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Post Fri, Jan 02 2009, 8:41 am
Yesterday, I finished the day with Spanish rice for supper which left me hungry. Dh surprised me with an egg roll from a take out place which I couldn’t resist. I had the whole thing in one inhalation however I did reach my goal of 2/3 of my crystal lite. Yay!

Today Friday, I just woke up (11:30!) because my big girl is home to help out… so I just had a coffee with my usual start fresh cookie… and I’ll drink all day I think until Shabbos, to save my calories. I might have a corner of the kugel later though.

I have an aufruf this week, big meal together – which I plan to eat everything in the fullest… lol and that usually does it for me until Sunday morning.

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Post Sun, Jan 04 2009, 12:05 pm
How was shabbos, y'all?

So, we ate lunch with friends, which is always a little scary on a diet. Well, unbeknownst to me, these friends had had a bit of a cholesteral scare, and so have pretty much gone vegan, so the lunch was actually very light and healthy. Don't know exactly how many calories, but I just ate sparingly and then had a 400 calorie dinner last night + an orange as a snack, so I'm assuming I kept under 1500.

The lemon with artichoke chicken over brown rice was a big hit Friday night, as was the fairly low cal apple cranberry crisp.

This morning I took one of the boys to the pediatrician, who told me we need to take him totally off of dairy for now and possibly permanently (has been having some digestive issues). Yikes! I don't mind limiting meat during the week but doing without dairy is a challenge. I did get some substitutes at the grocery today - soy cheese, rice milk, etc. - but it will still be a challenge!
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Post Sun, Jan 04 2009, 12:47 pm
Arichoke chicken?
Recipe please?

My Shabbos was great, we do a lot of salads, but my salads are quite carb heavy. I need more greens. Also, my daughter was here and she made the most delicious chocolate chip cake. Lucky for me, everyone else enjoyed it, too, but I certainly ate more than my share. When my kids are not home and doing the baking, I don't bake for Shabbos.
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Post Sun, Jan 04 2009, 1:48 pm
hello ladies!!

this is so great!! I decided last week to start seriously bc I have never been so fat.. I was at a good weight after birth but the kilos came after birthe, I lost 7 kg after birth and by now gained 8 back..

so I have this non jewish website (in my native language) which is amazing, u make your profile and say your goal and then whenever u want, u add your weight and u can see if u are still on track. U can read other pples diaries and gain "chizuk" from them. Whenever I go off from there, Im again filled with a resolve that this time I will do it.

So, I was thinking what a pity it was that there is no such jewish site, that would be great since we have so many issues which non jews dont (like yom tov etc..) and then I come on here and see this!!

im like ganizzy, my biggest problem is the willpower, I see food, I HAVE to eat it, so the longest I've kept a diet is a few days.. I have never lost more than 2 kg..

also, im quite lazy to prepare salads or to cut up healthy food so when im in need of a healthy snack, I dont have one handy.

Im now on the GI diet which I like very much, since you're not hungry and it decreases my cravings for carbs a bit. monday is my official weighing day.

on my other site we have a club, a race, everyone makes a goal for themselves until valentines day(somewhere in february) and then we see who reached his goal. I decided on 5 kilo till then, maybe we could do such a thing here?

I really really hope that this is the time where I will finally be able to lose the weight that has been sitting around since 10 yrs. I find this a great idea and I hope we will stay active and give each other the push needed Smile

Ill let you know how much I lost in my first week tomorrow iyh!

hatzlacha rabba to all!!!

my goal is to lose 20 kg until next year iyh.
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Post Sun, Jan 04 2009, 1:49 pm
p.s: I think this is the longest post I've ever written on imamother Very Happy
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Post Sun, Jan 04 2009, 4:20 pm
OP here...

OYYY - I fell off the wagon on Friday and I know exactly why. I didn't space my meals appropriately (in other words delaying lunch because of the Shabbos seudah which is later than I usually eat dinner). So I snacked later afternoon on fruit and potato chips (which are allowed on my plan, but only occasionally and not more than 2 oz).

Back on the wagon today, Sunday.

B: yogurt, oatmeal
L: meatballs, brown rice, zucchini, grapefruit
D: chicken cutlet, green bean saute, applesauce

As mentioned previously, I will weigh myself on Wednesday 1/7 and post. I hope it's not too scary!
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Post Mon, Jan 05 2009, 10:55 pm
the past 2 days I kept busy and was out on the street a lot so I didn't nosh. I also ate healthy meals. Today I bought some fruit to snack on.

Last edited by bnm on Tue, Jan 13 2009, 10:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 1:49 am
I have been slightly chubby to moderately overweight since around 11. I once gained a huge amount in pregnancy and it ballooned. Then I lost 28 kg between Tu B'Shvat and Pesach and kept it off for 8 years including 2 pregnancies. I am not an overeater but I used to nosh when bored. When I am busy I hardly eat.

Then we opened a bakery. It was very hard work and I became addicted to hot rolls and oatmeal cookies. I didn't notice how much I gained until dh put it in my face in a not nice way. But for some reason I couldn't get motivated. I had stopped gaining after closing the bakery but did not lose. I still felt very good and was active. Enter computer work and forums. Writing papers (on the computer) and preparing shiurim. I did not notice that I was gaining again and fast.

I ceased to be active, my back began to ache. I couldn't walk for more than a few yards. The cardiologist got on my back. Then dh got nastier. Still no motivation despite the pain, the davening, the crying, etc.

Then it happened, and excuse me if innappropriate. I went into the bathroom and could not get up. My kids had to call dh from work to get me up and into bed. I went to the ER and they did nothing but take my money. I was in pain and the ER ortho would not even give pain relievers. He muttered under his breath that it was all the weight.

Afterward I found a very good orthopedist. He did proper xrays, informed me that I had had some kind of arthritic infection that ate a lot of the cartilage in one hip joint, He gave me a painkiller and sent me to physiotherapy. He also told me that due to the lack of cartillage and my weight the ball joint was becoming disformed. I asked him how could I lose weight when I could hardly move.

He put me on Atkins and so far I have lost 26 kg. I still have another 47 to go.

It is very easy to keep this after the first few days. I thought I would kill for a piece of bread the first 3-4 days.Now I seldom feel hungry and have more or less broken the sugar/carb dependency. My cholestrerol is ok and I have never had a problem with it. The hardest part is drinking the water.

I now walk around town again, am starting to do simple exercizes and have occasional nosh of walnuts or apples.
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 1:56 am
wow, imaonwheels!

I wish you lots of hatzlocho!
you sound like you are on the right track!
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 3:03 am
Good for you! 26 kg is a lot of weight!

I have a question for y'all: what is the thing that you're most looking forward to with weight loss?

For me, it is first and foremost improved health - I am insulin resistant and had gestational diabetes two out of three pregnancies, so I know I'm high risk for diabetes. Secondly, overweight people in my father's family tend to drop dead at a young age from heart attacks.

But I have to admit that running a close second is looking forward to being out of plus sizes. I can't wait to shop in the regular sections of the department stores. I want to tuck in a shirt again instead of always wearing sweaters pulled out to cover my tummy. Little things like that.

Last edited by Chani on Wed, Jan 07 2009, 5:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 5:37 am
Yes, Chani, for me it is definately the clothes shopping experience. When I get down to 140/145 (my goal weight) I will treat myself to a new sheital we well as some new clothes. That's my incentive. Oh, and also a family picture w/ DH and all the kids. I wanted that for a while but want to wait 'til I look good.

Sunday/Monday - perfect on the diet. Basic menu the same each day ('til I get tired of it):

B: yogurt, oatmeal
L: turkey meatballs, cooked veggies, brown rice, fruit
D: chicken or turkey, veggies, fruit

I am shooting for 90 consecutive days on the diet...2 days down 88 to go!

I also did between 10 and 15 min. on the treadmill each day (would like to build up to 20 min.)

Tomorrow is my first weighing...I HOPE it's at least under 200 lbs and I can consider that my starting weight.
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 7:58 am
Has anyone studied their "blocks" against weight loss?

For me, believe it or not, one of the blocks is the shopping. I don't like shopping at all, and right now, its so easy sbecause you go to the plus size section, look for a long sleeve and you're done. (Often I don't find anything). But when the whole world of shopping will be open to me, it kinda scares me!!!

I'm quite sure its something I can get used to, but right now that's one of the blocks.

I also read somewhere that if you can pinpoint when you were last at your goal weight, often something happened at that time to trigger the weight gain. Do you know what it was for you?
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 9:04 am
su7kids wrote:
Has anyone studied their "blocks" against weight loss?

For me, believe it or not, one of the blocks is the shopping. I don't like shopping at all, and right now, its so easy sbecause you go to the plus size section, look for a long sleeve and you're done. (Often I don't find anything). But when the whole world of shopping will be open to me, it kinda scares me!!!

I'm quite sure its something I can get used to, but right now that's one of the blocks.

I also read somewhere that if you can pinpoint when you were last at your goal weight, often something happened at that time to trigger the weight gain. Do you know what it was for you?

One of the things that made me slowly stop dieting was that I was at the lowest I had been since highschool and I cudnt imagine myself any smaller. I cudnt move pass that scary zone of "what will I look like? Will I recognize myself?"
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 9:27 am
Chani wrote:
Good for you! 26 kg is a lot of weight!

I have a question for y'all: what is the thing that you're most looking forward to with weight loss?

For me, it is first and foremost improved health - I am insulin resistant and had gestational diabetes two out of four pregnancies, so I know I'm high risk for diabetes. Secondly, overweight people in my father's family tend to drop dead at a young age from heart attacks.

But I have to admit that running a close second is looking forward to being out of plus sizes. I can't wait to shop in the regular sections of the department stores. I want to tuck in a shirt again instead of always wearing sweaters pulled out to cover my tummy. Little things like that.

While I'm quoting Chani, I want to start by saying Way To Go to ImaOnWheels. You've found something that works for you and that is sustainable.

For me, being out of plus size stuff is almost scary. There are so many *choices* out there now. I'm used to just grabbing things that fit in the store, even if they're not the most flattering thing on earth, because there just aren't that many choices. Now, well, if this skirt isn't smashing, chances are that skirt I see next week will be.

I still struggle every day, and suspect I always will. I'm on WW, and loved my leader this morning saying something like *Last time I had to lose the weight, it was only 23 pounds. That's the least I've ever had!* It's not easy for her, either. Last night, we had birthday cake (well, an Entenman's cake I grabbed on the way home) for DH. I took a tiny piece. People I know on WW tell me that this satisfies them now and wonder how they used to inhale a whole slice. Not me. I wanted more and more and more. A slice? I wanted the whole thing! Which could be the reason why my weight loss has slowed to a trickle or stopped.

Oh, and what I'm looking forward to? Well, I'm already out of plus sizes. I also stopped taking blood pressure meds. I can run for a bus without a problem. So what I'm looking forward to is (I) no longer being *obese* but merely *overweight*; (ii) wearing a *fitted* dress or jacket; and (iii) generally being healthy.

Minus 72 as of this morning. Still a long way to go.
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 9:36 am
amother can you pm me no I dont' think you know each other. I want to ask you something that isn't for the board thanx
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 1:34 pm
purplesquare wrote:
amother can you pm me no I dont' think you know each other. I want to ask you something that isn't for the board thanx

DONE! Smile
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 3:04 pm
Arichoke chicken?
Recipe please?

From "Clean Eating" magazine:

1/3 c whole wheat flour
1/2 T. dried oregano
ground black pepper to taste
1/4 t. sea salt (I used regular)
1 lb. thin chicken cutlets
Olive oil cooking spray
1/2 T. extra virgin olive oil
1 med. onion, cut lengthwise and thinly sliced
1 clove garlic minced
1/4 c low-sodium chicken broth
14 oz. can artichoke hearts, drained and cut into sixths
1/4 c. fresh lemon juice
1 t. lemon zest
2 T. parsley chopped for garnish

combine flour, oregano, pepper and 1/4 t. salt. Dredge cutlets, shake off excess. Coat large non-stick skillet with cooking spray and heat on medium to medium-high. Cook chicken cutlets and cook 3-5 minutes per side, until lightly browned and cooked through. Set in pan and set in warm oven to keep warm. Adjust temperature to medium-low and heat oil. Saute onion until soft and golden - 5-6 minutes. Add garlic, cook for one minute, then add broth bringing to a simmer. Next add artichokes, lemon juice and zest, simmering 2-3 minutes until heated through and slightly thickened. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour over chicken cutlets. 4 servings - 220 calories, 4.5 g fat, 20 g carb, 2 g fiber, 27 g protein
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 9:35 pm
I did all healthy meals today:

soy yogurt with 2 handfuls of fiber one
chicken sandwich with 2 whole pickels and some rice
cream of broccoli soup and 2 small pieces of baked chicken cutlets

no exersise, tomorrow is another day

oh, and someone had the nerve to tell me I still look pregnant-(I was trying on and fitting into a pre pregnancy outfit, from before my pre maternity clothes)
come on, the baby isn't 6 weeks old yet, what do you expect?!?!?!?
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Post Tue, Jan 06 2009, 10:02 pm
It's true you really MUST WANT TO in order to lose weight.

I lost 50 pounds on weight watchers.
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Post Wed, Jan 07 2009, 3:37 am
To feel lighter and have more energy
To look better
For dh

Not in that order.

Last night dh took me out to dinner to break the fast. We had tons of meat and salads.
When the waiter asked if we wanted desert I told him to go ahead. He went to talk to the baalabos who showed him the options. He came to the table with 2 different (we almost never order dessert) rich desserts and 2 cups of coffe, one with no sugar. It was important to him that I taste some with him so I also had a few bites of each.

On Shabbos I made a super low carb pie. It was so nice to have a sweet instead of just walnuts and apples on Shabbos with my coffee.
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