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Bnei Berak 10


Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 8:37 am
amother OP wrote:
Ok just to update I really have no idea what our salaries will be in E”Y and I really don’t want to be running the hamster wheel with extra jobs just to afford life.

Right now our house is worth about 250,000 and whatever we get from it will help pay debt so we won’t have anything to put down.

So I assume we will need to rent first.

Are afula and/or Karmiel going to be good for pre teens who don’t know Hebrew?

I highly recommend you and all family members to try to learn a much Hebrew as possible before coming here. It makes transition much smoother.
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 8:41 am
amother Taupe wrote:
And because the government makes a boatload of cash on land sale they release it very very slowly.

The dirty little secret of the housing crisis is that if the govt. released a LOT of land at once for cheap prices with a requirement for the kablanim not to markup the land value more then a reasonable percentage , it would be solved.

The problem is to much of the takziv rely's on the money THEY make on the rising RE values.

Totally true 100%
The state isn't interested in providing affordable housing as they get so much more from the taxes when prices are high.
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 9:03 am
amother OP wrote:
Right. I know this.

We haven’t discussed it yet. First trying to see if there is a neighborhood for us.

But, you suggest I stay stuck in chul with rampant antisemitism instead?

There is rampant antisemitism in Israel too.

Moving a 12 year old to a new country where they don’t speak the language is really taking a huge risk with their mental, emotional and spiritual health. I would give my 12 year old full veto power on this idea.

Not trying to derail your thread, I just think it’s important for these things to be said.
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 9:27 am
Nefesh B'nefesh just had a talk about Aliyah. Maybe you can get the tape.

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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 9:59 am
amother Tanzanite wrote:
There is rampant antisemitism in Israel too.

Scratching Head Can you explain what you mean by this? The situation is Israel is very different from other countries. For one, Jews are the majority. There are tensions between different sectors, frum vs secular, about the nature of the State and rights vs obligations. But the friction between frum and secular isn't antisemitism. It's a lot of Jews disagreeing with each other, sometimes, sadly, violently.

The Palestinians are enemies rather than antisemites. We are having a bloody war about whose country it is.

None of this is similar to antisemitism outside Israel. Totally different. Dangerous, yes, but different.
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 10:58 am
amother OP wrote:
Are there any moshavim that may fit with my families needs/hashkafah?

Moshav Mattisyahu comes to mind as a place to look into. It's just outside Kiryat Sefer, but it's almost all Americans, and their Rav is Rav Zev Leff. I believe there's more space than in a place like RBS, and I think religiously you could make it work for you. The only issue is that it's quite small and I don't know that they have any units available for sale/rent.
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 11:11 am
BadTichelDay wrote:
Scratching Head Can you explain what you mean by this? The situation is Israel is very different from other countries. For one, Jews are the majority. There are tensions between different sectors, frum vs secular, about the nature of the State and rights vs obligations. But the friction between frum and secular isn't antisemitism. It's a lot of Jews disagreeing with each other, sometimes, sadly, violently.

The Palestinians are enemies rather than antisemites. We are having a bloody war about whose country it is.

None of this is similar to antisemitism outside Israel. Totally different. Dangerous, yes, but different.

I really don’t want to derail this thread. But Israel is 20% Arab and some of those Arabs are violent. I feel safer living in the US where there are rarely terror attacks as opposed to Israel where terror attacks happen often and any Arab you pass on the street may pull a knife on you. That’s besides the fact that Israel is surrounded by bloodthirsty nations that would murder its citizens in a second if they felt they could.

The US definitely doesn’t feel as safe as it used to but I didn’t have 1,200 people raped, tortured and murdered a few hours drive from where I live.
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Dolly Welsh


Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 3:48 pm
Since somebody mentioned Karmiel, I found this:


I know nothing about Karmiel, had never heard of it before this thread.

From that:

"Religious Life: Besides its religious schools (see above), Karmiel has nearly thirty synagogues and five mikvaot (including one for men only). It has three kollelim (Religious Zionist, Agudat Yisrael, and Shas) that promote Torah study throughout the city. The Mibereshit organization is highly active in all of the schools and promotes Jewish and religious cultural events for the entire population. Supermarkets carry food with special hechsherim. By the standards of North America, Karmiel would be considered a city with a major Orthodox community.
Nevertheless, it must be strongly emphasized that Karmiel is not a religious city, certainly not by Israeli standards. Our own rough estimate is that is it about 10% religious. To live in Karmiel you must be prepared to be in a place where observant Jews are a minority, and to interact fully with non-observant Jews as neighbors and friends. Karmiel is a place where tolerance and respect are typical; it is thus very suitable for Jews from western countries who are well adapted to living among diverse populations. In fact, it is a place where as observant Jews from the west, we can make a unique personal contribution to Israel through our aliyah: namely, by doing our best to serve as good representatives of traditional Judaism, we can make a tremendous Kiddush Hashem by living in a place like Karmiel.
The following three synagogues have an above-average number of English speakers, and also boast very warm, welcoming communities: The Moriah synagogue near the old center of town (mostly retirees), the Conservative synagogue (Kehillat ha-Kerem) in the new center of town (next to the “New Mall”), and a very new, Modern Orthodox community that meets in the Amit high school’s synagogue in the Rabin neighborhood."
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 3:57 pm
There's a webinar this Sunday exactly on the topic of communities including Karmiel and Rehovot - you can sign up here.

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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 10:55 pm
amother PlumPink wrote:
Maale Adumim is NOT the type she’s describing her family as
She most definitely will not fit in
It’s very hard here to find a community

Please help me understand what about it is not my family type?
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 11:01 pm
amother OP wrote:

So if RBS is out where do I go?

I just don’t think we can deal with the crowding of RBS and the cost probably

I lived in rbs for 4 years. I also worked in the schools there. I've lived in jlem too. Unless your kids already can speak Hebrew you MUST move to an area with excellent olim support and fwiw even the charedi schools I'm rbs are charedi- your kids will be taught from that hashkafa and if my husband had to go to a school thing etc. He always wore white. I researched tons of place in Israel and basically unless you want to be dati leumi or more Israel charedi (think beitar, kiryat sefer) it's going to be rbs and maybe jlem. It just is. You can find neighborhoods that are more spread out and an older apt or a new one in a less built up area. I looked into afula and karmiel toooootally not matim for mainstream American charedi types. Unleas you're ready to become Israeli Israeli and really choose a box. (And yes ppl will reply to this like no you don't blah blah) this is my opinion.
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 11:10 pm
amother Amaranthus wrote:
I lived in rbs for 4 years. I also worked in the schools there. I've lived in jlem too. Unless your kids already can speak Hebrew you MUST move to an area with excellent olim support and fwiw even the charedi schools I'm rbs are charedi- your kids will be taught from that hashkafa and if my husband had to go to a school thing etc. He always wore white. I researched tons of place in Israel and basically unless you want to be dati leumi or more Israel charedi (think beitar, kiryat sefer) it's going to be rbs and maybe jlem. It just is. You can find neighborhoods that are more spread out and an older apt or a new one in a less built up area. I looked into afula and karmiel toooootally not matim for mainstream American charedi types. Unleas you're ready to become Israeli Israeli and really choose a box. (And yes ppl will reply to this like no you don't blah blah) this is my opinion.

So where in Jerusalem would fit for us?
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 11:13 pm
amother OP wrote:
So where in Jerusalem would fit for us?

Rechavia or Ramot B but they are both more $$ than rbs. My neighbor lived in ramot b and left because of the schools. She wasn't happy and was much happier in the American charedi schools in rbs. Aliyah is a huge deal. I wish more people understood what a massive undertaking it is and how a soft landing is so so important especially imo for kids over age 5 (and if you have any kids who have any learning issues x10) definitely worth doing a massive amount of research and not discounting rbs. It's a lovely place with wonderful people and with non extreme charedi schools. That being said education system is SO different than the US but that could be a topic within itself. Happy to pm if you'd like. Hatzlacha Raba!
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 11:42 pm
amother Amaranthus wrote:
Rechavia or Ramot B but they are both more $$ than rbs. My neighbor lived in ramot b and left because of the schools. She wasn't happy and was much happier in the American charedi schools in rbs. Aliyah is a huge deal. I wish more people understood what a massive undertaking it is and how a soft landing is so so important especially imo for kids over age 5 (and if you have any kids who have any learning issues x10) definitely worth doing a massive amount of research and not discounting rbs. It's a lovely place with wonderful people and with non extreme charedi schools. That being said education system is SO different than the US but that could be a topic within itself. Happy to pm if you'd like. Hatzlacha Raba!

Thanks so I was just in Israel and took a quick glance at RBS and it just looks
Overcrowded and people swarming everywhere like Beit shemesh proper. Is this not accurate?

And yes I know it’s a huge deal. Doing my research before I present it to kids. Hopefully when we go for nephew wedding in a few months we can go visit a neighborhood that may be a good fit and my kids can get a feel for it.

That’s what I’m hoping by asking here
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Post Tue, Mar 12 2024, 11:58 pm
amother Amaranthus wrote:
Rechavia or Ramot B but they are both more $$ than rbs. My neighbor lived in ramot b and left because of the schools. She wasn't happy and was much happier in the American charedi schools in rbs. Aliyah is a huge deal. I wish more people understood what a massive undertaking it is and how a soft landing is so so important especially imo for kids over age 5 (and if you have any kids who have any learning issues x10) definitely worth doing a massive amount of research and not discounting rbs. It's a lovely place with wonderful people and with non extreme charedi schools. That being said education system is SO different than the US but that could be a topic within itself. Happy to pm if you'd like. Hatzlacha Raba!

Sure I’d love to hear more about the schools and community of RBS
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 12:01 am
amother Babyblue wrote:
Moshav Mattisyahu comes to mind as a place to look into. It's just outside Kiryat Sefer, but it's almost all Americans, and their Rav is Rav Zev Leff. I believe there's more space than in a place like RBS, and I think religiously you could make it work for you. The only issue is that it's quite small and I don't know that they have any units available for sale/rent.

Super expensive and the kids have to go to school in kiryat sefer which is suuuuuper charedi.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 12:04 am
amother Amaranthus wrote:
Super expensive and the kids have to go to school in kiryat sefer which is suuuuuper charedi.

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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 12:07 am
amother OP wrote:
Is wearing lace top Sheitels shunned in E”Y?

I live in a beautiful OOT community right now. Some Rabbanim hold not to wear lace tops. But many Rabbanim say it’s ok and there are wonderful amazing solid frum ladies who wear lace top. In fact, the one rebetzin I know who does is the most genuine connected sincere person.

So now, will I find a community like that in E”Y? As I said we definitely are more charedi (DH even wears chassidic levush), but he wears colored shirts and I wear nail polish.

Do I have to give up lace tops, nail polish, colored shirts if we move to Israel?

No!!! Def not lol
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 12:08 am
amother OP wrote:
Please help me understand what about it is not my family type?

It's Dati leumi. Not even close to American charedi types in the slightest.
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Post Wed, Mar 13 2024, 12:11 am
amother Amaranthus wrote:
No!!! Def not lol

Ok so where would this be considered normal? And my kids would still get into school? (Bais Yaakov)
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