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Boca Raton, Florida
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:55 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
On the chance that even one of you exposed even one person you have a special place in hell. You didn't need to do this. If you expose someone accidentally on a grocery trip at home to get food, not fine, but fine, because we have to survive. But unnecessary travel in a time of crisis and pandemic? You care only about yourself. You deserve condemnation and we should teach our children to be better.

How are you going to raise selfless children who care about the klal if they see you traveling during a time like this? You can give them all the pretty pirkei avos speeches but you cannot lead by example.

You can safely travel without exposing a single person.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:59 pm
The nice thing about reading this thread is that it’s good to see people can actually still afford to go to Florida.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:59 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
If it bothers you I am asking about Florida then kindly skip this thread since you have no idea of my circumstances.
A couple questions:
1. Has anyone flown there recently and can tell me about the flights during these times? What about driving?
2. Are there still restrictions there....and what are they? Can you go shopping in the stores, mikvah, etc


I did not read all the over 100 msgs. In case you need more info lol
Friend of mine is now in Orlando, for a week already. They drove down since they were afraid to fly by plane for personal reasons (protecting privacy). She says house cannot be rented out for less than a month. She's quarantining there, only goes out for essentials. Masks and gloves are required in public places.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:03 pm
amother [ Lemon ] wrote:
The nice thing about reading this thread is that it’s good to see people can actually still afford to go to Florida.

I know! Exactly what I was thinking.
I keep thinking how can so many people afford it when so many lost their jobs?? Maybe it's the people that are making more from unemployment than they're making at their jobs.
DH got a paycut, I'm soooo nervous.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:05 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
You can safely travel without exposing a single person.

Possible but not completely in your control. There is no way to say no one in your family will need emergency medical attention. You cannot predict every scenario. So you run the risk of exposing others unnecessarily. Coming also from the highest infected region in the US.

It's gross the level of entitlement. Show your kids we care about ourselves only. Great chinuch plan.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:07 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
Possible but not completely in your control. There is no way to say no one in your family will need emergency medical attention. You cannot predict every scenario. So you run the risk of exposing others unnecessarily. Coming also from the highest infected region in the US.

It's gross the level of entitlement. Show your kids we care about ourselves only. Great chinuch plan.

If I own a home in Florida and pay taxes year round, I'm entitled to medical services if needed. My taxes go towards medical services.
And the government knows people are coming. If they'd think it's a problem with the medical system, they'd have stopped it by now.
The head of Hatzola in Israel was hospitalized in Florida for weeks, he was treated like a hero, he got a hero's sendoff. Didn't look like the hospital was bothered by it at all. Is he also selfish?
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:07 pm
silverlining3 wrote:
I did not read all the over 100 msgs. In case you need more info lol
Friend of mine is now in Orlando, for a week already. They drove down since they were afraid to fly by plane for personal reasons (protecting privacy). She says house cannot be rented out for less than a month. She's quarantining there, only goes out for essentials. Masks and gloves are required in public places.

Going out for essentials is not quarantining. It's social distancing. Officially she cannot be doing that for 14 days.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:09 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
If I own a home in Florida and pay taxes year round, I'm entitled to medical services if needed. My taxes go towards medical services.
And the government knows people are coming. If they'd think it's a problem with the medical system, they'd have stopped it by now.

Most people going down are renting and don't own. If you own a second home and pay property tax but not local taxes then you are barely contributing to local health care.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:10 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
Most people going down are renting and don't own. If you own a second home and pay property tax but not local taxes then you are barely contributing to local health care.

So if the government wouldn't want people to travel there, they'd pass a law that you can't rent out homes.
The Florida government doesn't seem to bothered by this at all.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:15 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
So if the government wouldn't want people to travel there, they'd pass a law that you can't rent out homes.
The Florida government doesn't seem to bothered by this at all.

Do you know how complicated it is to suspend all rental rights and what the implications would be? Shouldnt people just not be dumb as doorknobs and realize just because there's a legal way to do something it doesn't make it right?
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:16 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
Do you know how complicated it is to suspend all rental rights and what the implications would be? Shouldnt people just not be dumb as doorknobs and realize just because there's a legal way to do something it doesn't make it right?

No need to suspend all rental rights. They can pass a law that you can't rent a home to non residents for the next month or two.
People will go as long as it's not banned, wether we think it's right or not.
So far no study has shown that people traveling to Florida now caused a spike in cases.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:20 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
No need to suspend all rental rights. They can pass a law that you can't rent a home to non residents for the next month or two.

So because they didn't pass this as a law it's ok to come from a highly infected region with full families that will very possibly be in groceries or using healthcare resources? Are we so stupid that we can't read the situation and realize it's the time to stay home?

Shocking and dissapointing.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:22 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
So because they didn't pass this as a law it's ok to come from a highly infected region with full families that will very possibly be in groceries or using healthcare resources? Are we so stupid that we can't read the situation and realize it's the time to stay home?

Shocking and dissapointing.

Stupid or selfish?
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:28 pm
There are NYers in Florida for weeks already. Can you prove that anyone from FL was infected from a NYer? How many calls to Hatzolah were made by NYers? How many went to the hospital in Florida?

I was not in FL this year, nor do I have plans to go.

The bashing is ridiculous and doesn’t come across as too Jewish.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:31 pm
amother [ Magenta ] wrote:
There are NYers in Florida for weeks already. Can you prove that anyone from FL was infected from a NYer? How many calls to Hatzolah were made by NYers? How many went to the hospital in Florida?

I was not in FL this year, nor do I have plans to go.

The bashing is ridiculous and doesn’t come across as too Jewish.

How exactly could I provide you those stats off the cuff? We see how rapidly this virus spreads and how deadly it is. I guess you can't reason with people who see a cheap rental with a pool above all else even the possibility of risking human life. Which by the way is less Jewish. Pikuach nefesh above all.

A lot of you seemed to have missed that day in school.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:36 pm
I think you come across very harsh in your posts. I didn’t really expect you to provide stats. Just face reality. You may not agree with what some people are doing but you can only control your own actions.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:42 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
So because they didn't pass this as a law it's ok to come from a highly infected region with full families that will very possibly be in groceries or using healthcare resources? Are we so stupid that we can't read the situation and realize it's the time to stay home?

Shocking and dissapointing.

The fact is that people will go as long as it's not banned. There's nothing anyone can do about it so there's really no point in bashing and name calling.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:42 pm
amother [ Lavender ] wrote:
Going out for essentials is not quarantining. It's social distancing. Officially she cannot be doing that for 14 days.

Oops, you're right. I guess her telling me that masks and gloves are required in public, I interpreted as going out for essentials, and I was wondering. I guess be she meant going out for healthy walks-I believe now so... My bad
Will ask her to make sure.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:44 pm
Yeah, but the flu is also deadly. We didn't all quarantine all flu season. And don't tell me about the vaccine, it's not been proven terribly effective, but it DOES make people comfortable to go out when they're sick cuz, "Hey, I got the flu vaccine." And the flu is contagious. And people DIE from it.

If I'm being WAY more careful as I am normally, I'm not all that likely to spread coronavirus, or even catch it for that matter. At that point, how significant is the risk?

It used to be that flying was a halachic shaalah, because it was risky. People did it, but it was a bigger deal. Now, the risk is considered minute enough that we are not concerned. Driving is FAR more deadly than flying, but we also accept that level of risk. Kids pass around all kinds of illnesses in school, from flu to fifth disease (dangerous for pregnant women) to strep. All of the above can kill. But we consider the risk level to be low enough not to worry.

A very careful person, who is driving down, minimizing bathroom stops and sanitizing after each one, going straight to a rental and staying there, getting groceries delivered - yes, it's still a risk, but how big is that risk?

You're saying that NO risk level is acceptable. But LIVING has risks. Mental breakdowns, no fresh air, very limited exercise, and stress have risks. Some of the latter can be mitigated by being in a larger home, with a bigger yard, with a pool for exercise, and warm enough weather to be outside for hours. So they're just exchanging one set of risks for another.

(I'm not in Florida, no plans to go to Florida, even though we've had snow this week and are going to have it again and the temperature goes to or below freezing most nights still, AND the county where I live has had under 50 confirmed cases, AND I have family who live in Florida year-round.)

But although I understand the desire to have an "enemy" to make this crisis more tolerable, I don't think that it's so black and white that everyone not taking the same precautions as you is the enemy.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:47 pm
amother [ Seashell ] wrote:
Yeah, but the flu is also deadly. We didn't all quarantine all flu season. And don't tell me about the vaccine, it's not been proven terribly effective, but it DOES make people comfortable to go out when they're sick cuz, "Hey, I got the flu vaccine." And the flu is contagious. And people DIE from it.

If I'm being WAY more careful as I am normally, I'm not all that likely to spread coronavirus, or even catch it for that matter. At that point, how significant is the risk?

It used to be that flying was a halachic shaalah, because it was risky. People did it, but it was a bigger deal. Now, the risk is considered minute enough that we are not concerned. Driving is FAR more deadly, but we also accept that level of risk. Kids pass around all kinds of illnesses in school, from flu to fifth disease (dangerous for pregnant women) to strep. All of the above can kill. But we consider the risk level to be low enough not to worry.

A very careful person, who is driving down, minimizing bathroom stops and sanitizing after each one, going straight to a rental and staying there, getting groceries delivered - yes, it's still a risk, but how big is that risk?

You're saying that NO risk level is acceptable. But LIVING has risks. Mental breakdowns, no fresh air, very limited exercise, and stress have risks. Some of the latter can be mitigated by being in a larger home, with a bigger yard, with a pool for exercise, and warm enough weather to be outside for hours. So they're just exchanging one set of risks for another.

(I'm not in Florida, no plans to go to Florida, even though we've had snow this week and are going to have it again and the temperature goes to or below freezing most nights still, AND the county where I live has had under 50 confirmed cases, AND I have family who live in Florida year-round.)

But although I understand the desire to have an "enemy" to make this crisis more tolerable, I don't think that it's so black and white that everyone not taking the same precautions as you is the enemy.

Yes but there is a fine line between "living" and taking a vacation out of state during the height of a pandemic. We had bodies lining the floor in shomrei hadas less than a month ago. Let's wait a little before we pick up full families for a vacation.
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