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Post Fri, May 10 2024, 4:37 pm
Whats the name for tehillim?
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Post Fri, May 10 2024, 5:49 pm
As of the moment now it looks like we wont be transferring. I accepted not to say negatively about others so I will omit the details (may this be a zechus for us IYH)

But as someone who has seen miracles in my life and practicing emuna. I beleive this is also being orchastrated by hashem and there is a good reason why he doesnt want us to leave right now of the moment. MAy he knows on shabbos there is not good staff at cornell and will be complicated. I also dont want to go against medical advice and ask them to remove the tube attached to his chest and have Cornell do it again (If I were to just walk out with him) so I decied after all this we will stay here. I still ask everyone please please to have us in mind as before and any small thing will contribute to the yeshua soon.

And thank you everyone for all your support and help. It means a lot to me and without you I dont know what I would do.

Have a great Shabbos
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Post Fri, May 10 2024, 7:05 pm
Giving tzedakah right now to bikur cholim for his refuah shelema.
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Post Sat, May 11 2024, 9:27 pm
Op, I can't stop thinking about you. I'm raging with anger for you so you can stay calm for yourself and child. How are YOU doing?
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Post Sat, May 11 2024, 10:04 pm
I kept your son in mind during licht bentching yesterday
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Post Sat, May 11 2024, 10:11 pm
You are a tzaddekes for accepting this without saying anything negative. I feel the great zechus you have.

Waiting to hear besuras tovos!! We are all in this with you.
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Post Sat, May 11 2024, 10:26 pm
I can't recommend other than leave Maimonides.
Nearly killed a family member.
Hatzlacha and refua shelaima bmheira!!
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Post Sat, May 11 2024, 10:48 pm
Please speak to Dr yizchak kupfer in maimo. He is pulmonologist there and can help you
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 12:09 am
Bh it looks like the tehilim is working till now and there are real signs of improvement. I want to thank each and every one of you for your tefiliot and kabbalos you took upon yourself. There is a lot to say and I will just say whats on my mind so things may be out of ordeer of events.

Friday before shabbos my husband arrived (amfer making food with others at home for the family and guest (yes we had a guest and unfortunately couldnt be with him but had others be with him)
and styaed with me the whole night. Bh for 24 hours one of the counselors are also supposed to always be there with us (not that they all really help but some are better than others). I slept a bit (if you can really have called it sleep) with my son overnight and the counselor and my husband went to sleep in the family room upstairs.
Bh there was significant change in my sons health. Till now he was totally out of energy and barely would be up and couldnt really move. On friday night (when I was supposed to sleep unfortunately but fortunately) my son all of a sudden got lots of energy and was starting to move and do things (trying to remove the tubes etc ) and kept me up but at least he was active hodu lashem

shabbos morning my husband (who didnt sleep the bsest at night either) came with the counselor to watvh my son and I went to go to sleep. in the afternoon aroiund 1 ocklock my daughter walked an hour here to help me a bit and visited me in the family room. she saw me and told me you are the most positive person I have ever seen. (at this moment I happened to be happy) She siad you act as if you are enjoying here. I said I can view this place as misery and suffer every moment (which is not false) or I can view this (at the moment then) as if I am in a hotel with a free bed and food thanks to bikur cholim and all there chesed and this is how I want to feel right now based on the sitatuaion now. (obviously I want to get out of this place ASAP but as of that moment with nothing to do I felt I should just focus on the positive) I then asked her to bring me some hot kugel and cholent which I really enjoyed from the BC room. I slept again for a few hours till around 5 which by 4 my husband had headed home to get a good rest as he hadnt slept well. till mtz bh with me my daughter and the counselor (was a better one today) Bh it was much easier and as of the moment I am more happier.

They came in today and said that BH most of the water has been removed form the lungs and there is a little left. If it comes out they will remove the tube , if not they will use a machine to take it out. Las t night overall his coughing got way better but not co,pletely. They also today gave huim a medidicne to induce coughing so that he cough up everytihng into the machine. I still can't say that I enjoy this place because I don't and I really want to be out of here , just that I cannot pick up and leave while the tubes are attached as I am scared. (and after they reomve it they want to see if he can swallow which by then I will have to decide ont he next move)

As in regards with the crazyness that happened over friday and the doctors I dont think I can write aboiut it now. maybe a different day.

See I want to tell you how important it is every tefillah and kabbalah that each one of you made and let you know what effect they have. (also the ones I had togewther with out family on the phone as miracles were happening since Friday). I ask if you see this message to please continue and know that you will see good results and being with me on this is really making it easier for me. (mind me if I dont answer each one of you personally because of time or other reaonsons. ) please continue this as much as you could and just tune into the power of positivity that hashem has given.
Thank you all for everything and have a great week ahead.

(all warm comments welcome)
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 12:56 am
So happy to hear there are improvements!!!
Continued besuros tovos!!!
(Id still try to get him transferred out..))
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 12:57 am
And OP, you sound amazing!
Keep up the positivity! It's hard.
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 9:07 am
So happy to hear about your son's improvement. BH
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 11:47 pm
Now I want to update with the good news BH at last that just happened few minutes ago. (which we all knew would happen in the end thanks to hashem) After much pressure and pushing on the doctors and staff etc. The doctor here called a doctor in cornell ( most of this was due to a very special person who helped us from chiam medical and later I will bless him so much from the bottom of my heart) and they accepted the case. All that has to happen now is wait for insurance to approve etc and with the bed he will IYH be transferred also providing they have a bed available there as well.

This is something I didnt (but also did) beleive would happen and to escape where we are now is like escaping mitzrayim (sorry to say it like that , but they have thousands of tricks knowing how to bill the insurnace and keep the patient in here). I am so gratefull to hashem for orchestrating all this and allowing to make me come closer to him with this expereince , and I also want to thank all the organizations who helped me. I want to thank each and everyone of you who beared the burden with me on this way and that you accpeted somethiong or said a short perek of tehilim. You sometimes dont know the value of what you do but every little thing has value to it. I still ask that you continue to read tehilim and daven and whatever you do as its still a journey not finished. (as they have to approve and have a bed and also get to the root of the problem) but one thing for sure. Hashem is showing us his mighty hand and that he is with us and he doesnt want us to stop. (reminds me of the story of the megillah that even though morderchai was riding on the horse the story was not iver and they still had to pray but it was like a loving sign from hashem as a reminder...)

I want to bless every single one of you who accompanied me and will still accompany me on this journey and wish that at the moment that you read this message , may whatever you ask Hashem for that he grant it to your wish accordingly.

Thanks again. Without your support it would have been much harder.
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 11:51 pm
This is great news!
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 11:52 pm
Wow, OP!
may things only get better from here on in!
and may you be gebentsched!!!
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Post Sun, May 12 2024, 11:57 pm
wow OP chasdei Hashem!!
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Post Mon, May 13 2024, 1:32 am
BH for the improvement, let us know when he's transferred and how he's doing
Will have you in mind ♡
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Post Mon, May 13 2024, 1:34 pm
Fantastic news I hope he keeps improving and the situation only gets better.
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Post Mon, May 13 2024, 5:37 pm
So now we are in the ambulance now going to cornell hospital. Bh he is starting to cough less a bit and was told he can start eating light foods. He is still attached to the tubes and a bit pale and lost some weight (as he only ate through tubes) but overall ok. Bh there is improvement but like before I still am awaiting for the complete healing to come soon from hashem through the right shluchim...
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Post Mon, May 13 2024, 6:50 pm
Does anyone know by any chance if cornell has a bikur cholim ?
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