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Anyone else pro-mask, but afraid of vaccine?
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 10:44 am
I'm with you. I'm nervous to vax. I dont believe it is as safe and effective as they claim. I'm very cautious and avoid indoor places as much as possible. But seems like we will be forced to get the vaccine soon, especially in ny. Deblasio says the voluntary phase of getting the vaccine is ending. Im appalled at the lack of freedom and the direction this country is heading before our eyes.

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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 10:55 am
#BestBubby wrote:
But not free choice on vaccination, masks, destroying people's businesses,
shutting down Houses of Worship, etc.

Not true. Don't make a sweeping generalization that is false.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 10:58 am
fleetwood wrote:
Not true. Don't make a sweeping generalization that is false.

Not true?

You oppose vaccine mandates for employment and school/college?

You oppose mask mandates?

You oppose government lockdowns - shutting down businesses and closing houses of worship?
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 10:58 am
OP I used to be like you. Pro mask, scared of covid, hesitant about vaccine.
I did my research, decided to go ahead with vaccine and im very happy I did.
97% of covid hospitalizations now are from unvaccinated people. The vaccines are protecting from serious covid.
And the Delta variant is a lot worse than the original.
So although I was hesitant, im happy DH and I went ahead and got the vaccine
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 11:00 am
fleetwood wrote:
Not true. Don't make a sweeping generalization that is false.

Which part of this isn't or wasn't true at some point in the past year and a half?
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 11:54 am
fleetwood wrote:
You never had covid. You won't vaccinate and won't wear a mask...this is a recipe for disaster.

Now with the uptick you can bet I am being more careful with masking! When cases were down to .25% positivity and large % of people I know have natural immunity (or. vaccinated), it was a different story then.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 1:30 pm
Bluepink wrote:
It seems so polarized here and in real life. You’re liberal, mask, and vaccinate. You’re conservative, think COVID is a conspiracy, and don’t mask or vax.

Can I be in the middle?

I’m a nurse, I know COVID is real and deadly. I mask all the time. I know COVID can kill me, but it prob won’t. Firstly, because it didn’t last year when I got it. Secondly, because I’m young and healthy, and not obese. I’m afraid of the vaccine. More patients are being admitted to the hospital every day now with covid, after receiving both vaccines. Also, many coworkers are reporting menstrual changes, so I’m not yet convinced that the vaccine won’t possibly affect fertility or an existing pregnancy.

So I just want to wait and see. Now I am required to vaccinate, or I will lose my job.

I have no one to discuss this with. Everyone I know either thinks that covid is made up, and the hospitals killed patients to make money, or that I’m a murderer and irresponsible nurse to dare go to work unvaccinated.

Anyone else in the middle with me?

I feel with your delima

I totally 100% agree with you that people are much too black and white on the matter. Very few peopel see the nuance and both sides
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 1:35 pm
My dh is the opposite
Virulently anti mask
And moderately pro vaccine
(We got the vaccine and he hates hates hates masks)
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 1:38 pm
I’m somewhere in the middle. I would wear a mask if I thought they actually worked. In other words, if there were an effective preventive measure that was easy, risk free and harmless I would want it. I don’t think masks fit the bill.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:07 pm
You have options;

1- give in & comply

2- wait for them to fire you, join class action lawsuit, wait for it to reach highest court, collect unemployment

3- look for a job outside of a hospital, you are still in demand
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:23 pm
amother [ Fern ] wrote:
I’m somewhere in the middle. I would wear a mask if I thought they actually worked. In other words, if there were an effective preventive measure that was easy, risk free and harmless I would want it. I don’t think masks fit the bill.

I think that's the rub: there is no easy--although of course we all wish there were. It's a matter of "choosing your hard".
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:27 pm
It's reasonable to have concerns and questions; we are all living through something unprecedented and seeing science develop in real time.

Have you consulted with your internist and/or OB/GYN? If not, I would encourage you to do so.

In addition, here is a link to JOWMA's website (Jewish Orthodox Women's Medical Association)--they have some really excellent resources regarding Covid, vaccines, and related issues. Definitely worth some time. There is a webinar specifically about pregnancy, fertility, vaccines, etc. on this page, as well as a place at bottom of the page where you can submit a question to them.


All of this is about relative risk. Statistically, the risks of Covid are much, much higher than the risks of vaccines.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:32 pm
SuperWify wrote:
I’m also in the middle.

I know COVID is dangerous- I’m not ignorant- but I’m not interested in being the lab rat for a new vaccine experiment.

Is Covid dangerous for you? From a statistical standpoint.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:32 pm
I’m conservative (but Israeli so I guess things are different here) and know covid is real and am pro vaccination. I thinking masking can be important (but that governments (at least the Israeli government) consider mask mandates an easy solution and is not always necessary). But I do know a few people who will not get the vaccine but are very careful about masking, so you’re definitely not alone.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:43 pm
I’m with you, OP.

Let’s me preface by saying I am very much pro vaccinations. But this new, speedily created vaccine is concerning to me. My Physician parent is very pro it, and has gotten the COVID vaccine and is fine. My sibling (young, healthy, in their 20s) got it as well, and has been having strange symptoms and not feeling well ever since with multiple hospitalizations and it’s all being chalked up to vaccine side effects.

Let me also say that my husband is on Hatzola, so we heard the first hand accounts and the non stop radio beeping of those first few months. Covid is real and dangerous and whoever doesn’t believe that is out of their mind or in denial.

My family, myself, Dh and our kids got covid early in the beginning of March last year. We’ve been testing our antibodies periodically and they’re holding up.

Most science will tell you that antibodies are antibodies. Whether they were acquired naturally or through the experimental vaccine, they’re antibodies the same way.

Still, I believe in masking and specifically now for the new variant, Better safe than sorry. Masks don’t hurt. Especially since data shows many many vaccinated individuals are catching delta anyway.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 2:44 pm
amother [ Clear ] wrote:
Which part of this isn't or wasn't true at some point in the past year and a half?

It's not true that people who are pro choice are pro mask mandate and shul shutdowns...you are comparing apples and oranges..as is BB.
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Post Tue, Jul 27 2021, 3:03 pm
op im like you and am being forced to take the vaccine to keep my job...I really was nervous about the vaccine so I took the j n j bec I do need my job....

at the end of the day, hashem is in charge and He put you in this position where you are forced to take the vaccine or lose your job

and, truthfully, nobody in this world knows whats best to do bec there is so much data online about how only the unvaccinated are dying and how the phizer vaccines dont have side effects...etc which seems to be what they want to push us to believe

then there are some news stories that push through and says that some children(12 and older) had cardiovascular issues from the vaccine so I hope they dont force my children to take it to attend school

but, I think rabbi kanievsky said we should take it, so...

there is so much unknown and they dont want stories/data to get out that contradicts what they want us to hear
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Post Wed, Jul 28 2021, 8:56 pm
Well about everyone I know has gotten the vaccine, including 90+ year olds, allmost all family members , friends , co workers .. so far zero to none side affects to the vaccines( all of them from pfizer to Johnson , moderna.) Besides the stiff arm. If there were any symptoms, ( like say migraines) they were there long before the vaccine just my experience!
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Post Wed, Jul 28 2021, 9:17 pm
ven wrote:
Well about everyone I know has gotten the vaccine, including 90+ year olds, allmost all family members , friends , co workers .. so far zero to none side affects to the vaccines( all of them from pfizer to Johnson , moderna.) Besides the stiff arm. If there were any symptoms, ( like say migraines) they were there long before the vaccine just my experience!

Same here. Bunch of relatives,friends, basically my mom's entire retirement community..haven't heard of any adverse reactions....weird..huh??
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Post Wed, Jul 28 2021, 9:24 pm
fleetwood wrote:
Same here. Bunch of relatives,friends, basically my mom's entire retirement community..haven't heard of any adverse reactions....weird..huh??

Consider yourself lucky then. I know 2 healthy people who died suddenly within a week of getting the second vaccine. I also know numerous people who were way sicker from the vaccine than they were with covid.
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