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Boca Raton, Florida
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 7:55 am
amother [ Copper ] wrote:
Many people that are in Florida went there due to their mental health. They live in small apartments with many children and they are all going crazy. That is no less important than physical health. And I know that the Floridians are very happy to be able to stimulate the economy by renting out their homes and having outsiders shopping! Maybe before pesach They were told not to but now already definitely!

You can use "mental health" to excuse murder as well. And it's done, often.

You can use "mental health" to excuse never spending time with your children. And it's done, often.

You can use "mental health" to excuse lying and double-crossing. And it's done, often.

Mental health is important but you cannot justify prioritizing your own comfort, and calling it mental health, over someone else's life.

The only life you are entitled to endanger is your own.

And by the way. If you can't handle being home in an apartment with your kids - you need to find coping strategies, maybe a therapist, and probably a good parenting course and some meditation or yoga videos. Because you had a major problem even before this started - you just denied it.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:08 am
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Can someone give a calm logical explanation why a family driving from NY to florida and staying in a house there without leaving (bringing all groceries with them) is a problem?
Please dont jump down my throat. I am home in ny and strict with sd but I have plenty of friends who have gone down and I don't really see the problem with it.

I think the key is the “plenty of friends”. You are practicing SD, and being strict. How do you know that your friends will do the same and quarantine for 2 weeks when they get here?
And what happens if symptoms show up during quarantine? Will these people not go to an urgent care and possibly infect others? Or call Hatzala?
Thank you for asking, and I’m sure that others can come up with more reasons.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:10 am
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Can someone give a calm logical explanation why a family driving from NY to florida and staying in a house there without leaving (bringing all groceries with them) is a problem?
Please dont jump down my throat. I am home in ny and strict with sd but I have plenty of friends who have gone down and I don't really see the problem with it.

If someone is unable to stay in their own home are they really staying in a rented house.
Can you bring groceries for 2 weeks.
Someone mentioned the husband is trabeling back and forth. Then the 2 weeks is worthless and not quarantining.

But if someone is staying home - all members with no one leaving for 2 full weeks then it is fine according to the law. And I’d think it’s fine.

(Btw it’s not just ppl from small homes going. It’s also ppl in large homes. The only ppl I know that went live in gorgeous huge homes)
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:15 am
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Can someone give a calm logical explanation why a family driving from NY to florida and staying in a house there without leaving (bringing all groceries with them) is a problem?
Please dont jump down my throat. I am home in ny and strict with sd but I have plenty of friends who have gone down and I don't really see the problem with it.

(1) because they are exposing people all along the way when they stop at restrooms at gas stations even if they do quarantine perfectly
(2) most are not quaranting perfectly but are having their husband or someone in the family buy groceries which ruins the point
(3) if it was one person it might not be a huge problem, when it becomes 100’s its a crisis and each one person with their excuses adds up
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:30 am
notshanarishona wrote:
(1) because they are exposing people all along the way when they stop at restrooms at gas stations even if they do quarantine perfectly
(2) most are not quaranting perfectly but are having their husband or someone in the family buy groceries which ruins the point
(3) if it was one person it might not be a huge problem, when it becomes 100’s its a crisis and each one person with their excuses adds up

Also because even after they have “quarantined “ ( I’m skeptical about how many are really doing this” ) - their presence opens up new pathways for the virus travel and a new potential customer for the hospital system.
To better explain the pathways idea - let’s say 10% of your town has Corona. If there are 50 people in your town, you need to come in contact with one of those five people to contract it. If there are 100 people in your town, there are now ten people who can transmit... etc. So the more people, the greater the likelihood you will encounter the virus.
And this does not even consider that the new people are MORE likely to carry the virus.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:30 am
I feel like we are ignoring the concept of “minhag hamakom”-
While other parts of Florida are slowly reopening, the 3 south Florida counties of palm beach, broward and Miami-Dade are not, because the greatest concentration of cases is there by far.
Give us a break-
Our Shuls are shut. Our yeshivos are closed. Our mikvaos have curtailed services.
What other signs does any thinking person need to see that this is not a business-as-usual situation?
Let’s get past this mageifa and we will welcome you all back with open arms (possibly from 6 ft away, but the arms will be open!)
We’re not being snobby here; we’re turning away our own children. It’s very painful all around but we need to protect our elderly and otherwise health-compromised population.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 8:38 am
The other point is that a big purpose of this quarantine is to slow the curve and give the hospitals a chance to prepare and have room. Hospitals plan for their population- if you add another few thousand people you are taking away limited health care from residents.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:08 am
Thank you for those that took the time to give rational explanations. I feel like whenever this discussion comes up everyone just gets heated and starts yelling about someone sneezing on your car in ny and bringing the virus down on the highway. Sorry but you are not going to get anyone to change their minds with that arguement.

So what you are all saying is basically that people are not doing it properly. I hear. The ones I know swear they are not leaving their houses but then again you never know.

As to why people would have easier time quarantine in florida than in their own house however large it might be:
A) change of scenery
B) nicer weather. It's been pretty chilly in ny but on the days that it is nice I can just spend all day outdoors (on my property!) with my kid
C) private pool
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:19 am
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Thank you for those that took the time to give rational explanations. I feel like whenever this discussion comes up everyone just gets heated and starts yelling about someone sneezing on your car in ny and bringing the virus down on the highway. Sorry but you are not going to get anyone to change their minds with that arguement.

So what you are all saying is basically that people are not doing it properly. I hear. The ones I know swear they are not leaving their houses but then again you never know.

As to why people would have easier time quarantine in florida than in their own house however large it might be:
A) change of scenery
B) nicer weather. It's been pretty chilly in ny but on the days that it is nice I can just spend all day outdoors (on my property!) with my kid
C) private pool

The hospitals is a huge thing.
Florida (and every state) is instituting SD to preserve medical and hospital space and resources.
Every additional family there potentially takes resources. And I'm not even talking about Corona related.
Stitches, broken ankle, the regular kid related injuries.
But me showing up in a Florida ER with a kid with a head cut and possible concussion, it takes a bed, nurses, drs that are being reserved for the native Florida (elderly) population.
And the more families come, the more it floods the hospitals and system.

That's the opposite of Flattening the Curve and the definition of entitlement and selfishness.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:30 am
keym wrote:
The hospitals is a huge thing.
Florida (and every state) is instituting SD to preserve medical and hospital space and resources.
Every additional family there potentially takes resources. And I'm not even talking about Corona related.
Stitches, broken ankle, the regular kid related injuries.
But me showing up in a Florida ER with a kid with a head cut and possible concussion, it takes a bed, nurses, drs that are being reserved for the native Florida (elderly) population.
And the more families come, the more it floods the hospitals and system.

That's the opposite of Flattening the Curve and the definition of entitlement and selfishness.

Exactly this.

I stayed and am staying local (NY) for the remainder of stay in place orders. I have been more than careful barely leaving my home and yard other than for necessities once a week at most. One day last week I needed medical attention for something unrelated to Coronovirus, something random and unrelated to anything I've ever experienced in the past. No way to have predicted it.

Imagine I was in Florida because I decided it's a good change of scenery for me? Would that be fair to the actual residents if I potentially infected one of their own or at very least taxed their health care system even in a small way? Or just the chillul Hashem it would be to flash my NY license at urgent care clearly looking Orthodox.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:34 am
Actually,I would stay away from Florida. In Ny, things are much better. Florida,not so much. They are due for a spike in South Florida. I wouldn't dream of going there.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:41 am
notshanarishona wrote:
The other point is that a big purpose of this quarantine is to slow the curve and give the hospitals a chance to prepare and have room. Hospitals plan for their population- if you add another few thousand people you are taking away limited health care from residents.

Maybe anyone from outside Florida should be denied treatment at Florida hospitals and clinics.

They chose to come. They can suffer the consequences.

Their selfishness shouldn't come at anyone else's expense.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:45 am
fleetwood wrote:
Actually,I would stay away from Florida. In Ny, things are much better. Florida,not so much. They are due for a spike in South Florida. I wouldn't dream of going there.

what's the difference if you're anyway staying on your own property? Punch
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 9:45 am
amother [ Aquamarine ] wrote:
Thank you for those that took the time to give rational explanations. I feel like whenever this discussion comes up everyone just gets heated and starts yelling about someone sneezing on your car in ny and bringing the virus down on the highway. Sorry but you are not going to get anyone to change their minds with that arguement.

So what you are all saying is basically that people are not doing it properly. I hear.The ones I know swear they are not leaving their houses but then again you never know.

As to why people would have easier time quarantine in florida than in their own house however large it might be:
A) change of scenery
B) nicer weather. It's been pretty chilly in ny but on the days that it is nice I can just spend all day outdoors (on my property!) with my kid
C) private pool

No. I am saying that there is NO WAY to do it properly. Traveling to FL from NY is in and of itself a problem.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:13 am
amother [ Pewter ] wrote:
Maybe anyone from outside Florida should be denied treatment at Florida hospitals and clinics.

They chose to come. They can suffer the consequences.

Their selfishness shouldn't come at anyone else's expense.

But no doctor is going to leave someone to die because they are from another state . Yes they shouldn’t be using up the resources but I wouldn’t in good conscience let someone die because they are from out of state. That is the problem. You cant legally or morally deny people medical care because they are selfish and entitled and shouldn’t be there in first place. I would support making travel illegal
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:42 am
amother [ Olive ] wrote:

what's the difference if you're anyway staying on your own property? Punch

Because people may come onto my property. No thanks!
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 5:25 pm
It doesn't matter what the reason is, it is SELFISH TO RAVEL anywhere now!!!!!!

End of story!

There are people that find very excuse why they are different and special and way more important than everyone else etc etc.

OP, you post that you want to do something that is obviously not a good idea, who cares what your reason is, the only excuse would be if someone would die by not coming ( not coming to someone who is dying) and then you wouldn't be here asking if that was the case.

Travel anywhere is wrong right now, but the bottom line is, the selfish will be selfish.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:29 pm
You say the Covid rates are going up in Florida? Frum families are there since 2 weeks before Pesach. Has there been an uptick only in Frum patients, or jewish patients??

It's amazing to see the condemnation...Where is your Ahavas Yisroel, Floridians??? Many are in Orlando , where there isn't too many permanent Yiddishe homes, no??? Why spew so much hatred?

Please fargin us. We are carefully quarantining. Believe us!!!
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:40 pm
amother [ Beige ] wrote:
You say the Covid rates are going up in Florida? Frum families are there since 2 weeks before Pesach. Has there been an uptick only in Frum patients, or jewish patients??

It's amazing to see the condemnation...Where is your Ahavas Yisroel, Floridians??? Many are in Orlando , where there isn't too many permanent Yiddishe homes, no??? Why spew so much hatred?

Please fargin us. We are carefully quarantining. Believe us!!!

On the chance that even one of you exposed even one person you have a special place in hell. You didn't need to do this. If you expose someone accidentally on a grocery trip at home to get food, not fine, but fine, because we have to survive. But unnecessary travel in a time of crisis and pandemic? You care only about yourself. You deserve condemnation and we should teach our children to be better.

How are you going to raise selfless children who care about the klal if they see you traveling during a time like this? You can give them all the pretty pirkei avos speeches but you cannot lead by example.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:40 pm
notshanarishona wrote:
(1) because they are exposing people all along the way when they stop at restrooms at gas stations even if they do quarantine perfectly
(2) most are not quaranting perfectly but are having their husband or someone in the family buy groceries which ruins the point
(3) if it was one person it might not be a huge problem, when it becomes 100’s its a crisis and each one person with their excuses adds up

Everyone I know is using grocery delivery. And wearing masks and gloves while pumping gas. The only person I know that went to Florida was someone who owns a house there and spends most of the time there anyways and got stuck here over pesach. After going she said If ppl are truly careful she doesn’t see the big deal, and ppl that are not careful are an issue anywhere.
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