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I'm going to write about my mommy camp on a budget
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 4:57 pm
op u r amazing!!!
I was IN EXATLY the same situation last summer and do the same this summer but without the pregnancy (but with three kids Wink )

I found it hard but VERY rewarding at the same time and I enjoy MOST of it.

I guess the better organised u r the easier it goes and one must be flexible (in case of suddain fever, rain, cancelled playdates etc.)

I wish you hazlacha with your great project concentrate on a positive happy loving attitude and make sure to once a week pamper yourself!!!
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 6:07 pm
Zehava wrote:
When something is important enough you find the money or ask for help.

Your posts are ridiculous.
Op might be living in England where the summer has been far hotter than it's been for a long time.
The vast majority do not have air conditioning and there really is no need for it for most of the year. People here don't just spend on luxuries for a couple of weeks a year that it will be useful. And they definitely don't get other people to fund it.
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 6:27 pm
Thank you all for your feedback! I especially appreciate all the positive posts (obviously) but I'll try to respond to some of the negatives as well. Smile

I live in a country where AC is quite a luxury. The summer we are having is rather unexpected; if we were to fork out on an expense such as an AC unit, it'll more than likely only to be used for 2 weeks a year in the future.

But here's the thing. We don't rely on other people to stay afloat. My husband and I both work full time and we work hard. Neither of our families have money, and neither of them have air conditioning. Between bills, rent, gas, food and tuition (which is extortionate), we simply don't have the cash to buy AC. Finding that kind of money? I wouldn't know how to begin to look for it. (Share your tips if you have any!)

The same applies to camps. We are still paying nursery fees through the summer, so an added expense like day camp is out of our budget. But as I mentioned at the start, I am really happy to be able to spend this time with my children as they are at nursery for 10 months of the year. I don't feel like a martyr, just a mommy of small children who happens not to have huge savings. And as they say, these times pass and all we are left with are the sweet memories, so I'll continue to make them whenever I can Smile

And to the poster who mentioned that camp is really only a standard for Jewish people, I agree. None of my secular mommy friends have considered camps, but all of my chassidisher friends have their kids in camp for at least 2-3 weeks.

And finally, I can't possibly keep my children inside all day (much as I'd love to), entertaining a toddler with paint or glitter every afternoon is not an option, they need a bit of freedom to run around and move. Did I mention we live in a small apartment with no yard? And we are staying hydrated!! We don't go anywhere without our water supply! 😁😁😁
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 7:10 pm
OP, with that age kids they are totally good with playgrounds, paddling pools, water sprinkler places. Indoor places like kids museums, libraries and a shopping mall is also fun. You don't need to take them to fancy places.

My 5 year old loves the beach which I am lucky to have an easy drive/bus ride away.
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 9:02 pm
I think some of the negative responses can be chalked up to the following:

1. you essentially wanted to blog on a message board - most people start posts to ask for advice, support, commiseration or to share info, not just to write about their days. It is a little jarring, and I find that posts like this often invite criticism for the sake of it... because why else are you posting? That said, your normal "posting voice" is very nice.

2. mommy camp IMO only applies to moms who are essentially managing camp sized crowds and running camp type activities. Like, organizing 8 kids for an entire summer? doing it in a fun and engaging and low budget way? That's blog worthy... a mom of two toddlers hanging out at home is just a SAHM mom, and while plenty of women write blogs about their "adventures" in SAH parenting, it's not exactly camp.

3. Which leads me to ... martyr voice. No one doubts that staying home with two toddlers while heavily pregnant is challenging - the people who have been there AND the people that haven't yet can easily imagine the scenes you're describing... they know how difficult it is, which is why they're asking themselves, why are you doing this to yourself? Just be like every other SAHM and make yourself a nice, quiet, repetitive schedule that neither of your very young children will in any way find boring, and stop torturing yourself.

I'm probably being a little too mean and who knows why I'm even posting, but at least I'm doing it under my name.
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 9:53 pm
This is really more of a humblebrag than a "let me show you how to do mommy camp on a budget" and yet it falls flat (and grates) for all the reasons petiteruchy wrote.
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 10:45 pm
I made camp mommy with 5 kids under 10. (My room had AC. Dining room had weak one kitchen none). I LOVED IT! If u aren't cut out for this u hate it if u are cut out for it u can love it! Ask me to make a layer cake I'll say 'brutal' ask me to watch 50 kids for a day I'll say hey lets go for it!
Don't put op down for her choices. It's rude and unfair.
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 11:03 pm
I am still doing my bubby camp for 2 granddaughters ages 10 and 7. One budget thing that I have found is that my age gets me discounts on entrance for some activities. Another budget conscious thing to do is that we do chessed projects with the elderly and the children love to help. Our area is also full of great playgrounds and libraries and there is a state park here which is bigger than NY's central park called Belle Isle and the kids love the attractions there and it is one $11 fee for the entire year and that fee gets that vehicle into any state park in MI.

After I finish my bubby camp in MI, I plan to do it for my Monsey grandchildren for the remainder of summer until school starts and I think that there is more to do in MI than in Rockland county.
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Post Sat, Aug 04 2018, 11:38 pm
southernbubby wrote:
I am still doing my bubby camp for 2 granddaughters ages 10 and 7. One budget thing that I have found is that my age gets me discounts on entrance for some activities. Another budget conscious thing to do is that we do chessed projects with the elderly and the children love to help. Our area is also full of great playgrounds and libraries and there is a state park here which is bigger than NY's central park called Belle Isle and the kids love the attractions there and it is one $11 fee for the entire year and that fee gets that vehicle into any state park in MI.

After I finish my bubby camp in MI, I plan to do it for my Monsey grandchildren for the remainder of summer until school starts and I think that there is more to do in MI than in Rockland county.

You sound like an amazing bubby! Your grandchildren are really lucky!
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 1:04 am
How how how has a thread about a pregnant mommy of little ones making a fun summer for her children even though it's not easy for her derailed into this. I don't get it. I don't.

I feel like some people here are feeling insecure or challenged by OP's summer plans compared to their own and dealing with it by criticizing her.

I sent my kids to camp this summer. I'm glad I did. I still loved OP's posts. And felt like her kids should be envied for having such a loving mom.
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Rachel Shira


Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 4:29 am
smss wrote:
How how how has a thread about a pregnant mommy of little ones making a fun summer for her children even though it's not easy for her derailed into this. I don't get it. I don't.

I feel like some people here are feeling insecure or challenged by OP's summer plans compared to their own and dealing with it by criticizing her.

I sent my kids to camp this summer. I'm glad I did. I still loved OP's posts. And felt like her kids should be envied for having such a loving mom.

Seriously, what happened here?
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 6:38 am
oliveoil wrote:
This is really more of a humblebrag than a "let me show you how to do mommy camp on a budget" and yet it falls flat (and grates) for all the reasons petiteruchy wrote.

Guess I wouldn't have expected any better from you.

But, all the other posters? I'm floored.

Are there rules on what one is allowed to write about on this board? And if one doesn't follow this unwritten code, they now deserve to be bashed? Ono'as devarim applies online too.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 6:55 am
Wow OP I’m really impressed! I’m in London now and my gawd! It is hot!!

Background: Last summer I was also in Europe and it was beautiful and I understood why the U.K. (and a lot of Europe) doesn’t have Air Con but this year is another story....

Current situation: I’m sleeping with a fan (almost naked embarrassed). Im literally excited for my shower now. I’m sweating a lot. I’m excited to go back home.

General situation: the indoor places and malls dont have AC. Another issue here is that there are no beaches or pools.

Solutions: be creative! I took my son to Leicester square and put him in his bathing suit and he ran (more like crawled really fast) through the sprinklers. Many others had the same idea, even though this isn’t a sprinkler park- it’s a memorial of some sort...

Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your summer!
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 7:15 am
ecs wrote:
You sound like an amazing bubby! Your grandchildren are really lucky!

Thanks so much!
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 7:26 am
The reason we dont have aircon in most places in the UK is because we havent experienced heat like this since the 70s. Personally I love this weather we usually get nice weather in May and maybe June but as soon as Tishabav hits it rains until next May. Im not sure why everyone is bashing Op. Good on u. If I was in ur situation I would probably do the same. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smooth.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 8:58 am
amother wrote:
For thousands of years everyone lived without AC. Millions still do.

And they're not all thriving.
And they're not all hands-on supervising their kids all day.

There are many of things people have lived without, and that many millions still do. At some point we have to have an ayin tova and say that some people do have genuine needs. I know many elderly (by elderly I mean when I was growing up, they'd be 110 by now) who eschewed AC until they were older and infirm and their kids insisted. Also, heat is more of an issue now in places like UK than it used to be, leaving aside politics.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:02 am
amother wrote:
We really do need to remember that the whole concept of "camp" is really modern.

Being the only adult, heavily pregnant, in the summer with little kids is really hard. Probably should be avoided.

'Camp' isn't the only solution though, or atleast it shouldn't be.

Yeah, parents used to send their kids out on their bikes in the morning and welcome them home for supper. We're living in a different world.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:03 am
amother wrote:
Day camp is one of those Jewish things like cleaning help. None of my no Jewish co-workers have their kids in camp or have cleaning help and we are all in the same financial bracket. It was very interesting to me when I realized this. Consider yourself in a different culture zehava. Personally, even though it's hard and I work full time from home, I prefer to have my kids stay home and do small trips when I can. It's not only about money. Kids can be home and be bored and it's not the end of the world. They learn to relax and to entertain themselves and to help out and be part of the household.

What are their kids doing?
A lot of community centers have free or discounted camp for residents.
Or maybe their kids are home, left to their devices and on their devices all day.

Neither are viable for us.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 9:08 am
amother wrote:
Guess I wouldn't have expected any better from you.

But, all the other posters? I'm floored.

Are there rules on what one is allowed to write about on this board? And if one doesn't follow this unwritten code, they now deserve to be bashed? Ono'as devarim applies online too.

I appreciate the sentiment of wanting to support OP.
But even under your sn this too is ona'as devarim.

Can I ask a mod a favor? If this poster edits her post, can mine be removed if I don't notice? Thanks.
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Post Sun, Aug 05 2018, 1:21 pm
Zehava wrote:
I’m not angry I’m concerned

Concerned about what? That she took her kids strawberry picking in the summer while pregnant? how terribly concerning! Rolling Eyes
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