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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 2:09 pm
happy2BaMommy wrote:
sorry, then, for not having anything intelligent of my own to offer!
Hey, I rarely have much to offer beyond my gut feelings and Googling.

Here are some examples of stuff he's said about Israel:


Sorry I can't offer up more, as I'm way behind on dinner and don't have time for more googling.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 2:22 pm
My concern is that if G-d forbid something happens to the president, is a mother of six able to run our country?
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 2:24 pm
happyone wrote:
My concern is that if G-d forbid something happens to the president, is a mother of six able to run our country?

Why not? She is already a governor, and I honestly think she would do great. Much better than many men.
Most likely then her DH would be staying home with her children.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 2:32 pm
I remember all of these comments about Hillary running, her being a mother (even though her child was grown) and her being a woman, with all that goes with it. I can only imagine what Republicans would say if Sarah Palin had been a Democrat and been chosen by Obama! Oh my, what if one of her kids is sick, shouldn't she be with her young children, they need a mother, especially that baby with DS, and won't she be distracted by all of that stuff going on at home, etc. But she's a Republican, so now she's strong and inspirational! I'm a feminist, so I'm delighted with any woman seeking higher office, but I'd just love to hear the Christian Right take on this one if she'd been on the other team. And what about all the people here who quote Dr. Laura, all that stuff about a mother being home for her family, family values blah blah...I guess that doesn't apply here...
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 2:45 pm
happyone wrote:
My concern is that if G-d forbid something happens to the president, is a mother of six able to run our country?

Sorry, husband at home or not, I have the same question. My husband stays home with my kids when I work, B'H I don't have a baby with DS, and I can barely manage working 2 days a week. I could see her being a savvy choice for running mate politcally (and I think this was as much about courting Hillary's disenfranchised supporters as anything else) , but I don't think she's a realistic choice at this stage in her life.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 2:47 pm
happyone wrote:
My concern is that if G-d forbid something happens to the president, is a mother of six able to run our country?

Just for the record, she's a mother of five.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 3:00 pm
I am not very happy with McCain's choice for VP. I have nothing against Governor Palin, but she has almost no experience. She's only been governor for two years, and since one of the criticisms of Obama is he has little experience, McCain seems to have undercut his own argument by his choice of running mate. I am trying to reserve judgment until I know more about her, but I have to say I'm disappointed.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 3:19 pm
No more thoughts on Biden?
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 3:44 pm
I listened to part of Obama's speech last night. He speaks well and built a huge tower of stuff he plans to do but did not mention HOW he will do anything.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 3:46 pm
Chocoholic wrote:
For as much as I know now about her, she seems cool. She presents herself well, has clear policies, is straightforward, and a woman. Plus a mother of 5, of which one is DS baby. She supports traditional family values and is opposed to things like abortion and same relations marriage. She also fights things like corruption and bureaucracy. Seems good to me!

it is not "traditional" for a woman to be in politics. How does a mom of 5 have time for politics?!
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 4:27 pm
I don't think that Palin is appealing to the more bitter of the female Hillary constituency at all. She is an NRA supporter and not pro-choice, which are two strikes against her as far as those voters go, and these types of social issues are very important to those voters. I feel that the fact that she is young (as opposed to McCain being old) and from a working class union background makes it more likely that adding her to the ticket will make McCain more appealing to the invisible and disenfranchised voters that Clinton was referring to in her speech the other day which are within reach for McCain based upon the fact that there are those who feel that Obama (and McCain for that matter) are somewhat out of touch with "real people".
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Mama Bear


Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 4:40 pm
Chocoholic wrote:
happyone wrote:
My concern is that if G-d forbid something happens to the president, is a mother of six able to run our country?

Why not? She is already a governor, and I honestly think she would do great. Much better than many men.
Most likely then her DH would be staying home with her children.
Her husband has a blue collar job back in Alaska. He'll have to quit his job to move into the White House I guess.

My take is that this was not much more than a PR move. He had to do SOMETHING so that the media would focus on his campaign too; the media has been ridiculously biased. I'm not saying she wouldnt make a good VP; just that the idea of a young inexperienced female as a running mate was simply a good PR move. the Dems can't tear her apart cuz she's a WOMAN and a MOTHER and hey Obama is just as inexperienced.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 4:45 pm
Clarissa wrote:
No more thoughts on Biden?

Here's my thought on Biden:

I'm disappointed that Evan Bayh wasn't chosen. His name is floated every four years and nothing ever comes of it. I once had lunch with Bayh and I'm waiting for my one degree of separation between myself and a VP or Pres. Still no luck.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 4:46 pm
And why is everyone talking about what would make a good VP? VPs don't do anything. They have almost no responsibilities. I imagine she'll have more time for her family as VP of the US than as Governor of Alaska.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 4:49 pm
tovasmom wrote:
I don't think that Palin is appealing to the more bitter of the female Hillary constituency at all. She is an NRA supporter and not pro-choice, which are two strikes against her as far as those voters go, and these types of social issues are very important to those voters. I feel that the fact that she is young (as opposed to McCain being old) and from a working class union background makes it more likely that adding her to the ticket will make McCain more appealing to the invisible and disenfranchised voters that Clinton was referring to in her speech the other day which are within reach for McCain based upon the fact that there are those who feel that Obama (and McCain for that matter) are somewhat out of touch with "real people".

Also the fact that she comes from Alaska, which will help McCain on the environmental front.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 4:57 pm
I'm excited! no matter who wins, this is history in the making.

anyway, there are probably better options for EI or school for her child in the DC area then in Alaska.

btw, what I'm hearing is that she is not fiscaly (sp?) conservitive and raised taxes on oil companies, but she sounds like a GOOD person, what a change!
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 5:03 pm
cassandra wrote:
Clarissa wrote:
No more thoughts on Biden?

Here's my thought on Biden:

I'm disappointed that Evan Bayh wasn't chosen. His name is floated every four years and nothing ever comes of it. I once had lunch with Bayh and I'm waiting for my one degree of separation between myself and a VP or Pres. Still no luck.
Patience, Grasshopper.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 5:08 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
hey Obama is just as inexperienced.

Yeah, but they sacrifice one of their "talking points" - the constant refrain that Obama is too inexperienced.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 5:11 pm
cassandra wrote:
And why is everyone talking about what would make a good VP? VPs don't do anything. They have almost no responsibilities. I imagine she'll have more time for her family as VP of the US than as Governor of Alaska.

You're kidding, right? They don't speak in public often like the prez, but the job is faaaaaaaaar from "doing nothing". And don't forget, McCain would be the oldest man ever elected president and he's a cancer survivor. You have to take a hard look at the VP in such a situation.
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Post Fri, Aug 29 2008, 5:19 pm
In looking at Sarah Palin, I don't think it's important to analyse her mothering abilities. She has the opportuinity to lead the strrongest country in the world. Sorry, but her family will be her second most important priority for as long as she has this job. And I don't think that' is a bad thing. She is potentially making personal sacrifices for the good of her country. I don't fear for her children. They will have the best that money can buy. They may have to sacrifice time with their mother, but that shouldn't factor in to voters' decision on whether or not to vote for her. That is her choice. Why aren't male leaders criticized for taking on such roles. Surely their children suffer too.

After watching the DNC I am left thinking that all politicians are puppets and movie stars. Biden seems like a decent guy, Obama is handsome and eloquent. They promise to fix every conceivable problem that America faces, more jobs, more health care, no dependency on foreign oil, better education for all AND they will lower taxes too. Ridiculous. What's more rdiciulous is seeing people on the floor of that convention bawling like they are 12 year olds in 1963 seeing the Beatles for the first time.

America is all about image. It will be interesting who they will pick. I'm a bit nervous no matter who wins.
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