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Bungalow colonies, sleepaway camp - updates
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 3:57 pm
amother [ Turquoise ] wrote:
They don’t want the people, but they do want the businesses the summer brings, without the people. And the taxes.
Of course.

And the revenue brought by traffic tickets/ construction tickets etc.
Funny, right?
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:05 pm
amother [ Turquoise ] wrote:
They don’t want the people, but they do want the businesses the summer brings, without the people. And the taxes.
Of course.

Imagine, there are people who care more about their lives and health than money?? And they're non jews, too!
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:06 pm
amother [ Emerald ] wrote:
Just because you have inaccurate information, and it doesn't bother you, doesn't mean the rest of society should follow. Quarantine and isolations are meant to slow the spread, so that the medical personnel can get a handle on it. By breaking the rules, you are interfering with slowing the spread, thus risking more lives of other people. You should study up on the indirect exposure aspect of this CV virus, and just maybe you'll change your tune.

And this has nothing to do with money. All the states are willing to risk their economy and infrastructure to save lives. So do all the villages, towns and counties.

As for going offsite, how will people come and go? How will food and services be delivered? And there's much more to it as well - again, read up on indirect exposure.

And as for anti-semitism - if you want to fan those flames, just introduce one case of CV and have that spread through a summer town.

I am not sure why you are attacking me, I just said that kids (not my kids but other peoples kids who I have no control over) are playing outside with each other so they may as well go to camp. I am not breaking any laws by saying that and I am not doing anything wrong. You can go speak to the parents of said kids if you dont like that they are playing outside.
The camps are enclosed, the delivery trucks would come in just like they come to groceries and supermarkets and none of the locals will even have to see the kids. It doesnt affect the town and villages to have kids in a camp who never go off site but you are not listening to what I am saying about NOT going OFFSITE so we are going in circles about it.

Regardless, this is all about money. Cuomo just said that he needs money from Trump :
"Dont pass the buck without passing the buck" https://www.marketwatch.com/st.....04-17

New York is running low on money and has been making budget cuts for many things-- https://chalkbeat.org/posts/ny.....-nyc/

This is ALL about MONEY!!! Will NY even open up if we dont get billions of dollars from Trump?
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:18 pm
amother [ Goldenrod ] wrote:
I am not sure why you are attacking me, I just said that kids (not my kids but other peoples kids who I have no control over) are playing outside with each other so they may as well go to camp. I am not breaking any laws by saying that and I am not doing anything wrong. You can go speak to the parents of said kids if you dont like that they are playing outside.
The camps are enclosed, the delivery trucks would come in just like they come to groceries and supermarkets and none of the locals will even have to see the kids. It doesnt affect the town and villages to have kids in a camp who never go off site but you are not listening to what I am saying about NOT going OFFSITE so we are going in circles about it.

Regardless, this is all about money. Cuomo just said that he needs money from Trump :
"Dont pass the buck without passing the buck" https://www.marketwatch.com/st.....04-17

New York is running low on money and has been making budget cuts for many things-- https://chalkbeat.org/posts/ny.....-nyc/

This is ALL about MONEY!!! Will NY even open up if we dont get billions of dollars from Trump?

If an outbreak of a contagious disease happens in a camp, how would it be dealt with? We are used to minor outbreaks such as head lice and strep in camp but Corona virus can put children in the hospital. Catskills Regional Hospital may not be adequate for that.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:25 pm
southernbubby wrote:
If an outbreak of a contagious disease happens in a camp, how would it be dealt with? We are used to minor outbreaks such as head lice and strep in camp but Corona virus can put children in the hospital. Catskills Regional Hospital may not be adequate for that.

I remember when my sister was in camp years ago and almost everyone there came down with food poisoning so they were sent home so I guess kids could be sent home if they do catch coronavirus or we can just set up a quarantine place for them at camp with ventilators and whatnot. That is why we would need to test everyone before they enter the camps and then continue testing to ensure that everyone remains healthy. It could really be doable if we get nurses and doctors and ventilators and anything else set up in case of emergency.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:43 pm
amother [ Goldenrod ] wrote:
I remember when my sister was in camp years ago and almost everyone there came down with food poisoning so they were sent home so I guess kids could be sent home if they do catch coronavirus or we can just set up a quarantine place for them at camp with ventilators and whatnot. That is why we would need to test everyone before they enter the camps and then continue testing to ensure that everyone remains healthy. It could really be doable if we get nurses and doctors and ventilators and anything else set up in case of emergency.

I didn't know that there was such a thing as ventilators for pediatric patients in camps. Those doctors with those types of skills are probably going to be working in hospitals.

Look, my grandchildren will be terribly disappointed if camp doesn't open but I also have to sleep at night.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:44 pm
amother [ Goldenrod ] wrote:
I am not sure why you are attacking me, I just said that kids (not my kids but other peoples kids who I have no control over) are playing outside with each other so they may as well go to camp. I am not breaking any laws by saying that and I am not doing anything wrong. You can go speak to the parents of said kids if you dont like that they are playing outside.
The camps are enclosed, the delivery trucks would come in just like they come to groceries and supermarkets and none of the locals will even have to see the kids. It doesnt affect the town and villages to have kids in a camp who never go off site but you are not listening to what I am saying about NOT going OFFSITE so we are going in circles about it.

Regardless, this is all about money. Cuomo just said that he needs money from Trump :
"Dont pass the buck without passing the buck" https://www.marketwatch.com/st.....04-17

New York is running low on money and has been making budget cuts for many things-- https://chalkbeat.org/posts/ny.....-nyc/

This is ALL about MONEY!!! Will NY even open up if we dont get billions of dollars from Trump?

There is a difference between neighbors little kids playing together in the front yard which sometimes you can’t avoid and a whole camp full of teens.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:44 pm
To goldenrod, I don’t think the camps are interested in getting ventilators and hospital equipment And hiring extra doctors and nurses to prepare for a probable outbreak of the virus and getting even more people sick and then flooding the upstate hospitals which are NOT equipped like the nyc hospitals.
This is why ALL the schools are closed even the public schools. It is a much added headache that is absolutely unnecessary!!
I’m sorry that this Coronavirus has turned the world upside down. I’m as much frustrated by this virus as everyone else. I’m actually considered in the high risk category so I’m even more frustrated that I can’t even do my own shopping! I don’t even let my kids play with their friends.
So if people would just listen to the rules as hard as it is, then maybe this virus can end sooner than later and life can return to normal. People don’t realize how severe and deadly this virus is until they get it themselves chas vshalom. It is tragedy that we lost so many Frum people already many of whom were great Talmedai chachamim and rabbanim. I’m sorry I’m ranting but I get very mad that people don’t want to follow the rules for whatever reason but the longer people don’t follow the rules the more people will get sick and may die and the longer we will have to be shut down especially in nyc where it is the worst out of the whole country!
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:46 pm
amother [ Indigo ] wrote:
Imagine, there are people who care more about their lives and health than money?? And they're non jews, too!

There are Jews who are permanent residents up there also.
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Mama Bear


Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:46 pm
Thre's no mayor of Sullivan County. Each town has its own gov't person, whatever they're called.
Doesn't look like most colonies or camps will be able to open. Summer homes are a different story, I imagine most summer home places will be open even if unofficially. Maybe swimming pools won't be filled, but if someone owns a home no one can stop them from going to their house.
The issue with camps & colonies is that even if, let's say, by July 1 we're allowed to relax social distancing (I.o.w. if summer schools / special needs schools are open and thus kids are allowed back at school), the camps won't have had enough time to do their renovations and fix their violations, bc inspectors are not going to go around to the colonies & camps until the governor allows social distancing to end.
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Mama Bear


Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 4:51 pm
a few other things:
Kids don't really get sick to the point of needing ventilators. Very few kids in the frum communities have actually gotten sick or even had fever. There have been a few, but not many.
But there are adults running these camps. a lot of the rebbes, cooks, managers, office staff etc are 50+. Catskill Regional Hospital doesn't have the medical staff or equipment to handle even the mildest outbreak.
however, you're all missing the point. By July, it's super likely that most of the covid restrictions will have been lifted. However the camps and colonies will not be ready by July. Maybe by August.
In related news, I highly highly highly doubt that all yeshivas and chadorim will remain closed until September, regardless of the public school situation. It's way too much bittul torah. I'm pretty sure that once gatherings over 20 or more are allowed, there will be pop-up classrooms in shuls and basements and such.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 6:08 pm
amother [ Goldenrod ] wrote:
The kids on my streets and other streets I've walked through are all playing together anyway. Might as well open the camps and let them hang out together there after being tested first of course. At least that will provide the parents with some relief as they know that their kids are safe in camps. Should start this now already and have some school lessons as well while we are at it.


I wouldn't want you or your kids to move into my neighborhood.

My kids have not played with anyone other than each other in a month.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 6:39 pm
DVOM wrote:

I wouldn't want you or your kids to move into my neighborhood.

My kids have not played with anyone other than each other in a month.

Seriously! I can’t believe what I’m reading here and on other threads! I truly hope it’s the same 2 or 3 posters and that this isn’t rampant.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 7:12 pm
giselle wrote:
Seriously! I can’t believe what I’m reading here and on other threads! I truly hope it’s the same 2 or 3 posters and that this isn’t rampant.

I really think it is. Also, the posters who keep bragging about having invited guests. Just bored and looking to get a reaction, imo.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 7:13 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
Thre's no mayor of Sullivan County. Each town has its own gov't person, whatever they're called.
Doesn't look like most colonies or camps will be able to open. Summer homes are a different story, I imagine most summer home places will be open even if unofficially. Maybe swimming pools won't be filled, but if someone owns a home no one can stop them from going to their house.
The issue with camps & colonies is that even if, let's say, by July 1 we're allowed to relax social distancing (I.o.w. if summer schools / special needs schools are open and thus kids are allowed back at school), the camps won't have had enough time to do their renovations and fix their violations, bc inspectors are not going to go around to the colonies & camps until the governor allows social distancing to end.

I work at a summer camp. We are definitely currently going full steam ahead preparing for camp so it’s unlikely that we won’t be ready to start if/when we’re allowed to. My guess is that there’s a 50/50 chance of opening, although it would not necessarily be the original scheduled opening date.

There’s no way in the world any camp wants to take responsibility for children on ventilators at camp. BH kids don’t usually reach that point (of needing a ventilator) with coronavirus and if they did, they’d send them to a hospital somewhere, setting up a hospital in camp is not a realistic expectation.

End of the day... it’s really too early to know what will happen with summer camps this season.
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Post Fri, Apr 17 2020, 7:21 pm
amother [ Turquoise ] wrote:
They don’t want the people, but they do want the businesses the summer brings, without the people. And the taxes.
Of course.

Not everyone benefits from the brooklynites going upstate, but everyone is sure inconvenienced by them. There's a culture clash between the entitled summer people and the year round residents. I am amazed at the stories of groups of people strolling in the street meant for vehicles without consideration of traffic. I also am amazed by the people in Walmart.
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Post Sat, Apr 18 2020, 9:32 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
I work at a summer camp. We are definitely currently going full steam ahead preparing for camp so it’s unlikely that we won’t be ready to start if/when we’re allowed to. My guess is that there’s a 50/50 chance of opening, although it would not necessarily be the original scheduled opening date.

There’s no way in the world any camp wants to take responsibility for children on ventilators at camp. BH kids don’t usually reach that point (of needing a ventilator) with coronavirus and if they did, they’d send them to a hospital somewhere, setting up a hospital in camp is not a realistic expectation.

End of the day... it’s really too early to know what will happen with summer camps this season.

Me and dh don't think it's fair to burden parents struggling now financially due to the virus outbreak with an unessential cost of camp.
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Post Sat, Apr 18 2020, 9:34 pm
amother [ Khaki ] wrote:
Me and dh don't think it's fair to burden parents struggling now financially due to the virus outbreak with an unessential cost of camp.

No one is forcing you to send to camps if they do open. You can always choose not to send your kids.
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Post Sat, Apr 18 2020, 9:39 pm
amother [ Khaki ] wrote:
Me and dh don't think it's fair to burden parents struggling now financially due to the virus outbreak with an unessential cost of camp.

Camp has to be paid in advance we only have like 3 payments Left. we are doing sleep away camp for the first time and have been working extra to pay it my child is so excited if they cancel it will be sad for us (obviously we understand and want to do what's best)
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Post Sat, Apr 18 2020, 9:41 pm
DVOM wrote:
No one is forcing you to send to camps if they do open. You can always choose not to send your kids.

Boys is obligatory, girls is optional.
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