I've put on my resume. And no, the place where I'm volunteering does not have anything open, if they did, that's almost certainly what I'd be doing). I have tried getting low level office jobs just to be working on something I the meantime but I don't even get interviews for those types of positions likely because I'm overqualified. My general skills (tech, general workplace stuff) are all up to date. Going for another degree is not an option at this time. I've been doing everything I'm supposed to-do had my resume looked over, taken job search workshops, networking, etc. I'm crying every day from this. I hate being a SAHM. I hate looking for work. I can't go back to what I was doing before. I believe I deserve a chance but it seems nobody wants to give me that chance!
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 9:16 am
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:04 am
This can be very frustrating. Some things that you might want to think about.

I know that you mention that you aren't getting the interviews that you would like, possibly because you are over qualified. What other reasons could be keeping you from getting the interviews that you would like? If it is merely over qualification, are there other interviews that could consider that are more inline with your experience? Or are there ways to make yourself more appealing to them despite your over qualification? Are your expectations for the job that you want realistic with the skills and experience that you have? If they are not what can you do to gain them? What can you do to give yourself an advantage in the field that you want to go into?
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:08 am
Maybe you should write up a second resume that leaves out some of your over qualification
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:13 am
Have you tried using a job agency?
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:23 am
There may be something that is holding you back from clearing the final hurdle, and you need professional help finding it. Have you considered a session or two with a job coach?

Someone to review your resume to ensure that it is crisp and modern.

Someone to run through a mock interview with you, from critiquing your clothing and demeanor to helping with how you present yourself.

Good luck.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:46 am
amother wrote:
There may be something that is holding you back from clearing the final hurdle, and you need professional help finding it. Have you considered a session or two with a job coach?

Someone to review your resume to ensure that it is crisp and modern.

Someone to run through a mock interview with you, from critiquing your clothing and demeanor to helping with how you present yourself.

Good luck.

I am in the same situation as the OP.

The only feedback I got from employers I sent my resume to was a call to let me know that my resume is very impressive and I am way overqualified for the job.

For more than 5 months now, I have been working with a coach that has lots of connections and he is trying to get me in somewhere. Anywhere. So far we didnt achieve anything concrete.

I would like to hear suggestions of job coaches that can actually help me.
Thank you.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:50 am
tzimip wrote:
Maybe you should write up a second resume that leaves out some of your over qualification

I was thinking of doing this but how it would it work?
I am not 18. I cant write just out of school etc.
I have to put some experience on a resume. The minute I put my past experience on there, it makes a statement of my (over)qualification.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 10:52 am
To OP and others - you are not saying where you live, and the reality is that the job market is different in different areas. When you did your research, did you find out if they are hiring ANYONE in your field in the area you live? In other words, is it you, or is it the field?

If it's the field, then you know what the answer is...

If there are definitely jobs in your field and in your area, perhaps reach out to people that you know who are in HR or a related field for advice as to how find the kind of job you are looking for, the best way to present yourself, etc etc etc. You are not necessarily asking them for a job (although that certainly won't hurt), but you are asking them for the best way to GET a job, how to find the jobs, and whatever else is necessary to get a job in your field.

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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 11:27 am
I've seen job coaches, both paid and free through organizations so resume, interview skills etc have all been helped. If I leave things out of my resume, I will just have another gap on it. I don't really want the jobs I'm overqualified for, but it would be better than nothing. As for the field I'm trying to break into,and the kinds of jobs I actually do want, I am qualified for their entry level positions. I have tried going the internship route but many internships only want students. I have signed on with temp agencies, nothing came of it. I don't know what's holding me back!
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 11:28 am
where do you live?
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 11:34 am
It’s so so hard but don’t give up! I know men that were super qualified & got depressed from not finding a job & not providing for their family, but eventually they did get a job, and now years later they’re doing quite well.

Perhaps you can make your volunteering work seem like real work on the resume, without really lying.

Also, perhaps consider starting your own business - that could be a different career path that doesn’t take degree education. But obviously research the market well...
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 12:33 pm
It's not where you apply, it's WHO YOU KNOW. Tell everyone you're looking. Have your family tell everyone you're looking. Tell everyone in your shul. Have your parents tell everyone in THEIR shul.
That's what helped me. Tell old coworkers.

And DAVEN. Hashem gives you parnassah. Ask him for exactly what job you want, the exact hours you want, and use those tears. It'll happen. And if you want to give details, like your intended career and your location, we here can also help you network. Sometimes a head hunter helps.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 12:38 pm
I hire people for a living and the sad truth is that many employees take a position that they are over qualified for and quit as soon as they get something better. Most employers dont want to invest in training someone who they think will just quit as soon as they get something better.

I would sign up with temp agencies. They dont care if you are overqualified. You can make some money and leave your house every day. You also make a lot of connections with different employers. I also suggest working with recruiters. They are motivated to get you hired so they can get paid so they will go to bat for you.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 12:48 pm
mom4many wrote:

Perhaps you can make your volunteering work seem like real work on the resume, without really lying.

This ☝🏻
I never put on my resume that I volunteered. I performed a real work, I was just doing it pro bono.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 12:51 pm
tzimip wrote:
Maybe you should write up a second resume that leaves out some of your over qualification

My dh was out of work for a LOOOONG time and he did exactly this. He had to take something at lower pay because it was literally that or nothing. Eventually he got back to his regular salary range. So YES you will work again, and you may have to take a salary hit for a while, but be open to whatever comes your way!
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 2:12 pm
I've been networking. One of dhs relatives is in the field and has been introducing me to people and passing my resume along. I don't really care about salary because I can actually afford to be a SAHM, I just don't want to. So I'm fine taking a job that doesn't pay so well as long as it puts me on a real career path. I have been working with a recruiter and have gotten a couple of interviews through him, but did not get either job. Mha3484, do you have recommendations for other recruitment agencies I can try?
I do have a phone call tomorrow with a friend's brother who works in the field. Maybe this time something will come to fruition please Gd...
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 2:14 pm
I dont know where you live so I cant give reccomendations sorry. I would look into signing up with a temp agency too.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 2:17 pm
I shared above (though not in my OP, so maybe you missed it) that I'm in the NY metro area. I signed on with a couple of temp agencies but haven't gotten anything sent my way, and one of them actually turned out to be a scam. Do you have any advice for figuring out which ones are reputable? Thanks.
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Post Thu, May 24 2018, 2:21 pm
Also are you looking for jobs in frum businesses? I think many women unfortunately get discriminated against by our own community members. Employers think that you will not be reliable. My boss who is really good to me was convinced for years that frum women are inherently unreliable. He had too many people work for him who called off every time school was cancelled etc. He had one single employee who was always running out of town for shidduch dates etc. So he got kind of bitter about hiring other frum people. BH I proved him wrong and I have been here for many years but I think the implicit bias exists in many employers heads.
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