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I'm not enjoying this food
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 6:21 am
You have to think about the big picture. I also want to eat protein at every meal. But when I wake up in the morning, I just want to eat cereal and milk. So I choose a super healthy cereal like Kashi and add some blueberries. You can do something like that - protein rich cereal with almond milk. Go slow! Think big picture!
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 6:39 am
It’s crazy not to have any carbs at all. I know you want to be thin and you probably know someone who this worked for but you are asking for trouble. The minute you decide you can’t do this carb free diet anymore you will binge eat like you never did.
You should have healthy carbs, a limited amount. 2 rice cakes, not 1/2 a pack. 3/4 cup whole wheat pasta or brown rice, a measured portion of oatmeal, spelt matzah....
You should have some carbs but in moderation and healthy carbs or you’ll never be able to stick with it.
Btw- how much did you loose?
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 7:44 am
You can make flax mug bread, cake, and flax crackers
The bread and cake are quick microwave recipes, the crackers take a little more work.
You can make avocado toast.
YouTube and Google has lots of recipes
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 8:31 am
There are mission wraps that are extremely high in fiber. Some varieties have 3grams net carbs. I prefer the taste over the regular wraps. It comes in a few varieties though look out for “carb balance”

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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 8:58 am
amother [ Pearl ] wrote:
It’s crazy not to have any carbs at all. I know you want to be thin and you probably know someone who this worked for but you are asking for trouble. The minute you decide you can’t do this carb free diet anymore you will binge eat like you never did.
You should have healthy carbs, a limited amount. 2 rice cakes, not 1/2 a pack. 3/4 cup whole wheat pasta or brown rice, a measured portion of oatmeal, spelt matzah....
You should have some carbs but in moderation and healthy carbs or you’ll never be able to stick with it.
Btw- how much did you loose?

This. Focusing on a long term plan will get you much farther than a short term plan. You may lose weight faster on a short term plan, but it will be very hard to maintain it if you aren't on a diet that works for you.

Slow and steady will win the race here.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 9:47 am
amother [ Plum ] wrote:
In my experience as a vegetarian, a lot of people are quick to dismiss vegetables because they don't really know how to cook them. They eat salads or roast frozen mixes and then it's no wonder they think they don't like them.

The best thing to do is start with nice, fresh veggies. Go for a variety and don't be afraid to try something you aren't familiar with or try new techniques.

Offhand, I can tell you what I have in my fridge right now and what I intend to do with it:

I have two bunches of fresh swiss chard that I'm going to chop. I'm going to sautee some onions and lightly sautee the chard too then mix it all with some eggs and salty cheeses to bake into a crustless quiche. Freezes well, too.

I have some kohlrabi, carrots, and cabbage, which I slice thinly and make into a quick pickle that's really nice to snack on.

I have some carrots, zucchini, and bok choy I plan to stir fry with ginger, garlic, and soy sauce.

Some fresh asparagus to quickly pan roast with a bit of butter, salt, and pepper.

Notice, no salads or frozen veggies mentioned anywhere.

Explore new recipes online because there is so, so much more to eat in the world of delicious healthy fruits and veggies than the world give them credit for.

What are your brine proportions and how long does it need to see in the fridge before it's ready.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 9:50 am
(I am in no way a professional here, so if you got this eating plan from a nutritionist please disregard)

That sounds like a lot of protein, I'd be sick of it too. Have you calculated the percentages of fat/carbs/protein you want to be eating?

Also, are you varying the recipes you're eating? If you're alternating veggie and chicken breast stir fry with a generic green salad with bottled Italian dressing for every meal, then you're definitely going to get bored and crave different food. Are you working off an existing plan? With a nutritionist? A support group? There are tons of blogs, books, programs and sample recipes out there, and there are a lot of keto friendly recipes and prepared food in stores.
If you don't have one, I'd recommend finding, or making up, a varied weekly meal plan that sounds like something you can stick with and enjoy.

For crunch and blandness and a healthy dose of good fat, I eat a lot of cabbage with whole sesame tahini. I make a lot of different salad dressing, use different vegetables in my salads, and cook my protein differently so my salads are all interesting and different. There are also recipes based off keto fathead dough (google it) if you're really missing the dough-y stuff.

I absolutely don't think you have to give up low carb just yet. Maybe it'll turn out in the end that it's not the right thing for your body, but first try looking for a more specific and detailed framework to work with, so you don't fall off the wagon out of sheer boredom.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 10:02 am
I do eat variations of Vegetables and fats and proteins, I was just writing it out as simply as I could for whomever asked.

I have not looked into almond or flax seed alternatives. I'm really trying to eat minimally processed foods.

I have tried other diets and they have all failed because of my sugar cravings and binging. I even had a good plan where I ate a treat every day and I still had binges. That's when I was advised by friends to cut out the sugars/carbs and I won't binge. But I really don't like this food. My husband loves keto. I plan my food every day and I still have not decided what to eat because I literally cannot think of anything I want to eat. So far I've had a coffee.

I just want to stop binging.

I have only started and only lost a few lbs. I was hoping it would get easier. That id get used to this kind of eating and start enjoying it (I'm on keto and loving it- you know all those people) but I'm actually liking it less and less.

Thanks for listening.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 11:34 am
One suggestions-if you have the time and money- get a good "healthy" cookbook and just go through the recipes. I went through a "low processed" stage and got this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/prod.....71f5d (though I did cut back on oil in the recipes) but look around and find one that looks good to you. Bookmark the recipes that look the best and make a grocery list. Make sure to have some food prepared for each day. Switch it up so you don't get bored. Stick to portion sizes.
I find that when the food is interesting and different I am able to better portion control myself. Something about the novelty of having made myself a "fun" meal and knowing the reason I did so was to be eating better.

I dunno. These are just ideas. Dieting is hard. Changing life habits is hard. I know. If you knew my past history with food you'd understand I'm not just one of those annoying people just saying it. Trust me on that.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 12:32 pm
I was like you. I decided to do that and only ate protein at every meal. I got so so sick of chicken and fish that it backfired.
Now I am back to eating carbs but in moderation. Half the size of regular portions with your meals.
Have a wrap for lunch instead of a salad or keto/low carb bread.

There are better cereals out there. Eating eggs every day for breakfast will make you sick of them.

I think the main issue are the bad carbs- don't eat chips and cookies and cake. Also portion sizes - don't take too many potatoes or too big a serving of rice.

You need to like what you eat or this isn't sustainable. I'm not saying way noodles and pizza every night but once a week allow yourself a carb dinner at least or you'll go crazy.

You CAN lose weight while eating carbs, just count your calories.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 12:39 pm
I’m off carbs for the last couple of weeks, I’ve done this before and it works for me. I do eat sugar, ie fruit, sweeteners...
For me, it’s the best weight loss plan.

Some foods I enjoy:
Breakfast- Greek yogurt, either with a spoon of peanut butter mixed in, or a hand full of blueberries and nuts. Vanilla protein shakes. Kind bar.

Snacks: edamames, nuts in moderation. I love sunflower seeds!! Gives me a crunch and I really feel like I’m snacking. Baked apples.

Lunch I like doing a vegetable w marinara sauce and some melted cheese. Roasted cauliflower, cooked zucchini slices.

Smoothies are also yummy for a light meal.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:08 pm
I'm not sure if this works for others but it does for me (so far, been on it for 3 weeks):
I decided I wanted to lose weight but not greatly change my eating habits or munch "rabbit food" or keto stuff or anything weird or expensive.
So here's my own simple calories restriction diet, I eat anything I want but no more than 1800 calories a day. Of those, maximum 110 calories can be sweets or chocolate (before my diet I ate a lot more sweets).
2 hardboiled eggs in the morning are a must to ensure some protein as I don't usually eat meat during the week.
I've found that plain unsweetened black tea helps to reduce appetite so I drink several cups a day.
Other than that I eat all my normal stuff, but I weigh and count calories of everything and keep a brutally honest food diary.
On Shabbat I don't calculate but just generally hold back a bit.
So far, I've lost 2.6 kg in 3 weeks, that's 5.7 lbs as by google.
My appetite and sugar cravings have gone down already somewhat, so I hope I can keep it up long term.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:13 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I do eat variations of Vegetables and fats and proteins, I was just writing it out as simply as I could for whomever asked.

I have not looked into almond or flax seed alternatives. I'm really trying to eat minimally processed foods.

I have tried other diets and they have all failed because of my sugar cravings and binging. I even had a good plan where I ate a treat every day and I still had binges. That's when I was advised by friends to cut out the sugars/carbs and I won't binge. But I really don't like this food. My husband loves keto. I plan my food every day and I still have not decided what to eat because I literally cannot think of anything I want to eat. So far I've had a coffee.

I just want to stop binging.

I have only started and only lost a few lbs. I was hoping it would get easier. That id get used to this kind of eating and start enjoying it (I'm on keto and loving it- you know all those people) but I'm actually liking it less and less.

Thanks for listening.

My DS and I are both on Keto the last few weeks and we both have zero cravings and usually feel satiated with no desire to binge ever .
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Chana Miriam S


Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:16 pm
You know your appetite loss can be put to your advantage? That is literally why low carb is good for cravings. If you give yourself boundaries and only eat what is ‘allowed’ it is much easier to stay on track. Don’t eat for entertainment, eat to live. Joy erupts.

Last edited by Chana Miriam S on Thu, May 06 2021, 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:17 pm
amother [ Peach ] wrote:
I was like you. I decided to do that and only ate protein at every meal. I got so so sick of chicken and fish that it backfired.
Now I am back to eating carbs but in moderation. Half the size of regular portions with your meals.
Have a wrap for lunch instead of a salad or keto/low carb bread.

There are better cereals out there. Eating eggs every day for breakfast will make you sick of them.

I think the main issue are the bad carbs- don't eat chips and cookies and cake. Also portion sizes - don't take too many potatoes or too big a serving of rice.

You need to like what you eat or this isn't sustainable. I'm not saying way noodles and pizza every night but once a week allow yourself a carb dinner at least or you'll go crazy.

You CAN lose weight while eating carbs, just count your calories.

Thank u for saying this. I really want to manage my cravings and when I expressed what you're saying I was told it takes time to get used to the food but cutting out carbs will get rid of cravings. Read every weightloss thread it's the same advice repeated over and over. I cut out carbs and now I have no cravings and feel amazing. I just want that.

Maybe I can't have that and I need to just eat normal healthy and do my best.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:19 pm
thunderstorm wrote:
My DS and I are both on Keto the last few weeks and we both have zero cravings and usually feel satiated with no desire to binge ever .

That's what I thought would happen. But nope. Still craving and now disliking food.

I'm hungry just lack of appetite because the food is just not appetizing. No I will not use that to my advantage. That's borderline anorexia. Altho I did think that. Maybe keto does work for me because now food is gross.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:29 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
That's what I thought would happen. But nope. Still craving and now disliking food.

I'm hungry just lack of appetite because the food is just not appetizing. No I will not use that to my advantage. That's borderline anorexia. Altho I did think that. Maybe keto does work for me because now food is gross.

I follow my macros strictly and have great food every day. Nothing tastes gross at all.
I use almond flour in small amounts. There are tons of online recipes for keto cookies, cake and snack. You can only eat small amounts per day because you need to watch your net carb intake. But I feel like I’m eating almost the same as my family. Instead of rice I use cauliflower rice. Instead of pasta I use zucchini. I made mock lasagna roll ups for Shavuos with zucchini.
I made cheese cake with an almond flour and butter crust with sweetener instead of sugar. (I only use erythritol or stevia) . I even baked keto bread. But I limit it and only eat these things on special occasions and make sure it fits into my limit of 20 net carbs a day. I prefer getting my carbs from avocado, nuts, and veggies.
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Chana Miriam S


Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:45 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
That's what I thought would happen. But nope. Still craving and now disliking food.

I'm hungry just lack of appetite because the food is just not appetizing. No I will not use that to my advantage. That's borderline anorexia. Altho I did think that. Maybe keto does work for me because now food is gross.

That is not anorexia. You eat ENOUGH. You don’t starve yourself. You get rid of cravings and don’t walk around hungry. If you’re still eating sweetener, stop.
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 1:49 pm
Here is an easy wrap recipe
You can fill with veggies

Mug bread , quick and easy
You can add sweetner and cinnamon for something sweet

Flax crackers
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Post Thu, May 06 2021, 2:06 pm
Perhaps you're not in ketosis?
The cravings usually diminish when your body is fat adapted. You can order strips to test on Amazon.
If you're not in ketosis, and you want to stay with the low carb diet, you'll probably have to look closer at the macros of what you're eating. Some vegetables can be very carby. Maybe cut out sweeteners or at least make sure they're the keto friendly ones.

I'd also argue for consolidating meals and skipping if you don't feel like it. I find the combination of keto and intermittent fasting to be very effective and sustainable. Skipping meals is not disordered eating on it's own, your mindset is what makes it disordered. If you have a history of eating disorders then your concern makes sense, but otherwise, IMHO, listen to your body. You don't have to eat if you don't feel like it. Most of humanity throughout history did not eat 3 meals a day plus snacks. That's a modern invention.

But if you've given it a fair shot and it didn't work for you, that's ok. Different people's bodies are different. Articles come out saying: XYZ method is there best! Everyone should do Atkins/WW/low fat/whole 30/whatever!! It's the BEST AND ONLY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT! And then we all go out and do the latest diet, and for a few people it sticks, and the rest feel like miserable failures. But that's not true! Different ways of eating work for different people. I never even bothered trying most calorie restricted diets because just reading the meal plan made me want to cry. Even though plenty of people have done well on them. Every body is different.
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