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Forum -> Household Management -> Organizing
Declutter my house!!

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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 10:31 am
ok so im not a lost cause when it comes to keep a clean home, but im just having a hard time with the clutter!! I'm read every blog etc about organizing clutter but its just not working for me.
I always find myself saying "what if I need this..." I don't have all the money in the world to just rebuy things I decided to throw out.

I heard of the throwaway box suggestion where you put potentially garbage in a box for 6 months and after that amount of time you throw it out (and remove anything you need during those 6 months). why can't I get myself to do even that?!!?

I just feel like when I walk into my house theres just stuff places (even if it's hiding inside the closet). I want that airy feeling type of house... and minimal amount of stufffff

btw, im pretty good at getting rid of my kids projects or prizes (after they lost interest)

what am I missing?!?! need advice!
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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 10:52 am
It also Helps that my husband has a lot of reading material/books and tools that I cant just toss....
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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 11:05 am
I have the same problem. Every few days I go through 10 things that must find a place. The place can be garbage too. It must find a permanent place. This idea has helped me immensely. My house now has less clutter than when I started. Another thing I do is once a month I redo one or two shelves in any closet. It helps for the clutter too because when I reorganize I find myself thinking "oh this and this can go onto this shelf too".
Eta: sometimes when I'm in the mood I do it more than once a month. It also helps me in the long run for pesach cleaning.
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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 11:17 am
If you haven’t used something in x amount of time (you decide) it’s better to get rid of it, then take the chance you might need it some day. Start with clothes you never wear, that don’t look good on you or out of style. Pick one closet or a drawer at a time.
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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 2:41 pm
Recruit a friend who is not a hoarder, not overly sentimental, not attached to any of your stuff, and not easily swayed by other people's arguments. IOW a strong soul who won't be deterred by your pathetic cries of "but...but...it was in my hospital room when I gave birth to my bechor. what if I need it one day?"

Have her stand at your side and help you decide--or decide for you if you refuse to decide on your own--what you may want to get rid of. Then have her go with you to the gmach, thrift shop or city dump and watch you as you deposit your stuff, then escort you home to make sure you don't run back and reclaim it.

If you have no such stalwart friend, hire a pro who will cart off the stuff for you.

Get rid of the term "organizing clutter." This is an oxymoron and makes almost as much sense as ironing a shirt that has jam, egg and mud smeared all over it. You don't organize clutter; you get rid of it. THEN you organize what's left.
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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 2:51 pm
Marie kondo book was super helpful to me
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Post Sun, Aug 15 2021, 3:05 pm
Empty the closet (cabinet/drawer/shelf) entirely.
Now neatly arrange it the way you want it to look, with the items you use regularly over the year (seasons).

Get rid of everything else. If that's hard for you, pack it up neatly in boxes and mark the box in prominent marker with the date 6 months from now. Whatever you didn't need and is still in there after 6 months, should be gotten rid of with confidence this time. And with gratitude that your closet is so usable and brings calm whenever you open it.
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Post Mon, Dec 25 2023, 5:21 pm
Bumping this up! Having a baby in 11 weeks and need to do a serious de-cluttering . Is anyone good at this and have great advice?
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Post Mon, Dec 25 2023, 5:53 pm
I see someone mentioned this, but I will again, Marie Kondo book is fantastic, real amazing step by step guide.


In short, the process is that you need to work on one area at a time, but empty out that closet fully, and go through each and every item, you must hold each item, and ask yourself does this bring me joy? There can then be a yes, no and maybe pile.
Yes you keep, no is garbage/donation and maybe needs to be reviewed again.
It’s a lot of work, but really works.
If you categorize, like same color tops shoes etc, it makes it a little easier, cuz you see how many of one type you have etc.

Hope this was somewhat helpful!

Good luck
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Post Mon, Dec 25 2023, 5:55 pm
trixx wrote:
Marie kondo book was super helpful to me

I was going to mention also. It wasn't an overnight fix, & I didn't follow her advice exactly, but nevertheless was & still has been helpful.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing https://a.co/d/eIaau0N
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Post Mon, Dec 25 2023, 6:07 pm
What I loved about Marie Kondo was that she didnt have you decide what to throw out but way to keep. Much less emotion in that approach.
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Post Mon, Dec 25 2023, 6:50 pm
I have a hard time throwing out good things but dont mind giving it away for others to use so I donate very good items. Little things such as tzachkes or books I put in a box and every month or so I put that box out on my front stoop. Usually by the time I come home everything has been taken.
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Post Mon, Dec 25 2023, 8:35 pm
I am the OP who started this thread and I got many usefull tips from the imas here. I would sugest you take a look at it (it's a bit long , no need to go till the end) and you will have an easier time decluttering.

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