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Different types of yidden
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 10:54 am
This is what I believe. All the types of Judaism has roots, be it Chassidish, Yeshivish, MO etc...HOWEVER, we have all strayed so far from those roots and today we all do what makes sense for our generation and what the Rabbonim think is right. Yes, they pull on their Mesorah and there are definitely minhagim that are stressed more in some circles than others and different things will be stressed more in different circles but at the end of the day we are all more similar today to EACH OTHER than to how close we are to our roots.

That's my opinion.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 11:29 am
Torah evolves. Of course we're more different to our great great grandparents. Baruch Hashem life has changed soo dramatically in the past century.

However I still feel like I'd enjoy a farbrengen with R' Hillel Paritcher.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 11:59 am
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
Torah evolves. Of course we're more different to our great great grandparents. Baruch Hashem life has changed soo dramatically in the past century.

However I still feel like I'd enjoy a farbrengen with R' Hillel Paritcher.

Chas veshalom to say that Torah evolved, perhaps our understanding of it has but Torah itself never changes.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 12:04 pm
Completely didn't understand the op.
I do want to say on the next comment that Torah doesn't evolve.
We do.
The Torah is the same Torah we received on Har Sinai.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 12:09 pm
amother Banana wrote:
Completely didn't understand the op.
I do want to say on the next comment that Torah doesn't evolve.
We do.
The Torah is the same Torah we received on Har Sinai.

Everyone is so into how everyone is so different. Over the years I see how similar everyone is or how they are becoming very similar. Everyone is one big cholent pot. The differences are small things that are not fundamental things. They are narishkeiten (silly things). The ideologies may be different but these ideologies have evolved so much over time that you can't recognize where it came from.

Not sure I should give examples. Take chassidus. It started that every person has gadlus and that you need to love Hashem in your heart and bringing the simple person closer to Hashem. Today not so much.

If you look you'll see how everything evolved so much.

Chassidish marry Litvish marry MO. Everyone is just trying to Frum today in a way that works.

Maybe I'm naive...
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 12:15 pm
amother OP wrote:
Everyone is so into how everyone is so different. Over the years I see how similar everyone is or how they are becoming very similar. Everyone is one big cholent pot. The differences are small things that are not fundamental things. They are narishkeiten (silly things). The ideologies may be different but these ideologies have evolved so much over time that you can't recognize where it came from.

Not sure I should give examples. Take chassidus. It started that every person has gadlus and that you need to love Hashem in your heart and bringing the simple person closer to Hashem. Today not so much.

If you look you'll see how everything evolved so much.

Chassidish marry Litvish marry MO. Everyone is just trying to Frum today in a way that works.

Maybe I'm naive...

It varies a lot within certain communities. Some will never marry into a different sect, work hard to keep their minhagim and mesorah and remain pretty insulated. Others are more into mixing. I'm not sure you can just throw a statement like yours out for everyone. I do think you're a bit naive
Once again, non of this is Torah. These are minhagim and different derechs in Avodas Hashem. These might change as time goes on but Torah itself is constant with no changes.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 12:17 pm
amother Outerspace wrote:
It varies a lot within certain communities. Some will never marry into a different sect, work hard to keep their minhagim and mesorah and remain pretty insulated. Others are more into mixing. I'm not sure you can just throw a statement like yours out for everyone. I do think you're a bit naive
Once again, non of this is Torah. These are minhagim and different derechs in Avodas Hashem. These might change as time goes on but Torah itself is constant with no changes.

That's my point. Today the difference is only in externals. The ideologies have merged. Think about it.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 12:21 pm
amother OP wrote:
That's my point. Today the difference is only in externals. The ideologies have merged. Think about it.

Except that it has not.
Can I ask what sect you belong to? I'm chassidish and as much as I respect all other sects, I don't think I have the same ideas as them either internals or externals.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 12:23 pm
amother Outerspace wrote:
Except that it has not.
Can I ask what sect you belong to? I'm chassidish and as much as I respect all other sects, I don't think I have the same ideas as them either internals or externals.

Heimish. Chassidish with some Yeshivish stuff.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 1:17 pm
Are Open Orthodox and Conservative part of the different type of Yidden?
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 1:21 pm
amother OP wrote:
That's my point. Today the difference is only in externals. The ideologies have merged. Think about it.

You are saying there is now one set of hashkaofs?
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 1:44 pm
amother Daffodil wrote:
You are saying there is now one set of hashkaofs?

In a big way yes..litvaks aren't kalta litvaks anymore for the most part. My nephew in a Chassidish Yeshivish (, very) told me that they like to get Litvish maggidei shiur so they can have the higher kind of Iyun learning. Everyone is taking the best of everything and influencing each other. I know the most about Litvish and Chassidish so can say a lot about that. The groups still want to think they are so different but knowing each group well it's really not that way.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 1:52 pm
I read this the other day, I'm not Chabad but incredible the way the rebbe approaches the issue:

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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 1:55 pm
the header reminded me of this song
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 2:06 pm
It's sukkos, the yomtov of achdus. We have more in common than we think!
You know what I think? I think Hashem planned it this way purposely. Because shiviim panim latorah, Torah is not limited! Torah can contain this opinion and that opinion even if they are opposite opinions!
And the test is if we respect and love each other.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 2:24 pm
amother OP wrote:
In a big way yes..litvaks aren't kalta litvaks anymore for the most part. My nephew in a Chassidish Yeshivish (, very) told me that they like to get Litvish maggidei shiur so they can have the higher kind of Iyun learning. Everyone is taking the best of everything and influencing each other. I know the most about Litvish and Chassidish so can say a lot about that. The groups still want to think they are so different but knowing each group well it's really not that way.

My hashkafos would give a chossid a panic attack just like it does in reverse. I’m not sure what you’re saying is accurate.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 2:57 pm
amother Babypink wrote:
I read this the other day, I'm not Chabad but incredible the way the rebbe approaches the issue:


Thank you. That was a beautiful article. I’m also not Chabad but have the greatest respect for the Rebbe. We need to learn from is his acceptance of every Jewish neshama as a precious neshama.
We’re never allowed to judge a fellow Jew. We do need to speak against ideologies that undermine belief in Torah. There were a few posts here recently on oo and I’m one of the imas who came out strongly against that movement. Accepting every Jew doesn’t mean making room in your life for his mistaken beliefs or forbidden behavior. It means loving him in spite of those while remaining steadfast in what the Torah tells us is right and true.
The Rebbe exemplified unwavering faith and commitment to Torah and an understanding of Torah far beyond the reach of a regular oved Hashem, combined with love for every Jew no matter his personal level of observance.
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Ema of 5


Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 3:01 pm
amother OP wrote:
That's my point. Today the difference is only in externals. The ideologies have merged. Think about it.

Look at the I Am MO ama thread, or the never send to a baby sitter ama thread, and you’ll see that’s not true. If it were true, you wouldn’t have people thinking others aren’t religious just because they do things differently.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 3:02 pm
alwayssmiling wrote:
Chas veshalom to say that Torah evolved, perhaps our understanding of it has but Torah itself never changes.

I should rephrase that. But I'll defend anyway haha Very Happy
Definition of evolve: develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

Of course it's all Torah misinai. But there's definitely a development on the surface at the intellectual level that we go from Chumash to mishna to gemara... to the individual perspective of a person based on their personality, occupation and interests. That's what v'sein chelkeinu besorasecha means. Everything in the world enhances Torah and we're meant to apply everywhere. As the yeridas hadoros happens Torah becomes greater to balance it out.

For example, it's interesting to learn shaar habitachon and go back in time in the language of Torah. It's more general, not as specific and defined. It's all true and still completely applicable but the commentaries underneath spell out so much that's since been clarified.
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Post Fri, Oct 06 2023, 4:54 pm
amother Electricblue wrote:
My hashkafos would give a chossid a panic attack just like it does in reverse. I’m not sure what you’re saying is accurate.

I don't think you're right. Maybe some things you do would give them a panic attack (your words)

If you look at the MO thread you have ppl not MO saying that they have the same hashkafah and they aren't MO.

Do you want to try me?
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