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I’m new here… do stores really run out of clothing months
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:02 am
Juvenile Planet in Lakewood doesnt restock so their clothing gets sold out the minute it comes in. Like people hear when the shipments are coming in and go run at that time to pull their sizes out of the boxes
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:11 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
I strongly oppose the concept of matching kids. Sure, it looks nice. However at a second thought one should think again ask ask oneself "Why?"
There is not halacha that kids need to match. I don't believe our anshei chinuch are proponents of matching kids. I don't think the women of our esteemed community leaders and gdolei hador run around and shop in order to match for the season. This is simply a commercial concept that you are buying into. If you want to keep up with the Joneses and think that this is one of the yiddish core values then do it by all means. Just know that some of us *do* know to differ between Haikar and Hatafel and matching kids is low down on our priority list of fostering the young generation.

This is ridiculous. I get my kids one or two matching outfits per season (usually weekday) and put it on them whenever I'm going to have a stressful day. It makes me happy to see my kids matching and cute like that so it's like a form of self care in a funny way. Leave us alone, if it makes a mommy happy, she deserves it.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:22 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Hiding stock? Isn’t that going a tad too far? You would think their selling luxury Xboxes over here.

First of all, $200 toddler dresses *is* a luxury.
Your kids will be very stylish in Zara, which doesn’t run out of stock so fast. In fact, since Y”T is later this year, you have more time for the Winter lines to come out versus Fall.

If you prefer Jewish brands, most of them have websites up. Ladida will show you which sizes are in stock without even clicking on the item. You can even order for pick-up, bring your kids along to try on the purchases, and return what doesn’t work in one trip. I have a deep aversion to shopping in-store, but as I’m typing I think that’s a good idea I may try Very Happy

I often just buy clothes at the end of season sales for the next year, but sizes can get complicated. For example, I just found beautiful designer dresses for under $30 but I see I will need to alter them for the winter, so it doesn’t end up being so cheap (although much less than full price and it will be tailored to boot).

Don’t stress about something like this. I’m sure your kids are adorable and will look fantastic in whatever you end up with.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:35 am
amother [ Puce ] wrote:
Seriously? People like how it looks period. Just like you can paint your house pink to make you feel happy you can match your kids. When you buy your couch do you try to copy what the gedolim have in their houses? How does this even make sense?

Painting my house pink is a nice idea Smile but sure as heck will not bring me happiness. When you start matching your kids you are sending them a chinuch message. When they see their mum spending her time and money they surely get that message.
The thing I appreciate and value can not be bought for money. It's called ruchaniut (as opposed to gashmiut)
Gdolei israel and people I admire have very different priorities. Their children grand and greatgrand children are dressed yet those families don't worry about matching kids and stores running out of merchandise.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:39 am
I don't have any teenagers yet and I live in a neighborhood where my neighbors aren't especially into brands. So I don't feel that pressure. I mostly buy from Kidichic which is significantly cheaper than most stores and I don't think they've even put their winter clothes out yet. I also buy from Tottini, which started selling their winter line a few weeks ago but I know from experience that they will keep restocking and I won't have any issue matching my kids IYH.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:43 am
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
This is ridiculous. I get my kids one or two matching outfits per season (usually weekday) and put it on them whenever I'm going to have a stressful day. It makes me happy to see my kids matching and cute like that so it's like a form of self care in a funny way. Leave us alone, if it makes a mommy happy, she deserves it.
I'm with you all the way. When my oldest kids were little I was an idealistic kollel wife who didn't believe in buying new clothes when I could use hand me downs, and only shopped sales when all the matching things were gone. Then I was struggling with my mental health and started buying my kids matching clothes at the beginning of the season. It really lifted me up. Like you, I only get one or two outfits at the beginning of the season. But often I can snag more matching when things start to go on sale.

I do match all their Shabbos clothing because if we have a simcha it looks a lot cuter.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:48 am
If people are running to buy tottini clothes that are $20 a dress, so that they have their sizes, I understand.

This week in 100 degrees weather I saw people grabbing furs, velvets & coats in a brand name store.
I had stepped in because last I saw a sign of 70% off, to see if I can get some metzias.
Sorry they told me, there isn't a single summer sale item in store anymore. They all get shipped off. These were in two most expensive stores, same thing.
I looked at new stuff, $200 for everyday sweat dresses for little kids.
With people grabbing, and stores running out of sizes, on winter stuff, in the crazy heat, I would think they are free.

I walked right out. The prices hurt my eyes.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:49 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
Painting my house pink is a nice idea Smile but sure as heck will not bring me happiness. When you start matching your kids you are sending them a chinuch message. When they see their mum spending her time and money they surely get that message.
The thing I appreciate and value can not be bought for money. It's called ruchaniut (as opposed to gashmiut)
Gdolei israel and people I admire have very different priorities. Their children grand and greatgrand children are dressed yet those families don't worry about matching kids and stores running out of merchandise.

I find your holier than thou attitude to be comical. Some care about forks and spoons and others care about matching. We are all humans no one here is better than someone else. I'm not so sure being rude to people here is in line with a high level of ruchnius.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:49 am
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
This is ridiculous. I get my kids one or two matching outfits per season (usually weekday) and put it on them whenever I'm going to have a stressful day. It makes me happy to see my kids matching and cute like that so it's like a form of self care in a funny way. Leave us alone, if it makes a mommy happy, she deserves it.

Please do tell me what part is ridiculous and why.
It's *nice* with matching outfit. Nice but in my world it isn't happiness. Do match your kids 24/7 from top to toe by all means! You may twist and turn your points like a pretzel but I please don't try to tell me it's self care or happiness. Frankly I recognize BS when I see it Smile
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:51 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Not so much.. Now I’m nervous that my kids will feel stupid being the only ones not dressed up to date. God help us.

Don't worry. it's not the kids who feel stupid. It's the moms.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:51 am
amother [ Tomato ] wrote:
I'm with you all the way. When my oldest kids were little I was an idealistic kollel wife who didn't believe in buying new clothes when I could use hand me downs, and only shopped sales when all the matching things were gone. Then I was struggling with my mental health and started buying my kids matching clothes at the beginning of the season. It really lifted me up. Like you, I only get one or two outfits at the beginning of the season. But often I can snag more matching when things start to go on sale.

I do match all their Shabbos clothing because if we have a simcha it looks a lot cuter.

Same! I grew up in a home that ridiculed any form of spending that wasn't exactly aligned with my parents values. And matching clothes was one of them so when my kids were babies, it never crossed my mind to match them. Now I've grown up a bit and realize I can like different things than my parents do and that's fine. We even have matching shabbos pajamas which my parents think are the most ridiculous thing but y'know what? When I slave away all week and finally bentch licht and turn around and my kids are looking so smushy and sweet in their matching pajamas, it adds to my oneg shabbos exponentially.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:52 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
Painting my house pink is a nice idea Smile but sure as heck will not bring me happiness. When you start matching your kids you are sending them a chinuch message. When they see their mum spending her time and money they surely get that message.
The thing I appreciate and value can not be bought for money. It's called ruchaniut (as opposed to gashmiut)
Gdolei israel and people I admire have very different priorities. Their children grand and greatgrand children are dressed yet those families don't worry about matching kids and stores running out of merchandise.
It's almost like we all need to live our own best lives and figure out what brings us happiness. To me, living in Israel is a luxury that I will probably never be able to afford. Buying affordable matching clothes is quite easy. I just log onto Tottini's site and click the sizes I want, then have them shipped to my door.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 10:55 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
Please do tell me what part is ridiculous and why.
It's *nice* with matching outfit. Nice but in my world it isn't happiness. Do match your kids 24/7 from top to toe by all means! You may twist and turn your points like a pretzel but I please don't try to tell me it's self care or happiness. Frankly I recognize BS when I see it Smile

What's ridiculous is the amount of insane assumptions in your post. That all who match their kids are doing it to keep up with the Joneses, that it shows that they have no concept of ikar and taful and everything else you wrote there.
Yes, it's self care for some of us and just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it less valid. I don't understand people who get consistent manicures as a form of self care, I've gotten 3 manicures in my entire life, but you won't catch me judging and ridiculing them for finding joy in some mundane materialistic thing that I don't understand.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:00 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
I strongly oppose the concept of matching kids. Sure, it looks nice. However at a second thought one should think again ask ask oneself "Why?"
There is not halacha that kids need to match. I don't believe our anshei chinuch are proponents of matching kids. I don't think the women of our esteemed community leaders and gdolei hador run around and shop in order to match for the season. This is simply a commercial concept that you are buying into. If you want to keep up with the Joneses and think that this is one of the yiddish core values then do it by all means. Just know that some of us *do* know to differ between Haikar and Hatafel and matching kids is low down on our priority list of fostering the young generation.

If you have kids close in age and need several sizes, it's easier to match. You just take the same dress in afew sizes instead of spending more time looking for a different outfit for each child. It's also a more neat and organized look when kids of the same age group are dressed matching or coordinating.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:06 am
amother [ Puce ] wrote:
I find your holier than thou attitude to be comical. Some care about forks and spoons and others care about matching. We are all humans no one here is better than someone else. I'm not so sure being rude to people here is in line with a high level of ruchnius.

Seems a hit a raw nerve and rubbed someone the wrong way, didn't I Smile
We all have our personal pleasures. By all means please do match your kids as much as you like. Just *know* you do send a strong message of chinuch to your children and to all of those who see them.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:13 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Hiding stock? Isn’t that going a tad too far? You would think their selling luxury Xboxes over here.
Don’t we all need to clothe our kids as a basic, not luxury item that should be rationed like and sought after?
What am I missing here?
I think I’m out of the race before we even start…
I just feel bad for my kids who won’t be dressed in style

Shop online at zara and h&m!
Seriously they have adorable things sometimes and cheaper. You can sit at home and browse from your couch Smile lol. This is nuts. Your kids will be in style, why stress?
Why would you want your kids to have the same clothing as everyone else anyway? Be a little different Smile think out of the box Very Happy

I found a nice dress on Ali express for my daughter and it matches the colour of my babies outfit that I bought last year for £5 in the kidi chic sale! No one said you have to spend a fortune, and get all stressed out.

Last edited by 4g01o on Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:17 am; edited 2 times in total
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:14 am
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
Seems a hit a raw nerve and rubbed someone the wrong way, didn't I Smile
We all have our personal pleasures. By all means please do match your kids as much as you like. Just *know* you do send a strong message of chinuch to your children and to all of those who see them.
I'm fairly sure you're trolling and are looking to hit raw nerves and rub people the wrong way. Anyone who tries to claim that little things like matching sends a strong message of chinuch to others' kids has to know they're being ridiculous.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:17 am
Fab4 wrote:
Shop online at zara and h&m!
Seriously they have adorable things sometimes and cheaper. You can sit at home and browse from your couch Smile lol. This is nuts. Your kids will be in style, why stress?
Why would you want your kids to have the same clothing as everyone else anyway? Be a little different Smile think out of the box Very Happy

When girls reach a certain age, zara/h&m & most department stores doesn't work for them anymore.
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Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:23 am
Fab4 wrote:
Shop online at zara and h&m!
Seriously they have adorable things sometimes and cheaper. You can sit at home and browse from your couch Smile lol. This is nuts. Your kids will be in style, why stress?
Why would you want your kids to have the same clothing as everyone else anyway? Be a little different Smile think out of the box Very Happy

I found a nice dress on Ali express for my daughter and it matches the colour of my babies outfit that I bought last year for £5 in the kidi chic sale! No one said you have to spend a fortune, and get all stressed out.

How do you find tznius clothing there? Nothing covers my kids knees, elbows or collar bones. What am I missing?
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Thu, Aug 11 2022, 11:25 am
amother [ Ginger ] wrote:
What's ridiculous is the amount of insane assumptions in your post. That all who match their kids are doing it to keep up with the Joneses, that it shows that they have no concept of ikar and taful and everything else you wrote there.
Yes, it's self care for some of us and just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it less valid. I don't understand people who get consistent manicures as a form of self care, I've gotten 3 manicures in my entire life, but you won't catch me judging and ridiculing them for finding joy in some mundane materialistic thing that I don't understand.

Fine. Call it self care joy or happiness or anything you like.
What makes you think I don't understand the pleasure of matching your kids? All I am is saying that a spade to be called a spade. By all means do take pleasure in your matched kids. Simply be aware of the chinuch message you are conveying (which is a The sore point in this discussion, isn't it Smile
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