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Tefillos at the Rebbe's ohel
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ruby slippers


Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 10:16 am
I am not Chabad. We are true Yekkie in every sense of the word. But I love everything the Rebbe stood for and taught. Today being his yartzeit I am getting ads from Colel Chabad saying they will take my tefillos to the ohel.
We are having some family shalom Bayis issues, mental health issues and finding dds bashert.
It seems a little like paying someone to daven to a man for me- how is davening at a kever not avodah zarah and is it wrong for me to do this as it is not our minhag?
Dh would say it's ridiculous and the one time I did go to a living Rebbe for a bracha he told me my miscarriage was my fault for being on the pill and I should drink here s special wine at havdallah- so that kinda turned me off...but I really need some yeshuos- things could be worse, but it's just so hard right now.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 11:05 am

There's no need to pay anyone to send a letter to the Rebbe. You can write to the Rebbe at any time as often as you want.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 11:21 am
I don't know what collel chabad is offering specifically, but today is an opportune time to write a letter to the Rebbe. Today's theme is changing the confines of nature, similar to stopping the sun. It's about not keeping ourselves stuck in our patterns and current perspectives.

Write a letter to the Rebbe asking for his brachos for the specific yeshuos you need. Take a picture of it and email it to ohel@ohelchabad.org or bring it to the Ohel yourself. Then give a donation to colel chabad (any Tzedaka works) so the bracha can materialize.

As for what that Rebbe told you, The Rebbe would NEVER.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 11:25 am
The idea is to put your letter on the tzion for you. An age old minhag, at kivrei Tzadikim. Google "kvittel".
You can do this if you connect to the idea, or not. But avoda Zara it certainly is not, and I think I'm slightly fed up of reading that ridiculous notion here on imamother.

Sorry if you were asking this question sincerely... if so , honestly, it's a question you probably read somewhere from haters. Because the question itself has no particular relation to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, yet it comes up repeatedly in relation to Lubavitch specifically, as a means of illegitamizing what Lubavitcher chassidim do.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 11:31 am
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
I don't know what collel chabad is offering specifically, but today is an opportune time to write a letter to the Rebbe. Today's theme is changing the confines of nature, similar to stopping the sun. It's about not keeping ourselves stuck in our patterns and current perspectives.

Write a letter to the Rebbe asking for his brachos for the specific yeshuos you need. Take a picture of it and email it to ohel@ohelchabad.org or bring it to the Ohel yourself. Then give a donation to colel chabad (any Tzedaka works) so the bracha can materialize.

As for what that Rebbe told you, The Rebbe would NEVER.

Gimel Tamuz is in fact the day the sun stood still for Yehoshua. No coincidence.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 11:33 am
ruby slippers wrote:
I am not Chabad. We are true Yekkie in every sense of the word. But I love everything the Rebbe stood for and taught. Today being his yartzeit I am getting ads from Colel Chabad saying they will take my tefillos to the ohel.
We are having some family shalom Bayis issues, mental health issues and finding dds bashert.
It seems a little like paying someone to daven to a man for me- how is davening at a kever not avodah zarah and is it wrong for me to do this as it is not our minhag?
Dh would say it's ridiculous and the one time I did go to a living Rebbe for a bracha he told me my miscarriage was my fault for being on the pill and I should drink here s special wine at havdallah- so that kinda turned me off...but I really need some yeshuos- things could be worse, but it's just so hard right now.

As for this question, see Rashi, where he explains that Kalev davened at mearoas hamachpela in Chevron.
How could you suggest that davening at kivrei Tzadikim is avoda zara Can't Believe It
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ruby slippers


Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 11:41 am
werty wrote:
As for this question, see Rashi, where he explains that Kalev davened at mearoas hamachpela in Chevron.
How could you suggest that davening at kivrei Tzadikim is avoda zara Can't Believe It

I was not asking the question specifically towards Chassidus.
My question is genuine.
Thanks for the Kalev reminder of last week!
But how do you daven to a gadol ...see the words davening TO when I should be davening to Hashem....How do I do it appropriately?
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:01 pm
You don't daven to the Gadel, chas veshalom.
You ask the gadol to intercede on your behalf , to daven for you, to bless you. A tzadik has koach to arouse Hashems rachmones that regular people do not have.

You can also daven ( to Hashem ) at the gadols kever, which is appropriate as it is a place of kedusha.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:03 pm
ruby slippers wrote:
I was not asking the question specifically towards Chassidus.
My question is genuine.
Thanks for the Kalev reminder of last week!
But how do you daven to a gadol ...see the words davening TO when I should be davening to Hashem....How do I do it appropriately?

You are asking for a Bracha.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:04 pm
werty wrote:
You don't daven to the Gadel, chas veshalom.
You ask the gadol to intercede on your behalf , to daven for you, to bless you. A tzadik has koach to arouse Hashems rachmones that regular people do not have.

You can also daven ( to Hashem ) at the gadols kever, which is appropriate as it is a place of kedusha.

This was in answer to question above
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ruby slippers


Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:14 pm
werty wrote:
You don't daven to the Gadel, chas veshalom.
You ask the gadol to intercede on your behalf , to daven for you, to bless you. A tzadik has koach to arouse Hashems rachmones that regular people do not have.

You can also daven ( to Hashem ) at the gadols kever, which is appropriate as it is a place of kedusha.

Thank!! That it explains it!!
Much appreciated!
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:16 pm
It's in the yud gimmel ikarim- we only daven to Hashem and noone else. So yes, davening to any Tzaddik is 100% not ok.
There are two ways of davening at a kever:
You daven to Hashem to help you in the merit of the Tzaddik. Or you can ask the Tzaddik to ask Hashem for you.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:43 pm
holylandgirl wrote:
It's in the yud gimmel ikarim- we only daven to Hashem and noone else. So yes, davening to any Tzaddik is 100% not ok.
There are two ways of davening at a kever:
You daven to Hashem to help you in the merit of the Tzaddik. Or you can ask the Tzaddik to ask Hashem for you.


Can this please put an end to the attacks?
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 12:44 pm
ruby slippers wrote:
Thank!! That it explains it!!
Much appreciated!

You're welcome!

I'm sorry , and I hope I wasn't harsh in my first post. I've just seen so many people say ridiculous, senseless things about Chabad on here, and don't seem particularly open to hearing that they might be mistaken. So I was wary.

The interesting thing is that most anti-chabad talk today is related to this sort of thing - davening at kever, sending kvitelech to the kever, etc, but hisnagdus against Chabad has actually been around since the very first lubavitcher Rebbe, yes, when he was alive Wink The themes just change with the seasons, and somehow the old accusations are forgotten once they are proved baseless.

Historically, the reason Chabad has born the main brunt of anti chassidic animosity is that it was one of the largest, and almost only, chassidus based in Russia, in close proximity to those who opposed chassidus . The Lubavitcher Rebbeim thus became the face of chassidim in general and much of the hisnagdus was aimed at them.

For example, the Tanya , written by the first Lubavitcher Rebbe was considered not acceptable by the misnagdish leaders of the time, and there was terrible animosity , to the degree that people falsely reported on him to the Russian authorities and he was actually imprisoned. Nowadays, many many Litvish leaders actually learn and teach Tanya.
When the latest Lubavitcher Rebbe started outreach to be mekarev unaffiliated Jews, he was roundly criticised by misnagdish leaders , but now those communities themselves also do outreach.
So they found some other obscure thing to criticise now... I'm waiting to see misnagdim davening at Rav Chaim Kanievskys kever. I'm guessing Lubavitchers will be accused of some other crime by then.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 1:16 pm
werty wrote:

So they found some other obscure thing to criticise now... I'm waiting to see misnagdim davening at Rav Chaim Kanievskys kever. I'm guessing Lubavitchers will be accused of some other crime by then.

Meh I don't think this will last much longer. We're going to have to learn to get along at some point.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 1:29 pm
8x wrote:

There's no need to pay anyone to send a letter to the Rebbe. You can write to the Rebbe at any time as often as you want.

I got the email as well. I actually wasn't even going to open it, but because of this thread I did.
It doesn't mention paying for anything. It offers to take a pan for you.
It actually says there is no charge and no donation required.
I'm copying and pasting below:
Please complete the form below. There is no charge and no donation is required.*

It then at the very bottom says this:

The yahrzeit of a tzaddik is a special time for giving tzedakah. We urge you to give to your charity of choice.

If you prefer to donate to Colel Chabad, the Rebbe’s personal charity, you can do so here:[b]
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ruby slippers


Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 1:30 pm
werty wrote:
You're welcome!

I'm sorry , and I hope I wasn't harsh in my first post. I've just seen so many people say ridiculous, senseless things about Chabad on here, and don't seem particularly open to hearing that they might be mistaken. So I was wary.

The interesting thing is that most anti-chabad talk today is related to this sort of thing - davening at kever, sending kvitelech to the kever, etc, but hisnagdus against Chabad has actually been around since the very first lubavitcher Rebbe, yes, when he was alive Wink The themes just change with the seasons, and somehow the old accusations are forgotten once they are proved baseless.

Historically, the reason Chabad has born the main brunt of anti chassidic animosity is that it was one of the largest, and almost only, chassidus based in Russia, in close proximity to those who opposed chassidus . The Lubavitcher Rebbeim thus became the face of chassidim in general and much of the hisnagdus was aimed at them.

For example, the Tanya , written by the first Lubavitcher Rebbe was considered not acceptable by the misnagdish leaders of the time, and there was terrible animosity , to the degree that people falsely reported on him to the Russian authorities and he was actually imprisoned. Nowadays, many many Litvish leaders actually learn and teach Tanya.
When the latest Lubavitcher Rebbe started outreach to be mekarev unaffiliated Jews, he was roundly criticised by misnagdish leaders , but now those communities themselves also do outreach.
So they found some other obscure thing to criticise now... I'm waiting to see misnagdim davening at Rav Chaim Kanievskys kever. I'm guessing Lubavitchers will be accused of some other crime by then.

Thanks so much for sharing all of this and that is so sad that people behave this way. My question was in all sincerity and actually one of my most favorite stories that I constantly remind my boys when they're sitting and learning is the story of the baal hatanya and I think it was his nephew or grandson that were exiled and they were learning in separate rooms and there was a baby in the closer to the grandson and the baby was crying and the grandson did not hear the baby crying and so the baal hatanya got up and took care of the crying baby and the mussar he gave was that if you can't even hear the cries of a baby, what good is all of your learning.
I constantly try to remind my children that ones learning is for a purpose and is to be part of this world and to act and be aware of your interactions and not solely focused on yourself.
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 1:32 pm
this whole thread sounds off.
davening at a kever is from Yosef Hatzadik davening at his mother's kever.
the navi says that Hashem will listen to Rachel's prayer, long after she is not alive.

wine for havdala is for the husband.

today is a special day for many people, not just Lubavitchers. Can we keep it special?
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 2:02 pm
ruby slippers wrote:
I am not Chabad. We are true Yekkie in every sense of the word. But I love everything the Rebbe stood for and taught. Today being his yartzeit I am getting ads from Colel Chabad saying they will take my tefillos to the ohel.
We are having some family shalom Bayis issues, mental health issues and finding dds bashert.
It seems a little like paying someone to daven to a man for me- how is davening at a kever not avodah zarah and is it wrong for me to do this as it is not our minhag?
Dh would say it's ridiculous and the one time I did go to a living Rebbe for a bracha he told me my miscarriage was my fault for being on the pill and I should drink here s special wine at havdallah- so that kinda turned me off...but I really need some yeshuos- things could be worse, but it's just so hard right now.

Of course we daven by kevarim of great people. Rabbi Reisman says that people should have a shaichus to the niftar, learn their sefarim, something.
Who doesn't have a shaichus to Chabad?
And we ask for brachos from living people, and there's something very reassuring to know that they're davening for us. So having others daven on our behalf also has a precedent.

The question here is paying someone to daven for you. There are legitimate outfits that do this and Colel Chabad may well be one of them. My concerns are:
- What makes the day of the yahrtzeit any other different than any day?
- Are we outsourcing our tefillos or minimizing the effect our tefillos, yes, tefillos said by little old me can have?

And re the rebbe you went to: Big hugs! I don't know want to know who he is as I will never be able to take him seriously again. We're not Catholic, we're allowed to use bc (and if you did it with rabbinic hadracha you must NEVER lose sleep over that), and anyway, isn't the pill one of the optimal forms of bc?

I'm so sorry. More hugs!
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Post Thu, Jun 22 2023, 2:04 pm
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
I don't know what collel chabad is offering specifically, but today is an opportune time to write a letter to the Rebbe. Today's theme is changing the confines of nature, similar to stopping the sun. It's about not keeping ourselves stuck in our patterns and current perspectives.

Write a letter to the Rebbe asking for his brachos for the specific yeshuos you need. Take a picture of it and email it to ohel@ohelchabad.org or bring it to the Ohel yourself. Then give a donation to colel chabad (any Tzedaka works) so the bracha can materialize.

As for what that Rebbe told you, The Rebbe would NEVER.

Thanks for demystifying the process. Re your first paragraph, you say today's theme. Is there some kind of calendar? What's tomorrow's? What was yesterday's?
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