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Amount of $$ Teachers
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 12:30 am
Heimish here in Lakewood..
I give $50 each for girls hebrew and English teachers and sons playgrp morahs.
Boys english teachers Im giving tom. In school $25 to each.
Boys rebbas Im giving $100 each.
For my h.s. daughter Im considering telling her to pick 2 favorite teachers to give $25 to.?

There is no right or wrong to money, whatever you will give is appreciated..
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 1:05 am
How in the world are you all affording this?!
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 7:22 am
Everyone gives what they could, also heimish. Very experienced limudai kodesh teacher is getting $30, The English $25. The first year teacher $18T-20. The one out on maternity leave Im only chipping in $5 towards a baby gift, no mishloach man's. The single assistant teachers, I'm giving $10-15 The Rebbi $30-36. English Rebbe $30

Some years I just couldn't afford and gave everyone18- 20 except the rebbe and assistance (10-15However, I feel the dollar lost its value and $20 is not the same as 2 years ago. Also this year I have less teachers to give. It all changes when each child has many teachers and therapist.

I UT teachers in my budget. It's a known expense that comes up each year. I give myself an amount to work with and divide up the teachers tips within that amount. The rebbes get cheap wine or grape juice with their tip.Teachers get a simple chocolate bar $1 and a those mini bottle of liquor or vodka. The main thing is the money.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 9:13 am
Just curious because I teach (and my kids go to a school) in an area where money is not expected on Purim for teachers. How do people afford 50-100 for each teacher? Aren’t there like 2-3 teachers sometimes for each kids? People put aside $1000 for this?
This seems crazy.
Also in our school they request money on chanuka and say they used part of that for MM for the teachers too so technically my part as a parent is done since I already did the chanuka payment. It’s so nice and I’m sure the teachers and rebbeim (who should be given the same amount of money as MM btw) appreciate it but I don’t understand how people can afford this.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 9:22 am
This whole thing is crazy and less helpful than everyone might seem.
I'm a playgroup Morah.
Depending on if/what I get will depend on if and how much I give to the Morahs and Rebbeim.
I don't think I end up keeping any of it.
I average between $100-$250. But I have 6 Rebbeim, 2 Morahs, 2 therapists.
On years that I get $100, I give $10 to everyone. Years that I get closer to $250, I give $20.
I presume that the Rebbeim (who have large families) are mostly doing the same, passing on the bulk of the gifts to their kids teachers.

But it's a pressure and standard and burden on so many parents
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 9:25 am
I give $20-$25 per teacher.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 9:55 am
amother Cerise wrote:
Just curious because I teach (and my kids go to a school) in an area where money is not expected on Purim for teachers. How do people afford 50-100 for each teacher? Aren’t there like 2-3 teachers sometimes for each kids? People put aside $1000 for this?
This seems crazy.
Also in our school they request money on chanuka and say they used part of that for MM for the teachers too so technically my part as a parent is done since I already did the chanuka payment. It’s so nice and I’m sure the teachers and rebbeim (who should be given the same amount of money as MM btw) appreciate it but I don’t understand how people can afford this.

Lakewood tuition is much cheaper and this is expedited as part of tuition. In lakewood it’s not looked as an extra and the same way you make sure to pay your tuition this is tuiiton.

My friend where she sends her boy the menahel straight out told
Her that this is part of the rebbe salary and you must give the rebbe on Purim that’s how they can keep tuition low.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 10:14 am
amother Lightyellow wrote:
Lakewood tuition is much cheaper and this is expedited as part of tuition. In lakewood it’s not looked as an extra and the same way you make sure to pay your tuition this is tuiiton.

My friend where she sends her boy the menahel straight out told
Her that this is part of the rebbe salary and you must give the rebbe on Purim that’s how they can keep tuition low.

What? Wife of a Lakewood rebbe here and I’ve never heard of such a thing. A purim check is a gift to show appreciation. It isn’t the parents obligation to personally fund the salary of the rebbeim. That’s bizarre.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 10:17 am
amother Lightyellow wrote:
Lakewood tuition is much cheaper and this is expedited as part of tuition. In lakewood it’s not looked as an extra and the same way you make sure to pay your tuition this is tuiiton.

My friend where she sends her boy the menahel straight out told
Her that this is part of the rebbe salary and you must give the rebbe on Purim that’s how they can keep tuition low.

That’s the strangest thing I’ve ever heard and it certainly doesn’t apply to any other school. It is an extra that isn’t necessary. This is how rumors and misinformation start.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 10:21 am
amother Lightyellow wrote:
Lakewood tuition is much cheaper and this is expedited as part of tuition. In lakewood it’s not looked as an extra and the same way you make sure to pay your tuition this is tuiiton.

My friend where she sends her boy the menahel straight out told
Her that this is part of the rebbe salary and you must give the rebbe on Purim that’s how they can keep tuition low.

Which yeshiva is that?
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 10:35 am
amother Lightyellow wrote:
Lakewood tuition is much cheaper and this is expedited as part of tuition. In lakewood it’s not looked as an extra and the same way you make sure to pay your tuition this is tuiiton.

My friend where she sends her boy the menahel straight out told
Her that this is part of the rebbe salary and you must give the rebbe on Purim that’s how they can keep tuition low.
That’s nonsense on the part of the menahel. He should raise tuition if it means he can pay fairly and his rebbeim shouldn’t need to rely on tips.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 11:28 am
amother Steelblue wrote:
What? Wife of a Lakewood rebbe here and I’ve never heard of such a thing. A purim check is a gift to show appreciation. It isn’t the parents obligation to personally fund the salary of the rebbeim. That’s bizarre.

I’m telling you this is what the menahel told her when she said that she can’t afford to give rabbeim checks.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 11:29 am
amother Lightyellow wrote:
I’m telling you this is what the menahel told her when she said that she can’t afford to give rabbeim checks.

Why was he even discussing purim checks with her in the first place!?! Something is off about this story.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 11:40 am
I’m giving $30 to each teacher and $50 to principal
$100 to boys rebbe and $30 to his English teacher

(Before peolle complain , my son has his rebbe many more hours than either of my daughters teachers. Rebbe is 845 -4 five days and 845-12 one, and teachers are something like 915-1230…. / 915-11 on Friday…)
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 12:21 pm
I live in Monsey. I give 50 to main teachers and 20 to assistants. For boys 120 to rebbes and 50-60 for english teachers. In total it comes out to 610. I will also give to one bus driver, probably 25.
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Post Thu, Mar 02 2023, 9:45 pm
Hi ladies,

I'm a teacher in a Yeshivish boys elementary school and a Chassidish girls high school (OOT).
Chassidim definitely tip higher, but I honestly think it is a cultural piece, not a greater show of appreciation.
My favourite tip in all my 20 years of teaching was a $5 tip from a parent who struggles financially. She wrote a brilliantly worded card and it made my day! true appreciation is in your letter, not in your cash.
Please don't feel pressured to tip teachers.
BUT!!!!! please DO NOT buy a teacher a bowl or some other gift, unless you are 100% sure s/he wants it!
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