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What is the best job for a kollel wife?
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 9:47 pm
Maybe this is just me but it seems ludicrous in today’s world to expect to support an (probably large) family on basically any job that you only do for 25 hours a week.
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 9:50 pm
amother Crystal wrote:
I see a few people suggesting programming. I have a few questions- is it something you can start later in life? I am not happy in my field and want to switch, is it something that's really hard to start at age 40?both in terms of schooling and jobs?
Also- do you have to be a certain type to do well at this carreer? What type?
And is it easy to find part time work?

Yes you can start later in life but be prepared it’s hard to find a starter job. Maybe for someone with experience in a field it will be easier to get a job within that field (ie you work for a medical billing company and then get a job as a programmer for a medical billing program) in terms of schooling I don’t think so - I would take the course remote or self paced since most ppl in the course will be single 20 year olds!
You need to enjoy logic - not math, logic lol. If you’re good at sudoku and enjoy it it’s a similar type of brain. You need to be somewhat patient and ok with spending multiple hours on the computer.
Trying to find your first job and inly being willing to work part time sounds very very hard. If you find a first job you can cut back after a while…. Once you have experience it’s so much easier to find something
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 9:51 pm
amother OP wrote:
Also, do those in the programming field feel that it will remain a strong career in the long run, or demand will plummet due to AI?

lol who do u think is writing the ai??
I really do think that many other careers with become obsolete and the programming world is changing with ai but I can’t imagine it plummeting….
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 9:51 pm
amother Mintcream wrote:
How does one find such a job? I’m working as a CPA in one of big 4 and it’s so hard tax season! Would love to switch.

Feel free to PM me and I can give you some guidance as to what worked for me.
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 9:54 pm
amother Molasses wrote:
lol who do u think is writing the ai??

Well, yes and no. I don't think AI is at a point where it can actually replace programming jobs. It's definitely a useful tool but it's not developed enough to do the job of a human programmer. It'll probably get there one day and eliminate a lot of programming jobs but then yes, humans will need to create and maintain the AI systems as well as do the critical thinking and decision making that it can't do. It's still a lucrative field to get into at this point, and if it ever comes to AI taking your job, you can move into consulting or something like that
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 9:54 pm
Ellie7 wrote:
Maybe this is just me but it seems ludicrous in today’s world to expect to support an (probably large) family on basically any job that you only do for 25 hours a week.

I work 32 hours a week currently and earn about 75 percent of our household income. My husband brings in the other 25; most kollel guys can bring in a few thousand a month between kollel check, tutoring, side hustles etc.
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 11:29 pm
amother Molasses wrote:
lol who do u think is writing the ai??
I really do think that many other careers with become obsolete and the programming world is changing with ai but I can’t imagine it plummeting….
Data scientists. Not programmers.

I think the only way to really make it work the way op is describing is to start your own business.

My sister does programming in Lakewood and it’s not all that it’s hyped up to be.
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 11:31 pm
Tova wrote:
I work 32 hours a week currently and earn about 75 percent of our household income. My husband brings in the other 25; most kollel guys can bring in a few thousand a month between kollel check, tutoring, side hustles etc.
But you’re working 32 hours. Op is talking about 25 hours so approx 9 to 2? Babysitting is probably a good option.
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 11:38 pm
amother Pink wrote:
$85-$100/hour. If you’re willing to work west coast hours some places in California are paying $125/hour. This is contracting directly, not working for an agency.

I’m an SLP and this sounds like something I’d like to do. How do I find these jobs (of contracting directly)?
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Post Sun, Jan 14 2024, 11:46 pm
amother Pink wrote:
$85-$100/hour. If you’re willing to work west coast hours some places in California are paying $125/hour. This is contracting directly, not working for an agency.

Are you contracting directly?
What do you do about maternity leave if youre an independent contractor?
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 12:02 am
When you contract directly you’re self-employed, so you have to plan ahead for maternity leave and only take temporary contracts that end before your due date, or else subcontract with someone who can sub for you (not easy to find). I’m at the marrying off stage so this hasn’t been an issue for me.

I learned how to become an independent contractor by joining facebook groups that taught me everything I needed to know.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 10:49 am
I have been working in staffing and recruiting for many years and its been a great career for me. No kollel but I am the main earner. My expenses just started to really increase as my oldest is in middle school so now I am looking to take all my experience and start freelancing on the side.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 10:59 am
Wow that’s great! When you say freelancing what do you mean?
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 11:02 am
I write a lot at my job, mostly resumes and job descriptions. I want to start doing this on the side. Its way out of my comfort zone but I think it will really be good for me. I have some other friends who have writing businesses all in wildly different specialties so if that's something your daughter is good at, there are lots of directions to go in.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 11:03 am
DH is in kollel for 10 years BH. I don't have exact job ideas to give you but, what you should mainly keep in mind if there is something that your DD loves that she can be her own boss/business or that miracle type of job like two of my SILs have that you work for 5/6 hours a day but the actually work you can probably squeeze into 2 hours daily.
I'm working for 15 years BH. nicest boss and getting a decent salary. But, my job is a hard job. I actually have to work! and get the job done no matter how sick I am, my kid is etc. So yes, I can take off/work remotely/come late/leave early/schedule dr appointment's in middle of the day. But the work is all on me to make up. Its not the amount of hours I put it. I get paid a set salary. But I have a certain amount of work I turn out and there's no joke about it. so I bh have a lot of flexibility, but the stress is all on me. I need to put in those hours at night with laundry piling up and my kitchen a mess because I need to get the work done, regardless if I have home with a sick baby.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 11:19 am
amother OP wrote:
Context is she wants to be prepared that they could manage fine in the event that it would be the setup long-term, IYH.

This sounds like a girl who just came back from seminary. She reminds me of myself, some years ago.
You said in an earlier post that you're not so focused on it being the highest earning job as you think she'd need to bring in about 90k, but now you're saying it should be able to possibly support them long term.
90 k is nowhere close.
A frum family, even super frugal etc, needs at leeeeeeeeeast $150k and thats being very generous. Most people would say $200-250 depending on how many kids you have. Unless you dip down, make low incomes, and get government benefits, which it doesnt sound like she's saying, and which comes with its own set of problems.
And before you tell me "she can be very frugal", let me tell you that I never have cleaning help, wash and set my own wigs even though I dont know how, drove an 18 year old minivan and dont lease, never get myself waxed-I remove hair myself, dont shop in Jewish clothing stores, do hand me downs for my kids, dont do vacations etc etc. And STILL I stand by what I say in terms of necessary income.

I was an idealistic young kolel wife once. BH it was beautiful for 5 years. Beautiful, in that my husband was learning full time and we both loved it. Also beautiful in that I had to WORK SO HARD, as a registered nurse (eventually became mds coordinator and please dont believe everything you hear about how magical it is, there are some very difficult components to it and it is certainly not for everyone) .
In order to provide health insurance I was working 40 hours a week. Little flexibility, your kid is sick, its on the husband. Carpool pickup, on the husband. Sick child needs to be picked up from school, on the husband. My husband was mommy, not me. I can not explain how exhausting it was. I certainly could have taken an easier job, like working part time or per diem or working as a school nurse or in a doctor's office but then I wouldnt have made enough money to cover us. The money is really a big deal..

Im telling you this so that you both can be realistic in planning and setting yourself up for success.

In my case, had my head not been in the clouds at age 19, I would have asked my DH to start planning and studying towards a good parnassah for himself for after kolel, instead of recoiling at the thought of him "having a plan". BH he has a good parnassah but 2 of his friends who did the same thing arw now floundering. And this is giving me great pause for my own children....
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 2:50 pm
Everyone advising programmer- DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!

The market in Lakewood is overflooded with entry level programmers and its extremely hard to find entry level jobs.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 3:12 pm
Can’t computer programming can be remote? You know of many in Lakewood who can’t get a programming job due to high supply?
Also, to the posters mentioning own business- wouldn’t this take her a few years to get off the ground- with possible loss of funds- until there is profit? And still success isn’t guaranteed?
Can you please be more specific about what type of business you’re seeing mothers successfully running in those hours?
Thanks to everyone
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 3:18 pm
amother OP wrote:
Can’t computer programming can be remote? You know of many in Lakewood who can’t get a programming job due to high supply?
Also, to the posters mentioning own business- wouldn’t this take her a few years to get off the ground- with possible loss of funds- until there is profit? And still success isn’t guaranteed?
Can you please be more specific about what type of business you’re seeing mothers successfully running in those hours?
Thanks to everyone

I have a handful of friends who do technical/professional writing not fiction not jewish magazines. They all have different areas of expertise, one does writing for healthcare companies, one does insurance companies, some write copy for websites or marketing materials. They work when their kids are in school mostly. But they mostly work with clients outside the frum community.
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Post Mon, Jan 15 2024, 3:20 pm
amother Navyblue wrote:
Data scientists. Not programmers.

I think the only way to really make it work the way op is describing is to start your own business.

My sister does programming in Lakewood and it’s not all that it’s hyped up to be.

AI is a speciality area for software developers.
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