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Vomit etiquette
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 10:36 am
essie14 wrote:
When I was growing up, every child had his/her own trashcan near their bed/desk in their room and if we couldn't make it to the toilet to vomit, we used the (lined) trash can. I do the same thing with my kids. If the vomit ends up in the (plastic) trashcan, we empty the bag and rinse it out. Vomit on the floor is pretty unacceptable. A mistake is one thing, but repeatedly? No way.

Yes. This seems pretty basic to me. Toilet. If not toilet, lined trash can, so it can be disposed of. Certainly not the floor where someone else must clean it up. And bathroom sinks are not meant to dispose of solids or semi-solids.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 11:12 am
No the sink- I once puked in there and it smelled for months (even after scrubbing it) & we had a terrible drain fly infestation.
The only thing I can think if is toilets might splash back or smell so the nausea increases.
Ok so barf in a plastic bag or trashcan instead.
Or a bucket.
But the floor? No just no.
I had severe hyperemesis multiple times & I never vomited on the floor.
OP please refuse to clean the vomit any more.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 11:17 am
pesek zman wrote:
I’m not comparing the 2. One just reminded me of the other

Vomit is not preventable. You did the best you could by taking her outside away from carpeting and dance floors!
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 11:29 am
I agree with those horrified at this treatment of you. At the very least they need to use a paper bag/barf bag. Make them clean up after themselves, or make your DH clean it up (which I don't really agree with only because it fosters them continuing to barf on the floor).
Tell them you'll stop cleaning up vomit for kids over age 2. 3 to 5 have to help DH clean it (I'm assuming they choose to do it on the floor and could've gotten to the bathroom in time). 6 and up do it themselves. And just stop doing it.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 11:52 am
I have never heard of people who aren't babies deliberately throwing up on the floor.

You can supply them with medium size plastic bags which can be tied off when finished and just thrown in the trash. When I was very ill, I used these because I didn't know if I was physically able to dash to the bathroom.

They do sell special plastic disposable receptacles - I wss given some when I was in the hospital but plastic bags are less expensive and work just as well in terms of containing the mess.

These wouldn't be a bad idea to stock in the car if you have kids who are prone to car sickness.

50 Pack Emesis Bag, Disposable Vomit Bags, Aircraft & Car Sickness Bag, Nausea Bags for Travel Motion Sickness

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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 11:58 am
But why is there so much vomiting going on? There must be a bigger global issue thats upsetting you
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urban gypsy


Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 12:00 pm
OP, this is horrific. I'm sorry your DH is setting such poor expectations for your kids. But this needs to stop immediately.

Toilet is the correct place for vomiting. Sometimes if the toilet is dirty or smells that can make you feel worse so just make sure the toilets are clean. Otherwise there is NO excuse.

I am very tall and I tend to get very dizzy bending over to vomit in the toilet so I often vomit in the sink. I've clogged it numerous times and then I had to clean out the vomit so I'm aware it's really not smart to throw up in there.

If they are too sick to make it to the toilet I put a garbage can with a plastic bag by their beds.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 12:08 pm
use a little garbage can with a bag in it. no way should they throw up on the floor on purpose
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 12:09 pm
or sitting on a step stool next to the toilet...
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 12:14 pm
amother [ Khaki ] wrote:
I rarely throw up, but when I do it is forceful and violent and scary. During my first pregnancy when I first had morning sickness it made me feel so sad to throw up into the toilet so I did it in the bathroom sink instead, well, until the morning sickness was so severe and sudden that it just happened on the spot wherever I happened to be and we just invested in heavy duty cleaning products. My husband didn’t like me throwing up in the sink but I told him it was extra traumatic for me to vomit in the toilet and he accepted the situation. After a few times I got more comfortable with the toilet situation. Not saying it’s a good thing to throw up in the sink but I get it why some people wouldn’t like to throw up in the toilet. It feels like adding insult to injury when you’re already down and out.

Totally get you. I also didn’t always make it to the bathroom on time when I was pregnant. It’s awful. In fact, I once threw up on the floor and my mother came over and cleaned it up because I was crying so hard.

But how is that relevant to ops TEENAGERS!! Purposely vomiting on the floor and expecting her to clean it up? That sounds borderline abusive to me.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 12:49 pm
Amarante, those bags were always too small for me (I use plastic grocery bags) but you remind me the last time I was on a plane. Terrible turbulence & I couldn't stop barfing.
I used up the bags by our seats, & a lady nearby gave me doggy poop bags to use. I was mortified & grateful at the same time.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 1:27 pm
When pregnant and throwing up frequently we keep bowls or basins lined with garbage bags all around. When I'm done, tie up the bag and put a new one in.
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little neshamala


Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 1:32 pm
OP, I have a very sensible solution.
Agree that the toilet is gross.
Ban all toilet use henceforth.
Provide pooper scoopers.
Maybe theyll learn Can't Believe It
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 1:36 pm
Okay, OP, I think you can safely feel that you are right. The only disagreement seems to be whether the sink is a proper alternative. (My vote is a hard no on that). We have always had dishpans, clearly not used for dishes, that lived under the bed. Feel sick? Grab your bucket.
Since they are wide and shallow, they make an easier surface to aim for and don't have that stick your face in a bucket feeling which some may not like.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 2:26 pm
I must admit I have puked in the kitchen sink - with a garbage disposal no worry of clogs and it certainly has seen far worse in terms of chicken innards and other debris. It gets wiped down.

I wouldn't use a bathroom sink because the drain is not intended for anything other than suds.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 2:34 pm
I still can't believe we're having a conversation about vomit! This can be added to the weird thread post!
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 2:38 pm
I'm so sorry OP. I hear your husband, that if they're sick they need TLC. But there's no reason that you can't have something like a dishwashing bin by their beds. Then once they let you know they've thrown up you can clean that out pretty easily, if they really can't do it themselves.
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Post Fri, Jun 28 2019, 3:59 pm
Just wondering if ur kids have a vomit phobia so they can't clean up the mess?
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Post Sat, Jun 29 2019, 10:33 pm
The toilet is probably the most common place to throw up. Are your bathrooms clean, OP? Make sure they are otherwise it is understandable as to why the kids would not want to sit on the floor. Also, vomiting on the floor and expecting you to clean it up is not reasonable. If we were nauseous our mother would put a plastic bag next to our bed and if we couldn't make it to the toilet we'd vomit in that. For little kids I do a very cheap towe ($1 or $2) because I dont want them handling plastic bags and I throw away the towel in case they miss the toilet.
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