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Now that schools are opening and winter will be coming......
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 8:38 am
Please don’t send your kids to school if they have symptoms of strep!
Or if they are coughing...
Or if they are nauseous
Or have a bad cold
I really don’t want your kids germs to end up in my house even if it’s not corona
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 8:49 am
It's over! Very very few people dying from it anymore in ny. So yes I think we should just open everything back up. I can't be the only one who feels this way?
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 9:01 am
naomi2 wrote:
It's over! Very very few people dying from it anymore in ny. So yes I think we should just open everything back up. I can't be the only one who feels this way?

I hate to break it to you but its not over and please try to be as careful as possible unless you want to be back in lockdown like we where in march.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 9:09 am
amother [ Khaki ] wrote:
I hate to break it to you but its not over and please try to be as careful as possible unless you want to be back in lockdown like we where in march.

No one’s dying anymore
Dying is over
Now if someone gets sick they will simply not feel well for a few days
Sorry.... life is back to normal
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 9:09 am
naomi2 wrote:
It's over! Very very few people dying from it anymore in ny. So yes I think we should just open everything back up. I can't be the only one who feels this way?

That's exactly what we're doing. We are opening back up. But, with precautions. So that we can keep open isntead of going back into lockdown. Unfortunately, if there's too many people around like you then that might not even be possible.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 9:11 am
amother [ Pewter ] wrote:
No one’s dying anymore
Dying is over
Now if someone gets sick they will simply not feel well for a few days
Sorry.... life is back to normal

Tell that to the doctors treating Covid patients in the ICU. I'm sure they would love if it if you would let them in on this so that they can go on vacation. Because, you know, amother Pewter says that no one will die from Corona anyway.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:05 am
amother [ Emerald ] wrote:
Tell that to the doctors treating Covid patients in the ICU. I'm sure they would love if it if you would let them in on this so that they can go on vacation. Because, you know, amother Pewter says that no one will die from Corona anyway.

These are patients who have been sick for a few months. These are not new patients. Ask the doctors. They will tell you.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:09 am
My neighbor sends kids with fever to school. She gives them motrin and puts them on the bus. I doubt she'll do different this year...... I'm sure there are such parents in every school.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:12 am
naomi2 wrote:
It's over! Very very few people dying from it anymore in ny. So yes I think we should just open everything back up. I can't be the only one who feels this way?

Thank you for being a voice of reason in this forum of fear mongering. And with your sn.
People need to actually look at the numbers, at the studies (I mean before they get hidden and censored) and see just how many people are dying from covid. Cdc admitted that majority of covid deaths were falsely recorded as such, and MOST were covid on top of other conditions or ENTIRELY not covid, (as in a heart attack or car accident! )
And, that from the remaining covid deaths, majority were people of advanced age.
So healthy people are not at risk. Now you'll all come and yell, hey so that means you don't care about sick and elderly people (who also have a really good chance at not getting covid) and the way you show that is by giving up all your freedom, having to live in crisis, masking up for who knows how long, until were falling over our feet in the rush to get the covid vaccine, just to get our lives back to normal- at which point the virus will suddenly dissapear.
I don't know about you all, I'm not putting my trust in the cdc nor the "holy" Dr fauci.

Kids get sick, they get colds and strep sometimes. We know how to deal with these things. We've done it countless times. We'll be okay without panicking about covid. If someone is sick, stay home and don't spread whatever germs around. And when you feel better, go back about your life.
Ready for tomatoes 🍅
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:30 am
naomi2 wrote:
And who will watch my other kids before and after school hrs? Or should I just bring all of them along to the urgent care?
People don't seem to realize that " just wear a mask" "just get tested" " just stay home" has so many ramifications. It is an imposition on my life that is not worth containing this virus which can't be contained anyway. I feel very much like my freedoms are being imposed on and the restrictions are getting tighter as this virus weakens. Why?

Applause Applause Applause

Thank you thank you thank you!

Super brave of you to come out and say this under your screen name but I'm sure dozens of posters agree with you.

WHY are we letting a weakened virus disrupt the sense of normalcy, routine, and the ability to earn a living which were all completely devastated for MONTHS already?

Do you really think it will help to send a kid home once they have the virus? And then that entire class has to quarantine? And the office where the mom works? And the shul where the dad davens? How is this even feasible?

Do we really want to have a year like this? Can we afford to?

More and more doctors are jumping on the "let's ride this out with herd immunity" bandwagon. Do the research. There is no need for constant disruptions this year. Not when the data tells us otherwise.


Sweden: herd immunity
England: lockdown

The incidence of cases in England over 30 days was over 20,000 cases per 10 million people.
The incidence of cases in Sweden over 30 days was over 15,000 cases per 10 million people.

The fatality rate in England and Sweden was 17% and 16% respectively.

When will we stop being sheeple??
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:31 am
My kids' schools have set out a very strict policy this year, as they should. They will be taking temperatures as each child enters the building and they have arranged for different grades to use different entrances so there won't be a huge bottleneck. Parents will have to answer a few basic questions about symptoms and covid exposure over an app each morning. Children were never allowed to come to school with fever and even more so now. Any child who comes down with symptoms during the day will be isolated until a parent or designated emergency contact can pick them up. They have a service on call to do rapid tests at school if parents give permission. Children will not be allowed back in school without a doctor's note. The schools are begging parents to use common sense and not send kids in with any contagious symptoms. They are offering virtual school for anyone at home.

My kids have seasonal allergies and I have already taken them to their allergist and gotten them doctors notes about it so they won't need to stay home for non-contagious sniffles. For anything else, especially fever, I will keep them home like I always do. I hope they will catch fewer colds or other communicable diseases this year because of all the precautions the schools are taking so they'll end up being home less than usual.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:40 am
You know that fever isn't necessarily a symptom of covid right? I and dh and many others I spoke to had it in March with no fever at all. Someone could have fever and be basically fine.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 10:56 am
amother [ Babypink ] wrote:
Applause Applause Applause

Thank you thank you thank you!

Super brave of you to come out and say this under your screen name but I'm sure dozens of posters agree with you.

WHY are we letting a weakened virus disrupt the sense of normalcy, routine, and the ability to earn a living which were all completely devastated for MONTHS already?

Do you really think it will help to send a kid home once they have the virus? And then that entire class has to quarantine? And the office where the mom works? And the shul where the dad davens? How is this even feasible?

Do we really want to have a year like this? Can we afford to?

More and more doctors are jumping on the "let's ride this out with herd immunity" bandwagon. Do the research. There is no need for constant disruptions this year. Not when the data tells us otherwise.


Sweden: herd immunity
England: lockdown

The incidence of cases in England over 30 days was over 20,000 cases per 10 million people.
The incidence of cases in Sweden over 30 days was over 15,000 cases per 10 million people.

The fatality rate in England and Sweden was 17% and 16% respectively.

When will we stop being sheeple??

Have all of the teachers had the infection? I think that is where a lot of the concern is. Are you suggesting that sick kids with fever from any cause should attend school?
Also, I really wish that we could all find an alternative word to "sheeple". So far, nobody has proven that the virus has weakened. Can you link an article from a reliable source? Are people sheeple if they don't get their news from RW sources? If they are still cautious about the virus, does that qualify the person as brainless?
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 11:10 am
southernbubby wrote:
Have all of the teachers had the infection? I think that is where a lot of the concern is. Are you suggesting that sick kids with fever from any cause should attend school?
Also, I really wish that we could all find an alternative word to "sheeple". So far, nobody has proven that the virus has weakened. Can you link an article from a reliable source? Are people sheeple if they don't get their news from RW sources? If they are still cautious about the virus, does that qualify the person as brainless?

No I am not suggesting that people who have tested positive stay in school. I am suggesting that we don't keep home every kid with a sniffle or a cough during the winter.

I am suggesting that we do not force entire workplaces, shuls, or schools (or even classes) to quarantine for two weeks every time someone in the class tests positive, or someone in the class's FAMILY tests positive.

It's just. Not. Feasible.

Did you even look up the source I quoted? Its not a RW news source at all! It's a medical website. I brought you real, actual data, not someone's opinion. How can anyone possibly argue with that??

Um, do declining death rates not mean the virus has weakened? And even if it hasn't (which experts cant say for sure yet), the death rates are definitely down. For whatever reason. So why would we keep the same restrictions when they had so many long-term consequences??

But I wasn't even arguing about that. Just arguing that LOCKDOWNS don't work. HERD IMMUNITY does. See the statistics posted above.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 11:17 am
amother [ Chartreuse ] wrote:

Kids get sick, they get colds and strep sometimes. We know how to deal with these things. We've done it countless times. We'll be okay without panicking about covid. If someone is sick, stay home and don't spread whatever germs around. And when you feel better, go back about your life.
Ready for tomatoes 🍅

All this thread is saying is that if your kids are sick you should keep them home. That’s it. So you agree then.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 11:47 am
amother [ Babypink ] wrote:
No I am not suggesting that people who have tested positive stay in school. I am suggesting that we don't keep home every kid with a sniffle or a cough during the winter.

I am suggesting that we do not force entire workplaces, shuls, or schools (or even classes) to quarantine for two weeks every time someone in the class tests positive, or someone in the class's FAMILY tests positive.

It's just. Not. Feasible.

Did you even look up the source I quoted? Its not a RW news source at all! It's a medical website. I brought you real, actual data, not someone's opinion. How can anyone possibly argue with that??

Um, do declining death rates not mean the virus has weakened? And even if it hasn't (which experts cant say for sure yet), the death rates are definitely down. For whatever reason. So why would we keep the same restrictions when they had so many long-term consequences??

But I wasn't even arguing about that. Just arguing that LOCKDOWNS don't work. HERD IMMUNITY does. See the statistics posted above.

Declining death rates can also happen because the virus is infecting younger people but that doesn't mean that the virus itself has changed.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 12:20 pm
naomi2 wrote:
It's over! Very very few people dying from it anymore in ny. So yes I think we should just open everything back up. I can't be the only one who feels this way?

Whether its over or not is very irrelevent here.

Public health policy is what it is. The schools must comply or they can be 100% shut down permanently.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 12:20 pm
amother [ Puce ] wrote:
All this thread is saying is that if your kids are sick you should keep them home. That’s it. So you agree then.

This thread is trying to define "sick enough to stay home from school" and how long to keep them home and if we should run and take covid tests each time a kid coughs.
I'm saying to go on as usual, however you deal with it usually. Other people want everyone to panic and do mass covid tests maybe even in school.
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 12:42 pm
Policy in September isn't always the policy in January. I can understand people in KJ or New Square having a different policy than the rest of NY or OOT.
The understandable fear is that in some places, 30 or 40 percent of people are not immune and these are the people who need to avoid the virus because of their age or health. Doctors in frum communities realize that Tishrei will stir the pot, leading to new cases and children will spread it through the schools where it will probably infect some people. Hopefully this won't be a serious problem but doctors and other health officials are worried about COVID plus the flu and predict a lousy winter.
OTOH, life has to go on and people have to resume life but at the same time, we are not entirely out of the woods yet. A crisis like what doctors are predicting can make it hard to rebuild the economy. Hopefully Hashem will be merciful and the school year will be a smashing success and by next summer, this will be nothing but a memory!
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Post Wed, Sep 02 2020, 12:47 pm
amother [ Babypink ] wrote:
Applause Applause Applause

Thank you thank you thank you!

Super brave of you to come out and say this under your screen name but I'm sure dozens of posters agree with you.

WHY are we letting a weakened virus disrupt the sense of normalcy, routine, and the ability to earn a living which were all completely devastated for MONTHS already?

Do you really think it will help to send a kid home once they have the virus? And then that entire class has to quarantine? And the office where the mom works? And the shul where the dad davens? How is this even feasible?

Do we really want to have a year like this? Can we afford to?

More and more doctors are jumping on the "let's ride this out with herd immunity" bandwagon. Do the research. There is no need for constant disruptions this year. Not when the data tells us otherwise.


Sweden: herd immunity
England: lockdown

The incidence of cases in England over 30 days was over 20,000 cases per 10 million people.
The incidence of cases in Sweden over 30 days was over 15,000 cases per 10 million people.

The fatality rate in England and Sweden was 17% and 16% respectively.

When will we stop being sheeple??

England locked down way later than other countries, once it was already rampant everywhere. And their borders were basically open to everyone from Italy and other infected countries all the time. And there was no option for anyone to get tested back then. So, your comparison doesnt mean anything.
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