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Letting baby cry
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 12:14 pm
I have a 8 month old with thesame problem. I call her my velcro baby :-) I took her to a chiropractor when she was newborn because she had reflux. He said that she is ok, problem is that she is super alert and awake and wants to do things that she isn't capable of physically yet and that is putting a tremendous strain on her hence the reflux. He said that the more she will be able to do physically, the happier she will become. She isn't crawling yet but manages to push herself on the floor and lasts longer now without me holding her. I'm just wondering if it might be thesame issue by you. If yes, know that she's just frustrated and will grow out of it.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 12:25 pm
What happens when he is at the babysitter when you are working?
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 12:27 pm
I'm gonna second Mushka that there must be some deeper issue here, a baby of that age shouldn't be crying so much. My baby was like that and he had a tongue tie and terrible reflux. Reflux meds, snipping the tie and lots of cranio worked wonders and he finally crawled at 9.5 months (we also did a lot of exercises with him to encourage crawling but he had to be ok with being on his stomach first).
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 12:44 pm
amother [ Mistyrose ] wrote:
I'm gonna second Mushka that there must be some deeper issue here, a baby of that age shouldn't be crying so much. My baby was like that and he had a tongue tie and terrible reflux. Reflux meds, snipping the tie and lots of cranio worked wonders and he finally crawled at 9.5 months (we also did a lot of exercises with him to encourage crawling but he had to be ok with being on his stomach first).

My son doesn’t spit up. Can he still have reflux? He cried every evening all evening until he was around 3 months. What are symptoms of tongue tie? A few lactation consultants evaluated him for tongue tie when he was newborn. He didn’t like nursing but I think he was just impatient.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 12:47 pm
Have you tried wearing baby in a carrier? This can allow you to do other things while holding him, and actually counts as tummy time, because it exercises a lot of muscles. (Not a replacement, but might be a good start)
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 1:09 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
My son doesn’t spit up. Can he still have reflux? He cried every evening all evening until he was around 3 months. What are symptoms of tongue tie? A few lactation consultants evaluated him for tongue tie when he was newborn. He didn’t like nursing but I think he was just impatient.

A baby with Colic means there's something else going on... absolutely recommend bodywork. And try another opinion on the tongue tie too especially if he didn't like nursing. Which btw all 3 of my kids nursed perfectly and they all have tongue ties. Open mouth breathing, snoring, some tension as babies (very strong babies) are some of the symptoms.

BTW re crawling I just posted a few stories about it if you're on Instagram.
Links if you're not

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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 1:23 pm
mushkamothers wrote:
A baby with Colic means there's something else going on... absolutely recommend bodywork. And try another opinion on the tongue tie too especially if he didn't like nursing. Which btw all 3 of my kids nursed perfectly and they all have tongue ties. Open mouth breathing, snoring, some tension as babies (very strong babies) are some of the symptoms.

BTW re crawling I just posted a few stories about it if you're on Instagram.
Links if you're not


Thanks. He’s had extensive blood work done for other reasons. The drs maintain that he’s just a kvetch.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 1:24 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
My son doesn’t spit up. Can he still have reflux? He cried every evening all evening until he was around 3 months. What are symptoms of tongue tie? A few lactation consultants evaluated him for tongue tie when he was newborn. He didn’t like nursing but I think he was just impatient.

It definitely can be reflux but my point is that there must be something. I'm not an expert on the other points but those who are can weigh in, I'd just definitely recommend craniosacral.

ETA: I really don't believe that babies can just be kvetches! I hope you can find answers!!
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 1:25 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Thanks. He’s had extensive blood work done for other reasons. The drs maintain that he’s just a kvetch.

Body work not bloodwork
A baby shouldn't be a kvetch. If it were my baby I'd take him to a chiropractor, I'd try craniosacral, maybe feldenkrais (I'm not too familiar with that) etc but I'd be looking for answers outside of the regular doctors since they're clearly not providing them
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 1:27 pm
Mushka, why did you switch regarding tummy time between babies 2 and 3?
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 1:39 pm
My baby was like this, and went through many phases where she did not want to be put down. She was much happier once she started crawling at 8 month or so. Of course many times I had to put her down because I have other kids to attend to, to eat, make meals, etc. She cried but that’s ok!! I even asked the pediatrician because I was worried that she always fussed when I put her down. Now BH she is the happiest toddler and plays independently. You’ll get through this but it’s really hard!! Please don’t feel guilty because you aren’t doing anything wrong.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 2:39 pm
amother [ Taupe ] wrote:
My baby was like this, and went through many phases where she did not want to be put down. She was much happier once she started crawling at 8 month or so. Of course many times I had to put her down because I have other kids to attend to, to eat, make meals, etc. She cried but that’s ok!! I even asked the pediatrician because I was worried that she always fussed when I put her down. Now BH she is the happiest toddler and plays independently. You’ll get through this but it’s really hard!! Please don’t feel guilty because you aren’t doing anything wrong.

Thank you! I do feel my baby gets bored when he’s put down because his mobility is so limited. On the other hand, he needs to be put down to develop his mobility! I can see him being thrilled once he starts crawling- I just hope he gets there..
Going to consult with a PT and call his pediatrician again.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 2:58 pm
Yes, it’s for sure good to speak to the professionals. But unless there’s some indication that something is wrong developmentally I wouldn’t worry (of course good to have things looked into if you are concerned and to hopefully put your mind at ease). Just to put it into perspective, one of my children never crawled, and scooted on her tush instead. And then she walked at 18 months. She is BH a very healthy and normal 3.5 year old (but yes, she still loves to take it easy).
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:12 pm
Bleemee wrote:
Mushka, why did you switch regarding tummy time between babies 2 and 3?

I learned more neuroscience about how the brain is built and the role that development plays in it
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:14 pm
roses18 wrote:
Yes, it’s for sure good to speak to the professionals. But unless there’s some indication that something is wrong developmentally I wouldn’t worry (of course good to have things looked into if you are concerned and to hopefully put your mind at ease). Just to put it into perspective, one of my children never crawled, and scooted on her tush instead. And then she walked at 18 months. She is BH a very healthy and normal 3.5 year old (but yes, she still loves to take it easy).
I think the idea that “if she could she would” can come into play here. Maybe she is going to have other developmental difficulties this tie into not crawling. If she still likes “to take it easy” maybe she can’t easily do those things she’s not doing’ maybe they’re objectively harder for her than developmentally appropriate. And that in itself might be concerning.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:15 pm
roses18 wrote:
Yes, it’s for sure good to speak to the professionals. But unless there’s some indication that something is wrong developmentally I wouldn’t worry (of course good to have things looked into if you are concerned and to hopefully put your mind at ease). Just to put it into perspective, one of my children never crawled, and scooted on her tush instead. And then she walked at 18 months. She is BH a very healthy and normal 3.5 year old (but yes, she still loves to take it easy).

This is exactly what I brought up in my stories today - or read this article. Crawling serves a purpose and is very important. Will babies skip it, yes. Should they - no!! These neural pathways need to be built and strengthened, the primitive reflexes need to be integrated, the right-left brain halves require the bilateral movement that coordinated crawling provides. Lack of crawling will result in various issues at later ages whether you're aware of it or not. Such as reading issues, sensory processing issues, disorganized executive functioning and more.
For example what does "take it easy" in a 3 year old mean, they're not lazy!

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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:16 pm
All my babies slept on their stimachs. The back to sleep campaign initiated in the early 2000’s has only led to a generation of kids with flat heads and OT PT issues. For thousands of years parents put their babies on their stomachs.
My kids are always months ahead of the milestones. They sleep beautifully because they are cozy.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:20 pm
cookiewriter wrote:
All my babies slept on their stimachs. The back to sleep campaign initiated in the early 2000’s has only led to a generation of kids with flat heads and OT PT issues. For thousands of years parents put their babies on their stomachs.
My kids are always months ahead of the milestones. They sleep beautifully because they are cozy.
My gut tells me this is the way to go. I’m nervous to do it tho.
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:23 pm
amother [ Seafoam ] wrote:
Why are you doing that for 30 seconds? Babies need instant response. Maybe learn more about babies development and attachment. I found that to be very helpful in understanding babies.
When you respond right away that will help your baby cry less as they learn to trust that you will be there for them. They will be more secure and be more content. Also if there is a physical reason for his cries you can deal with that sooner and address the issue. Why are you purposely allowing him to cry longer?

What!?!?!? Are you for real? Where do people come up with this insanity?
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Post Sun, Aug 07 2022, 3:51 pm
amother [ Steel ] wrote:
What!?!?!? Are you for real? Where do people come up with this insanity?

This is true but for newborns specifically. Maybe til 6 months. Not for a 7m old.
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