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Losing friendships and social life because of vax status?
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:37 pm
amother [ Hotpink ] wrote:
- To all those who are vaccinated and worried - protect yourself and stop judging those who choose not to vaccinate. Wear a good mask in public if you are concerned. Social distance. And don't go to functions. If you are making a Simcha keep it small and safe.

But why should I, as a vaccinated person, be forced to curtail my activities in deference to unvaccinated, while unvaccinated are not obligated to do anything at all?

Why am I not entitled to attend a minyan that is labeled "vaccinated only, masks required" and be assured that people will comply?

Why should I not be entitled to tell unvaccinated people that I'm sorry that they can't attend my simcha? (If there's food, they're taking masks off, obviously.) Or, conversely, be forced not to have a simcha in deference to the unvaccinated. [If there were a simcha without a vaccine reqiurement, I would politely say mazel tov, I'm unable to attend. Why am I not entitled to equal courtesy on the other side?]

Once again, why are only the concerns of the unvaccinated deemed important?
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:39 pm
amother [ Crocus ] wrote:
That's one of the protocols people weren't following.

Oy that's not right.
But if the vulnerable people were wearing a mask, why did he need to leave?
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:41 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
But why should I, as a vaccinated person, be forced to curtail my activities in deference to unvaccinated, while unvaccinated are not obligated to do anything at all?

Why am I not entitled to attend a minyan that is labeled "vaccinated only, masks required" and be assured that people will comply?

Why should I not be entitled to tell unvaccinated people that I'm sorry that they can't attend my simcha? (If there's food, they're taking masks off, obviously.) Or, conversely, be forced not to have a simcha in deference to the unvaccinated. [If there were a simcha without a vaccine reqiurement, I would politely say mazel tov, I'm unable to attend. Why am I not entitled to equal courtesy on the other side?]

Once again, why are only the concerns of the unvaccinated deemed important?

Everyone's concerns are important. But everyone is in charge of their own lives and precautions.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:42 pm
I have a family wedding coming up. My side is requesting that their guests take covid tests before coming and wear masks and they plan to seat people in small family groups at the meal. They have no control over the other side though and suspect that they won't be so careful but they can't do anything about it. Therefore we have made the decision to go ourselves and sit with other family from our pod, but we will not be bringing our unvaccinated children even though we would have in more carefree times.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:45 pm
amother [ Black ] wrote:
I have a family wedding coming up. My side is requesting that their guests take covid tests before coming and wear masks and they plan to seat people in small family groups at the meal. They have no control over the other side though and suspect that they won't be so careful but they can't do anything about it. Therefore we have made the decision to go ourselves and sit with other family from our pod, but we will not be bringing our unvaccinated children even though we would have in more carefree times.

Taking a covid test before entering the venue is a brilliant idea! My dentist office takes a covid test before allowing anyone in. I think this is a very good idea for people that are worried to adapt at simchos.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:45 pm
amother [ Black ] wrote:
I have a family wedding coming up. My side is requesting that their guests take covid tests before coming and wear masks and they plan to seat people in small family groups at the meal. They have no control over the other side though and suspect that they won't be so careful but they can't do anything about it. Therefore we have made the decision to go ourselves and sit with other family from our pod, but we will not be bringing our unvaccinated children even though we would have in more carefree times.

Your side sucks. I would not attend such a demanding wedding.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:46 pm
amother [ Begonia ] wrote:
This isn't true. There are some breakthrough infections but they are either symptomless or very mild.

A very small number of vaccinated people are hospitalized and an even small number of them are in super critical intubated condition.

The morass of misinformation is just so depressing which is why I am glad that my actual family and friends are all rational and fully vaccinated so I don't have to deal with this kind of stuff in real life.

These claims are mostly false, but if you believe them, then why would you be concerned about being around people who aren't vaxed?
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:49 pm
amother [ Freesia ] wrote:
Your side sucks. I would not attend such a demanding wedding.

It's not demanding. I think it's a real good idea to test on the spot.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:51 pm
amother [ Sand ] wrote:
Oy that's not right.
But if the vulnerable people were wearing a mask, why did he need to leave?

I don't think you realize the precariousness for a truly vulnerable person.
He was told by his doctor to act as though everyone he comes into contact with does have covid and could pass it along.
It boggled my mind that some of our own relatives who knew his situation were getting way to close to him and were not being careful about masks:(
Then they were surprised that he left so quickly.....
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:51 pm
amother [ Babyblue ] wrote:
Where r u getting this information from I personally know 2 fully vaccinated people in Israel on an ecmo machine.

These are the stories the media won't share and the serious pro vaxxers don't want to hear.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:51 pm
To all the people who do not associate with unvaccinated for covid people, do you,

Ask anyone you are in contact with if they got the MMR shot? The chickenpox shot? The meningitis shot?
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:55 pm
amother [ Crocus ] wrote:
I don't think you realize the precariousness for a truly vulnerable person.
He was told by his doctor to act as though everyone he comes into contact with does have covid and could pass it along.
It boggled my mind that some of our own relatives who knew his situation were getting way to close to him and were not being careful about masks:(
Then they were surprised that he left so quickly.....

If the vulnerable person is wearing a mask, then what's the issue? And if someone's situation is precarious, I don't think they should go out between people.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:56 pm
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
To all the people who do not associate with unvaccinated for covid people, do you,

Ask anyone you are in contact with if they got the MMR shot? The chickenpox shot? The meningitis shot?

My immunocompromised relative doesn't. Even before covid he was super careful. But his close relative, an older single was finally getting married at the age of 35 and he badly wanted to be at her wedding. And she wanted him there, too, very much. So he came, knowing arrangements for his safety were being put into place. Unfortunately some careless people were being too risky for him to stay more than a few minutes.
I'd assume the poster writing about her wedding (with people blaming her for her friend's dropping her) had a similar situation and that the bashing and blaming her is wrong.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:57 pm
Jewishmom8 wrote:
so sad to hear that op.
I have heard people that I am not in total agreement with saying that this is the gov plan.
to pit Americans against each other in all ways. race, and now this.
I hope it isn't true but if it is its working.

This situation is almost reminiscent of the stories of brothers killing brothers during the Russian Revolution. I could never understand how political beliefs could tear families apart like that.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:59 pm
heidi wrote:
I totally understand and agree with unvaccinated adults being ostracized.
If they want to harm and potentially kill themselves that's their business.
But every single ecmo in at least one major Israeli hospital is being used by unvaccinated covid patients.
Which means vaccinated people who need ecmo for other reasons die.
If the unvaccinated can't be bothered to protect others I have no interest in associating with them.
In fact I'm boycotting a relative's simcha tomorrow bcz neither she nor her husband are vaccinated.

If you're really concerned, don't ask for vax status, ask for antibody status. Better yet, T-cell status. That will give you the most accurate way of knowing who's safe to be around and who to avoid.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 5:59 pm
amother [ Sand ] wrote:
If the vulnerable person is wearing a mask, then what's the issue? And if someone's situation is precarious, I don't think they should go out between people.

See my follow up post. There was a reason he wanted to be at this wedding, for the average wedding, no, he stays home. The kallah wanted him there, too, and was happy to accommodate his medical needs as best she could. So was the chasson. The only 2 people who really matter!
ETA if you don't know why an organ transplant recipient is so vulnerable please do some research. Vaccines are not effective in their cases, very often they don't get any antibodies from them.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 6:02 pm
amother [ Freesia ] wrote:
Your side sucks. I would not attend such a demanding wedding.

With an attitude and language like that I hope you wouldn't be invited!
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 6:04 pm
amother [ Crocus ] wrote:
See my follow up post. There was a reason he wanted to be at this wedding, for the average wedding, no, he stays home. The kallah wanted him there, too, and was happy to accommodate his medical needs as best she could. So was the chasson. The only 2 people who really matter!
ETA if you don't know why an organ transplant recipient is so vulnerable please do some research. Vaccines are not effective in their cases, very often they don't get any antibodies from them.

I understand why they're so vulnerable. I don't understand what the issue is if they're properly masked up and social distance. Either masks protect or they don't.
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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 6:22 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
No vaccine, and no medication, is 100% effective. Particularly for high risk people. So although I am vaccinated, I am careful.

I don't particularly care if you vaccinate or not. I believe your refusal to do so vastly increases the risk to you and to others. Its impacting our economy, and raising our healthcare costs astronomically.
But again, your business.

But I do have the right to choose where I go, and who I associate with. If a restaurant or other place does not check vaccination status, I won't go. And I don't want you in my home, or at my simcha, if you're not vaccinated. As I've said elsewhere, you don't need to tell me. But if you say "I prefer not to say," I won't be in close premises with you.

My choice.

Why do you believe that only unvaccinated have the right to choose.

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Post Wed, Oct 06 2021, 6:27 pm
SixOfWands wrote:
But why should I, as a vaccinated person, be forced to curtail my activities in deference to unvaccinated, while unvaccinated are not obligated to do anything at all?

Why am I not entitled to attend a minyan that is labeled "vaccinated only, masks required" and be assured that people will comply?

Why should I not be entitled to tell unvaccinated people that I'm sorry that they can't attend my simcha? (If there's food, they're taking masks off, obviously.) Or, conversely, be forced not to have a simcha in deference to the unvaccinated. [If there were a simcha without a vaccine reqiurement, I would politely say mazel tov, I'm unable to attend. Why am I not entitled to equal courtesy on the other side?]

Once again, why are only the concerns of the unvaccinated deemed important?

Exactly. Thank you for your voice of reason in an increasingly insane world.
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