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I only have one fridge.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 8:03 pm
I eat all chometz that is in the fridge, and any that I can't eat I put in the upright freezer that will be sold.

All kitniyot I cover up - not because I have to, but because of ADD I'm afraid I'll grab it by mistake without thinking.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 8:07 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Do you sell part of the fridg even if it’s not real chometz? Is it allowed?

Last year I portioned off a shelf in one door. Just covered with foil and tape. We kept anything we had leftover because of covid.

During regular years I like as much space as possible reserved for pesach food. So I leave nothing extra in the fridge during pesach. We eat up or throw out before, or put condiments in a box in the laundry room for the 8 days.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 8:33 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Do you sell part of the fridg even if it’s not real chometz? Is it allowed?

Why not??
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 9:08 pm
We get rid of all chametz from our house.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 10:06 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Do you sell part of the fridg even if it’s not real chometz? Is it allowed?

Keep in mind you're not selling your fridge or chametz dishes, etc. Just the chometz in/on them. So when you list the places where the sold chametz is on your Rav's form, list "bottom left shelf in kitchen fridge"
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 11:31 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
We get rid of all chametz from our house.

Idk the why but I remember that I heard awhile ago that you can’t sell part of your fridg.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 11:37 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Idk the why but I remember that I heard awhile ago that you can’t sell part of your fridg.

Our rav told us clearly that we can sell real chametz on two shelves of the freezer and use the rest for pesach as long as it is covered. He said he sells chametz and will be doing that too (Lakewood yeshivish). I use one produce drawer fo fridge stuff.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 11:42 pm
I keep a small cardboard box in my fridge for my chametz items and try to use it up before pesach
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 11:45 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Idk the why but I remember that I heard awhile ago that you can’t sell part of your fridg.

We don't sell our chametz, we eat everything left before Pesach and what we didn't eat we give away, throw out. We don't keep anything that is chametz inside our house.
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Post Thu, Mar 18 2021, 11:49 pm
amother [ Salmon ] wrote:
Most fruits and vegetables are fine at room temperature, eggs too. That really saves alot of space.

Fruits and veggies-yes.
Copied from the Egg Safety Center.

In the United States, it’s more than a food safety recommendation that eggs be refrigerated – it’s the law. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) determined that the best way to fight Salmonella contamination is by sanitizing the eggs before they reach the consumer. The washing process removes contaminants, but it also removes the natural coating of the egg, leaving the shell porous. On U.S. commercial egg farms, it is required that eggs are thoroughly washed and immediately refrigerated before they leave the farm and during transportation to the grocery store.

In other parts of the world, such as Europe, authorities approach the threat of Salmonella quite differently. Eggs there are not required to go through extensive washing, which leaves the protective coating on the egg. Because this coating remains on the eggs, authorities feel it is safe for them to be sold at room temperature. In some European countries, vaccines are used to prevent Salmonella in laying hens.

In America, food safety officials emphasize that once eggs have been refrigerated, it is critical they remain that way. A cool egg at room temperature can sweat, facilitating the growth of bacteria that could enter the egg through its porous shell.
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Post Fri, Mar 19 2021, 6:29 am
Me too. And one bathroom, one 'living' room, and until recently, one sink. And we manage, and we even make Pesach, b"H.
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Post Fri, Mar 19 2021, 4:13 pm
amother [ Gray ] wrote:
Our rav told us clearly that we can sell real chametz on two shelves of the freezer and use the rest for pesach as long as it is covered. He said he sells chametz and will be doing that too (Lakewood yeshivish). I use one produce drawer fo fridge stuff.

I’m surprised because rabbi always tell us they don’t sell real chometz. Yeshivish also.
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Post Fri, Mar 19 2021, 4:17 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I’m surprised because rabbi always tell us they don’t sell real chometz. Yeshivish also.

If you don't sell real chometz, then don't.

If you're talking about not actual chometz food that was with the chometz so you can't eat it on pesach, seal it in a bag or tape off the shelf/drawer, write "chometzdik" or "sold" on it, and sell it for pesach.
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Post Fri, Mar 19 2021, 5:16 pm
I don’t sell real chometz, but sell non kosher for pesach, non chometz food, and kitnyus. Most sauces, and canned goods aren’t chometz.
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Post Fri, Mar 19 2021, 7:31 pm
That’s what I mean. Most people don’t sell real chometz. Like bread and pasta.
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Post Sat, Mar 20 2021, 5:00 pm
doodlesmom wrote:
I don’t sell real chometz, but sell non kosher for pesach, non chometz food, and kitnyus. Most sauces, and canned goods aren’t chometz.

You're allowed to own these things on Pesach. Why would you sell them?
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Post Sat, Mar 20 2021, 8:52 pm
amother [ Teal ] wrote:
Do so many people really have more than one fridge that this is even a thing?

Excuse me, I don't mean to sound nasty: perhaps for you it's no big deal, but OP finds it a challenge.
Kindly respect her difficulty even if u don't understand it.
What can seem so easy for one person, may be a big challenge for another person.

OP: after we've cleaned our fridge for Pesach, we cover all the racks/shelves with large gabage bags. Poke holes in the bagged shelves to let air in. The fruit/veg drawers are also placed inside a garbage bag, so totally covered. In the door, all shelves are completely covered with silver foil.
No real chametz, like pasta etc. is allowed inside the fridge.
No leftover food allowed into the fridge.
Bedikas chametz day, we take off all the bags and silver foil, and change to special plastic fridge mats we use for Pesach, spread on each shelf rack. Door shelves are covered with new silver foil. Drawers are bagged in new garbage bags.
Fridge n freezer door handles are also covered with foil and stuck with tape.

Hope this helps.
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Post Sat, Mar 20 2021, 8:58 pm
Do most large frum families NOT have an extra fridge? Maybe you should do a poll
I certainly would not manage a yt without one
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Post Sat, Mar 20 2021, 9:27 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
That’s what I mean. Most people don’t sell real chometz. Like bread and pasta.

It’s a minhag. Many ppl do sell bread and pasta.
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Post Sat, Mar 20 2021, 9:29 pm
amother [ Coral ] wrote:
Do most large frum families NOT have an extra fridge? Maybe you should do a poll
I certainly would not manage a yt without one

Yeah. esp. those who live in Israel.
We have one fridge, and I'll admit, it is a juggling act fitting all the containers and pots in the fridge, on YT, AND getting the door to stay closed.

You'd be surprised how many large families ke'h have to make do with little neccesities.
e.g. my friend has ke'h 16 children not yet married, and she has ONE washing machine of 4 kilo.

Talk about apts: My son-in-law's grandmother raised 15 kids ke'h in an apt. of a tiny kitchen, small narrow hallway, and one largish room which was bedroom at night/living room by day, and the all in one room for all that she owned.
And I thought I was superwoman when we lived with 4 kids (then) in a small one bedroom apt., with tiny dining room, and even tinier kitchen. Tiny shower cubicle next to t-t.
People learn to manage or don't manage with what they can barely afford.
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