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Is it Safe To Let Kids Play Outside At This Point?
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 10:59 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Oh for heavens sake.

What she meant to say is are you able to give his name so we can say tehillim.

Stop with the magical thinking that there must be some reason and it can’t happen to your kid. Start davening for this one

so whats your suggestion, amother honeydew? Stay inside and make our kids stay inside until its risk free? So forever?
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:00 pm
baker1 wrote:
She was a perfectly healthy 6 year old. Very bad fever and a rash they rushed her to CHOP because everything was failing and quickly put her on a vent. Bh some slight improvement today but still very critical. She tested positive for COVID.

Her parents had the virus over Pesach but have been feeling better since

Oy, this is so scary.
Refua shleima
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:03 pm
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
so whats your suggestion, amother honeydew? Stay inside and make our kids stay inside until its risk free? So forever?

As I said

amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Why are they inside? Unless they are ill or have been exposed, that’s not required or recommended. If you have a yard, go out. If not, go to a local park. Or take your bfikes and scooters and skates and have fun. Play hopscotch. Set up a jumping and hopping course. Jump rope. Hike. Have races. Play catch. Among yourselves. While distancing from others.

Staying inside is a straw-man. No one ever suggested it.
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:04 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Staying inside is a straw-man. No one ever suggested it.

Okay so then I'll rephrase. When do you suggest our kids can play with their friends again?
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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:44 pm
Ok, I'll bite.

Where I live, a partially dense suburb, the children gradually stopped SD since Pesach. By now, 4 weeks later, ALL the kids are outside playing as in the pre corona days. Everyone was holding their breath if this risky experiment is safe, and l'maaseh BH, more than double the 14 day window has passed and not a single new diagnosis. The local peds are in agreement.

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Post Wed, May 06 2020, 11:55 pm
naturalmom5 wrote:

I read children under 11 have 0 perc fatality rate if no other health issue
And children very unlikely to shed virus

Please share factual sources
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:21 pm
I was out running errands today, and the streets were packed with groups of kids. It looked like any normal day of the week. Only about a half a dozen adults were wearing masks. I guess we can all relax now.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:28 pm
amother [ Brunette ] wrote:
I was out running errands today, and the streets were packed with groups of kids. It looked like any normal day of the week. Only about a half a dozen adults were wearing masks. I guess we can all relax now.

I think its becoming abundantly clear that you cannot force people to stay inside for 3 or 6 months for a disease that has a death rate of 1% or lower and overwhelmingly impacts the elderly or those with serious underlying conditions.
And no, I am not saying that the lives and health of the elderly and immunocompromised don't matter. What I am saying is people are unwilling to let the mental health of themselves and their children rapidly deteriorate to the point of being unable to cope with tasks of daily life and they will definitely not starve themselves or their children to potentially save the lives of the 7-8% of elderly people who will die from contracting the virus.
No matter what moral or theological argument you make about how wrong that is, people just won't do it.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:37 pm
amother [ Brunette ] wrote:
I was out running errands today, and the streets were packed with groups of kids. It looked like any normal day of the week. Only about a half a dozen adults were wearing masks. I guess we can all relax now.

Its rather absurd to think that because people in your community are flouting the rules, the danger is gone. Rather, they're increasing the risks of continued issues and transmission. Poor snowflakes can't stand another day, so they're increasing the time for everyone.

More than 31,000 deaths in the tri-state area. What will it take for people here to take it seriously.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:43 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Its rather absurd to think that because people in your community are flouting the rules, the danger is gone. Rather, they're increasing the risks of continued issues and transmission. Poor snowflakes can't stand another day, so they're increasing the time for everyone.

More than 31,000 deaths in the tri-state area. What will it take for people here to take it seriously.

People won't. The time for that has passed. If they wanted to do a really intense Spain or China-style lockdown (no going out at all etc), they would have had to do that from the beginning. People are getting quarantine fatigue and they won't let any tighter restrictions occur. People are becoming sensitized to the number of deaths and will accept them as part of life, the same way we accept flu deaths, deaths resulting from medical mistakes, car accidents, gun violence, and all the other preventable ways people can die.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:52 pm
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
I think its becoming abundantly clear that you cannot force people to stay inside for 3 or 6 months for a disease that has a death rate of 1% or lower and overwhelmingly impacts the elderly or those with serious underlying conditions.
And no, I am not saying that the lives and health of the elderly and immunocompromised don't matter. What I am saying is people are unwilling to let the mental health of themselves and their children rapidly deteriorate to the point of being unable to cope with tasks of daily life and they will definitely not starve themselves or their children to potentially save the lives of the 7-8% of elderly people who will die from contracting the virus.
No matter what moral or theological argument you make about how wrong that is, people just won't do it.

Of course, no one has been asked to stay inside for 6 days, much less 6 months.

They've been asked to socially distance for less than 2 months. And if they'd do it, then we'd be able to move on to the next step, what New Zealand is calling expanding the bubble.

Its shocking to me how many Americans have such extreme mental health issues that not being able to hang out with their friends pushes them to the brink of suicide, or inability to deal with daily life. We clearly need a better mental health system.

Its even more shocking to me that children suffer from such severe mental health issues that playing with their siblings, or on bikes, scooters, or other toys, results in irreparable mental harm.

Baruch hashem we're not at war, where they would have to hunker down.

Or maybe Americans are just selfish.

According to Healthline, nearly 40% of those hospitalized for coronavirus are under 55. Just under 3500 deaths attributable to coronavirus in 3 months. So they risk death too.

But it all comes down to Americans being too selfish. Viewing their own fun and recreational activities as more important than the lives of others.

I'm disgusted.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 1:57 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Of course, no one has been asked to stay inside for 6 days, much less 6 months.

They've been asked to socially distance for less than 2 months. And if they'd do it, then we'd be able to move on to the next step, what New Zealand is calling expanding the bubble.

Its shocking to me how many Americans have such extreme mental health issues that not being able to hang out with their friends pushes them to the brink of suicide, or inability to deal with daily life. We clearly need a better mental health system.

Its even more shocking to me that children suffer from such severe mental health issues that playing with their siblings, or on bikes, scooters, or other toys, results in irreparable mental harm.

Baruch hashem we're not at war, where they would have to hunker down.

Or maybe Americans are just selfish.

According to Healthline, nearly 40% of those hospitalized for coronavirus are under 55. Just under 3500 deaths attributable to coronavirus in 3 months. So they risk death too.

But it all comes down to Americans being too selfish. Viewing their own fun and recreational activities as more important than the lives of others.

I'm disgusted.

I agree, but it's not just Americans. Certain Israeli areas are just the same. Some people just don't think the rules apply to them.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:01 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Of course, no one has been asked to stay inside for 6 days, much less 6 months.

They've been asked to socially distance for less than 2 months. And if they'd do it, then we'd be able to move on to the next step, what New Zealand is calling expanding the bubble.

Its shocking to me how many Americans have such extreme mental health issues that not being able to hang out with their friends pushes them to the brink of suicide, or inability to deal with daily life. We clearly need a better mental health system.

Its even more shocking to me that children suffer from such severe mental health issues that playing with their siblings, or on bikes, scooters, or other toys, results in irreparable mental harm.

Baruch hashem we're not at war, where they would have to hunker down.

Or maybe Americans are just selfish.

According to Healthline, nearly 40% of those hospitalized for coronavirus are under 55. Just under 3500 deaths attributable to coronavirus in 3 months. So they risk death too.

But it all comes down to Americans being too selfish. Viewing their own fun and recreational activities as more important than the lives of others.

I'm disgusted.

So move to New Zealand if you're that disgusting. New Zealand is a completely different country then the U.S. It has a population of 4 million people, so half the size of New York City, not New York State, just New York City. It's extremely remote and its an island, they don't have multiple large international centers of travel so its very easy to control who comes in and out. Its significantly easier to stamp out the virus and then contract trace for a population of almost 1/100 of the U.S. For a country of that size, doing what they did was for sure the right strategy. The problem is that it likely will take the U.S. 6 months to ramp up contact tracing the same way because we are a much, much larger and more complex country. So yes, we'd have to be in lockdown for 6 months to achieve what New Zealand did.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:01 pm
I know this little girl too. I’m so shaken up. She’s was a normal regular healthy little girl. Let’s all Daven for her! Only Hashem can help! I just spoke to someone and it seems like her child had this Kawasaki disease too a few weeks ago and the doctor had no clue what it was BH the child is fine now. In most cases it seems to come after they already recovered from the virus and test positive for antibodies.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:10 pm
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
I think its becoming abundantly clear that you cannot force people to stay inside for 3 or 6 months for a disease that has a death rate of 1% or lower and overwhelmingly impacts the elderly or those with serious underlying conditions.
And no, I am not saying that the lives and health of the elderly and immunocompromised don't matter. What I am saying is people are unwilling to let the mental health of themselves and their children rapidly deteriorate to the point of being unable to cope with tasks of daily life and they will definitely not starve themselves or their children to potentially save the lives of the 7-8% of elderly people who will die from contracting the virus.
No matter what moral or theological argument you make about how wrong that is, people just won't do it.

Just out of curiosity, someone referred to a child in the ICU. Refuah shleima to her. If it turns out that it is covid related, would you socially isolate to save children like her? Or are children also an acceptable casualty so you and your kids can hang out with friends.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:13 pm
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
So move to New Zealand if you're that disgusting. New Zealand is a completely different country then the U.S. It has a population of 4 million people, so half the size of New York City, not New York State, just New York City. It's extremely remote and its an island, they don't have multiple large international centers of travel so its very easy to control who comes in and out. Its significantly easier to stamp out the virus and then contract trace for a population of almost 1/100 of the U.S. For a country of that size, doing what they did was for sure the right strategy. The problem is that it likely will take the U.S. 6 months to ramp up contact tracing the same way because we are a much, much larger and more complex country. So yes, we'd have to be in lockdown for 6 months to achieve what New Zealand did.

You're telling me that the deaths of tens of thousands of people is acceptable because you want to socialize with your friends.

And you're calling me "disgusting"?
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:17 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Just out of curiosity, someone referred to a child in the ICU. Refuah shleima to her. If it turns out that it is covid related, would you socially isolate to save children like her? Or are children also an acceptable casualty so you and your kids can hang out with friends.

Since everyone is so intent on following the science, I would follow the science. The science pretty indisputable says that children are at a very low risk of serious complications. Not no risk, but an extremely low risk, probably lower then when your kid gets into a car.
Taking into account the science, I would let me kids go outside and play with other kids. I would also respect parents who choose not to let their kids outside. You can't force people outside, nor would I be in favor of trying to do that. Life is not risk free. When I decided to have children, I had them with the knowledge that ch'v some preventable tragedy might befall them. They might be a victim of a car accident (preventable by not letting them get into a car), they might be a victim of a preventable illness, they might be a victim of a preventable medical mistake, the might be a victim of something falling off a building when they're outside and hitting them in the head. They might be a victim of gun violence. But as strong as my maternal urge to protect them is, I also recognize that it is not fair to them to try to prevent every single preventable thing happening because that would require never letting them go outside, never letting them go to school, never letting them get into a car, and that is not fair to them.
Obviously, if the risk to children was very high, and kids were dying left right and center of this, my calculation would be different. But BH that does not seem to be the case. So in light of what the science is telling me, yes I would still allow my children to play outside with other children who are outside despite the fact that there is a very small risk of them developing a serious complication as a result of contracting covid.
You can call me a heartless, evil mother, but what I said above is true for me.
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:21 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
You're telling me that the deaths of tens of thousands of people is acceptable because you want to socialize with your friends.

And you're calling me "disgusting"?

I didn't call you disgusting. And I didn't say its acceptable I said its unavoidable. Unless there is some vaccine or drug forthcoming in the very near future, there is no way to prevent the number of deaths. Quarantining does not prevent deaths, it spreads them out. That became evident when Cuomo released the figures that 66% of people going into hospitals were people who were self-quarantining. Self-quarantining does not prevent you from getting it.
In Australia, the number of deaths from suicides due to the lockdown is predicted to be larger than the deaths due to coronavirus. So you're telling me you're okay with thousands of people killing themselves due to the conditions that we created? Not due to a nature-made virus, but due to things we as humans have done? Because I'm not okay with that.

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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:34 pm
amother [ Honeydew ] wrote:
Of course, no one has been asked to stay inside for 6 days, much less 6 months.

They've been asked to socially distance for less than 2 months. And if they'd do it, then we'd be able to move on to the next step, what New Zealand is calling expanding the bubble.

Its shocking to me how many Americans have such extreme mental health issues that not being able to hang out with their friends pushes them to the brink of suicide, or inability to deal with daily life. We clearly need a better mental health system.

Its even more shocking to me that children suffer from such severe mental health issues that playing with their siblings, or on bikes, scooters, or other toys, results in irreparable mental harm.

Baruch hashem we're not at war, where they would have to hunker down.

Or maybe Americans are just selfish.

According to Healthline, nearly 40% of those hospitalized for coronavirus are under 55. Just under 3500 deaths attributable to coronavirus in 3 months. So they risk death too.

But it all comes down to Americans being too selfish. Viewing their own fun and recreational activities as more important than the lives of others.

I'm disgusted.

When are you moving to Shangri La

I hope you will continue to post here and let us know how idyllic life is there
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Post Thu, May 07 2020, 2:41 pm
Find a way to get them outside without being near others. I've had a hard time with that because other children are outside mingling. I have had to be creative about finding them outdoor space and I need to be there with them to supervise. We have not been able to go "outside on the block" as usual because there are kids about who then come close and want to play.

Last edited by ra_mom on Thu, May 07 2020, 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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