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"I Clicked So You Don't Have To"

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Post Thu, Jun 07 2018, 6:58 pm
I read about a guy who read through click bait ads and summarized them, and thought this was a unique Chessed opportunity that is largely ignored in our society. It's a Chessed that is so simple and will save other people so much time.

If you have ever clicked on a click bait ad,
please summarize it below in 5 sentences or less. (Whether you hit it by mistake, your baby pressed it, you thought it was going to solve all your problems... No one is judging. And if you need to go anon because you have a daughter in shidduchim or a son that needs to get into playgroup, that's ok too.)
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Post Thu, Jun 07 2018, 7:02 pm
Their Dog Picked Up Their Baby and Threw Her. Mother Was Shocked Until She Realized Why.

Dog is playing with baby outside, picks up baby and throws her a few feet. Dog starts looking weird and parents run to the vet. Turns out there was a poisonous snake and the dog was moving her away. Dog is fine in the end and all is right in the world.
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 6:48 am
How about "I DIDN'T click and you don't have to either" LOL

You know the ones, like "Doctors said she couldn't have children, and you'll never believe what happened next" Oh gee I wonder what this is going to be about Rolling Eyes
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 7:38 am
This is geneiva pure and simple. Stealing the livelihood of hardworking people who toil to produce these thought-provoking articles, and the sincere advertisers who pay good money for their pages to pop up when you click.

What is the world coming to?! We expect everything to come to us instantaneously in this microwave-generation. No one sews the holes in their socks any more, they just throw them out and buy new ones. Disposable plates, plastic tablecloths on Shabbos... people buy jars of pickles because they’re too lazy to put some cucumbers in a mason jar and wait 2 weeks... and now this?!!

Honestly, you can’t give one of these stories just 15 minutes of your time to find out why the mother of triplets was surprised at what the doctor saw when she gave birth? Are you telling me it’s too much effort to press that little button on your mouse a few dozen times to learn what happened when the veteran soldier suffering from PTSD who had been silent for 25 years finally said his first sentence when he saw his grandson?

In my day, we didn’t have online streaming, we had to actually sit through the commercials if we wanted to watch the rest of a show. We had to delay gratification and develop self-discipline. But nowadays people are so impatient, and well-meaning but misguided efforts like OP’s just make the problem worse.

No wonder there is a shidduch crisis and the divorce rate is so high.
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 8:13 am
daagahminayin wrote:
This is geneiva pure and simple. Stealing the livelihood of hardworking people who toil to produce these thought-provoking articles, and the sincere advertisers who pay good money for their pages to pop up when you click.

What is the world coming to?! We expect everything to come to us instantaneously in this microwave-generation. No one sews the holes in their socks any more, they just throw them out and buy new ones. Disposable plates, plastic tablecloths on Shabbos... people buy jars of pickles because they’re too lazy to put some cucumbers in a mason jar and wait 2 weeks... and now this?!!

Honestly, you can’t give one of these stories just 15 minutes of your time to find out why the mother of triplets was surprised at what the doctor saw when she gave birth? Are you telling me it’s too much effort to press that little button on your mouse a few dozen times to learn what happened when the veteran soldier suffering from PTSD who had been silent for 25 years finally said his first sentence when he saw his grandson?

In my day, we didn’t have online streaming, we had to actually sit through the commercials if we wanted to watch the rest of a show. We had to delay gratification and develop self-discipline. But nowadays people are so impatient, and well-meaning but misguided efforts like OP’s just make the problem worse.

No wonder there is a shidduch crisis and the divorce rate is so high.

Rolling Laughter
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Cookie Monster


Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 8:22 am
daagahminayin wrote:
This is geneiva pure and simple. Stealing the livelihood of hardworking people who toil to produce these thought-provoking articles, and the sincere advertisers who pay good money for their pages to pop up when you click.

What is the world coming to?! We expect everything to come to us instantaneously in this microwave-generation. No one sews the holes in their socks any more, they just throw them out and buy new ones. Disposable plates, plastic tablecloths on Shabbos... people buy jars of pickles because they’re too lazy to put some cucumbers in a mason jar and wait 2 weeks... and now this?!!

Honestly, you can’t give one of these stories just 15 minutes of your time to find out why the mother of triplets was surprised at what the doctor saw when she gave birth? Are you telling me it’s too much effort to press that little button on your mouse a few dozen times to learn what happened when the veteran soldier suffering from PTSD who had been silent for 25 years finally said his first sentence when he saw his grandson?

In my day, we didn’t have online streaming, we had to actually sit through the commercials if we wanted to watch the rest of a show. We had to delay gratification and develop self-discipline. But nowadays people are so impatient, and well-meaning but misguided efforts like OP’s just make the problem worse.

No wonder there is a shidduch crisis and the divorce rate is so high.

It is also the reason people resort to birth control.
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 9:08 am
Cookie Monster wrote:

It is also the reason people resort to birth control.

But mostly the shiduch crisis because plastic tablecloths
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 9:12 am
I never thought of it as a form of stealing but that’s actually kind of interesting. Hmm.
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 9:13 am
No one *has* to.
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 9:29 am
Kiwi13 wrote:
I never thought of it as a form of stealing but that’s actually kind of interesting. Hmm.

That post was the best piece of satire in a long time.

It's NOT stealing Shame on you
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 9:55 am
agreer wrote:
That post was the best piece of satire in a long time.

Aww, thanks!
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 9:58 am
Has anyone read the one with the cure for wrinkles that makes you look 30 years younger that doctors don't want you to know?

I would've clicked it, but if I looked 30 years younger I would disappear.
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 10:36 am
I will only admit to this anonymously but I once clicked on one of those ads and it was about a man whose wife died suddenly around 12 hrs after giving birth to their first child and he wrote a book about his experiences/emotions the first year or so being a widowed father. It seemed like an interesting story and I actually went to amazon and bought the book for a few bucks
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Post Fri, Jun 08 2018, 5:01 pm
agreer wrote:
That post was the best piece of satire in a long time.

It's NOT stealing Shame on you

I know. I got the satire and found it hysterically funny actually! It’s just an interesting concept, that’s all. I’ve heard stranger sounding things actually taught by rabbis to be considered theft of some variety so I just thought hmmm...
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