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British Royal Family Drama
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:07 pm
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:07 pm
amother [ Seagreen ] wrote:
You think Black is just skin color? Really.

I identify as black.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:09 pm
amother [ Bisque ] wrote:
I identify as black.

No your Bisque
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:10 pm
amother [ Coral ] wrote:
No you Bisque

Well I guess I'll have to identify as White then (with floral perfume?)
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:11 pm
amother [ Seagreen ] wrote:
I'm going to say this again so people will actually stop pretending it's not here: When Megan and harry had Archie, a British Tabloid writer posted a picture of an ORANGUTAN on his twitter. If that's not racist, I don't actually know what that is.

An example of ONE is not much. Meghan is really not treated in this manner in the larger part.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:15 pm
I think there are some people who are racist and mistreat Meghan because of that.
But mostly, I see people upset at a newcomer coming in and telling an established "organization" how they should do things, and when it's not accepted, to go and badmouth your family to tabloids and the press.
They also come across as tone-deaf.
The famous South African interview where she said no one was asking how she felt. Hello. You're wealthy and want for nothing and you're standing in a poor region known for actual violence against women, whining about not being heard.
Throughout the past year, they've also seemed oblivious. People are dying. People have lost their livelihood. People have no way to feed their children. We don't want to hear about your mistreatment by your staff in your palaces.
William and Kate seem to be aware of their tremendous privilege, usually. They applaud healthcare workers and their "whining" is in sympathy and very relatable about remote schooling, holidays without family, and missing grandparents.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:15 pm
tigerwife wrote:
Do you really think it’s about racism? First time I ever heard anything like that. I would hardly call Meghan a victim of racism after playing a lead role in a TV show and marrying a prince.

That's exactly the narrative she keeps pushing. She was bullied because she's black. She wasn't accepted because she's black. She wasn't given more honors because she's black. The british media hated her because she's black.

She forgets that the British press has it in for every single member of the royal family. Even super boring Sophie, Countess of Wessex, got into a ton of trouble for attempting to have her own job.

I honestly think that Meghan is jealous that she will never be top dog, in Kate's position. The monarchy protects the center, everyone else is expendable. That's how it's always been, that's why 90% of us don't want to marry the second son to the heir to the throne.

Last edited by imorethanamother on Fri, Mar 05 2021, 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:16 pm
amother [ Bisque ] wrote:
I identify as black.

Like Michelle Obama? Or Rachel Dolezal?
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:16 pm
[quote="amother [ Seagreen ]"]Like [b]Michelle Obama? Or Rachel Dolezal?

She is actually black. Megan is not!
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:20 pm
amother [ Violet ] wrote:

William and Kate seem to be aware of their tremendous privilege, usually. They applaud healthcare workers and their "whining" is in sympathy and very relatable about remote schooling, holidays without family, and missing grandparents.

When Kate said something, recently, that "it's very hard to have the kids home on zoom", or something to that effect, the press called her out for being insensitive.

I do like it that she rated herself a "negative five" on a score of 1-10 of homeschooling prowess. I like people who are self-deprecating, and I think that's what's missing with Harry and Meghan. They take themselves too seriously, need the conversation to be about how great they are and how they're doing.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:23 pm
amother [ Amber ] wrote:
I think they have a right to leave and escape the British press, and even any "responsibilities" they'd have if they stayed in the family. But "branding" themselves, signing TV deals, and airing grievances on TV are not doing that. They do want press, they just want to control their own narrative and make loads of money so they can live in a 15 million dollar compound. I'd be a little more sympathetic if they weren't chasing media opportunities. Moving to LA is not a quiet retirement from public life.

So the flip side to that is, why does it have to either/or? Why does the public feel that they “cant* live a public life, but one that’s on their own terms?
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:26 pm
imorethanamother wrote:
When Kate said something, recently, that "it's very hard to have the kids home on zoom", or something to that effect, the press called her out for being insensitive.

I do like it that she rated herself a "negative five" on a score of 1-10 of homeschooling prowess. I like people who are self-deprecating, and I think that's what's missing with Harry and Meghan. They take themselves too seriously, need the conversation to be about how great they are and how they're doing.

The press calls her out on her haircut.
But my outsider perspective was that she stays in her lane.
Even a wealthy person with a palace and staff and tons of outdoors can admit to finding zoom school stressful and the kids don't cooperate.
She didn't whine that no one in the press understands how hard it is to do zoom schooling.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:28 pm
amother [ Seagreen ] wrote:
Because a black woman had the temerity to stand up against racism, and her very white husband stood by her side.

Perfect example of projection right here
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:42 pm
I also want to say that historically (for the past 100 years) the British Family was admired for the no complain, no explain attitude.
During WWII, then princesses Elizabeth and Margaret were admired and became famous for just doing what they need to do- rationing, knitting socks for soldiers, digging bomb shelters, not using heat and metal to save for the troops, gardening, etc.
They didn't whine and complain that they couldn't have butter or sugar or meat. And didn't whine that no one wants to hear their voice.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:49 pm
amother [ Fuchsia ] wrote:
So the flip side to that is, why does it have to either/or? Why does the public feel that they “cant* live a public life, but one that’s on their own terms?

I can't speak for the whole public, but personally I think doing these interviews and using the royal connections to profit is the problem. I'm not saying they have to choose between working as royalty or retiring to a ranch in Montana--if she wants to be an actress, be an actress-- but it just seems disingenuous to pretend they're fleeing the spotlight and the royal life and then profit from it.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:54 pm
[quote="amother [ Firebrick ]"]
amother [ Seagreen ] wrote:
Like [b]Michelle Obama? Or Rachel Dolezal?

She is actually black. Megan is not!

Having a black parent doesn't make you black? It made Barack Obama black.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 1:56 pm
amother [ Fuchsia ] wrote:
So the flip side to that is, why does it have to either/or? Why does the public feel that they “cant* live a public life, but one that’s on their own terms?

Because they walked away from the responsibility and now want to cash in on the name recognition and complaining.
They're biting the hand that feeds them, especially since they get a personal allowance from Prince Charles.
Do you really think Oprah would interview Harry Mountbatten-Windsor, retired soldier, currently unemployed with a passion for climate change and his American wife Meghan Markle, actress between gigs.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 2:01 pm
amother [ Firebrick ] wrote:
Megan is as black as Kamala Harris is Can't Believe It LOL

Very often, this forum disgusts me. This is an example why. And this is a public thread.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 2:05 pm
amother [ Fuchsia ] wrote:
So the flip side to that is, why does it have to either/or? Why does the public feel that they “cant* live a public life, but one that’s on their own terms?

I totally hear that. I think there's two things at play here:

1) 99.999999% of the human population did not win the lottery to be born into the one royal family with actual power and influence. It's a really short list, lol. So here you have a person who won the incredible prize to be born into a life with unimaginable privilege. Palaces. Esteem. Far reaching influence and the ability to really change lives. People pay ATTENTION to him and what he cares about, and he's given a staff - for free! - to make whatever he cares about happen. The two charities he started became instant successes, something Jews only dream about.

And he gives all that up to go to Hollywood and join the movie business. It's like being handed a rough, uncut, 52 carat diamond, and exchanging it for a 10 carat cubic zirconia because it's more sparkly.

2) In a recent interview he did in Los Angeles - with James Corbin, a celebrity interviewer whose claim to fame is "carpool karaoke", he said that his life in Los angeles will look the same as his life in Britain. He will "continue his life of public service". And yet, aside from donating some money to repair a roof, the only thing they seem to be doing are movie deals.

He gave up all the tools his former life had that actually make sure this life of public service happen. No staff. His charities were all given away to other royal members. His titles are gone. After flying around in private jets to vacation spots and living in a house the size of a city block, he then lectures the public about the environment and how awful tourism is.
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Post Fri, Mar 05 2021, 2:05 pm
amother [ Seagreen ] wrote:
I'm going to say this again so people will actually stop pretending it's not here: When Megan and harry had Archie, a British Tabloid writer posted a picture of an CHIMPANZEE on his twitter. If that's not racist, I don't actually know what that is.

I don’t think that reflects public opinion.
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